Disclaimer: I own nothing except my imagination.

A/N: I want to thank everyone who's been liking this AU of Burzek so much. Now I know I haven't posted this one in a while but I've been obsessed with writing the Affair but here's a little something for you guys who have been very patient.

Kim sat in the car and drove Michael to school with something on her mind. She couldn't believe she actually caved on the first demand but seeing the excitement on Michael's face was worth it. She dropped him off with a, have a good day and very embarrassing kiss where people could see and she went directly back home. She wanted the place to look presentable when Adam came so she moved around as fast as her stiff shoulder would let her, making sure everything was half decent. Looking through her fridge, she realized that she had neither beer nor wine so she decided to go to the store before picking Michael up from school and grab both.

Adam dropped his keys on his counter and shed his coat. He was tired and worn out and all he wanted was to sleep to get the edge off their last case, so he simply crashed on his bed without even changing. When he woke up, it was already mid-afternoon and he knew he had to start getting ready so the first order of business was a shower. He hated night cases and they always took far too much of his energy for his liking. He was glad to have a quiet evening and he would get to be able to know more about Kim and Michael. He slipped into a pair of jeans and a red button-down shirt, rolling his sleeves up to his elbows. He left around five, knowing that Giovanni's would be packed.

Kim made sure that everything was in order before she drove to get Michael. She wanted to make sure that they'd have time to do homework before Adam got home. Michael was waiting for her when she made it to school and his excitement was at an all-time high.

"Did Adam call today mom?" He questioned as he got into her car.

"No buddy he didn't." She looked at him and gave her attention back to the road.

"Is he still coming?"

"I don't see why not bud. He probably just sleeping off his case, he was out all night."

"Okay." They stopped at the liquor store real quick, Michael staying in the car while Kim went in quickly. Michael pulled his Switch out tuned the rest of the world out. When Kim got back in the car, she knew better then to try to press him to talk about what was on his mind. She drove them back home and put the beer and the wine in the fridge.

"Homework." She instructed as she closed the fridge.

"I don't feel like doing them." He complained.

"Well I don't feel like arguing with you about it either. Homework, now."

"Fine." He pulled out his math homework and settled himself on the kitchen table. It didn't take long for him to go through that one and then he settled himself at one end of the table under Kim's instructions. He needed to do a volcano for his science class and Kim had promised to help him as best as she could but her arm was still not fully functional and it would be rather heavy by the time he was done.

"Keep working on it." Kim called after him when there was a knock on the door. She looked through the peep hole to see who it was and smiled when it was Adam. "Hey."

"Sorry I'm a bit early."

"No it's okay, come on in. We were doing homework while waiting." She grabbed both boxes of pizza and he followed her into the kitchen.

"Michael." Adam called him out.

"Adam, you came." He bounced out of the chair and they exchanged a fist bump.

"Of course, I did. What do you got there?"

"We need to make a working volcano for science class."

"That's pretty sweet." He looked as Kim offered him both wine and beer but he pointed the beer and took a seat next to Michael. "I did one of those when I was a kid too."

"Did you get it to work?"

"It took a few tries." He laughed, taking the bottle Kim was handing him.

"How about you put that aside until after dinner? Unless you want to eat your pizza cold."

"No, cold pizza is gross." He scrunched his nose up at the thought. He went to grab three plates and Kim put him a big slice in his. She could never understand where he put all the food he put in his mouth but she figured that he was growing and that it was a good thing.

"Slow down buddy, you've got a whole pie with your name on it." Adam laughed as he leaned against his chair, taking a pull of his beer.

"He doesn't take that from me that's for sure." She sipped on her glass of wine.

"That's alright, he'll grow tall and strong."

"Are you suggesting that I'm short and weak?" She cocked her head to the side.

"Never suggested such a thing." He laughed out loud. "I'm pretty sure you kick ass."

"She kicks ass the most." Michael said with his mouth still full.

"Come on Mike, really?" Adam questioned him before Kim could say anything.


"I'll take that as an I'm sorry." He emptied his bottle and placed it on the kitchen table.

"How'd you like the pie?" Adam directed his question at Kim.

"It was really good, never had those toppings before."

"First time someone suggested that mix, I was skeptical too but yeah, it works." Pull pork, caramelized onions and a sweet tomato sauce was not all that common he had taken to liking it every once in a while.

"So." Kim started. "Did you catch those guys last night?"

"Took us most of the night but we did yeah. You miss it." It was a statement and not a question.

"I do but Platt would have my head if I so much as tried to go against medical protocol." She looked at Michael when she said it. "Plus my job is dangerous as it is so I don't want to put Michael through unnecessary worry more than he already is."

"He's just looking out for his mom."

"I know but he's ten, it seems unfair." Her son wasn't paying attention to them as they talked.

"He's compassionate, that hardly seems unfair if you ask me."

"I haven't always been the best role model for him." She leaned against her hands as she watched Michael eat.

"The important thing is you are now and he's happy. Don't be too hard on yourself."

"Full of wisdom." She chuckled.

