
MajorChaos13 : Thanks.

JustABird : Would you believe me If I told you that that was just unplanned brilliance and I only realized it after you pointed it out?

Seananagan : Yeah, I was tempted to go for a simply house but I figure that both Harry and Dobby would love a bigger house, not to mention Loki.

Chapter 14 :

After leaving platform nine and three quarters Harry, Dobby and Loki had arrived in Potter Manor via portkey, yes that's right, manor. Harry still found it hard to believe that he went from homeless street rat to rich kid in a mansion. Loki, who was sat on Harry's shoulders, was openly gaping at the big white mansion. Harry, almost without thinking, pushed Loki's jaw shut. Loki gently patted his head in thanks.

"Oh my!" Dobby whispered in an excited voice as he rubbed his hands together with glee.

"Um...are you alright Dobby?" Harry asked as Loki raised a furry eyebrow at the excited elf.

"So much cleaning!" Dobby grinned before his smile went away and was replaced by a frown. "Oh, but Dobby can't clean all of this quickly by himself. He'd need help."

"Don't worry Dobby," Harry said as he began walking towards the mansion with Dobby following after. "the goblins have already talked to me about that." Harry admitted. "They have brought me a house elf from Knockturn Alley and told me that there is still one left in the manor. We'll pick the new elf up later during the summer, but for now you have got another elf to help you."

"Oh," Dobby nodded, glad he wouldn't disappoint his great Master Harry Potter by not being able to quickly clean this big manor. "that be good."

"Yes, that be." Harry nodded, having grown used to the way Dobby talked.

Harry, Loki and Dobby walked into the mansion. In Harry's opinion it looked like something out of a fairy tale, a large chandelier at the top, white ceilings and floors, fancy furniture and windows. But Harry didn't spend too much time looking around as his eyes locked on to an elderly looking elf who was standing in front of him. The elf, instead of wearing a pillow case like Dobby, was instead dressed up in a black suit which included a tie.

"Hello Master Harry," The elf smiled as he bowed. "I be Frank, I be Potter family house elf."

"Hello," Harry greeted him as Loki and Dobby waved at the new elf, though Dobby looked a bit jealous of his clothes. "I am Harry, Harry Potter." Harry said.

"Oh Frank be knowing who you are." Frank said in a happy voice. "Master's James and Mistress Lily were such a good magic family, very nice to elves. Old Master Charles, Master James's father, be very nice as well. Frank remember yous when yous be baby."

"Frank," Harry said as a thought came to him. "did...did my parents ever make a magical portrait of themselves?"

"No," Frank said, looking incredibly sad as he shook his head. "Frank's not think so, though maybe be one at Gringotts." Frank's face suddenly shifted into a happy one. "But Master Charles be having portrait!" He suddenly cheered. "Frank be showing Master Harry if he be wanting."

"That's be great." Harry grinned before he realized what he had just said. "I mean 'that would be great.'" Harry corrected himself, Frank gave him an odd look, as if he did not really know the difference, before he nodded.

"Follow me Master Harry." Frank said, gesturing Harry to follow as he began walking away.

"You can just call me Harry by the way." Harry said as they all walked along. "The 'Master' stuff is a bit much."

"Just like Mistress Lily," Frank smiled with amusement. "she say same. Frank be good elf and do what Master Harry wants, if Master wants be called Harry then Master be called Harry." A few minutes later the small group entered a room with a large desk in front of some big sized windows, it looked like a room for working. On the left was a massive book shelf, on the right were lots of paintings

Harry looked at them, he saw various names but one in particular stood out to him, it was the one of Charles Potter, Harry's granddad. There was no bottom half of his body but the painting had him wearing a white T-shirt under a buttoned grey blazer with a black tie. He had black hair just like Harry and his father before him, except his hair was somehow combed, which was a miracle when you consider how stubborn the Potter family hair is. He had a strong jaw and handsome face despite clearly being somewhere between sixty and seventy in appearance, as evidenced by the wrinkles on his face along with his grey hair and short beard.

"He's asleep," Harry noted. "how do I wake him?" Harry asked Frank.

