Hello hello! I'm a day late and I'm sorry, but it has been so crazy and I haven't slept properly in like a week. So the majority of my free time is lounging down and napping.

This chapter is super personal to me as this is almost my entire trip to central Europe in my last year of high school. It felt so good to get my memories down for others to experience. If I have made any errors historically or culturally, I am so sorry!

A big thank you to TheLittleSubmissive for reviewing my chapter and reassuring me that this chapter didn't suck.

Only one more chapter and this story will be complete (quietly cries in a corner.)

Disclaimer: I own nothing.

Hero's square in Budapest is so much more beautiful than I expected it to be. When Dimitri proposed the idea of doing two days in a different city for ten days it seemed crazy, but now that I'm here, I'm excited. The statues are larger than any photo I've ever seen of them, and I take the lull in tourists to snap a panoramic photo.

"That smile hasn't left your face all morning," Dimitri says as he slips his arm around my waist. I hum and lean against him as I let my camera hang down around my neck. "I'm happy, can you blame me? I'm in Europe with my amazing husband on my honeymoon. It's expected for me to be happy," I quip back, laughing at him.

Dimitri hums and moves to stand behind me as we stand in front of the monument. "Did you know that the tallest is supposed to be the archangel Gabriel? Or that the horsemen are the Magyar Prince Árpád and his fellow warriors?"

I turn my head and look up at him with a smirk. "No, I didn't know that. I can appreciate that I am now married to a walking encyclopedia," I joke but nonetheless enjoy the background history.

"Hey, why are they green? I thought they were made of bronze or copper?"

Dimitri rests his head on top of mine and laces his hands over my stomach. "Oxidization," Dimitri says with a thoughtful tone. I shrug and rest my head against his chest. I look over the large monument with content and soak in the history. While we may not have a tour guide, I am enjoying Dimitri explaining what he knows with excitement.

"Where are we going next?" I ask as we leave the square, swinging our hands between us excitedly. Dimitri squeezes my hand as we head back to the car, and he opens my door for me. I slip in and wait for him to get in on his side before asking him again.

"We are going to Gellért Hill," Dimitri says tenderly, placing his hand on my leg before starting the car.

I rest my head against the window and watch the street pass by us, the colours are so different than back home. Everything is so cookie-cutter back in the States, but here, everything is different and beautiful. As we drive up the hill and park in the visitor parking, I jump out of the car and hike up the path to the outlook, resting my hands on the railing and taking in the view of the city.

If only we had more than two days to explore this beautiful city.


I turn my head around to look at Dimitri just as he snaps the lenses on his camera, an intoxicating smile crossing his face. "Sorry, the light hit you just the right way," Dimitri shrugs, though I have no issues with him taking my photo. I smile and extend my hand to him and pull him towards the outlook, turning back to look at the city standing out against the orange, red, yellow, and greens of nature around us.

I hum as Dimitri's hands move over my back, his calloused palms causing friction in the dip of my spine. His lips follow suit as they trail down my spine and reach my tailbone, his hands moving back up and slipping between me and the mattress, cupping my breasts in his hands.

"Mmm, that feels really good," I hum into my pillow as I gaze out the window of our hotel room. Our hotel in Vienna is beautiful and overlooks the Hofburg, a palace in the center of Vienna. The stark white buildings with statues and gold are breathtaking, and I can add this to the list of the most beautiful places I've ever seen.

Dimitri presses his lips to the sensitive spot at the curve of my thigh and I arch my back up with a small moan as his lips move to a more sensitive place on my body. I press my face into the mattress and give myself over to Dimitri's touch, panting and withering under his mouth as I reach my peak and whine in protest when he stops. Although he doesn't leave me unsatisfied for long before nudging my legs apart enough for him to slip inside me and move at a languid pace.

The feeling of his weight over my back is blissful and I arch my back up towards his when his teeth nip my shoulder, making a squeal rip its way through my mouth. Dimitri's fingers slip between mine and grip them tightly, moving his lips to my neck and I can feel his breath tickling my ear.

