A/N: Get ready for more pwp-smut. That's right, I did it again.

The next morning, Kagome double-checked her bag before leaving a note for her family. Sure they knew she wouldn't be there when they got home, but it made her feel better to tell them again. It also gave her a distraction from the naked hanyou walking by and grabbing her bag off the table. They still hadn't figured out what was going on with the well…not that they'd been talking all night exactly…

Kagome felt her face heat up as she recalled the previous night. 'Good thing we were alone last night!' She hadn't ever considered that she'd be loud in the moment, but Inuyasha managed to bring that side out of her.

"Can we get going already?" Inuyasha was pacing anxiously, which would've been annoying if he wasn't naked.

Instead it was funny. Too bad she couldn't laugh, or he'd think she was laughing at him. 'Not his fault that the human body is weird,' she mused. In the heat of the moment it was easy to forget that the naked body was just plain silly looking, but right now… 'Stop thinking about it or you're gonna laugh! Bad Kagome! Don't laugh!'

She nodded, placing the note under the fruit bowl. He wanted to leave early so he could get dressed and not be caught without his pants in the literal sense. Kagome bit her lip to keep from laughing as he darted across the yard, reminding herself that it wasn't funny. As she reached the well house, she saw the blue light engulf him – most likely going ahead of her to get dressed. Kagome picked up the bag he left behind and swung her legs over the edge, dropping into the time slip to follow him.

Inuyasha found his clothes in a pile once again and rushed to redress. He was tying his hakama when he caught Kagome's scent behind him in the bottom of the well. Her whispered "oh no" still his movements, and he turned to ask what was wrong.

Scratch that. He could see the problem, even though part of him didn't see it as a problem.

Kagome was no on the receiving end of the well's peculiarity. The only thing she had on her was the small jar that held the jewel shards. Her clothes and her bag were probably sitting at the bottom of the well in her time. She'd made a high-pitched squeal as a breeze dipped into the well, sweeping around her naked form, prompting her to cross her arms over her chest.

Inuyasha hadn't realized he'd been laughing until Kagome hissed "It's not funny!". He pretended to cough, but his grin gave him away. "It kinda is," he said, taking off his firerat and draping it over her shoulders.

"What are we gonna do?" Kagome frowned, tying it around her like she had once before. "All of the supplies are in my time, not to mention my clothes – what are we supposed to do about that? There's no way we can hunt each night. And what if we run into Naraku or something? You can't face him without this, you'll need this! Inuyasha, are you hearing me? Inuyasha? Wh- what are you doing?! Inuyasha! Wait! I said we can't -!"

What Kagome didn't see was the look of lust that crossed Inuyasha's face as she wore his firerat. It was that night in Togenkyo all over again. He may have been too banged up then to appreciate the sight, but there wasn't anything stopping him now. Her shapely legs were barely covered, and where the folds of the firerat met offered a tantalizing glimpse of her upper thigh. The hanyou groaned, recalling the previous night. The well wasn't working right, so it wasn't like they could continue the quest…and in a way it was offering him an opportunity…

Mind made up, Inuyasha grabbed Kagome under the knees and jumped out of the well, running deep into the woods. He hadn't heard one thing she'd said, but her tone had gone from anxious to confused, to astonished. She had squealed as she hung onto his neck – that he had heard loud and clear. Inuyasha didn't stop running until he reached Goshinboku and he sat her on one of the overgrown tree roots.

"Inuyasha! What's gotten into y-?" Kagome thought she'd been dizzy from the sudden rush, but that was nothing compared to the kisses he was giving. She put a hand to his chest and pushed lightly, hating to end the kiss but she had to know. "Wh…what's going on?"

"I thought it was obvious," he groaned, bending slightly to nuzzle her neck. He could feel her shiver under his touch and like that even the smallest ones could make her scent spike. "Well ain't workin' right," he continued, nipping lightly at her skin before licking it. "Thought we'd spend some time alone before we tried again." He flicked his tongue out to taste the soft skin beneath her ear. Kagome squirmed that time.