"You be master, you tell him to wake up and he will wake." Frank said. "Same with other portraits, they stay sleep until you tell them and theys be go back sleep when yous is say so." He added before Harry could ask. Harry nodded at that, he was tempted to wake up all the portraits but decided to start with just his grandfather for now.

"Grandfather Charles, wake up please." Harry said, a few seconds later the painting had woken up, Charles blinked awake, he raised a hand and rubbed his eyes and looked around before he saw Harry.

"Hello," He frowned. "you're not James." He said. "You do look like him though, little thinner maybe, you also have a monkey. James does not have a monkey, no matter how many times he begged for one, and sweet Merlin did he beg. But those eyes...

"I am..."

"Shush," Charles interrupted before Harry could introduce himself. "I am deducing. Now, James doesn't have a scar either and...hold on, I missed a part...where was I before the scar?"

"The eyes Master Charles." Frank answered.

"Ah yes, thank you Frank," Charles smiled before his face returned to a thoughtful one. "the green eyes, I have seen eyes like your before, James's wife had those eyes. So did his son, so you're Harry! I am right, aren't I?!" He grinned happily.

"Actually my name is Chuck, Chuck Wilson." Harry said awkwardly as he rubbed the back of his neck. "Sorry."

"Oh..." Charles's grin faded. "...really?"

"Nah, you were right the first time." Harry grinned. "Harry Potter, your grandson, happy to meet you."

"Ha," Charles laughed. "a joker, just like James. Are you going to introduce me to your friends?"

"Ah yes, well this is Dobby." Harry pointed to Dobby who gave Charles a nervous smile and short wave. "He's my house elf that I got from the Malfoys."

"The Malfoys?" Charles raised an eyebrow at him. "You are friends with the Malfoys?"

"Not really." Harry shook his head.

"So you brought their house elf at a sale or something?"

"I didn't really buy him." Harry admitted.

"You stole him?" Charles's eyes went wide.

"Didn't really steal him either," Harry replied. "I just kind of met Dobby and had him trick the Malfoys into freeing him."

"What?! How does that work?"

"Well he dropped a lot of clothes on Draco, the Malfoy heir, then when Draco shoved them off of himself Dobby caught one and bam! He's free." Harry explained, Charles was still wide-eyed but eventually stopped staring when he was overcome with laughter.

"Oh...oh my..." Charles chuckled as he wiped away a tear. "that's hilarious. And...and what about the monkey?"

"This is Loki," Harry said as Loki grinned and waved at him. "he's my best friend and familiar."

"Loki?" Charles repeated. "Named after the god of mischief? Your father's probably proud beyond words, now come here and give your granddad a hug." Charles ordered.

"But you're a painting." Harry pointed out with a confused look.

"Are you really going to let death or physical forms stop you from doing something you want to do?" Charles raised an eyebrow at him.

"I have found my family." Harry suddenly grinned before he hugged Charles's portrait, not caring how it looked. Loki clearly didn't care either as he joined in. Charles beamed before leaning forward as that was best he could think of seeing as he couldn't actually hug him.

"Thanks Harry." Tom said as he handed him a tray of food.

"Not a problem." Harry said before he picked up the tray and carried it to table five. "There you go." Harry smiled.

"Ah thank you." The customer smiled. "Here's a tip." He smiled as he handed Harry some coins.

"Thanks." Harry smiled before he took the coins back to the bar, "Another tip Loki." Harry said as he handed the coins to Loki who took them before placing them in a black box labeled 'tips'.

"Alright, you can stop now." Tom said to Harry. "That's the end of your shift, I'll send the money to your Gringotts account later today."

"Thanks Tom." Harry said as he stretched and sat down.

"You know, I am glad that you're still working here with me." Tom admitted as he cleaned a mug.

"Well, I like working here." Harry shrugged as Loki pushed a plate full of food forward and gave it to Harry who took it and gave Loki an appreciative nod before turning back to Tom. "Besides, a job's a job, you pay me a decent amount so I don't see why I shouldn't work here."

"Most kids your age don't think about jobs," Tom replied. "besides, if you don't mind my asking, ain't the Potter family rich? You should probably be able to last a good while without working."

