Author's Note: I do not make any claim to any of Rumiko Takahashi's characters or works. This fic is labeled as M for swearing and some suggestive and lemony scenes.


Stuck with Us


"Hiroki! You get back here right now!"

Peals of cackling, impish laughter echoed across the field next to Kagome and Inuyasha's house and a tiny silver head bobbed up and down among the wildflowers, making its way quickly towards the forest.

"Hiroki! I mean it! It's just a bath, not the rack! Ugh… Dogs and water… Why do I even…" Kagome mumbled to herself as she waded through the wildflowers towards her escapee son.

Inuyasha was a several yards off but heard the grumbling of his wife clearly enough. He was coming home from working in town with Miroku and spied Kagome with her hands on her hips, yelling into the field.

"Uh oh." He took one huge leap from the road and landed near the house. "What's the kid done now?"

She was unsurprised at his sudden appearance and turned to face him. He forgot for a second she was mad and took in her shorter, shoulder-length dark hair in contrast to those deep pools of sky blue. Her face was flushed in frustration and she was covered in soap bubbles up to her elbows, hands fisted on those wider and tempting hips. She had never looked more beautiful, he thought.

"Your SON has decided baths are not acceptable today and has taken off, naked as a jaybird, towards the woods!" she yelled, looking furious and pointing an accusatory finger at the tree line.

"Pfft! I don't know what a jaybird is but I'll grab the kid. Hold on, Kagome." He was laughing as he sprinted towards the woods, sniffing for Hiroki.

"Thank you very much." She said sarcastically, shaking the soap from her arms and making her way back inside to clean up the pile of clothes that had gone flying in her son's hasty escape.

"Hiroki! Come on out, squirt!" Inuyasha yelled just inside the edge of the forest, pushing the low brush out of his way, and sniffing the air. His son was trying to be silent in the tree above and he wasn't going to blow his cover yet.

"Papa!" the excited squeal came from above.

Reaching clawed hands up to catch the adventurous pup, Inuyasha plucked him out of the air and held him up. Hiroki's hair fell around his round little face as he looked down at his dad. It was growing slowly but still only reached his shoulders. He flatly refused to let Kagome cut it in favor of looking more like his dad. Tiny, white, triangular ears stood straight up in his excitement. Finally, his sapphire eyes, so much like Kagome's, blinked down with awe at his father. Inuyasha worked hard not to smile and make light of his son's disobedience.

"What're you doin' giving your mom a hard time, huh?"

"Keh! I don't want a bath." He crossed fair little arms over his chest and tried to look angry.

'Definitely my kid.' Inuyasha mused.

"Nobody in their right mind wants a bath, Hiro, but what mom says goes. You know that." He lowered an eyebrow in consternation still holding the boy at arm's length.

"Okay." He said sadly, looking up at his father with bright blue eyes from under pale eyebrows.

"Right. So, let's get back and you apologize to mom and get that bath before dinner." He said, putting Hiroki back down on the ground.

The little boy nodded solemnly.

"It's not all that bad. Beat ya there, pup!" Inuyasha said and took off at a slow lope back towards the house.

"No fair, papa! You got a head start!" Hiroki's small voice squeaked at the last word.

"Better hurry and catch up then!" Inuyasha called, flashing a fanged grin.

They chased each other back across the field and when the pair reached the house, Kagome was waiting with her arms crossed and leaning against the door frame trying to look stern and failing horribly; too amused at her husband and bare-bottomed little boy running across the field to be convincing.

"Well?" Inuyasha prodded. "Don't you have somethin' to say?"

They stopped at the porch and waited for Hiroki to make his apology. The couple's eyes met and they shared a quick smile at each other.

"…ry, ma…" Hiroki tried with his head down.

"I didn't catch that, Hiroki. What did you say?" Kagome asked calmly.

The little pup huffed. "I said I'm sorry, mama."

"Thank you. Now, inside and let's get this over with." She placed her hand on his head and he looked up frowning but kept walking. "And welcome home, papa." She kissed her husband and turned to go inside.

"I know where I stand, Kagome…" he sighed, but followed her in, swatting her rear and letting the curtain fall behind them.

"Whew, what a day! I swear he has a new trick every day. Maybe his older brother's getting to him." Kagome broke off with a yawn.