"I love you," he whispers and I turn my head to catch his lips, sucking his lip into my mouth. I pull my lips away and push my hand against his chest, giving him a coy look as he pulls out and I push him back towards the headboard. I crawl over him and perch myself in his lap. I give him a hooded look as I line myself up with him and sink down into the cradle of his hips and brace my hands on his shoulders. I slowly lift my hip up and down, rolling them as I tilt my head back, letting a moan out as I feel him pulse inside of me.

Dimitri cups the back of my head and pulls my lips to his, kissing me deeply as his fingers twist into my hair. I let my tongue run across his lip as I feel myself climb higher and groan when Dimitri wraps his arms around me and pulls me to his chest.

I shudder in his arms as I reach my climax, taking him down with me as we both slump back against the headboard, panting and grasping each other tightly. I rest my cheek against his shoulder and close my eyes, running my fingers along the side of his neck.

"Do you want to get out of bed today?" Dimitri asks, rubbing his hand up and down my back. I chuckle and press my lips to his sweaty neck.

"Yes. I have an idea for us but it's not until later tonight," I say, sitting up and running my hand through his hair. Dimitri raises an eyebrow at me and gives me a lopsided smirk that makes my heart flutter. I have an extremely hot husband.

Dimitri brushes my hair away from my faces with his fingers, tracing the shell of my ear softly. "Oh yeah? What's that?"

I smirk and wag my brows at him before climbing off his lap and leaning over the bed to grab my purse, pulling two cardstock tickets out from the pocket and handing them to him. He takes them from me and flips them over in his hand.

"The Vienna State Opera House?"

I nod at him as his face lights up in excitement. "How did you know about that?"

"When I told your Mama that we planned on stopping in Vienna she mentioned that when you were younger you had wanted to go. It is very helpful that I have the Queen as my best friend. She was able to get us tickets," I explain, tucking my hair behind my ears. Dimitri shakes his head and looks up at me, leaning forward and brushing his lips against mine.

"I have an amazing wife," he says against my lips as he wraps his hands around my waist. I snicker into the kiss and lean into him, greedily taking his kiss.

"Say bye-bye to Mama and Papa!" Mom says over the phone, lifting Nadia and Artyom's hands. They wave to me and Dimitri on the camera, and I blow a kiss to them before they end the call. I sigh and place my phone down on the table, biting my lip.

"Oh Roza, we will be back in five days," Dimitri soothes, taking my hand over the table. I give him a small smile and lift my wine glass to my lips. While we may be having lunch in Prague, the kids are just having breakfast. Dimitri and I found a small Italian restaurant in The Old Town Square and decided to stop here for lunch.

"I miss them," I say against the glass, biting my lip after swallowing my Persico. Dimitri nods and squeezes my hand again.

"I know. I do too."

I smile and lean back in my chair and enjoy the smell of the autumn air and the heat of the fire lamp beside me. The stonework in the square shows just how old the square is, and I am looking forward to our tour of the old city.

"I never asked. I know that you spent most of your time in Russia, but did you ever go anywhere else before you came back?" I ask, thinking back about how Dimitri mentioned Galina was stationed here before she was turned. I look up and immediately kick myself mentally for bringing it up. His jaw is set and his left eye twitches slightly.

"Never mind. Forget I said anything," I rush out, picking up my glass again. Dimitri's hand slides up to my wrist and my eyes meet his again. He relaxes his jaw and gives me a half-smile.

"I've been here before, but being here with you eclipses those memories," he says softly. I swallow roughly and nod my head as he strokes the inside of my wrist. We pull our hands away as our waiter brings us our food and I thank him before digging in with gusto.

I tuck my sunglasses into my purse as we head down the stairs into the old city that is hidden underneath the square. I chuckle at Dimitri as he ducks down through the door before straightening up again. Our guide explains how the city was used as a prison and how the twenty-seven crosses outside on the ground represent the prisoners who were executed here after the war of 1621.

It's interesting to see how an entire city could be hidden underground, but seeing that there are still wells down here with water are interesting as well.

"You said that this place was used as a prison?" I inquire to our guide Beia. She stops and turns to face us.

"Yes, it was."

