A/N: Quite inspired by the Season 4 episodes that follow the Mala Noche's story/timeline in battle with other gangs and the MDPD. Thought it would be interesting to write a variation of the storyline, because Ryan and Calleigh are partners mainly throughout Season 4, I thought it would be interesting to write something different. Not ship based, but can include ships later on.

Story Notes: Set around Season 4. Marisol is still alive.

Disclaimer: I don't own anything; CBS does. But I made up merely one or two characters for the purpose of the story/altered some storylines.


CSI Calleigh Duquesne had been on duty with her partner, CSI Ryan Wolfe, as they'd been investigating the murder of a receptionist on her wedding day. Horatio and Eric were following up on a lead and they'd gone back to the crime scene to see if they'd missed anything. Calleigh was looking over the catering table while Ryan was observing the handmade arch. "Got anything?" Calleigh called to Ryan.

"I got some blood!" He shouted back, swabbing the blood drop with a sterilized swab and packing it up into a labelled box.

Calleigh smiled, continuing her analysis of the scene. The champagne had some power stuff on it so she extracted it and figured she'd get it to Trace later. "Do you have your UV light? Mine is out of battery and the spare kit is once again.. not stocked up." The blonde had noticed an odd smell coming from the table cloth and wanted to check it out. Ryan stood up and brought over his kit to where she was standing.

He put on his goggles, and handed her a pair, before he got out his UV light and shone it over the table. Luckily it was under a gazebo so the sunlight wasn't going to impact their findings. On it, they saw staining consistent with.. semen. "Sex at a wedding.. ever done the dirty at one?"

"No, and I'd like to think you haven't."

"No. But it would certainly be priceless to hear moaning while you're trying to have a heartfelt ceremony."

Calleigh playfully slapped his arm and they continued to look over the table. They always ended up having these sorts of off topic, on topic conversations while on cases. Both agreeing that it would be best to get the cloth back to the lab, they took it off the table and folded it carefully into an evidence bag. While Calleigh labelled it, Ryan packed up the UV lighting and began a search with his normal flashlight. He found a piece of a broken gun grip and a spent bullet casing. It wasn't a bad idea, using a gazebo as cover. People just wouldn't assume to look there.

He took pictures of the casing and put it in an envelope, then he picked up the piece of gun grip and bagged that too. There was the trace of the shooter that they'd come back for. This hadn't even been their scene to process. Eric had done so earlier, though, he'd clearly missed some things. As he was with Horatio, it ultimately left them together. Not that either were really too bothered about it. They'd been working on cases together for basically since Ryan joined CSI.

That's when he found a tread in the mud. But it wasn't a footprint, it was a tyre tread. He took pictures of it before collecting the evidence they'd collected and taking it back to their Hummer.

Calleigh was already there, packing up the chair with blood splatter on it. Ryan packed up the rest of the stuff (blood, ballistics, trace etc.) in the meantime.. but neither could've seen what was lurking to the sides.

"Found a casing. Could help us identify the murder weapon." He told her as they headed towards the doors.

"Great. Well I think the blood splatter might be able to help us come up with a set position for the shooter. Our vic was shot twice at very hard angles to muster so quickly. Had to be someone experienced."

That's when a cloth went over Calleigh's mouth from behind. It was scented with chloroform, causing her to drop to her knees and black out before she could say another word. Ryan heard her voice die down and became worried. That's when he saw a shadow, much broader and bigger than he was. The CSI pulled up his gun slowly and didn't turn around. "What do you want?" He asked quietly.

"Lieutenant Caine's CSIs." The man said.

Ryan instantly fired a shot at him, causing him to let out an unhappy noise, clinging to his arm. He began shouting in Spanish and suddenly, a cloth contaminated with chloroform went over his mouth too. His eyes began to forcefully shut and the last thing he remembered before everything went black.. was seeing red.