"I try." He smiled at her. "How's the shoulder?"

"It's getting there but it's been stiff since I woke up this morning."

"Any idea when you get the all clear? You must be chomping at the bits to go back."

"I have another appointment in a couple of weeks, I'll know a bit more then."

"If you need any help with him, you just have to ask."

"We've talked about this before Adam, he's not your responsibility."

"And it seems we haven't talked about this before." He leaned closer to her on the table. "I know it's not natural for you but you've got to let people help you when they offer it. It's okay to accept help."

"I know." She sighed. "It's just not easy. It's been the two of us from the jump and I guess I'm just very protective of the people who I let into our lives."

"Alright here's the deal. How about I earn that right? Is that okay with you?"

"I think I can do that." She smiled at him.

"Perfect." He extended his hand for her to shake and she laughed.

"What are you doing?" He moved his fingers to coax her.

"A deal's a deal." He smirked. "Come on."

Kim put her hand in his larger one and they shook them. "Deal."

"Deal." He echoed, keeping her hand in his a little bit longer than maybe he should have.

"Will you help me with my volcano Adam?" Michael broke their discussion but having witnessed it all as they ate.

"How about we help your mom with the table first?"

"It's fine, I got it handled."

"You sure? It'll take us a minute."

"Yeah I'm good, go have fun." She smiled at him.

"Come on Mike, it's just you and me." Michael started telling Adam about what he had already started doing to get the volcano to work and Kim watched them from her spot at the sink.

It was the first time that Michael had taken to someone so fast and she wondered if it was his need to have a male influence that was starting to rear its head. She knew she was being selfish by keeping him so close but she couldn't afford to have what happen with Matthew happen again, not as long as she could prevent it. She watched them as they tried different things to get the thing to work and there was still no explosion.

"Why won't it happen?" Michael was starting to lose patience.

"Let's see what we're missing." Adam pulled his phone and tried to google it. Michael tried to look over his shoulder as he looked for what they needed. "This isn't helping bud." Adam chuckled.

"The vinegar." Michael jumped. "Mom, we need vinegar."

"It's somewhere on the table baby, I know it put it there for you before." She mouthed a thank you to Adam as their eyes met but he only smiled at her in reply.

"Come on, let's make a video." Adam stood and took a few steps back to make sure he could catch everything.

"Just a little bit." Kim said form the kitchen but Michael dumped the whole glass of vinegar in his volcano and lava started exploding everywhere.

"Shit." Adam pocketed his phone and took the towels Kim was handing him while Michael tried to unsuccessfully stop it with his hands, getting some all over his shirt.

"Just let it finish erupting." Kim told the two, knowing that it was useless to try to stop it now. The boys took a step back and let the goo fall on the kitchen floor and watched until it stopped five minutes later.

"That was fun." Michael laughed as he dripped goo on the floor too.

"Good job." Adam gave him his fist and they bumped together, getting crap on Adam's shirt.

"Oops, I'm sorry." Michael winced.

"Don't sweat it Mike."

"Just take your shirt off and get cleaned up, I've got it bud." Kim walked around the counter while Adam helped Michael pull the shirt over his head. "Try not to put some everywhere." Michael tiptoed to the bathroom to take a shower.

"I'm sorry about this." Kim apologized to Adam as she started wiping the table down.

"It's fine, it was fun." He was having genuine fun and being around the two was easy. "I'll send you the video." Kim gave him her cell number and she heard her phone ding to signal an incoming text.

"How about you hold onto it." She smiled at him.

"I just might." He smiled back.

"I'm all clean." Michael came back about fifteen minutes later when Kim was finishing the cleaning of the floor and Adam was throwing out a few things.

"I sent the video to your mom so you can show your teacher tomorrow."

"Cool, thanks Adam." They exchanged a smile. "Thanks for helping me out with it."

"Yeah thanks for that." Kim agreed.

"It's my pleasure. I forgot how fun science projects were." He looked at his watch.

"You heading out?" Kim was hoping she wasn't sounding clingy but she was having fun and didn't want to cut their evening short so soon.

"I think its best. Things could jump up at any time."

"I understand." She couldn't hide her disappointment this time. "Maybe we could do this again?"

"Absolutely." He walked to the door, Kim having Michael tucked into her side. "You take care of your mom okay?"

"Yes sir."

"Good man." They exchanged a fist bump.

"Bye." Michael pulled himself away from his mom and disappeared in the living room where he pulled his switch out to her the adults alone.

"Thanks for dinner and for being patient and indulgent with him."

"It's my pleasure."

"Have a good night." She took a step towards him and raised herself on her toes, placing a kiss on his cheek.

"Good night Kim." Adam smiled at her before walking out and making his way back to his place. He would lie if that evening hadn't been a change of pace for the two of them and he was looking forward to be able to do it again, hoping sooner rather than later.

A/N: So Kim finally let her guard down a bit with Adam but how will their relationship develop and will Adam get spooked down the line? Please take a few seconds to review before you go, your words mean the world to me - Sarra