In random alternate universe

The bleeding eyes hedgehog arrive the dimension that one city is destroyed by some inrected flesh eating monster called the zombie, he killed every single of them are on his way then he soullessfield them to become the Soulless and start to kill the infected zombies and turn them into one of them, he then meet alternate version of Sonic, Shadow and their friends with the spiky boys, duck and a dog name Sora, Donald and Goofy but they are become zombies

"There survival hedgehog look like you there, let me get them" Zombie fox called Tails lunged at the shadow hedgehog, he grinned and caught zombie Tails in the neck much too their shock

"You are the Zombies now right Tails that mean i kill you more easier" The hedgehog tighten his grip to crush him and cause Zombie Tails head blow off. Zombie Sonic approach behind him with his super speed, prepare to bite him. Much to his shock that he get cut into half before he could bite his doppelanger, the bleeding eyes hedghog then stomped the zombie hedgehog head destroyed his brain.

"So who's next" The bleeding hedgehog said evilly. The zombies atromophic animals all out attack him, the hedgehog caught them in the air because they are zombies so they easilly being caught by him with telekinesis, he then make them blow themself up. Zombie Shadow tries to attack him and tries to bite him but he keep teleporting, zombie Shadow teleport behind the hedgehog attemp to bite but he caught the zombies hedgehog in the throat and blow him away with dark red beam energy, Zombie Sora and Zombie Goofy tries to cast spell to attack him, the hedgehog easilly dodge it, use his claws caught Zombie Goody both arm and splitted him in half, the spiky boy attack hedgehog with keybkade and tries to bite him, the hedghog swipe the Keyblade away and grabbed the boy in his throat, before he could do to zombie Sora, he arm being bite by zombie duck called Donald

"You are bitten, fake Sonic. Now your gonna become one of us" Zombie Sora smirked, the hedgehog feel nothing after being bitten, he laughed evilly, he caught Donald head and crushed him as his bitten arm quickly healed.

"You fool, you think that your pity virus can infect me to become one of you. If i kill you, You will be become one of my slave" the hedgehog said he order the zombies who transform into Soulless appear behind him, the boy look shocked as he look the Soulless, the hedgehog use his claws and cut him in half and throw him to the ground landed beside Zombie Sonic, he stomped his leg into his head

"I was plan to turn you into the Soulless to become my slave but Instant kill you and your zombies friends is more fun" The Hedgehog said before laughed evilly before he instant killed them with his power. The bleeding eyes hedgehog spotted something flying in the sky, it the bat woman named Rouge but she is normal not infected, the hedgehog grinned, fly at her, he then fly past her, split the bat in half. Meanwhile in the fortress, Eggman tries to call Rouge for report

"Rouge, Rouge! Report, she must be caught" Eggman said, before the camera get destroyed outside his fortress, the monitors not show him what going on outside before he heard massive explosion in his base, feeling the zombies he quickly push the red alert button to close the door and send more robbot, he then run away to find the exit. In the hall, the door suddenly close in front of him, Eggman tries to open it but access denied. Unfortunely for him that someone follow behind him, reveal the bleeding eyes hedgehog stood behind him and grinned evilly. Eggman froze then turn his head slowly. Before the egg doctor could do anything, the shadow hedgehog quickly approach him cause Eggman screaming in agony

Meanwhile in another universe

A military man running from something after he left his team, he tries to seek a way to escape from the creature attack his team, the creature now confirm as one of the Souless but look like Cerberus chased behind him, the man use his riffle to shoot it veen he does some damage to the Cerberus but it quickly regereated and continue to chase him, the man panicked and run faster but the Cerberus are faster than him, the man get surrounded by the Soulless, he tries to shot them but the Cerberus dodge his bullet, one of them quickly knock his riffle away, before he could pulled his pistol, they rammed themself into his leg to make him trips and started to kill him with bite and claws, the man scream in agony call for help but nobody hear his scream. While later the man get mauled to death, the Cerberus start to absorb his soul and transport the souls to it's master, the man start to transformed and mutated himself then become one of the Soulless

Back to the Digidestined, Shadow, Sakura, Caleb, Luke and Aria. Sonic have been sucked by the wormhole so they must search for the Super Emeralds alone, they appear in the city full of zombies wandering around. Tk, Sakura and Kari shivering in fear

"Can you guys tell me what they are, they kinda look like the Soulless but with no aura ?" Aria asked point at the zombies

"They are called flesh - eating zombies look like the Soulless that we encounted, i watched the movie so i know them" Caleb explained

"So if people get bitten, they will become one of them, right" Luke asked, his little brother nodded

"Well their weakness is their brain, we just destroyed their brain so we kill them totally" Tai said.

