A/N: There is no real plot to this. It's rated M for a reason my dudes, so don't read it near your grandma. Unless she reads smutty fanfic, in which case go grandma! Credit for the inspiration for this one goes to Nebula1701 on tumblr for a commission they shared, as well as LemonLushFF for her encouragement to follow through with it.

Kagome sunk into the warm water with a sigh. While she enjoyed the hot springs of the feudal era, having the opportunity for a modern bath was one she couldn't pass up. She was supposed to return to the past that afternoon, but there had been a homework assignment that would've impacted her overall grade badly if it had been turned in late. The fact that she was already putting her grades in jeopardy so often was stressful enough, and she wasn't going to risk it with this one. 'Not that Inuyasha gets that,' she frowned. 'He's gonna be mad that I'm late, but dammit I want a bath without getting peeped at!'

Her thoughts shifted, recalling each and every time she'd caught him or Miroku watching from the trees. Okay, so maybe a few times were just unfortunate coincidences where he was trying to stop the monk, and there was that one time they really hadn't been watching…still! She knew for a fact that first time had been deliberate, when they barely knew each other; he hadn't even tried to hide that he was staring. 'Just like that time in the cellar…' Kagome shook her head. 'That one was just as much my fault. Inuyasha had been looking for me, and I went and stood up without thinking – oh god! I bet he got a thrill from that show!'

Of course there were a couple times where the tables had been turned. It hadn't been her fault that she saw him naked either time! The first time he brought it on himself running in her room wet and naked. Alright so maybe throwing her desk lamp in response had been overkill, and she did apologize for the waste basket to the face later. But the time he passed out in the hot spring, did he have to fall back into the water spread eagle?! It might've been nighttime, but the glow of the moon had done a wonderful job of illuminating his silver hair in the water.

All of his silver hair. She now knew without a doubt that the carpet matched the drapes.

Sure, she may be in love with the hanyou, but that hadn't been a flattering angle. Yeah, she'd shrieked. She'd own up to that. It was the last thing she had expected to see that night, and she could have sworn that it was looking back at her.

Neither of them ever brought hat night up. In fact, for the most part she'd done pretty well at forgetting the sight of him climb out of the hot spring – at least until she had nothing else to focus on. Then she recalled how flustered he'd been when she approached him with the fundoshi he'd neglected to put on in the pursuit of his stolen sword. Hell – she still felt her face get hot thinking about it.

'Come to think of it,' she stilled at the realization. 'How is it that Inuyasha's peeped on me more times than me him?' Kagome told herself that it wasn't that she was keeping track – of course she wasn't – but the score was far more in his favor.

She stood and stepped out of the cooled water when she noticed that her hands had begun to prune. 'It would show him if I pulled the same stunts he did,' she thought, patting herself dry with her towel. She pulled on her bathing yukata and cinched the folds closed. Her pajamas sat upstairs in her room, forgotten until she'd begun to rinse the soap off. "It's late. Sorta," she mumbled to herself. "I doubt Inuyasha's going to stop by tonight." No need to worry about being caught unawares had been her excuse for forgetting her clothes. Her underwear on the other hand…that really had been a mistake that couldn't be helped now.

Kagome stopped in the kitchen to get a snack when Mama walked by with two overnight bags in hand. "What's up with the bags?" she asked, reaching for a banana from the bowl of fruit on the table. She had eaten so many snack foods on her quest that fruit seemed like a luxury anymore. She broke the skin and peeled it back as her mom started to talk.

"Grandpa's friend Yusuke has been admitted into the hospital," Mama said, frowning. She had been the one to pass the news to her father-in-law earlier that afternoon, and things had been a whirlwind of rearranging schedules. "I'm going to drive him over there so he can visit. His son called and gave me the news, and if they can get a doctor in to see him, he might have surgery later tonight. Your grandpa wants to be there for Yususke, so we're going to be staying overnight."