"O-oh," she swallowed. "Wh-what did you…have in mind?" Her hands gripped the large root she was perched on before they moved to settle around his shoulders. Inuyasha had a firm grip on her waist, so she wasn't worried about going anywhere.

He continued to kiss and nip at her neck, loosening the robe for better access. "Making you scream," he murmured huskily in her ear.

Kagome let out a small gasp, but she wasn't certain if it were his words that did it or how he suddenly parted her knees and dropped between them. This was different. Very different. And he was spreading her legs further apart, looking at her there. Her heart kicked up a few notches. 'What is he doing? He can't be thinking of… of…' It wasn't something that they'd explored the night before. He'd touched her there – many, many times – but nothing like –

"I want to taste you."

That. 'Oh god, he's serious!' Her expression must have said what she couldn't, because Inuyasha started to caress her thigh comfortingly.

"If you don't like it, I'll stop," he spoke so softly, it didn't sound like the same hanyou from minutes before. "I want you to enjoy it."

Kagome was touched that he was seeking her approval instead of pressing forward. "It's…not that I'm not curious," she felt herself blushing. "…but I want to…taste you as well, if you'll let me?" She'd chickened out last night touching him, but they'd both been so keyed up that it wasn't a problem. She wasn't about to let this be a one-sided exchange. If he wanted to give he had to be ready to get as well.

"You…you w-want…" Inuyasha was turning as red as his robes. She wanted – to him – she… He'd be lying if he never dreamed of that happening. And she was offering… "If you… really want to," he replied. Fucking hell his voice cracked, didn't it?

She nodded, biting her lip. That was something else she'd been curious about, but only with him. It seemed like once she realized she'd fallen in love with Inuyasha, all the fantasies started. She wanted to know if she could get his eyes to roll back like they did in her dreams. 'Probably not. I don't have any experience like this.'

Inuyasha had begun to push back the firerat when he looked up at her uncertainly. "I've… I've never done this before." He hated admitting ignorance period, but this was worse than not knowing what it took to build a hut. He had to tell his Kagome that he had no experience in this area of pleasure. In a way he knew she knew, but still. "Will you tell me if I do something wrong?"

"Of course, Inuyasha," Kagome reached for one of his ears and gently rubbed it. "I doubt you could – oh!" She forgot what she wanted to say as he leaned forward, running his tongue flat against her wet folds. If she hadn't already been partially aroused by his earlier ministrations, she certainly was now.

The hanyou groaned as he licked her, grabbing her waist again to steady her when she shifted. Kagome's legs spread further apart now without his assistance, and he shifted so that her legs were draped over his shoulders. "Gods you taste good Kagome," he said before returning to his feast. His tongue dipped between her folds, going as far as he could reach. Inuyasha felt Kagome's hands bury themselves in his hair, urging him on.

How could he refuse an invitation like that?

He began to lick and suck at her folds with fervor, pausing only a second when his nose bumped that swollen nub. Inuyasha didn't hesitate to flick his tongue over the nub, and the result was instant. Kagome swore loudly as she attempted to rock against his face.

"Fuck! Oh! Inuyasha!"

"Like that, did you?" he glanced up, grinning widely. Inuyasha didn't know what made him prouder, that she swore like he did or her physical reaction. Fuck, both turned him on.

"Yes," she moaned. "Again. Do that again."

Kagome whimpered as she felt Inuyasha's tongue circle her clit before he drew it between his lips and sucked. She kept one hand in his hair, but the other returned to grip the tree root beneath her. There was that familiar coil of pleasure again, only this time it was coming in must have anticipated this, because his licking and sucking pattern became more intense. It was too much, too fast, and when she came seconds later, he couldn't get mad at her for her thighs clenching around his neck.

