I've had this idea in my head for a LONG time. Like most fans, Lila annoys the heck out of me and I couldn't stand her since Volpina, and my hate for her has only grown since. Don't get me wrong, if she got a character development as good as Zuko's from Last Airbender, I'd be all for it (same goes for Chloe), but as of season 3, that doesn't seem to be the case. So, I'm blowing off some steam by inserting myself and...myself?

Wait what? Two of me? Hmmmm, you'll just have to wait and see what happens ;)

Cover belongs to me, I used an app to help with character designs, but keep in mind that the app as limits, so there are details about them that I couldn't add. Also, DO NOT STEAL! Thank you.

Now, without father ado, please enjoy:

What Every Fan Would Like To Do

(Third Person)

It was a seemingly normal day at Collège Françoise Dupont. All of Miss. Bustier's students were in their seats and talking to one another about their day, homework, and Ladybug and Chat Noir sightings. Though it wasn't an unusual sight in the classroom, there was something different about today. It wasn't until the bell rang when everyone seemed to snap out of the trance and realized what was different today.

"Weird, Miss Bustier isn't here yet." Alya commented.

"Do you think she's sick?" Rose asked worriedly and Juleka placed a comforting hand on her shoulder to comfort her.

"If she is, I can always call in a close friend of mine, whose the best doctor in Europe! Then she'll be as right as rain!" Lila called out and Marinette bit her tongue to hold in a massive groan.

"Well, that does make me feel better." Rose nodded, though worry didn't leave her eyes.

"Chillax guys, everyone has their late days, even teachers. Give her a few minutes and I'm sure she'll be here any minute now." Alix said in her usual tone and right on cue, the door opened and Miss Bustier quickly walked in and stood behind her desk.

"Good morning class, I apologize for being late, but I have some great news! We have two new exchange students today!" She announced and everyone gasped and talked to one another, with shock and excitement.

"I expect all of you to be on your best behavior, and be as welcoming as you can be for these two." Miss Bustier then turned towards the door and gestured at the two figures standing outside.

"You can come in now girls."

Two girls then walked in the classroom and turned towards the students. The first one had long brown curly hair with rosy cheeks, brown eyes, a blue shirt, white skirt, gray sneakers and a blue pearl pendant with angel wings. The second girl had short blond hair that was above her shoulders, light brown eyes, a nose piercing, black shirt with red jeans and black knee high boots. Like the first girl, she had a red pearl pendant with demon like wings.

What stood out was that the first girl was smiling widely and her eyes seemed to sparkle just because she entered the room. It was clear she was happy to be here. The second girl, however, wasn't smiling as brightly. She wasn't frowning, but she seemed to be...silently judging the class. Like she was expecting something...entertaining to happen.

"Class, meet Annabelle and Delilah Winter. Girls, would you like to introduce yourself?" Miss. Buster asked and Annabelle, the first girl, stepped slightly forward and waved to the class eagerly.

"Hi everyone, I'm Annabelle, but please call me Annie! I'm so excited to be here, and can't wait to meet all of you! Did I mentioned that I'm excited, cause I am!" Annie squealed happily, and was practically bouncing in place as she spoke. Delilah rolled her eyes playfully and shook her head.

"You always were better with words." She smirked and Annie turned to her sister.

"Aw come on sis, you haven't even started yet. Come on, say hi!" Annie urged and gestured to the class and Delilah softly sighed and turned to the class.

"Hey, I'm Delilah, no nickname for me please, and I'm looking forward to this experience...I'm hoping we can all come out of it by learning something." She said and gave Marinette a slight playful look. Though it was very brief, Marinette caught sight of it, and something about it She couldn't quite place it though.

"Um, Miss. Bustier? Where should we sit? I only see one open space." Annie asked and the rest of the class looked around at each other, it was true, the only seat that wasn't officially taken was next to Ivan.

"Don't worry girls, I'm sure some of your new classmates would be willing to share their seats." Miss. Bustier hinted.

"Of course! One of you can sit with us!" Rose exclaimed, waving her hands. Annie waved back then glanced at Delilah for a moment, noticing a twinge in her eye and frowned for a moment before placing a hand on her sister's shoulder.