"Oh, that's terrible."

"It's a routine procedure. They're just concerned more because of his age than anything." Mama set the bags on the table and began to recheck them as she talked. "I've called Satoru's mother to see if it would be alright if Souta spent the night. I didn't want to ask you to watch Souta with everything you have going on, and I know that Inuyasha will be coming around…"

Kagome shook her head. "Inuyasha is just going to have to learn to be patient," she said stubbornly, knowing that it was pointless. Even Mama's amused look knew that her argument was weak. "I've got that paper that I have to turn in tomorrow anyway."

"Actually, I hope you don't mind I gave it to Souta to put in his bookbag. Since Satoru lives closer to your school, I asked Souta if he could deliver it for you with your other work to the teacher."

She wasn't sure how she felt about her mom conspiring for her to skip school, but for once she was going to roll with it. "Thanks Mama. I appreciate it." She took a bite out of her banana and couldn't help the goofy smile.

"It's not often that you see a teenager enjoy fruit." Mama laughed.

"Most teenagers don't travel 500 years into the past and survive off the land either. When are you guys leaving?"

"As soon as Souta has his things together. If we can get there soon enough Grandpa might be able to visit before the surgery." Mama hugged Kagome. "We might not be back home until late tomorrow, so take care and say hello to everyone for me. And take some fruit with you for the road. If we stay another day there won't be anyone to eat it, and I'd hate for it to go to waste."

Kagome said her goodbyes and watched as her family was ushered out the door by an anxious Mama. It felt odd to be alone in the house anymore, or just alone period. She shrugged. Best enjoy the silence while it lasted before Inuyasha came barging into her room and killing her moment of solitude. She turned to go upstairs and stopped, doubling back to grab another banana from the bowl. That first one was pretty good, and if she felt too lazy to go back downstairs, then she'd have a snack for later.

'Fuck. Oh fuck. This ain't good. Fuck-!'

Inuyasha stood in the darkness at the bottom of the well, 500 years in the future. Any other day, he'd have done leapt up and left the well house, marching across the shrine to bring Kagome back home. Any other day he would've been getting into an argument with her and possibly getting sat. any other day he would've had more than just his sword in hand.

He never realized there was a draft in the well house until he felt it tickle his lower bits.

This made no sense! Why now was the well stripping him of everything but his sword?! It had been acting fine up until now. Unless – Inuyasha shook his head, refusing to think that the well was losing its power. It was likely a fluke. Yeah, that's all it was.

Inuyasha finally moved, jumping up onto the edge of the well. He landed in a low crouch, as he usually did, before he abruptly stood up and swayed to regain his balance. Not having his fundoshi on gave him a surprise when he bumped the wood of the well's edge. Instead of crouching again, he turned and stepped off into the timeslip. He appeared on the other side and found his clothes in a pile. Once he was dressed again, he leapt up, grabbing the edge before dropping down for a second attempt.

Once more, Inuyasha stood in darkness, but he didn't need the light of day to know that he was yet again hanging loose and free. So he tried again. The third attempt had him yelling "Son of a fuck!" out loud in the wellhouse. 'What the hell am I gonna do?' He thought, opening the door a crack. He wasn't worried about Kagome seeing him, but he didn't want to startle her mother. 'At least it's dark out so no one'll see me.'

Inuyasha hightailed it across the shrine grounds in record speed with sword in hand, only one thought on his mind: Make it to Kagome's room before anyone came outside. He was running on autopilot and didn't once consider that Kagome might require some privacy as well.

Kagome shut her bedroom door with a frown. Odd, she could have sworn that she heard someone yell. 'Must have been some teenagers,' she reasoned, not stopping to consider that she was also a teenager. Running across Japan during the warring-states period had a habit of doing that. She turned her back to the door and reached for the tie on her yukata. The knot was set tighter than she normally tied it, and her focus was on her waist, silently cursing her luck.

