A/N: Eric becomes determined to find a lead within the evidence Ryan and Calleigh collected after a heated interrogation.

Story Notes: Chapter 6. A lil' shorter as it focuses on Delko.

"Getting compared to Riaz is one hell of an insult."

Carlos Trujillo sat down in the interrogation room, feeling the tension from the anger in the CSI's eyes. His arm had just been patched up from a stupid gunshot wound he received from a young cop. He was going to look like a fool. The kid could've hit an artery and yet purposefully chose not to. He'd proved to be the first officer he'd fought with that had just fired with no hesitation. Interesting, it was. The lieutenant probably taught him that.

"Look at this," Eric said as he slammed down pictures of their blood on the table. "You and your guys smashed her head against the Hummer. How could you do that?!" Carlos took a nervous gulp and sat back. "I didn't do anything.. your partner shot me, remember?" "You tried to sedate him and instead he shot you, so one of your guys knocks him out.." The Cuban edged dangerously close, making the Mala Noche member tremble with fear. Even for him, one of his own kind, this was a little scary. He reminded him a lot of Antonio Riaz, only, the younger cop version.

"You were angry because someone almost ten years younger than you has better aim than you and actually gets a round of applause from your boss for the terrific shot, so you order for a much tougher kidnapping? IS THAT IT?!"

Eric began to lose it. Tripp was about to say something, then Eric grabbed the guy by the shirt. "If either of them turn up dead, I will hunt you down myself and kill you.. Do you get that?!" From one Cuban to another, Trujillo was petrified. Even though he'd felt so big and in control earlier, he certainly couldn't say the same anymore. The CSI, a CSI, had him scared into being ready to say anything he wanted to hear. "Where is the car?"

"South Beach. Hidden off until they dispose of it to the impound."

"You better be telling the truth, or else you'll be seeing more of me."

Carlos knew that it was going to be found out that he cracked under pressure and looked like a complete fool to the cops. And this cop in particular, definitely wasn't as soft as he looked. "I promise. And besides, you're just like Riaz. Vaguely honest."

"I am nothing like him, and you're not worth anything.." Eric set himself back and signalled to the patrol officer. "Get him outta here."

Trujillo was escorted out of the room and once he was no longer in sight, Tripp turned to Eric. "Delko, what the hell was that?! You need to keep yourself together!" "If I hadn't set the guy straight, he would've lied straight to our faces!" Eric shouted back, closing the case file in his hand and heading toward the door. "Get patrol down to South Beach looking for that vehicle." The Cuban said, leaving the interrogation room and slamming the door behind him.

He was going to get this guy, and he didn't care how many people stood in his way. His teammates were being held against their will. He needed to find them. Even if they make it out, they still would need medical attention. It had already been hours since the two CSIs went missing, with still a lot of leads turning into dead ends. Finding the truck was the only way they were going to get an idea of where the abducted CSIs were being held. And they only had one shot, or else.. it was possible Calleigh and Ryan could turn up dead.

"Hey, what happened in interrogation?" The DNA analyst queried her lover as she wandered into the print lab, observing the Cuban as he went over the prints collected from the Hummer.

Eric sighed. "How'd you hear?" "Tripp complained to Horatio.. things get around.." She came closer, looking over his shoulder at the screen. "Don't let what they say get to you, Eric. You have a case to solve, and two teammates to find." Natalia understood why it was hard for him to control his anger when all he kept hearing was how many dead ends the case had. That's why she wanted to check up on him. To make sure he wasn't over working himself while on the clock.

"I'm fine, Nat," He said, scanning in the print from the window. "..But thank you. I suppose- I needed that.." "I'm always available if you need me." She smiled, rubbing his shoulder soothingly. Eric smiled too. "Thanks."

"I'll leave you to it." Boa Vista lightly smoothed her hand over his back as she left.

Alexx saw it. But she couldn't think anything of it, they were colleagues and Natalia had obviously been consoling Delko about something. The M.E. decided she would ask after they found Wolfe and Duquesne, not before. She headed to the Trace lab to talk to Horatio, trying to focus on the case instead of Delko and Boa Vista. For a dramatic time like that. there sure was a lot to be hidden by other co-workers from what she had seen.