"I picked my seat first on the plane ride over, so you can chose where you want to sit first. I don't mind." Annie assured her sister with a nod and Delilah gave a soft smile.

"I think I'll sit in the back, I enjoy the view. Thanks for letting me choose first." Delilah then walked between the rows of seats and Rose scooted over for her while Annie walked over to Ivan's seat and sat behind Alya before turning to Ivan.

"Hello!" She chirped and gave him a big smile, which he returned. That's when class began.

It was a pretty normal lecture, but the most interesting things happened in between the words spoken.

First, Lila was taking notes when the pencil suddenly flew out of her hands and hit Annie in the back of the head. She jerked up and saw the pencil on the bench next to her and turned behind her to see Lila with wide eyes.

"Is this yours?" Annie asked quietly, holding up the pencil for her.

"Yes, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened!" Lila cried out, for once it wasn't a lie, and that scared her, but she didn't seem as sorry as she said she was. Annie, however, just smiled and waved it off.

"Ah, no harm done. Here ya go!" She handed Lila her pencil and turned back to her work as if nothing happened.

Meanwhile Delilah was covering her mouth to hide her snicker.

The next thing that happened was when the class was doing a worksheet and Nathaniel was able to finish early. He then turned to Delilah and noticed she wasn't working in the worksheet, but she seemed to be sketching something. As an artist, he could tell when someone was lost in their own world while drawling. Though she gave him a glance and he quickly averted his gaze. She seemed rather angry that he caught her, but it softened and she went back to her sketch.

Another thing that happened was Annie noticing Ivan sneaking some glances at Mylene. It was clear he loved her and could probably stare at her dreamily all day of he could. She gushed happily and let out an 'Awwwwww' though realized it too late that it was out loud and slapped her hand over her mouth as her face flushed. The class erupted in giggles and Annie ended up laughing as well. They then quickly got back to work.

Delilah tried very hard not to face-palm.

It was then break time and Annie was sitting happily on a bench as Delilah leaned against her side as she continued her sketch. Nathaniel was talking with Marc and noticed the two and they walked over to them.

"Hey guys." Nathaniel waved and the two turned towards the boys.

"Oh hi, it's Nathaniel right?" Annie asked and he nodded as Delilah adjusted herself so she was sitting straight up like Annie and covered her sketch.

"Yeah that's me, this is my friend Marc." He introduced and the shy boy gave a soft wave.

"H-hey..." Annie smiled and waved back.

"Nice to meet you Marc, I'm Annie and this is my sister Delilah." She introduced and Delilah gave a signal wave.

"'Sup?" She greeted and Nathaniel then cleared his throat.

"I um...I'm sorry if I upset you by catching you sketching in class." Nathaniel apologized and Delilah raised an eyebrow.

"Oh, sorry dude, I didn't glare because I was mad you caught me, I glared because uh, well it's kinda personal." Delilah muttered the last part.

"Oh, I thought you were mad at me." Nathaniel admitted whole rubbing his arm.

"Nah, I'm not mad at you." Delilah said, and Nathaniel couldn't help but notice she empathized the word 'you', but he didn't pry about it.

"So, what are you drawing?" He asked and Delilah gave a skeptical look.

"Eh, I don't think you'll like it that much. It's not really you're style." She said.

"Delilah, you know that doesn't mean he won't like it." Annie defended.

"She's right, everyone has their own style. It doesn't mean we shouldn't appreciate it." Nathaniel agreed and Delilah raised an eyebrow before shrugging.

"If you say so." She then handed the paper to the two boys. Nathaniel took it and his eyes widened.

It was a black and white sketch of some sort of monster that appeared to be terrorizing several people, who had chains around their arms and legs. The beast was large and had sharp teeth with spikes around its back to the tail and large claws. It's mouth was wide open and was spitting out fire at the people. Marc and Nathaniel slowly looked at Delilah, who gave a knowing look.

"Yeah, yeah, don't say anything to try and seem nice. It's morbid, I know." Delilah reached out her hand, expecting to get it back, but Nathaniel just looked back at the picture.

"No, no. This is, amazing." He said in a sincere voice.

"Wait, what?" Delilah asked in a surprised tone as Annie squealed.