"Well let go guys" Caleb said look at the Emeralds Radar before running away as everyone follow behind him, Shadow perform Chaos Spear, aim at the head each of zombies that they see before snap his finger to exlpode the spear, destroyed the zombies nearly. Caleb and Luke use their Keyblade to fight them off while Sakura use Shot to fire several ball of energy into their head. Aria shot her spiritual power to attack them while the Digidestined use their Keyblade to fight them off, Tai use Strike to blow the zombies brain off. Sakura use Sword to slashes each of the zonbies in the head and cast Firey to burn horde of them and Shadow use Chaos Snap to teleport each of the zonbies and blow their head off with Chaos Lance.

After clear zombies in the city, they found the manson in front of them, the Emeralds indentify that the Super Emeralds is inside of the buiding, Tai, Joe, Izzy and Matt tries to open the main door but the door not open

"It's lock, we can't open that door" Izzy said

"How about the manhole over there" Jor said, point at the manhole. Everyone stared at him then swear dropped

"What !?" Joe said, dumbfounded

"Maybe not, it stink in there" Aria said. Sakura have an idea

"Shadow-san, Can you teleport us inside there" Sakura asked, Shadow sighed

"I don't know i have enough energy to teleport everyone in there but at least i can try, everyone hold on" Shadow said as everyone hold onto Shadow

"Chaos Control !" Shadow yelled as everyone disappeared in a flash, reappear inside of the buiding, but the place is dark. Kari fear a bit about she in the dark placr

"Hey anybody see the light, it dark here" Sora called

"I can't see anything in here" Mimi said

"Let me do it" Sakura said, pulled out her Rainbow Card

"LIGHT !" Sakura yelled, casting The Light cards, it then shining all over the place cause everyone except Shadow gaps in awe for Sakura can cast light magic

"You can cast any magic, Sakura" Tai asked

"Hai, i just use the cards to cast it. My brother train with me so i coukd master it" Sakura explain

"Excuse me, Sakura what 'Hai' mean" Sora asked

"It's mean 'Yes' in English. The thing that make me wonder most that why your name is Japanese but speak English as your mother language, you are not clearly understand any Japanese that suppose to be your native language." Shadow said, crossed his arm

"Maybe that we in different universe that our culture is Japanese but our language is English" Izzy said, thinking

"Okay let that problem later and let go" Caleb said as everyone follow him enter the main area, everyone in awe about the mansion

"This place is so huge" Kari said in awe, TK nodded in argeement. Caleb watch the Emeralds Radar

"The door in front of us is a way for the Super Emeralds, but it's locked" Caleb said, Shadow feel some energy around the door

"I feel someone put energy wall around the door, i can't teleport inside there" Shadow said

"We should search for the key." Caleb said. Everyone split into 3 group to seacrh each of the room. Group 1 Caleb, Aria, Luke, TK and Matt, Group 2 Tai, Sakura, Shadow and Kari and Group 3 Sora, Izzy, Joe and Mimi. Each of group go to stair to enter each of the door

Caleb, Aria, Luke, TK and Matt enter in the west, the group exploring some room to find the key for the main door. Caleb and Aria enter some random room, open the closet and check inside. Seeing nothing, he decide to check the table, he get all papers or books off and open drawler to check it but he can't find the keys, Aria went to another room check every tables and checking the drawlers hoping for find the key sadly she not find it. Luke, Matt and TK enter in another room to search the keys, TK tries the bedroom as he tries to find the key, he open the closet and check the drawler in the closet, went under the bed look around. Seing nothing he leave the room he shivered in fear when he see dead body in front of him, he slowly walk away afraid of the dead body would lunge at him anytime so he keep quiet and go to see his brother, Matt. They go to another room to find the key, thought they seacrh everything in the room but they can't find it. Luke enter other room find the dead body laying on the floor, he quickly check the dead body, he tries to search in the pocket but the dead body doesn't has it, the group rally after attemp to find the key