Inuyasha slowed his ministrations as she rode out her orgasm, holding her steady. 'She hadn't complained,' he realized. 'Maybe I'm not so bad at this after all.' Kagome had made wonderful sounds as he tasted her, and now she sat spread open before him, sated, flushed, and stunning. He felt his cock twitch in his fundoshi, knowing that if he suggested skipping her turn to please him she'd be mad. 'I don't know if I can take it though. I'm already harder than a fuckin' rock.' He sat back on his heels as he rubbed her leg affectionately, trying to distract himself. "Do you know how beautiful you look right now?" he whispered.

She'd heard him, but Kagome couldn't find the words to respond. That intense gaze that was focused on her was startling. He'd told her he loved her, true, but even if Inuyasha had never said the words she'd still know from that look. It made her feel more confident, and kinda desirable, if someone with his beauty was interested in her. He'd never see what she saw in him, but maybe the same could be said for her. Kagome stilled his hand, smiling down at him. "Now it's your turn."

"You don't have to – " Inuyasha didn't get to finish his sentence before Kagome slid off the tree root and began to nudge him to take her place. She wasted no time in untying his hakama and pushing open the kosode. When she started to try and untie his fundoshi while he was sitting, he had to stop her. Inuyasha wasn't sure if he wanted to laugh at her eagerness to undress him or not, but he knew she'd jerked the knotted fabric further up his ass with her efforts. He stood up and fumbled with the tie, briefly considering shredding it and getting another.

Kagome waited patiently for her hanyou to get the fundoshi off before she pushed him back onto the tree root, mirroring their earlier positions. At the moment, she didn't care that she hadn't gotten the kosode off, or that his hakama sat around his ankles. She was focused on the cock that stood at attention.

Inuyasha wondered if Kagome had felt self-conscious when he observed her. He knew she had no complaints about his size, so why was she just…staring? Was she having second thoughts? "Kagome, you don't – oh hell -!"

She had tentatively reached out and brushed her fingers down his length. Her featherlight touches made his cock jump and he groaned. Kagome glanced up to see Inuyasha's face screwed up in concentration. "Look at me," she whispered, waiting for his gaze to meet hers. Kagome smiled, and without breaking eye contact, leaned forward and took the tip of his cock in her mouth.

"Oh fuck-!"

Inuyasha's voice came out in a growl, and she took that as a good sign. Her hand grasped him at the base and began to slowly pump the length while she swirled her tongue around the tip. He let out a whine when she sucked hard, and a clawed hand lightly stroked the back of her head. He wasn't trying to force her down on him – thank goodness.

Kagome was glad that for once her oversharing friends from school had well…overshared. They may have been as inexperienced as she had been, but they had older relatives that didn't filter their gossip anymore. Those talks had been more educational than the magazine articles they'd poured over, that was for certain. And now that she was pulling from those memories, she could say there was some truth in the stories. Inuyasha was really enjoying it.

He whined again when Kagome began to caress his sac with her other hand. It was all he could do not to buck upwards into her mouth. Inuyasha knew that Kagome had no experience doing this – unlike in his dreams, she was more hesitant. But fuck did it feel amazing! It seemed like the more he responded the more confident she became with her attentions. If he hadn't been throbbing before she started, Inuyasha might have let it continue, but he was getting close and he wasn't done with her yet. "You gotta… Kagome…"

The pleading tone in his voice made Kagome stop and look up at him. "What's wrong? Did I do something you-"

"No!" he cut her off quickly. "No I… I love everything about this… but I don't…it's too good, 'Gome. I… I wanted to do more," he finished lamely. Inuyasha had seen the brief look of uncertainty when he asked her to stop, and he couldn't let her think that she wasn't satisfying him. Kagome seemed to understand, at least.

"Then, maybe you'll let me finish next time?"