"See, I told you he'd like it!" She cried, shaking her sister's shoulders.

"Yeah, of course it's not my style like you said, but this is very well drawn. You've obviously put some great thought into it." Nathaniel explained and handed it back to her.

"You're really good, would you like to come to the art room with us?" Marc asked, finding his voice. Delilah turned toward Annie, who was to busy squealing excitedly and before she could answer a snob like voice cut her off.

"Don't even bothering inviting the freak show to the art room, it's not place for someone who can't even wear the right outfits!" Chloe sassed as she walked by with Sabrina. Annie consciously looked down at her skirt and felt it, as if she was trying to figure out if it looked wrong. Delilah, however, didn't seem fazed by the bully's words.

"Aww, that's so cute. You're insulting me to cover up the fact you feel insecure about yourself." She said in a fake sweet voice, causing Chloe to freeze in place and slowly turn around.

"What was that?" Chloe snapped and Delilah stood up from the bench and crossed her arms.

"You heard me, you're just as insecure as anyone else, at least other people are willing to be nice to others. I guess you can't handle the fact some people are better than you." Delilah said simply, causing Nathaniel and Marc's jaws to drop. Annie didn't seem to be surprised. Chloe looked like she was going to blow a fuse.

"Listen here you...!"

"No! You. Listen. I'm gonna make this REAL clear. If I hear you insulting me, my sister, or anyone else in this school about ANYTHING, I can guarantee I'll make sure your regret even THINKING about that insult. Trust me, you're lucky you get a warning." Delilah snapped and Chloe seemed shocked and was about to open her mouth again, but Delilah shut it down real quick.

"And don't go whining about how you're precious daddy is the mayor. His status doesn't reflect your own power, so get it through your head and beat it!" Delilah pointed away and Chloe was rendered speechless and let out a groaned huff before flipping her hair and stomping away followed by Sabrina. Delilah then gave a smirked and turned to the three behind her.

"You know what Marc, I will take up your offer. Sounds fun." She said and Annie jumps up from the bench and raised her arms up.

"Yay! This'll be fun!" She cheered and rushed off in a direction.

"The art rooms the other way!" Nathaniel called after her and she rushed back to them.

"I knew that..." She said sheepishly and they laughed.

Once in the art room, Nathaniel was looking at Delilah's sketch book in awe. Most of the drawings she had were of monsters and beasts that looked pretty scary, but they all had great detail to them.

"You really have a knack for drawling these." He commented.

"Thanks, it gives me an excuse to not draw hands." Delilah joked, and they laughed.

"Yeah, I sometimes struggle with that too." He admitted.

"Nah, don't be modest. Even if you did struggle with drawing hands before, you clearly mastered it now." Delilah said and pointed to the comic he and Marc were working on.

"Thanks, we've been working really hard on it." Nathaniel admitted and Annie looked at the book over his shoulder.

"I can tell! It looks like an amazing story that will capture the readers, so they won't be able to stop reading until the end, only to then wait for the next installment!" She squealed and Marc blushed.

"That's very kind of you...I think." He said and Annie laughed.

"Of course it was a compliment. You know fans love something when they are hyping for the next comic, season, or episode to come out!" Annie exclaimed and Delilah laughed.

"I can relate to that." She said, giving Annie a wink, who giggled. The boys stared in confusion and Annie waved it off.

"Inside sister joke." She explained and Nathaniel then turned back to Delilah's sketchbook.

"These designs would actually be great for what we planned next for the comic." He thought aloud, and then realized he said it and clamped his mouth.

"Oh, sorry! I didn't mean for it to sound like that! I wouldn't want to take your work like that!" He exclaimed quickly, embarrassed he'd even thought of the idea.

"Dude, I'm flattered you'd want to use one of my designs for your comic." Delilah said simply.

"Wait, really?" Nathaniel asked, startled.

"Yeah, these drawings are mainly to help me release some stress and anger. Or for laughs. And, I'll let you have one of you want. I'd like for one of them to appear in a story. That would be really cool." Delilah explained and gestured to Annie.

"I'm not very much of a writer, Annie works better in that, I help at times, but it's mostly her doing, and my drawings don't ever fit into her stories." She added.