"Probably but the way I see it, is that my parents and ancestors earned all that money and I shouldn't waste more than necessary. I have met people who went from being rich as can be to living outside shops in the rain." Harry replied. "Don't get me wrong, if I need or want something then I'll take some money out of my vault but I'd like to at least contribute to it. You know what I mean? Like if I am taking galleons then I should try and provide my own."

"Ah, I get ya." Tom nodded. "That's a mighty fine attitude Harry," Tom said approvingly. "a lot of kids don't think about it like that and the others are fine just taking from their parents." Tom added in a disapproving voice. "I mean look at me, I volunteered for my father when he owned this place, then when I was sixteen I actually started working here over the summer. And kept going after Hogwarts, you might not know it when you look at me but I am not the kind of man who struggles with money." Tom finished to the sound of Loki clapping. "Huh? What's he saying?" Tom asked Harry.

"Well done basically." Harry replied as he continued eating.

"Ah, thanks Loki." Tom grinned at Loki who grinned back, Tom chuckled and petted him before moving on to a customer who arrived.

"Harry," A voice said once Harry had finished eating his food. Harry turned to see Lisa walking up to him, dressed in blue high heels and a blue knee length skirt, a white shirt under a beautiful blue coat. She also had on the necklace that Harry had given her, it was hard to find her without it. And on the rare occasion she didn't wear his necklace she would remember later and quickly go to put it on, though Harry supposed he couldn't complain as he always kept on the ring that she had given him. "great to see you." She said as she petted Loki. "You too." She added to Loki.

"Hey Liz," Harry greeted her with a smile. "how are you doing?"

"Not bad," Lisa shrugged. "how about you two?"

"Same," Harry shrugged. "give us a sec, I am going to get ready then I'll be right back. Loki, keep her entertained." Harry added as he got up and walked away. Loki straightened and saluted Harry before turning to Lisa and jumping on her shoulder. Harry rolled his eyes at that while Lisa laughed.

"So," Lisa said as the two shopped in Diagon Alley. "how's your new house?" She asked.

"It's more of a manor." Harry said with a small grin that was mirrored by Loki. "It's like something out of a dream, I mean massive house with all these paintings and furniture. If I didn't already know it was mine then I would be incredibly tempted to steal it. Oh and there's a portrait there belonging to my grandfather!" Harry added happily.

"What?! Really?!" Lisa blurted out.

"Yeah, he's like really nice as well. And I showed him some card tricks and he loved them!"

"You think I can come over and say hi?" Lisa asked in a hopeful voice.

"Sure!" Harry quickly agreed. "I think he would probably love it." Harry nodded. "I mean, when you're a portrait you only get so little chances at conversation."

"True," Lisa agreed. "by the way Harry, do you want to be my boyfriend?" Lisa asked suddenly. Harry, shocked by the sudden question, nearly tripped but managed to stay upright. He stopped and looked at Lisa who had stopped next to him and was looking at him with a raised eyebrow.

"You want me to be your boyfriend?" Harry asked slowly, as if he was making sure he heard right.

"Yes, I'm a Swan, we don't hesitate to get what we want. Plus I think you should accept." Lisa said, all nervousness and fear of rejection hidden behind a well placed emotionless mask. "I mean we're both friends, and if we don't work out as boyfriend and girlfriend then we can go back to friends, what do you think?" She looked at Harry who looked thoughtful.

"Sure, why not?" Harry shrugged after a few seconds. "This'll probably save me drama and social interactions so the answer is yes." He said in a jokey tone.

"Glad I am convenient for you." Lisa rolled her eyes.

"As well you should be." Harry smirked.

"Alright, how about we try this again except you ask me to be your girlfriend and make it romantic?" She said, Harry looked like he was about to protest but was stopped by Lisa who used the one word that no man wanted to hear from their female half. "Please." She said, complete with puppy dog eyes and a small pout.

"Fine." Harry rolled his eyes before he grabbed her left hand with his right hand and slowly dropped to one knees.

"Harry!" Lisa said, blushing as she was embarrassed by everyone nearby stopping to look at them.

"You want romance, you're getting romance." Harry said before he cleared his throat and placed his other hand on her left hand. "Lisa Swan, will you make me the happiest boy in my year and be my awesome girlfriend?" He asked before dramatically batting his eyes.