'This is just great,' she thought sarcastically. 'What's gonna happen next? Wait – there we go -!'


At the sound, Kagome looked up just in time to see Inuyasha climbing into her room. Naked. And her yukata had fallen open in that moment, baring her entire front to him. Naturally, she felt the teenage girl instinct take hold.

She screamed.

Then Inuyasha screamed.

Kagome fought to fold her yukata closed and get it retired. Of course now her fumbling hands couldn't retie the sash to save her life. Without thinking, she looked up to see Inuyasha attempt to hide behind her desk chair, only it wasn't really hiding anything from view. The naughty part of her mind that she tried to ignore felt it was a good time to remind her that it wasn't a bad view at all.

Poor Inuyasha's ears were ringing still as he tried to process what happened. Kagome had been undressing, and he had entered without warning. She had every right to scream. She was naked. It was a wonder she hadn't sat him to hell and back. He grabbed the first book he found on her desk and used it to shield his manhood.

"What in the hell are you doing here?" she hissed, clutching the yukata tight. "And why are you in my room naked!"

"It ain't like I wanted –" He had to stop himself from saying a complete lie, but Kagome didn't need to know his dirty fantasies. "For some damn reason the well won't let me through with my clothes!"

"Then why not stay in the past?!"

"Cause I was coming to get ya, wench!"

Kagome crossed her arms and shifted her weight, popping her hip out. "Well I'm staying here tonight!"

"Then so am I!"

"No you're not!"

"And why not?" he challenged.

"Because you're naked?" Kagome couldn't believe she was standing here having this argument with Inuyasha. Then it hit her that they were both naked and arguing. The very idea was enough to make her start laughing uncontrollably.

Inuyasha's ears twitched. First she screams, then she's yelling at him, and now she's laughing? What was so funny? Was she laughing at him? He glanced down at himself. He wasn't the scrawny boy that had been pinned to the tree years ago. He couldn't see what was so funny. The book was barely doing its job though. Was that what made her laugh? Or…was it what was behind the book? His ears started to droop. From what he'd seen he was a little bigger than average in his time. Was that different here? Were men here bigger? Or was it better to be smaller in this time?

"What's so fucking funny?" he growled, clutching the book tighter.

Kagome struggled to calm herself, but it was the growl from the hanyou by her desk that sobered her up. Inuyasha looked…embarrassed. His cheeks were red, and his ears had nearly blended with his hair. His question coupled with his stance made her feel really guilty for laughing at all. 'He must think I'm laughing at him,' she thought sadly. 'When will he figure it out that I'd never make fun of him?' "It just occurred to me that we're both naked and arguing. I thought it was funny."

He shifted. "That's all?"

"Of course," she offered a reassuring smile. "I wouldn't laugh at you unless you did something funny, Inuyasha."

Inuyasha seemed to relax at that. 'Yeah, Kagome wouldn't do that.' For each of her faults, she had qualities that overshadowed them. 'Maybe that's part of why I fell in love with her years ago.'

Kagome looked around the room as she tried to think of what he could wear. Since he had filled out, there weren't a lot of options to choose from. 'Oh! I know what will work!' She walked to her closet and searched inside, removing a spare flat sheet for her bed. "Here," she passed him the sheet. "If you're planning to stay here tonight, you're gonna want more than that book."


She turned to give him privacy, even though they both knew that they were way past that. "You hungry? I could make some ramen?"

"Yeah. That sounds good." Inuyasha had trouble meeting her eyes as she turned around again, so he looked elsewhere. "What's this thing?" he asked, picking up the forgotten banana on the desk. He turned it around in his hands, sniffing it experimentally. "Is it food?"

As Kagome watched Inuyasha inspect the banana, she tried desperately not to blush. 'He has no idea how suggestive that looks! Oh god, he licked it!' She fumbled over the basic explanation that it was an imported fruit as he worked to break the peeling. It took a claw and he had split it sufficiently, but she couldn't really complain that he was eating her late-night snack.