"At least you can draw like this, I can't draw to save my life!" Annie commented and Delilah rolled her eyes playfully.

"So, how about it? Want to adopt a creature?" She asked and Nathaniel glanced at Marc, who nodded.

"You mean it?" He asked and Delilah nodded.

"Yeah, of course. You haven given me a reason not to want to give it to you. Go ahead, pick one." Delilah gestured and Nathaniel's eyes immediately went to the first one he saw Delilah make earlier that day.

"I like this one. I think there's a story on why it's terrorizing the people." He said, taking the paper.

"Who say that the people don't deserve it?" Delilah asked, slightly sinisterly and they boys turned to her.

"What do you mean?" Marc asked, a bit nervous for the answer.

"I'll be the first to admit I'm no angel, and there are people out there in the world that are down right rotten."

"Like Hawkmoth." Annie whispered dramatically.

"Bingo, so who's to say that those people don't deserve to be tormented? It could be a punishment." Delilah explained.

"That actually could work for a story." Marc said with realization. "Ladybug and Chat Noir discover the creature roaming Paris and immediately try and stop it, think it's a bad guy."

"Only to discover that it's actually doing its job and finding a person guilty for his/her crimes!" Nathaniel finished.

"We could make it about Hawkmoth! He's using a Miraculous for evil, and the creature is trying to bring him to justice!"

"Then Ladybug, Chat Noir, Mightillustrator, and Reverser could team up with it to finally take down Hawkmoth!"

"And save Paris!" The two said in unison. Now, they were lost in their story brainstorming as Delilah and Annie watched from the sides.

"They're so great together!" Annie gushed happily.

"No complaints from me." Delilah agreed.

When school was over the Delilah was happy to be out, and stretched her arms out happily and sighed. She was happy to be done for the day, and get some rest. Only to find that Annie tugged at her arm and was pulling her away from the school.

"Wha...hey! What the heck!?" She cried in slight annoyance.

"Come on! We NEED to check out the bakery!" She urged and Delilah finally stopped resisting her sister's pull and followed her to the Tom & Sabine Boulangerie Patisserie bakery. Though before the could open the door a familiar voice called out to them.

"Delilah, Annie?" They turned to see Marinette walking over to them carrying a bunch of supplies.

"Oh, hey Marinette! We were just going to grab a treat! Want to join us?" Annie asked and Marinette giggled.

"Actually, this is where I live. My parents own the bakery." She said and Annie gasped.

"Wow, that's so cool! You must be so lucky! I LOVE the smell of fresh back bread, or cookies, and cupcakes, and macaroons!" Annie gushed and Delilah shook her head playfully.

"She's been wanting to go to one since we got here." She explained and held the door open for them and Marinette entered the shop first with Annie and Delilah followed her.

"Mom, dad, I'm home!" Marinette called. Tom and Sabine them hugged their daughter.

"Welcome home sweetie. Oh, who are you knew friends?! Sabine asked, noticing the two unfamiliar sisters.

"This is Delilah and Annie, they're exchange students and wanted a taste of the best bakers in Paris." Marinette explained, winking to her dad.

"Well, welcome to Paris girls! What can I get you?" Tom asked kindly and Annie looked around the shop in awe.

"Wow, there's so much here...I can't decide!" She exclaimed excitedly and Delilah chuckled.

"We're gonna need a minute." She explained.

"Take your time, I sometimes have trouble deciding what to make for myself." Tom joked and everyone laughed.

"I'd love to help, but we have a test at school tomorrow, and I need to get some last minute studying in." Marinette said shifting the papers in her arms.

"Then don't let us keep you. We can talk later." Annie assured her.

"Okay, see you guys tomorrow!" Marinette called and headed up to her room.

Not noticing the couple papers that fell from the stack.

The two sisters looked around the store and Annie finally made a comment on what she wanted to buy.

"We should definitely get a baguette to go."

"What are the two of us gonna do with a whole baguette?" Delilah questioned.

"Eat it." Annie replied simply, and Delilah laughed.

"Okay, you got me there. How do macaroons sound to you?" She asked.

"Perfect!" Annie nodded and the two made their order. Though once they paid, Annie noticed the papers Marinette dropped earlier and picked them up.