"Did you guy find the key ?" Caleb asked

"No" Matt said, shook his head while TK shrugged

"I check the dead body but he doesn't has it" Luke said crossed his arm, thinking about the key. Suddenly the loud crack from the window reveal as the Cerberus burst from the window. Caleb, Aria, Luke, TK and Matt jump backward to dodge the sudden attack from the Cerberus, they see the red aura glowing around them

"Soulless" Aria exclaimed. The Cerberus attemp to lunge at them, Caleb quickly perform Thunder Raid to knock them away. Luke, Matt and TK summon their Keyblade, Aria shot her energy ball at the, the Cerberus dodge her attack but one of them is hit, Matt rolled away to avoid being lunged and perform vertical slashes at Cerberus, perform Spark Dive to make a direct hit to it's body and finally cast Mega Flare to instant kill. TK thrust his Keyblade foward defensively as the Cerberus bite his Keyblade, the two are struggle until Matt kicked it away and perform Thunder Raid make it stunned

"You okay, TK" Matt said, kneel down to check

"I'm alright, thanks" TK said with a smile, his brother help him up and stood in fight position at the Cerberus, The Soulless charge at them, Matt block their attack, Tk take his chance perform horizonal slashes at them and slammed back to ground with Arieal Slam, Matt dashed at them, vertical slashes at them then cast Thundaga to knock them away, TK perform Sonic Blade to slashes them repeatly and finished them with Triple Firaga. Caleb rolled away to dodge the soulless attack, Luke use Strike Raid knock the upcoming Soulless then swing it away using his oher Keyblade to make it hit them again, Aria dodging their attack give them a powerful kick, fire her spritual attack send them flying. Luke and Caleb take their chacne to perform Sonic Blade on them, then use Spark Dive on them to deal more damage then finished them of with Rising Sun.

"C'mon guy, let find the key" Caleb called before they split up to go another room

In Group 2, Sakura, Shadow, Tai and Kari go to different room to find the key. Sakura check the drawler in the table, get the typewritter of the table to find the key, she then check the wardrobe but the key isn't there, Sakura tries to check the picture and the knight armor. Seeing nothing, she leave the room. Shadow enter some random room, scanning the room but he didn't find it until he see someone eat the body, knowing that the person eating dead body is the zombie. He quickly killed it as he snapped it neck and then destroyed it brain using the metal bar, he dropped the bar and quickly destroyed the dead body head to make sure it didn't wake up as zombie, he then check the dead body each of their pocket. Not finding the key he leave the dead body behind. Tai and Kari enter the bathroom, Kari fear a bit when she see a bathtub filled with blood, Tai quickly comfort his sister and check around to find the key but they not see anything, they decide to leave the bathroom.

Shadow and Sakura check each of the tables until the Soulless appear from the above tries to attack them, Shadow quickly pushed Sakura away annd shot Chaos Spear and snapped his finger to deal more damage to them. Sakura get up quickly and cast Loop to make the Soulless confuse themself, she take her chance as she use Sword slashes them repeatly then cast Thunder to instant kill them. Shadow back-flip to avoid being hit by the Soulless, he then use new power as he snap his finger to create a large distorted space to deal damage to them

"Whoa, what was that, Shadow-san" Sakura said in awe

"It's one of the Chaos Force power. I will explain about the Chaos Force later" Shadow said, Sakura begin to look at her hands

'Did i have it too, i feel many of Chaos energy are inside of me' Sakura thought before take focus to the Soulless again, she rolled away to dodge their attack, she cast Watery to distract them then cast Shadow to hold them off, Shadow fire Chaos Lance at them to make them weakened, Sakura use combine cast as she combine Firey, Windy and Earthy to make a direct hit to the Soulless, then cast Shot to hit them critiaclly, Shadow use Chaos Snap to teleport near them give them series of punch and kicks then perform Reverse Roundhouse kicked across their face. Sakura use Wood to hold them before pulled out her powerful card

