A/N: The title Title taken from the children's rhyme.

A/N: Borrowing characters from the Television shows Bojack Horseman, and the Shield

Eric creeps down to the kitchen. He slows down with each step. He's wearing the oldest sister's fluffy slippers and he doesn't want her to see. He's about to run past the living room, to get Adam some custard creams when he hears his father talking in a low voice of disappointment.

"Which one of you took it?" He snaps.

Eric leans against the wall hidden as his little sister's start asking questions.

"Took what?" He heard his sister Kirby ask, and his sister's began to whisper.

"The money that's in Eric's bright blue train tin. I'm not angry girls. Come on. Just be honest with us"

"You can keep the money, but we need you to all tell the truth" Their mother gently smiles and grabs their father's hand. Eric's parents, Clarke and Chiasoka, didn't yell and scream. They would sit them down [together or apart] tell them what they'd done wrong, or stop them from arguing. Then give them a soft punishment, like cleaning the bathroom for a week. Or waxing Dad's car. But jugding from the mood in the room. The penalty was going to be a higher than cleaning or a Wi-fi ban.

"I never touched anything!" Ana holds her hands out...

"Me too, I would never steal from any of you!" Fiona said shaking her head.

"When's the last time anyone came into fix anything? A plumber? Remember that skinny bald guy that "Herb" that came from Zima council?" Orisa asks folding her arms. They watch their parents hold each others hands. Their father takes his phone out of his pocket and stares at it glumly.

"You going to work now?" Fiona asked.

"No. Girls until you tell me the truth, no friends are allowed over until I find out who the theif is..." Clarke said.

"What?" Ana asks.

"No!...No way!" Fiona yells.

"So because one idiot's taken a fiver, all of us get punished?" Kirby asked.

"How do you know it was five pounds?" Their mother asks.

"I don't, I was just guessing..."

"Well then if all of us are going to get punished, where's Eric?" Yoneko asked. Commenly known as Yon. She was the oldest, out of all the girls and everyone in the house relied on her to make the most sense. At the mention of his name Eric's feet started to move. He had to. He needed to defend himself. He shuffled in the doorway and tapped on the door, stolen fluffy slippers be dammed.

"Hiya. Dad I didn't take anything. Anwar's been here. He's rich. He's got a ton of money...I don't think he'd take anything. Oat-crispie, he's my best friend, he would never take anything. But if you wanna ban everyone. I...I understand. He feels relief in his mothers face, until Kirby ruins the moment.

"So everyone's banned?"

"Why are you talking like that?" Their father asks with his eyebrow raised.

"Eric's other half?" Fiona asks with a smirk.

"Oh, no!" Their mother chiasoka yells, waving them away like flies. "Adam is a good boy. Everytime we do shopping he offers to carry everything! He's so lovely!"

"Mum I thought you drive now?" Ana asks.

"I do! And he offers to pay! No, we're not talking about Adam like that in this house!"

"But you'll talk about us like that!" Orisa huffs.

"When something goes missing we have to ask everyone" Clarke reasons.

"Well then let's ask Eric's lanky solider boy! Go on then! Let's see what he's been up to!"

"Shut up Fiona!" Eric yells, now fully pissed off that this dirty spotlight is beginning to shine on his boyfriend. Adam was just about getting used to this chaotic house. He really got on with Ana and Yon. He'd offer to take his sisters out and stay with Eric while he baby-sitted his younger sisters when he parents had to work, or went out on date nights. The last thing he wanted to see was most his family shutting him out and pushing him away. Adam had enough of that with Headmaster Groff.

"Eric, get Adam from upstairs" Clarke motions pointing at the stairs.

"Clarke, 'we're not doing that" Chiasoka pleads.

"Eric, get him, or I will" Yen nods.

"Mum I'm not doing it. I'm going back upstairs" He doesn't care when he hears his sisters whining and complaining about "special treatment" He turns to leave when he bumps the back of his head.

"Oi, Tromboner, where's my custard creams?" Adam asks reaching around to hug him from behind, but stops when he sees the whole Effiong family, who are now glancing at him in cold, wary silence.

"Hey girls. Morning Mr and and Mrs Effiong" Adam greets them raising his voice a little to make himself sound more cheerful.

"Morning Adam! What do you want for breakfast?" Chiasoka asked with a bright smile. Before he can even ask for a slice of Bacon they get interrupted.

"Adam, please pack your things" His father ordered.

"Clarke!" Chiasoka sighs in distain.

"Dad!" Eric moans,

"No, Chia, fair is fair" Clarke said walking up to his son's boyfriend with a nervous determination. "For the time being young man. We can't have you here" He tells him looking him dead in the face.

"Ya what?" Adam splutters in shock.

"Money's been taken" Kirby says.

"Stolen" Fiona confirms.

"Don't look so shocked Adam...I mean you've got a habit of doing shit like this. Taking Eric's lunch like it was going out of fashion. Also, Didn't you break into your ex's place? Didn't security have to throw your arse out?" Yon prods.

"We're sorry. We know you're not that kind of person" Chiasoka begins to walk closer to him.

"We know you didn't do it! Dad's banning everyone" Ana reassures.

"Yeah, but we all know you nicked it..." Fiona rolls her eyes like it obivous. But Chiasoka shakes her head and growls at her to go upstairs.

"You can still see our son. In that way. Just...just not in this house. Okay? You have to leave now. Chia, he's not having breakfast here. Eric, take him upstairs. Leave door open and help him pack his things" Clarke says, wringing his wrists with his fingers.

"Mr Effiong…..I'd... I'm...I'll deal with it...how much was taken?" Adam stutters.

"Adam don't. I'll cook you breakfast and..." She paused as Adam got his jacket from the rack and took out his wallet. Eric frowned as three of his sisters gave a sigh of relief. The other two, Ana, and Orisa looked at him curiously with baited breath. He went back into the room. Clarke told him that nearly Eighty pounds was taken. Adam, calm and collected, counted out a hundred pounds and slid it into his palm like Clarke's hand was made of glass.

"This is too much!"

"Keep it, Mr Effiong. I'm sorry" He looks around at the whole family while he says his apology. He goes upstairs, changes and ignoring Eric protests, runs of the house without his things.

"See! Knew he was a nasty thief!" Kirby smirks,


"Eric don't you dare talk to her like that! Apologise and go to your room...now!" Clarke hissed at his son.

"APOLOGY! HA! You're wrong! You're all so fucking disgusting! And yeah Dad, I'm going to my room..WITH PLEASURE!" He yells, running upstairs as his father puts Adam's money on the coffee table.