"Uh oh, looks like a few of Marinette's notes dropped." She said and Sabine looked over at them.

"Well, I better give them to her before she panics about loosing them." She said and suddenly several people started entering the bakery. "Oh dear, that's a lot of costumers."

"We can give them to her, we're not in a hurry to leave." Delilah offered.

"Oh thank you. Her rooms just upstairs, you can't miss it!" Sabine said before turning towards her costumers.

"Thanks!" Annie called and she dragged her sister upstairs and gave her a suspicious look.

"What?" Delilah asked.

"First the pencil, now this? What if you get caught?" Annie whispered.

"Okay first off, the pencil was hilarious! And second, trust me, this will be useful for what we have planned." Delilah assured her and Annie raised her eyebrow.

"If you say so. Just be careful." She said and they came up to the apartment and headed to Marinette's room.

"Hello? Marinette?" Annie called knocking on the door.

"WHA!? Uh...I mean...come in?" Marinette's muffled voice replied and Annie pushed open the door to see Marinette on the floor surrounded by her notes that she had taken in class.

"Wow, when you study, you really study." Annie commented as she walked inside the room followed by Delilah.

"Yeah, I like to keep my grades up." Marinette admitted.

"Well, here. You dropped some of your notes." Delilah said, as she and Annie handing Marinette the papers that she dropped.

"Oh, thank you! I was worried I left them in class." Marinette said happily as she took the papers.

"No problem. Well, we've kept you long enough. Have fun studying!" Annie waved and headed to the stairs and turned back. "Well, as much fun as you can have." She joked and Marinette laughed.

"I will, and thanks again!" Marinette waved and Delilah returned the gesture.

"Don't mention it!" She called and they closed the door behind them and gave each other a fist bump.

"You get it now?" Delilah smirked and Annie nodded.

"Yes, yes I do."

The next day at class everyone was cramming some last minute studying for the exam, except for Delilah and Annie. Finally Miss. Bustier walked in and clapped her hands, getting everyone's attention.

"Okay class, we are going to start our mock exam shortly, but as for Annie and Delilah, since the two of you haven't been with us the last few weeks, it doesn't make sense for you two to take it. I'm gonna have to ask you both to leave the room." Miss. Bustier explained. Annie and Delilah then got up and walked to the front.

"It's okay, there's a book I've been meaning to read anyway." Delilah shrugged and held out a book that seemingly appeared out of nowhere.

"Well, bye everyone, and good luck!" Annie waved as the two walked out of the room and closed the door. The two then sat against the wall and Delilah opened her book before frowning.

"Are you sure we shouldn't stop her from taking the answers?" She asked Annie, who shook her head.

"No, we have to catch her in the act. She's digging her own grave. We're just gonna be the ones to push her in." Annie replied and Delilah laughed.

"And here I thought that I was the morbid one."

"Eh, we aren't as black and white was we may seem. You have soft spots." Annie teased and Delilah rolled her eyes playfully.

"Haha, very funny." She said and the two laughed before sighing and turning their attention to the book Delilah was holding and sat silently.

For tomorrow, everything was going to change.

And so it began, class had begun as normal. Annie and Delilah has arrived early and were in their seats. Delilah was sketching another monster while Annie was humming softly herself as she was writing in a notepad. Several student started walking in and took their seats. That's when Delilah looked up and saw Lila enter with Nathaniel.

"I'm good friends with the best manga publisher in Japan, you know. I can talk to them about your comic book project if you like." She told him as they sat behind Annie and Ivan. Delilah held on a growl and clenched her pencil so hard is was destroyed to splintered in her grasp. She groaned and swept the broken pieces up.

"She's such a liar!" Marinette snarled to herself, and Alya overheard.

"You gotta stop obsessing over her, Marinette." She said calmly obvious as ever. Annie sighed to herself and glanced at Delilah, who gave a signal nod.

"I've graded your mock exam papers. Most of you did quite well, some better than others, but before I hand them back, Marinette, could you bring your schoolbag to me, please? I need to check something." Miss. Bustier said and Marinette looked confused before walking up with her bag.

"Today, someone placed an anonymous note in my mailbox, claiming that you'd stolen the exam answers..."