"Stop that," She tried to sound stern but the effect was ruined by her lips curling up against her will. "fine, I will be your girlfriend." She said, only to nearly jump in shock when the crowd nearby, along with Loki, started clapping.

"Thank you all," Harry said as he stood up and saluted the crowd before he grabbed Lisa's hand and the pair walked off. "So, was that romantic enough for you or do I have to pull out the big guns?" He asked, raising an eyebrow at her.

"It was more than enough," Lisa replied. "though I will tell you if you need to step up your game." She grinned.

"Fair enough, though just to be sure, even if it doesn't work we're still friends, right?" Harry asked.

"Sure," Lisa nodded. "we can even break it up if either of us think's it is not working, unless you do something really bad like cheat on me, in which case I am going to he you to oblivion."

"That works." Harry shrugged.

Harry, Loki and Lisa had just entered the leaky cauldron after picking up their school supplies, Harry had also gotten a new elf from Gringotts. It was a young house elf called 'Happy', Harry had called Dobby and had him take the elf back to Potter manor along with Harry's supplies while Lisa had called one of her house elves to take her own supplies.

"Anyway," Harry said as the two walked in, still holding hands. "I think we can probably go together to Hogsmeade when school starts."

"Hmm, I don't think I have ever been to Hogsmeade." Lisa commented.

"Yeah well I..."

"Ah Harry," Tom interrupted as he walked up to the two. "sorry to bother you but there are two people who want to see you."

"Really?" Harry raised an eyebrow. "Who?"

"The Minister of Magic and Dumbledore." Tom whispered into his ear so that nobody could hear apart from Harry, Lisa and Loki two since they were pretty close. "They've booked a room upstairs to talk to you in." He added. "I think it's important, might have to do with Black." Tom added, referring to Sirius Black, the mass murdering killer that had apparently escaped from Azkaban.

"Hmm, you should probably go see what they want." Lisa said, biting her bottom lip.

"If I must." Harry rolled his eyes. "You coming with me?" Harry asked.

"If you want me to." Lisa replied.

"I do." Harry nodded.

"Um...I think they just wanted you on your own Harry," Tom frowned. "and when those two say they want something then it's basically a rule."

"Rules are made to be broken Tom." Harry said dismissively.

"Nothing's made to be broken." Tom replied.

"PiƱatas." Lisa countered.

"Pistachios, well the shell at least." Harry added.

"Unhealthy relationships."

"Water balloons."

"Bad habits."

"World records."

"The skulls of your enemies." Lisa added before pausing. "Wow...I don't know where that one came from."

"Not wrong though." Harry pointed out.

"That's debatable." Tom said before Loki began waving his hands in seemingly random movements. "What's he saying?"

"He is saying karate boards are also made to be broken." Harry translated.

"Fine," Tom said, sighing as he turned around and began walking, he gestured them to follow and they did so. "the room's been silenced so you'll have complete privacy." Tom informed them.

"Just how serious do you think this'll be?" Lisa whispered to Harry.

"Well seeing as me and Loki are in this meeting and will likely counter any seriousness...probably not a lot." Harry replied.

A.N: Hi guy, sorry for taking so long to update this but I have been focusing on my other stories and have recently went through a bit of a writer's block with this story. It happens from time to time, I had originally planned to upload this a few days ago but I was really struggling on it for some reason. All I can do is apologies, hopefully after this chapter I can get back into it and upload chapters faster.

I was going to have Harry's meeting with Fudge and Dumbledore in this chapter but I decided to save it for the next. Harry, Lisa, Loki, Fudge and Dumbledore in a room, I'm sure that will go perfectly for all involved.

As for Harry and Lisa's relationship I figured I would just skip the unnecessary drama that usually comes with asking girls out, because that can be executed well but in some cases it just feels really bothersome. That's probably why Chivalry of a failed knight is one of my favorite animes, the MC in that one actually asks the girl out instead of being totally oblivious like most anime shows. Anyway (sorry about that tangent), I hope you liked the chapter, I mean in this one Harry got a new house, met his grandfather and got a girlfriend, pretty eventful if I do say so.

Anyway, thanks for reading, hope you like it and feel free to leave a review.