Not when she kept thinking about how small that banana had been.

An hour and three cups of ramen later, neither of them could conclude why the well acting the way it had that day. It was getting late and she had wanted to turn in early. Of course that plan had been shot to hell once the naked hanyou had crawled in her window. As late as it was now, she fully intended on just sleeping in the yukata.

"Why don't we share my bed tonight?"


Kagome huffed. "I'm not going to make you sleep on the floor naked," she pointed out. "We're both adults – in your time anyway – what's it going to hurt for one night?"

As Inuyasha watched Kagome climb into her bed, he could think of a hundred reasons why it was a bad idea. She had moved over and was now motioning for him to join her. "This is a bad idea, Kagome."

"I trust you, Inuyasha." They were both covered, so it wasn't like they were completely naked. She wasn't about to point that out to him as he eased onto the mattress. Doing so would have him levitating immediately. She tried not to be irritated as she pulled the blankets over them. He was thinking of her best interests, trying to let her retain a shred of her innocence that traveling with him had nearly stripped. All she wanted was to go to sleep, and instead she got a temporary bedmate who – 'We're in bed together. Naked.' Her face began to heat up and she pressed her burning cheek further into the pillow. 'Maybe since it's dark Inuyasha won't see.' It was a lie and she knew it; his eyesight was amazing in the dark, and the moonlight shone through the window behind him.

He could see the blush, but no matter how much she tried to hide her face, there was nothing she could do to hide her scent. Inuyasha shifted slightly, recognizing that spicy scent for what it was. He'd caught it a few times over the years from the miko, usually when she was dreaming. It didn't take a genius to figure out what it was that made her scent spike that night, but it had the effect of making him hard in turn. He swallowed a groan as he shifted again, the movement making Kagome look up at him. "I don't know if I can do this, 'Gome."

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think I can lay here, knowing you're right next to me and not be able to kiss you."

"Oh." They'd shared a few kisses in secret over the years, since the battle at Kagura's castle. All of them were uncertain, like they expected to be caught and reprimanded, or the fear of waking up and realizing it had been a dream. She shifted a little closer to Inuyasha. "We are home alone tonight…"

His eyes darkened. "No annoying eavesdropping friends..."

"Or little brothers to burst in the room…" She smiled. Inuyasha's arm had slipped around her waist, pulling her flush against him and closing the distance. This time when she kissed him, everything was right. And as he leaned over her to deepen the kiss, Kagome knew it was very, very right.

Inuyasha moaned against Kagome's lips when he felt her reach up and caress his ears. The delicate touch sent waves of pleasure over him, almost as good as the feeling of her tongue as she tasted him. Kagome had no fear of his fangs when she kissed him, going out of her way to brush the tip of her tongue against one. He shuddered at the contact, running his free hand along the curve of her hip, brushing against bare skin where the fabric of her yukata should've been. It was enough to make him pull back and look down at her.

Kagome looked up at Inuyasha in a haze. Why had he stopped? Neither of them had explicitly said anything about becoming more intimate, but she had seen the heated looks he'd send her when no one was around. She knew he wanted more, and god knows she did. So why did he stop? Was he not ready for –

"Your," He swallowed thickly, trying again. "Your robe. It's… it's open."

"What?" She blinked, looking down. "Oh. Does that…bother you?" He looked torn, but she was till too dazed from his kisses to be certain if he wanted her to cover up or not.

Inuyasha nearly whined in response. She really had no idea what he was seeing. Her hair was fanned out across the pillow, her skin a delicate flush, her lips slightly swollen from how intense he'd been. The yukata was spread open, revealing some but teasing other curves. And to top it off, she looked at him like that, like she could see no faults in his character. As if she didn't expect him to fantasize about taking her, claiming her, and making her scream his name every which way from Sunday. "No," his voice cracked. "But if you had any idea… fuck Kagome I'm barely hangin' on as it is…"

That once-light flush deepened and her scent became spicier. Kagome was unaware of just how on-edge Inuyasha was, though his words gave her a pretty good indication. She didn't make any movement to close her robe, however. He was giving her a choice. She could cover herself and that would be that, or – "What would you say if I didn't want you to be in control?" Her voice was a whisper, afraid that if she spoke any louder she'd break the illusion, and that was the last thing she wanted.