"Wait! Miss Bustier!" Annie exclaimed, shooting up from her seat and raising her hand high. Everyone stared in shock that she had an outburst and Miss. Bustier retracted her hand from the bag.

"Yes Annie?" She asked and Annie cleared her throat before walking down to the front of the class. Not noticing the glare Lila gave her from behind.

"So sorry for cutting you off, but I can prove that Marinette didn't steal the exam answers, even if they are in her bag." Annie explained and Delilah stood up from her seat.

"I can help prove her innocence as well!" Delilah called out and joined her sister.

"Really? Please, enlighten us." Miss. Bustier said and stood to the side and Annie gestured for Marinette to take her seat before she cleared her throat.

"Well for one thing, Marinette actually gave you her bag." Annie began, gesturing to the pink bag on the table.

"We know, but what does that have to do with anything?" Max asked curiously.

"Well, if the papers do turn out to be in her bag, it's clear that Marinette wouldn't have known about it. Otherwise she would have refused to hand it over, or resisted, but she didn't." Annie explained and Delilah smirked.

"She didn't questioned anything, and handed it to her teacher like a good student. Now think, would someone who was guilty of stealing the papers simply hand over the evidence to the teacher?" She asked and everyone murmured to themselves and seemed to agree with what Delilah said. Lila, however, was shifting in her seat.

"Another thing, before we confirm that the tests answers are inside the bag, does ANYONE in here actually think Marinette would steal the answers? Does that really seem like her?" Delilah asked and everyone shook their heads. Suddenly a tiny figure flew out from Max's bag.

"I can confirm that there is a 0% chance that Marinette would steal the test answers." Markov said.

"Thank you adorable flying robot! Okay, now the moment of truth." Annie said and opened Marinette's bag, pulling out the exam answers, causing the whole class to gasp and suddenly lightening and thunder struck, flashing through the classroom.

"Huh, didn't think it would rain today." Annie commented, unfazed by the storm that appeared out of nowhere. Delilah sighed and took the exam answers from Annie and looked at them.

"Hmmmmm, interesting...very interesting." She murmured.

"So, what does that mean?" Kim asked and Delilah sighed.

"A good detective looks at all the angles...Well, I didn't want to do this to most of you...but Miss. Bustier, how well did the class do? Specifically Marinette." Delilah asked, pointing to Marinette.

"Well, Marinette was the only one who got all the answers right..." Miss Bustier said.

"I did, wow...I mean, but I didn't cheat! I just studied really hard!" Marinette protested.

"I can confirm that! Delilah and I saw Marinette with her notes yesterday, it was clear she was ready to hit the books." Annie added.

"There's also another thing, I don't think there was any motive for Marinette to steal the answers." Delilah said thoughtfully.

"That's true, Marinette always does well on the tests. There's no reason she wouldn't feel like she would have to cheat." Alya said. Lila tried her hardest not to sink down in her seat.

"Exactly! So I think we can all agree that Marinette wasn't the one who would steal the exam answers." Annie said and the whole class nodded.

"But, how did the test papers end up in Marinette's bag?" Mylene asked, and Delilah sighed while shaking her head.

"I'm afraid there is only one explanation...someone framed Marinette, and the person who did still in this classroom."

More thunder and lightning.

The class gasped and Chloe scoffed.

"And how exactly do we know that you didn't steal the test answers?" She asked and Annie was about to reply, but Delilah cut her off.

"That's funny you should say that, since you're the first suspect." Delilah smirked and Chloe's eyes widened in slight horror. Lila then seemed to relax.

"And to answer your question, we have no reason to take the test answers. We weren't taking the test, so we didn't need them. Also we were outside the classroom the whole time." Delilah added.

"So, it was Chloe who stole the answers!" Alya exclaimed.

"Annie and Delilah wouldn't do something like that!" Nathaniel cried.

"Yeah dude, Chloe's the one who has it out for Marinette. It was clearly her who stole it to make Marinette look bad!" Nino exclaimed.

"No Nino, I don't think she did." Annie said and the class gave Annie a weirded out look. Lila specifically was horrified and confused.

"Uh, with all due respect Annie, you don't know Chloe." Alix deadpanned.