"Whereabouts were they held?" Dimitri asks, running his hands over the stone. Beia gives me a smirk before looking at my husband.

"Right where you are standing."

I grimace and step back from where I was standing, giving Dimitri a look and following our guide back to the surface.

The Karlovy Vary looks much better than it smells, considering it's a spa town in the Slavkov forest. Dimitri and I heard about it from an employee at our hotel in Prague and thought we would take the drive out as we head to Germany.

"I know the hot springs are supposed to be good for you, but they stink," Dimitri says as we walk through the streets, a grimace firm on his face. I snicker and look into one of the shop windows before turning back to him.

"Hey. You were the one excited about going here. I just don't want other women looking at what's mine," I chirp at him and he shakes his head at me.

"I think you're forgetting that I've had to scare other men away from you this whole trip," Dimitri insinuates as he tucks a piece of my hair behind my ear. I snort a laugh and lean into his touch, sighing in contentment.

I turn my face and kiss the inside of his wrist. "I must attract Europeans then," I retort and tug him towards the treatment center.

"You have to admit, Comrade, you feel pretty good," I smirk as I look at him in the driver's seat, the sun starting to set on the horizon. Dimitri has forgone the duster, much to my shock, and decided to wear a simple light knit sweater and jeans. I find it comical and extremely hot to see him in something so simple, but he makes it look good.

Dimitri lifts a hand off the steering wheel and places it on my knee, rubbing his hand up and squeezing my thigh. "I don't think I've ever been as relaxed as I've been on this trip," he says with a faint smile, his voice found.

He's not wrong. I have never seen him so calm and relaxed before. He has moments here and there when we are at home, but I haven't seen him unwind like this since our trip to Russia. I rest my hand on top of his and rest my head against the window, looking over the wall of graffiti as we head to our next hotel.

"I'm sorry, is that a mural of two men kissing?" I ask, sitting up and looking behind us. Dimitri starts to laugh and nods his head.

"That is Leonid Brezhnev and Erich Honecker."

I roll my eyes at him while flicking my head back to look at him. "I don't know who either of those people are, smarty pants."

Dimitri pulls the car into a parking lot and turns the ignition off, leaning over and kissing my cheek. I get out on my side and grab my suitcase out of the truck and head in. I set my bag down on the dresser and flop back onto the mattress, kicking my shoes off and spreading my arms and legs out on the bed.

I look up to find Dimitri standing in front of me with a smirk on his face, his hair pulled out of the tie and tucked behind his ears. "Are you going to lay there all night, or do you want to go get dinner?" he asks, nudging my leg.

I groan and roll onto my stomach, folding my hands and placing them under my head. "Not yet. I don't feel like eating. My stomach is all jumbled from the driving," I grumble into the mattress. The bed dips beside me and I peek up to see Dimitri laying down beside me, his head resting on his folded arm and the other resting over my back.

I hum and squirm closer to him and close my eyes. "I guess a nap before dinner wouldn't hurt," Dimitri says quietly, but from the tone of his voice, I can tell just how tired he is. I would be too if I had to drive for five hours after sitting in a mineral bath.

"You never did tell me who those people were," I murmur a few minutes later, lifting my head off the mattress. Dimitri grunts and pulls me closer and rests his head against mine.


"The people on the mural," I say as I poke his stomach. I roll onto my side and rest my head on the arm that is now straightened out. Dimitri's quiet for a few more moments before opening his eyes again.

"Both were politicians. One was the General Secretary of the Soviet Union and the other was The General Secretary of the Solicits Unity Party."

I chuckle and run my hand up Dimitri's torso. "Ok, but why were they kissing?"

"I'm not really sure. I just know that it was something to do with a greeting."

I let the heavy feeling settle in my chest as I walk between the towering grey blocks, letting my fingers glide across the concrete. It's beautiful, but it's a shame something like this had to be built.

"You know, you could easily get lost in here," Dimitri says behind me as we make our way out of the Holocaust Memorial. I nod my head and look around at the other people visiting, but my eyes lock onto the ones running and jumping across the blocks and pillars.