"Nah, Shippou knows better than to mess with you. It's just him. I did warn you the day Hiroki was born." Inuyasha was lying on his back, hands behind his head and feeling very relaxed.

"Of all the things I remember about that day four years ago, that was not one. I fully believe you, however."

They were lying on their futon together after clearing today's mess away to make room for tomorrow's mess, and getting Hiroki to sleep in his own room. Inuyasha rolled over on his side and moved his head to nuzzle her neck, inhaling her unique scent. It had changed slightly after their son was born but was still undeniably her. Sunshine and the rain. His wife.

His body responded to their closeness immediately and he scooted his hips over toward her under the quilt, pressing himself against her side while he continued the assault on her neck with a warm tongue and gentle fangs.

"You're serious right now?" Kagome asked.


"You realize I've been to almost every elderly villager's house today to check up on them, caught up on your massive pile of laundry, and then faced bath day?"

"Mm hmm." He didn't stop but moved a hand and untied her yukata under the covers, slipping a hand beneath the folds to tease her sex.

"But I just- oh! When did you- Ohhh." She felt him prodding her and her body responded without her permission, growing slick as his rough hands massaged her most sensitive of areas.

"Should I stop?" He teased.

"No, now that you mention it." She grinned and turned her head to kiss him fully, warmly.

As the scent of her arousal grew, he recognized the telltale amplified scent of her fertile time and paused. His control was better now than it had been as a newlywed and he tried not to be too rough but they had been avoiding another child until Hiroki's growth slowed down. The boy was only three years old but looked closer to five, and was still growing quickly. A normal child is energetic but coupled with improved speed and a quick mind, he was a force to be reckoned with.

"If we go much farther, we're gonna end up with another kid, just so you know."

"Tonight? I was sure it wasn't that time yet." She looked disappointed.

"No, definitely. You ready for another one?"

They had talked about it before but never decided anything definite. Hiroki was a handful already but Kagome remembered her own sibling fondly and wanted her son to have someone else who was always on his side, someone he could protect and play with.

"Only if it's a girl. We need some more femininity in this house."

"If you say so. You tell me how that works and I'll make it happen." He laughed.

"Shhh, you're gonna wake Hiroki up, you idiot!" she hissed but giggled herself.

"I can think of a much better way to make some noise, wife."

And he rolled over to settle between her legs, nipping at her shoulder and skimming one large hand down her ribs to cup her rear. Sitting up, he shed his own grey yukata and tossed it aside. Kagome bit her lip to take in the sight of him: all lean, corded muscles and sharp angles.

"You, sir, are sexy."

He stilled and his eyes turned a faded shade of pink.

"Look, I'm barely holding it together here. Unless you wanna end up screaming my name and definitely waking the kid up, don't say shit like that." he growled.

"And what if I do?" She chewed on her bottom lip and grabbed his length, already at attention before her, and met his eyes in challenge. The sharp intake of his breath did wonders for her own arousal, too.

"I warned you, wench..." He scooted one hand under her back and raised her up to kneel flush with him on their bed. She gasped at his roughness but giggled as her bare breasts pressed warmly against him.

"Oh, the pet name returns! Lucky me, demon." She narrowed her eyes in mock consternation and leaned forward to playfully nip his collarbone.

"Damn it... Let me show you how demons take their women, then." he growled.

The tenfold increase in her arousal as he warned her undid him and in seconds, he was bending her over and taking her roughly from behind.

Inuyasha set Hiroki down inside Sango and Miroku's house and got him settled. He stayed right behind his father's leg, unmoving.

"He's got his favorite toys. Come get me, I guess, if he's any trouble."

Not sure how he was planning to handle a laboring wife and a three-year-old if they did, but here he was.

"Is Kagome doing okay?" Sango asked, holding their newest girl to her chest. Her own baby was no more than a few weeks old and she wasn't ready for the long hours of the birthing room just yet.

"Yeah, the pup's just coming faster than last time and she's alone with Kaede so…" He rubbed the back of his head, unsure.

"Of course. Go. We shall be fine." Miroku assured him, patting his shoulder comfortingly.

Inuyasha knelt down to talk to his son.

"Hiroki, I'll be back as soon as I can. Mama's gonna be fine, I promise. Be good for your aunt and uncle, huh?"