Kagome knew exactly what she wanted. She wanted him and everything he was willing to give her. All of the things that hung over them didn't matter, not for tonight. The look in his eyes seemed to agree. "You're certain?" he said, leaning down to kiss her again.

"I'm positive," she replied, before feeling his lips crash against hers. Kagome felt the fabric of her robe slide open, and she only broke the kiss long enough to raise up to remove it from her shoulders. Inuyasha tossed both it and the sheet he'd been wearing across the room. She couldn't contain the gasp as she felt him move next to her. "You weren't kidding," she mumbled as he began to leave a trail of kisses along the column of her neck. There was hard evidence to prove his point, and it was currently pressed against her hip. Kagome let out another gasp as his fangs pricked her skin. It hadn't hurt, but his tongue following behind and laving at the faint marks made her shiver against him.

Inuyasha groaned at her movement. He'd been fighting against himself for a while now, and Kagome's unintentional touches were maddening. He crawled over her, hoping that putting even a small bit of space between her and his hard on would help him focus. He'd be damned if he blew this right at the start. Inuyasha didn't give Kagome a chance to speak, catching her lips again as he braced his weight on one hand, letting the other dance across her skin.

Kagome sighed into the kiss, wishing that he'd move closer again. His hand traced the curve of her breast, almost like he was unsure if he was allowed to touch her there. She brought her hand up over his, guiding him with silent encouragement. Not only did she want him to touch her there, she wanted a lot more, and she needed him to know that it was okay.

He wasn't stupid. It was all he needed to know that she wanted his touch. Kagome arched into his hand as he massaged her breast, and he felt a surge of pride that he was the reason. When he brought his mouth down to the other one, slowly teasing her nipple with his tongue, her hands fisted in his hair and pressed him to her. 'She likes that. Good to know.' Inuyasha soon switched, bracing his weight on the other arm. All things considered, he thought he had been holding himself in check rather well. Kagome was underneath him, writhing and moaning his name. He was living out one of his wildest dreams. How could it get better than this?

The soft skin of her inner thigh came to brush against his hip before her leg curled around him, pulling him down on top of her. Both of them made a noise of surprise, not only from the sudden shift, but from the friction they felt as his cock settled against her wet heat. Luckily Inuyasha hadn't let his entire weight fall against Kagome. "F-fuck…are you alright?"

"Uh…uh huh." She hadn't realized she'd wrapped her leg around his hip until she felt him slide against her in a sinfully delicious way. "Oh wow."

Inuyasha had gone still, trying to catch his breath. That nearly did him in, and he'd barely touched her! "G-give me…a minute….'Gome…" Fuck, did he just whimper? Some man he was.

Kagome lay still, watching him. "Can I do anything?" she asked softly. His face was screwed up in concentration, and she didn't have to ask why. Part of her considered moving her leg, but she wasn't sure if that'd make things worse.

"Fuck," he breathed again, sounding more like himself. "I'm so fucking glad it's not the new moon or this would already be over." That brought out a giggle from the woman underneath him, and Inuyasha couldn't help but grin. He hadn't been kidding, and he certainly hadn't expected Kagome to be so wet. If that was just brushing against her, he wasn't sure he was going to last long as a hanyou.

She reached up and affectionately rubbed an ear, making him groan. "Maybe we should get a move on," she suggested.

"B-but…I – I wanted to –"

"I don't know if I can wait much longer either, Inuyasha. We can explore next time. Right now I just want you."