"That's disgusting," I bite, shaking my head at the blatant disrespect. "This is a war memorial, and they're acting like it's an amusement park," I add a moment later.

Dimitri sighs and nods his head, equally annoyed at the teenagers running around on the memorial. Dimitri looks around for a moment before slipping his hand in mine and tugging me down the street. I chuckle and tuck my coat closer around my neck as we continue down the street. Dimitri pulls me towards a parking lot looking area with a few trees and comes to a stop.

"Guess where we are," he says with a raised brow. I take a look around at the semi-deserted area around us and shrug. "I don't know. Did Hitler hold a raid here or something?" I joke. Dimitri tilts his head in a maybe kind of way.

"We are standing on top of his bunker."

I snort a laugh and roll my eyes at him, but his face is serious. "Really?" I ask, slightly shocked at his revelation. He nods his head and pulls me towards a board that I didn't notice before that saying Führerbunker at the top. I didn't even notice the sign when we walked by it. I look over the words written there along with the diagram, but it all looks like gibberish.

"This is supposedly where he killed himself," Dimitri says a few minutes later as he wraps his arms around my waist, pressing a kiss just below my ear. I lean back into him as I take in the surroundings before a giggle bubbles out my lips.

"Could you imagine how much a kick in the nuts it is for Hitler that the world's largest Jewish memorial is only minutes from his bunker?"

Dimitri chuckles deep in his chest and squeezes his arms tighter around my waist. "A pretty big one."

I hum as I push the pillow off the bed, folding my arms under my head and closing my eyes. Silently pretending that if I keep my eyes close, we won't have to leave in a few hours to go home. I hear the shuttering click on Dimitri's camera and I shift to look at him as he sits at the end of the bed. I raise my brows at him when he looks up from the camera in his hands with a guilty expression.

"You have been taking a lot of photos on this trip, Comrade," I quip. I sit up and let the sheet fall to my hips as I reach for the camera to look at the photo, but Dimitri lifts it up over my head. I reach up even further to take it out of his hands, but he drops it onto the mattress and wraps his arms around my waist. We both tumble back onto the bed with a quiet thump and laugh, Dimitri's vibrating in my ear. I smile so hard that it may split my cheeks, but don't care. I am so happy here, wrapping in his arms.

I press up and roll onto him, trapping him within the sheets and smirk down at him before leaping to the end of the bed and grabbing the camera. I bring up the gallery display and flick through the photos Dimitri has taken on our trip. Honestly, if he ever decided he didn't want to be a Guardian anymore, I would encourage him to become a photographer. My mouth gaps open when I come to the most recent when he took.

I flip onto my back and smirk at him. "Dimitri Belikov. You are taking some very naughty pictures," I say in an innocent voice, flicking through a few more of similar taste. He has spent a lot of time learning how to use the different filters on this camera and been putting it to the test. Dimitri shakes his head and reaches out to take the camera, but I pull it away and continue to look at the photos. While nothing inappropriate is showing, the photos have a boudoir style to them. The most recent with the sheets resting at my hips and my back clear to the eye.

"I should print some of these and frame it," I joke, wagging my eyebrows at him. Dimitri shakes his head and lets it fall back onto the pillow. I turn the camera off and crawl back up the bed to lay down next to him.

"You know what's crazy to think," I ask, pulling the tips of my fingers of his chest softly. Dimitri hums at me with his eyes closed, his other hand making the same motion my hand is on my hip. "This time two years ago, I was pregnant," I say quietly, turning my head to kiss his shoulder. I look up to see a happy smile crosses his face. Dimitri's hand leaves my hip and goes to my hair instead, his fingers gently running through the strands. I smile and lean into his touch, enjoying the hum that flows through me when he touches me.

I look over his features as we lay here, the stubble sprouting on his jaw, his tan complexion, his strong cheekbones, the happiness that is clear on his face as he thinks about our children. "Dimitri?"

Dimitri opens his eyes and tilts his head to look at me, he molten eyes big and loving. "Yeah?"

I lick my lips and twist my fingers as I rest against his chest. "I know that the twins are only just over a year old but… I want another baby."