"ERASE!" Sakura cast the Erase make them erased from existance. More of the Soulless appear but Tai and Kari arrived

"Are you guy alright ?" Tai asked

"We are alright but more Soulless are coming" Sakura said, Tai and Kari summon their Keyblade, ready to fight them. The Cerberus Soulless start to charge, Tai and Kari quickly rolled put the way, Sakura take her chance as she cast Windy to make them float, Tai and Kari use Sonic Blade to perform a combo of slash then use Spark Dive to deal more damage. Shadow arrive in use Chaos Fire to burn them down and perform Chaos Lightning as he punched them directly cause shocwave of eletricity, Tai and Kari perform Mega Flare to finsished them off and Shadow perform new move Chaos Drill Strike as he charge foward with large projectile-shaped energy shield around him make a criticial hit on them and use Chaos Lightning to instant kill them. The Cerberus soulless dodging Kari attack, quickly disarm her Keyblade, it kicked her in the gut.

"Kari !" Tai yelled attemp to use Strike Raid but he was surround by more of them. Kari rolled away to avoid it lunged but one of them knocked her into the wall, the three of Soulless slowly approach her, Tai tries to beat them out to get Kari but they surround him to stop him. Sakura see Kari in danger cast The Shadow to hold them off, She use Teleport cards to teleport behind them, kicked each of them away and cast combine Thunder and Shot to instant kill them (image Railgun from Mikoto), Sakura approach Kari and help her up

"You alright" Sakura asked her, help her up

"I'm alright. Thank you, Sakura" Kari said, smiled at her. Shadow see Tai surrounded by the Soulless, he quickly teleport himself to Soulless, kicked them away, elbow striked into it's body

"Chaos Warp Strike !" Shadow yelled, create another distorded space to hold them off then he charge at them with speed of light with red aura glowed, punched each of them cause small explosion each of time he punched, knock them away

"Whoa how did you do that move, not even Shadow from young Sonic can't do that" Tai said in awe, Shadow quickly sense more of them coming

"Focus Tai, more of them are coming" Shadow said. More of the Soulless are coming at them. Everyone regroup stand back to back as the Soulless surround them.

"Sakura, you know what to do?" Shadow said. Look at him, she know what he mean, she drew her new card out, that she was create it

"EXPLOSION !" She chanted, cast a spell to explode a mob of the Soulless to create the smoke, then cast Fog to confuse them, Shadow take his chance to perform Chaos shockwave to use his own shockwave to knock all the Soulless away. Tai and Kari quickly prepare their Keyblade and charge at them.

Meanwhile in group 3. Sora, Izzy, Mimi and Joe check each of the table to find the key. Seeing nothing they go to each of the room, Sora and Izzy get the typewritter and the document papers off then they check the drawler but the key isn't there, they then leave the room. Mimi and Joe check the library room, they tries to find everthing inside the room, they pulled off the book from the bookshelf and check the table to find it, Mimi doesn't notice the dead body being crushed by the bookshelf. Suddebly the dead body grabbed her leg and tries to pulled her leg, she struggle not let it bite her, Joe see her being pulled quickly summon his Keyblade and slashed it's hand to cut off

"You alright ?" Joe said, she nodded, sighed in relief for not being bitten. Mimi check the last closet of book

"The key is not here, let get out of here" Mimi said, go to the exit door along with Joe. The group then meet up each other after the search.

"Did you guy find it" Izzy asked

"No" Joe and Mimi said in unision

"Cmon guy let back outside" Sora said before she was stopped by one the Soulless. Mimi, Joe, Izzy summon their Keyblade, Sora step back a bit then summon her Keyblade. The Soulless charging at them, Sora quickly side stepped away as Izzy and Joe are in ready position, they cast Thundaga to make a direct hit at them send them into the wall. More of them coming, Sora perform Sonic Clade at them several time and land a high kick across their face, Mimi cast Blizzard to hold them make a chance for Joe and Izzy use Thunder Raid at them cause them stunned by electricity, Mimi instant killed them with Mega Flare.