"Gods yes, wench! And if I don't you can sit me for being a fucking moron." Her laughter at that made him laugh in turn. It both assured her and gave him a chance to calm himself; he hadn't realized he'd been that close to spilling his seed. When she reached to stroke him again, Inuyasha was quick to grab her hand. "Don't even try," he grinned, standing on shaky legs. He tugged on her wrist lightly, guiding her forward to the tree root until the tops of her thighs met it.

"Inuyasha, what –"

He leaned in close behind her, whispering in her ear huskily. "I'm going to bend you over this root and fuck you until you can't walk, Ka-go-me." Inuyasha had a sudden rush of courage, probably from his youkai blood, that spurred him on as he pushed on her shoulders, making her lean across the root and raising her bottom higher. "Ever since I first saw you in my firerat I've dreamt about you like this, taking my cock from behind while you beg and scream for more." He rubbed her back as he spoke. "I told you that I want you to like it, Kagome, but I wasn't just talking about eating you out."

Kagome shivered as Inuyasha spoke. She'd never heard him speak like this before, and she had to admit that she liked it. She really liked seeing him without any doubts, but this was a whole other beast that made her body react. She wasn't sure if it was the change in his voice, the way he ordered her around, or the new position, but she was wetter than before. Here she was, draped over the tree root on her knees, with her rear and aching core on display before the hanyou, and the last thing she was concerned about was someone finding them. 'Well, there's a first for everything.'

His hands moved to rest on her hips, gently caressing the bare flesh as he pushed the bunched fabric around her waist higher. He nudged her knees apart with one of his own. Kagome moaned at the sudden brush of his cock against her dripping folds. He was teasing her, that jerk! "Inuyasha…"

"Hm?" He grunted, sliding his cock between her legs again, coating his length with her juices.

"Inuyasha please…"

He bit his lip to refrain from moaning as he stroked her again. He had a plan, and he was not going to give in just yet. "What was that, Ka-go-me? I couldn't hear you."

"Please…I…I need you…" she gasped as his swollen head brushed her clit.

"You need what?"

A loud moan escaped her when he did it again. "I need you inside me!" Kagome gasped loudly as his cock slid into her heat, burying himself to the hilt in one swift thrust. Oh god, did that feel good! She let out a sigh of contentment at the full feeling. Yes, that was exactly what she needed.

Inuyasha leaned over her, feeling quite smug. "All you had to do was tell me," he teased, pulling back slowly before he snapped his hips forward. He decided right then that this was a good position, and from the noise Kagome just made, she agreed. She likely didn't realize that with each thrust, she squeezed his cock a little tighter. He growled as he grasped her hips, increasing the pace.

"Oh! Inu-!"

"You like that?" he panted between thrusts. "You like feeling my cock fill you, Kagome?"


He didn't know what it was that made him do it, but he needed to hear her say it. Inuyasha slowed his thrusts to an agonizing rhythm as he growled, "Then say it. Say how you want it."

Kagome nearly whined when he all but stopped moving inside her. She needed more, but he was asking her…to what? To tell him to slam into her like he did in her dirtiest fantasies? If his tone had been different, she might've thought that he was unsure of what she wanted, but he knew exactly what he was doing. Or rather, not doing at the moment. "I need you, Inuyasha," she swallowed.

"Yeah? Go on, Ka-go-me."

'At least he's just as breathless as me.' "I need your… I…" she sighed. Why was this difficult? If he could do it, so could she, dammit! "I need your cock! I want it so deep inside me, Inuyasha! Give it to me, hard and fast – ah!"

"F-fuck, 'Gome!" Inuyasha hadn't been able to wait to let her finish that sentence. Just hearing her speak like that had him slamming back into her before he could stop. "Oh fuck," he groaned, pounding into her heat, delighting in the sounds that echoed around them. Kagome continued to moan, raising her hips higher. Inuyasha could see his cock disappear inside her wet folds, and he couldn't think of a more erotic sight.

"Oh god, yes! Inuyasha! Oh – that – oh yes!" She'd given up on gripping the tree root to steady herself. Instead her fingers were digging into the ground, trying to hang on to something stable with the sensations that were overpowering her.