"I actually do, and while I agree she's not the nicest person..."

"'re being too nice...cough." Delilah said under her breath and Annie glared slightly before sighing.

"But we shouldn't point fingers right away everyone is innocent until proven guilty...first off, Miss Bustier, did Chloe get 100% on the test like Marinette?" Annie asked.

"Uh no...she got above average though." Miss. Bustier answered.

"Hmmm, that doesn't seem like Chloe. I see her as the person who would take the answers for herself, then plant them in Marinette's bag, but since she didn't get 100%, and I don't think she's smart enough to get answers wrong on purpose, it doesn't seem like it was her." Delilah explained.

" are you doing all of this?" Rose asked.

"We like to watch mystery shows." Annie admitted and cleared her throat. "Did no one but Marinette score as high as she did?"

"Marinette was the only one who got 100%." Miss Bustier confirmed.

"So, what does that mean now?" Adrien asked.

"I'm glad you asked! It means someone stole the tests specifically to frame Marinette!" Annie exclaimed cheekily and lightening struck once more as the class gasped.

"Oh...I should have said that in a more serious tone..." Annie said in realization.

"That's not the worst part, the person who did still in this room!" Delilah exclaimed and lighting flashed again.

"Nailed it!" Annie squealed. "But didn't we cover that?" She added on the afterthought.

"You think it was one of us!?" Alya exclaimed in anger.

"We would never do that to Marinette!" Ivan yelled.

"I'm sorry, but until we conclude that none of you stole the exam papers, NO ONE is leaving this room!" Delilah snapped and Annie cleared her throat.

"I believe we can settle that, we just need to look to answers from above!" Annie said and extended her arms out and up. Everyone stared at her in questioned and expected a beam of light to cast down on her, but instead Delilah facepalmed and groaned.

"The camera! She's talking about the camera!" She exclaimed and pointed to the security camera in the corner of the room. Lila's eyes widened in horror and she quickly raised her hand.

"Miss. Bustier, I'm not feeling so well, can I go to the nurse?" Lila asked, holding her hands to her stomach and mouth, pretending to be queasy.

"Trashcan's right there." Delilah deadpanned, pointing to the one by the desk. Annie gave an awkward laugh.

"Sorry Lila, but we all need to see the footage." She said as Miss Bustier logged into the computer and Delilah pulled down the projection screen. Lila clenched her fists but said nothing and sat back down in her seat. Face hot with fury.

"Here's the footage from yesterday." Miss. Bustier said and pulled up the footage and it appeared on screen.

"There's the test answers." Sabrina said pointing at the desk on the screen.

"And Marinette just walked out of the classroom without touching it." Juleka added.

"That confirms that Marinette is innocent, like we always knew." Alya said and gave her friend a hug.

"Wait, look!" Rose cried, pointing to the screen. Everyone's eyes were focused on that and gasped.

Lila had snatched the exam answers off of the desk and left the classroom. Miss Bustier then silently paused the video and the class turned to the back were Lila sat.

More lightening and gasping.

"Huh, that's funny Lila, you wanted to leave earlier when we mentioned the camera footage, and there you are up there. On the screen. Stealing the exam answers." Delilah said in a fake curious voice and gave a wide smirk.

"Care to explain?"

" was an accident! I didn't know that it was the exam answers! I-I thought it was our homework!" Lila quickly sputtered out and Annie clasped her hands together.

"Okay, so you accidentally took the wrong papers, it happens. So you did the right thing and returned them to Miss Bustier apologizing for what happened." Annie said and Delilah fake gasped.

"Oh wait, but that's not what happened!" She turned towards Lila as she paced the room. "Say you did steal the answers, but instead of returning them like a good student should have, they were then put in Marinette's bag, and then you sent an anonymous note to Miss Bustier, all an accident...LIKELY STORY!" Delilah exclaimed and smashed her fist on Miss Bustier's desk. Shocking everyone.

"Sorry, I just wanted something to punch." She deadpanned and Annie patted her sister's shoulder.

"It's okay. I don't think you broke anything..."


The two sister's turned and saw Lila storm over to them and glared.

"How could you do this to me! I never even did anything to you!" Lila exclaimed.