Inuyasha dropped his forehead against hers. She was too understanding sometimes. "I love you," he said without hesitation. "I know I don't deserve you, but I ain't letting you go."

"I love you too," Kagome smiled. "And you deserve so much, dog boy. I'm just going to prove it to you." She bit her lip as she felt his cock twitch against her before his hand dipped between them to line himself with her opening. She watched his expression change as he slid inside her, from surprise to pleasure. The wonder in his eyes as he went deeper made Kagome almost forget the slight stretching she was feeling. Almost. It didn't hurt near as much as she thought it would, but it wasn't a cakewalk either.

When Inuyasha was seated within her, he tried to stay as still as possible. He had heard the small gasp as he sunk deeper, and he knew he had hurt her. It tore at him that he had done it, even though he had no control over it happening. He went slow to get her used to his size, and he'd still caused her pain. His ears lowered as the guilt washed over him. "T-tell me when," he whispered. "I won't move until you're ready, Kagome."

She nodded, reaching up to circle her arms around his neck. "You can move," she said. "You aren't going to hurt me."

He wanted to object, but as he pulled back, the sensation of her walls gripping him robbed him of his thoughts. Pushing back into her was even better, he decided. His movements were slow, still concerned that he'd hurt her, but it also helped him gain some control. "Fuck, that's good."

"Very," Kagome said breathlessly. "Faster." There was no pain anymore, just a feeling a fullness and a slow building pressure in her lower belly that only Inuyasha could help her reach. With each thrust she got a little closer, but she wasn't there yet. Slowly, she brought her other leg up around his waist, crossing her ankles at the small of his back. Not only did this keep him close to her, but she discovered that it altered the angle of her hips, letting Inuyasha go deeper.

"I think…you're trying to kill me wench."

Kagome couldn't contain the giggle. Inuyasha had made an interesting sound with the movement, and his comment had been too much. "Should I move?" she asked, starting to unlock her legs. Inuyasha stalled her movements with his free hand.

"Don't. You. Dare," he said, punctuating each word with a hard thrust of his hips. He took great pride in that he could make Kagome moan his name, broken as it was. He'd done something right, but he knew she wasn't where he was in the moment. He let go of her leg when he was sure she wouldn't move and began to drag his claws along her thigh as he thrust into her. Kagome would gasp, and he could feel her squeeze him tighter, so he repeated the movement. When she did it again, he took that as a good sign and let his fingers move upwards to where they were joined. When he'd slid against her earlier, she'd responded well, so maybe… Inuyasha carefully ran his fingers against her folds, slowing his thrusts down as he stroked the swollen flesh.

Kagome gasped loudly and he'd thought he'd hurt her until she cried out, "Oh gods yes! Do that again!"

He repeated the motion, watching her carefully. She would moan as he touched her there anyway, but there was a small nub of flesh that made her head fall back when he rubbed it. 'Also good to know,' he thought. His thrusts had slowed considerably now as he alternated between circling the nub, rubbing it, and flicking his thumb across it. That last action had her reaching for his wrist.

"Too…close Inu…I – I can't –"

Inuyasha understood, increasing his thrusts. She was teetering on the edge and he was going to be there with her when she fell. "Fuck, 'Gome," he groaned, feeling her squeeze his cock harder. Almost…almost…

One last brush against that flesh had Kagome arching off the bed, and with one final thrust Inuyasha joined her. He barely caught himself before he collapsed on top of her, easing onto his side and pulling her with him. Both couldn't help the small shiver as he slid out of her, missing the contact.

They laid in her bed, trying to catch their breath and calm their hearts. With each passing minute the reality of what they had done settled over them, but there were no regrets. In the grand scheme of things, it may not have been the right time, but they didn't care. Inuyasha looked down at Kagome as she watched him with a sleepy smile. No, he didn't regret a damn thing. He was hers just as much as she was his, and they'd deal with anything that came at them together.

The next day. He was worn out.