"Can't… I can't… Kagome…" Inuyasha's thrusts became more frantic as her voice went higher. He wasn't sure what it was, but something about this position had him losing control faster than he'd planned. Her walls were squeezing his cock so tight now that she had him coming before he even realized that he was howling her name.

His ears were more focused on the broken form of his name that Kagome was screaming as she came.

The miko collapsed against the tree root, completely spent. She could feel Inuyasha behind her, leaning against her back. "That was… oh wow…" 'Great, the sex was so good I can't speak,' she thought sarcastically.

He chuckled, the vibration rumbling against her back. "Sounds like I rendered you speechless," he teased. Inuyasha shifted to sit back against the root, pulling her across his lap. "Are you alright, Kagome? I didn't hurt you, did I?" He had begun to check for scratches, but frowned when he caught sight of the state of her hands.

She followed his gaze and blushed. In the heat of the moment she had done a number on the ground. Now it was covering her hands and underneath her fingernails. It didn't help that Inuyasha had peeked over the root and saw her handiwork. His grin should've split his face when he turned to look back at her.

"I take it you like it rough."

"Jerk." She grinned, unable to stop herself. It wasn't often that Inuyasha genuinely smiled, but when he did it lit his face up.

"No. I believe it was you who was jerking me –"

Kagome laughed and groaned as she wrapped her arms around his neck, burying her face in the curve of his shoulder. "I don't know why I love you sometimes," she joked.

"I don't know either, but I'm glad you do," he said, only partly joking. Inuyasha really didn't think he deserved Kagome, but she was his now. Nothing was going to come between them, and he'd fight tooth and nail to keep her with him, no matter where they were.

It was later that afternoon before the couple made it to the village. Once they could both stand without swaying, they went back to the well. This time, they both went through and were relieved to learn that Inuyasha was clothed this time. Kagome was happy this meant the well was working right again. Much to the hanyou's mild disappointment, because he was rather enjoying the effects. He knew it was more important that they find the jewel shards, of course.

Kagome gathered her things and went back to the house to freshen up. She was able to convince Inuyasha to join her, proving that a modern bath didn't have to boil one's skin off. Being bathed by his lover at her insistence was a bonus he couldn't complain about.

They returned through the well, this time with all belongings in hand and where they were supposed to be. It had taken the walk back to the village for Inuyasha to get past his visible pout, but Kagome silently reminded him that just because they well was back to the way it was, that didn't mean they had to be. That lifted his spirits; finding privacy would be tricky, of course, but he was determined. Neither thought it was worthwhile to speak about the incident with the well to the others. If it began to act similarly in the future, then it would be discussed. For all intents and purposes, he'd gone back to get Kagome and they were delayed because of her need to buy more supplies.

Or something.

It wouldn't be a stretch.

Inuyasha had warned Kagome that Shippo might pick up on the change between them immediately. Then again, all of their friends had known about their feelings for far longer, so really it was only a matter of time.

What they hadn't expected upon returning to Kaede's hut was talk of a ghost.

"Ghosts?" Kagome frowned. She'd dealt with specters before, and the closest thing she had come in contact with in this time was Kikyo. Though the miko assumed she'd be closer to a golem than a ghost, all things considered.

Shippo nodded, poking his head into the smaller bag of treats that Kagome had brought back that wouldn't fit in the backpack. "Yeah, I was playing with some of the other kids and they overheard their parents talk about ghosts in the forest. What is this?" he asked, pulling out the bunch of bananas.

"Oh, those are bananas Shippo." She took the bunch and began to break one off for each person in the hut. "They're fruit. They're imported from another country in my time. Mama told me to bring them when I came back so they wouldn't go to waste." She hid a smile as she passed Inuyasha his.