Sora rolled away to dodge the claw attack, vertical slashed it in the back cast Triple Firaga to burn them away before she cast Rising Sun to finished them off. The Group 3 then leave the library

Back to Group 2 Tai and Kari perform vertical slashes at the Soulless, Kari flip away to dodge their lung make a chance for Tai perform Sonic Blade at them, Kari use Spark Dive to deal critical damage at them, both of them then cast Triple Thundaga at mob of the Soulless.

Sakura swing her wand make direct hit across their face, she then remember what Sonic taught her about Martial Art, she slide behind it, perform Reverse Side Kick at them knock them into the wall, cast Shot to instant kill them. Sakura see Shadow need some help, she drew out her Arrow then chant it to summon a woman with bow, Sakura summon her own bow then she along with the woman shot arrows at the Soulless, make a direct hit at them, the woman change back to her card form, Sakura use Teleport to kicked them away make a chance for Shadow perform fire Chaos Lance at them cause explosion seeing them went limp, Sakura cast Erase to make them disappeared. Kari went to drawler, check it inside

"The key is here, guys" Kari shouted, get the key from the drawler

"Let go" Tai said. Everyone go to the door before they could reach it, a large creature landed down and knock all of them away reveal as a bear. Kari shivered in fear when she look at it, remember the time when she was in the forest, The Giant Bear then roared viciously at them, everyone except Kari prepare to fight, Kari seem hesitant to fight it. The Soulless lunged at them, Sakura quickly cast Shield to block it attack, Shadow perform Chaos Drill Strike to knock it back to the wall, Tai release Sonic Blade at the bear Soulless several time. The Soulless recovered itself and use it's strenght to knock them away, then it charge toward Kari who was scream in fear, Tai saw this and quickly come to rescue her

"Are you okay Kari, You look scared" Tai asked her, tears fall from her eyes

"It was the bear which tried to attack me when i was young" Kari said between tears

"Don't worry Kari, as long that we are here you are safe. Don't be afraid, Kari" Tai comfort her, wiped her tear, she nodded

Sakura dive down to dodge tge Soulless claws attack then hit it back with Thunder, Shadow teleport behind it and give the bear a direct hit into the head painfully, Tai release Thunder Raid across it's face while shielding Kari, Shadow do the Zic Zac move to confuse it make a chance for Sakura use Dash and Sword to slashes it several time then combine Windy and Firery to deal more damgae to it, Shadow use Light Speed Dash move to hit it many times. Tai take his chance to cast Triple Thundaga make it stunned then he along with Shadow and Sakura charging their attack at the bear Soulless. Shadow and Sakura fire light beam energy while Tai cast Mega Flare at the giant bear Soulless cause big explosion. When the smoke faded, they go to the door and come at the main area of the mansion, everyone are regroup after the search for the key.

"Did you guy find the key" Caleb asked everyone

"I found it" Kari said, show the key to Caleb. He took it, went to the main door and open the door, Shadow feel the energy wall around it faded away. Everyone start walking inside seeing the experiment in the lab, they look around seeing the experiment around them,they spotted the Super Emeralds in front of them, Shadow approach the Super Emeralds using Rainbow Gem energy to tame it then he pick it up. Suddenly he sense coming toward him, he quickly jump away as the red blur pass by reveal as Infinite he shot energy ball to knoc the Super Emeralds off his hand and caught it. Everyone see Infinite got the Super Emeralds, charge to attack him. The jackal use his power to create shockwave knock everyone away.

"It's seem that you are little slower" Infinite said, create a portal behind and went to it

"Come back here, you coward !" Caleb shouted chasing behind

"Caleb!" Everyone shouted except Shadow as his eyes windened. Ignore their shouted, he jump into the portal. The portal slowly close

"Guys Let follow Caleb before it too late" Tai exclaimed, go into the portal. Everyone follow behind him and all went into the portal to catch up with Caleb

To be continues