"Okay, papa. Promise?" A small clawed hand grabbed the hem of his kosode. Golden eyes softened and Inuyasha knelt down.

"Promise, kiddo. I'll be back before you know it."

He kissed his son on the head, patted his back and nodded to Miroku. Jogging out of the house and sprinting back down the road, he was home in seconds. With the house in sight, he could hear his wife's low hum through the pain.

"I'm back!" he called through the house, mentally readying himself for the long haul.

Kagome's face shined with relief when she spotted him in the doorway and he couldn't stop the impulse to sniff her again, just to make sure she was okay. Instincts were not to be doubted, he had learned. But when she smelled healthy and normal, he relaxed just a little.

"Ah! Come here, please… here. Mmm hmm." Kagome grabbed his shirt and fisted her hands at his collar, burying her face in his neck and breathing heavily.

"Good girl. I'm here." he crooned into her ear as she moaned louder. No one else would hear the sweet things he said to her. He wanted her to know much he loved her, how proud he was of her, how excited he was for another pup. But Kaede didn't need to know all that. His secrets were hers alone.

"Better. Don't leave again, okay?" Her face was flushed and she hoped this was going as quickly as it seemed.

"Where would I go?" Clawed fingers tucked stray hair behind her ear. "Everything I need is right here."

"Ohhh no. Move your hands! Down, down, now! Ahhh!"

She was moving both of his hands down to her hips desperately and it took him a second to remember what he supposed to do.

"Oh shit. Right. Here, lean up against there. Better?"

"Mm hmm- Sorry- It just-"

"I know. Don't apologize." He kissed her shoulder from behind and stayed there.

They were both surprised when the pup came a mere few hours after Inuyasha dropped Hiroki off. Kagome was relieved but no less tired or sore. Inuyasha was sitting on the futon and helping settle his new son in Kagome's arms, marveling at how different the two pups were. Moving around behind her, he pulled her gently back to rest against his chest.

"He looks just like you, Kagome. So handsome already." He laid a hand atop the soft head of the new baby, remembering the feel of Hiroki and the stress of that day.

Their new son was gifted with black hair and slightly pointed elfin ears, his only outward demonic trait. His skin was a more tanned, olive tone like his father. He was keeping his eyes closed for now, leaving their color a mystery, but his features were soft and rounded like his mother's.

"I'm handsome? Well, then…" she teased.

"You know what I mean, woman. He's handsome. You're gorgeous." He combed his hand through her sweat-dampened hair, hoping it would relax her and save him from trouble.

"Good answer. You're pretty good at that now."

"Nothing like raging hormones to teach a man how to compliment…" he shuddered.

"Don't ruin the moment. What are we gonna call this little guy, huh? What's your name?" she cooed at the new baby.

The babe only stretched and yawned and gave them no clues.

"How does Aito sound to you?" she asked her husband.

"Simple, short. I like it. He'll love his brother anyway but that's a good name, Kagome."

"Aito it is. Hello, Aito. Let's get you ready to meet your brother, okay?" She rearranged the pup in her lap to feed him and felt Inuyasha nuzzle her ear.

"I remember that with Hiroki but you look so… perfect with him. You're an amazing mom, Kagome." He leaned over to kiss her and suddenly smelled salt on the air.

"I was doing so well!" she cried. "Why- did you- have to- make me cry now?"

Happy tears spilled over and dripped down onto Aito's blanket. He nursed on, totally unconcerned.

"I'm sorry. But it's still true. Two sons. I still can't believe it." Inuyasha was staring at his youngest son, memorizing him.

"Just so you know: we're not having swords made for them. I know how that story ends."

Her head was laid back against his shoulder with blue eyes closed but she was grinning. Inuyasha barked a laugh and Aito immediately started crying loudly. Kagome started soothing him and convinced him to eat again.

"That's your fault for cracking bad jokes," He gently teased, "and no worries. There's no way two boys with a mother like you will grow up wanting to kill each other. They're gonna be too busy trying to keep their sister safe."

"What sister?"

"The sister we'll give them next." He purred into her ear.

"You wanna talk about more kids right now? Today? You're unbelievable, Inuyasha."

"Believe it. You're stuck with me forever, Kagome. I love you."

"I love you, too."


Author's Note: And that's it! I hope you enjoyed it. :) Please let me know if you did!