"What's this written on here?" Inuyasha mumbled, squinting at her handwriting. He stared at the modern writing and thought back on all the times Kagome had taught him when he'd watch her do her homework. It had been a compromise that she taught him how to read and write words and phrases from her time in exchange for getting a little extra time to study. If he were patient enough some days, she'd sit on the bed with him and walk him through it step by step. The sentence looked simple enough, but there was one word he didn't recognize at all. Luckily Kagome had also taught him to use context clues to see if the sentence sounded right when he wasn't sure about part of it. "You put this…banana…to shame."

Kagome couldn't hide the smile any longer. "That was really good, Inuyasha!" She had deliberately written that phrase, mostly to give him practice reading more texts with modern phrases. But he had also pinched her ass earlier in the bath, and that called for payback.

Sango looked confused. "What does that mean? How does Inuyasha put a fruit to shame?" She looked to Kagome for an answer, because Inuyasha had gone incredibly still and wasn't speaking.

The miko only smiled secretively and peeled back the skin on her banana. "It means what it says," was her cryptic answer. She met his gaze as she lifted the fruit to her lips, taking in slightly more than she would normally before biting down. Kagome knew he'd caught on to the reference then, given how his eyes widened slightly and the telltale dusting of a blush on his cheeks.

Next to Sango, Miroku turned the oblong fruit around in his hands, mulling over the answer. He'd consumed many foreign delicacies in his travels, but this was unlike anything he had ever seen. In impolite company, one might even describe it as…phallic. No sooner had the thought entered his mind, he wanted to laugh. The fruit, the phrase, how that specific one was meant for Inuyasha…it all made sense now. He leaned slightly towards Sango and whispered, "Can we speak later? Alone?" He jerked his head towards the hanyou, silently telling her he had a good inkling of what the message meant.

The slayer nodded briefly, choosing instead to change the subject back to the ghosts Shippo had been talking about. "It's curious, about these ghosts the villagers are speaking of. Did either of you happen to notice anything strange on the way here?"

Kagome shook her head. "I didn't sense anything when we came through the well. Did you, Inuyasha?"

"Nope." The hanyou was more focused on watching his lover enjoy her banana to really pay much attention on the topic. His thoughts were more geared towards telling her later that she was not allowed to eat this fruit around any other men in her time unless he was present to rip their eyes out. "When did this stuff start?"

"This morning, I think?" Sango looked to Miroku, who nodded. "Yes, this morning. I had overheard talk from some of the villagers who claimed to have heard noises in the forest when they went hunting. Like it came from deep within the forest."

Kagome's hand that held the nearly eaten banana slowly dropped to her lap, and Inuyasha was able to focus once more. "It…didn't sound like a youkai, did it?"

The slayer shrugged. "They said it must have been ghosts. The two men I spoke to about it said they didn't follow the sounds because they got a bad feeling. So now they think the forest is haunted, or at least the deepest parts of it is."

"Given how Inuyasha was sealed to Goshinboku I wouldn't be surprised," Shippo stated.

"What kind of noises did they hear?" Kagome asked, afraid of the answer. 'Please don't let it be what I think. Please don't let it be what I think.'

Sango began to peel her banana, so she missed the looks of horror cross her friends' faces when she said, "They claimed it was this loud…wailing that echoed from the trees. Decided to fish instead, because they didn't think they'd find anything to hunt with all of that noise."

'Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck!'

'Oh my god!'

From her spot sorting herbs, Kaede saw both the hanyou and miko go still with her one good eye. She had to look back down at her work to hide her smile as the conversation switched yet again. Oh she knew for certain that the forest was anything but haunted. She was certain that in time the others would put the pieces of the puzzle together, but she would stay silent. Kagome and Inuyasha were already mortified enough to know that they had been overheard. They didn't need an old woman to add fuel to the fire by blatantly outing them and their choices.

'To be young and in love,' she smiled. 'Perhaps Inuyasha should consider building a hut in the woods, when all is said and done with Naraku and the jewel. The villagers already believe it is haunted, after all.'