"Uh no, but when the criminal doesn't rob a cop, that doesn't stop them from being arrested. BOOM LOGIC!" Annie exclaimed.

"What are you talking about!?"

"You framed Marinette, someone who was innocent, so you're facing the consequences. Simple as that. Now, care to explain to the class what REALLY happened, or are we going to have to force it out of you?" Delilah asked smirking proudly. Lila then desperately turned to her classmates.

"You guys don't actually believe these two, do you!?" She exclaimed in frustration.

"I do."

Everyone turned to see Adrien standing up at his seat with a serious expression in his face.

"I warned you not to hurt my friends Lila, and that's exactly what you tried to do with Marinette. You lied to all of us, and that's not okay, so you're going to stop NOW." He stated and Lila eyes widened and she glared.

"What about the rest of the class?" Lila demanded and Nathaniel stood up.

"I trust Delilah and Annie, the provided the evidence and I feel silly that I actually believe you over Marinette." He said sincerely.

"I'm with you! The evidence is 100% factual." Max agreed and the rest of the class stood up and nodded in agreement. Lila clenched her teeth and fists in frustration.

Meanwhile in Hawkmoth's dark and creepy lair (and yes there is more lightening) he feels her upset emotions and decides that no one else has been upset enough today.

"A lair being exposed in front of her class, and everything she's worked on destroyed. The perfect target for my akuma."

And with that he corrupted a poor white butterfly and sent the poor guy out into the rain.

"Fly away my little akuma and evilize her!" He cried and twirled his cane, like he does every freaking time.

Meanwhile back at the class, Lila turned to the sisters with smoke coming our of her ears.


"What? You ought to what? Get akumatized by Hawkmoth, only to be beaten up by Ladybug and Chat Noir? Cause I'll be there with a bucket of popcorn, and a phone to immortalize your shame!" Delilah cackled as the lightening struck and Lila growled but then noticed a familiar butterfly sneak through the window (Because its magic! Duh!)

"That's exactly what I'm going to do!" Lila exclaimed and turned to the window and reached her hand out to the akuma, but suddenly a figure jumped in front of Lila and encased the akuma in a light blue bubble.

It was Annie, but she had now sprouted angel like wings and a halo above her head. She then held the bubble with the butterfly close to her chest and smiled softly.

"No evil doing for you little akuma. I free you from his control." She said softly and the akuma suddenly changed back to white and the bubble popped.

"Bye bye little butterfly!" Annie smile and the butterfly flew onto her halo and remained there. "Or you can just chill up there, I'm not gonna tell a butterfly what to do."

"Wha...what!?" Lila gasped, stepping backwards and pumped right into Delilah, and when she turned around Delilah now has sprouted black demon like wings and horns in her head. Her eyes were closed, but once she opened them they were now red and had cat like pupils. Lila's eyes widened in horror and stumbled back as Delilah smirked.

"What's the matter Lila, scared?" She questioned and flashed her now sharp teeth.

"Who are you freaks!?" Lila exclaimed and Delilah laughed again as thunder sounded.

"Freaks? Now isn't that a little rude!?" She asked and laughed once again and raised her hands. Suddenly and chair sprouted from the ground and forced Lila in a sitting position. With a snap of Delilah's fingers, chains now wrapped around the liar, keeping her in that position.

"Aw sis, to be fair, we just did expose her for all her lies and ruin her evil plot, so she's gonna be cranky." Annie said and Delilah laughed again.

"People are just scared of my because I have the 'devil's wings'. Huh, funny, that's actually my name."

"What do you mean?" Rose asked, who was now hiding behind Juleka.

"My true name is Devilwings0220."

"And my true name is Angelwings2002!"

"Then what's with the numbers?" Sabrina asked, who had Chloe hiding behind her.

"Those are mainly just for show. People usually call us Angelwings, Devilwings, or A.W. and..."

"Don't call me D.W!" Devilwings hissed and Angelwings raised her hands up in defense.

"It's not my fault your initials have a nice ring to them!" She said in defense.

"Wait, wait, time out!" Alya called out and had her phone out. "Who are you, where did you come from, and why are you here!?"

"Of course the reporter asks the right questions, but we already answered the first one!" Devilwings exclaimed flaring her wings out.

"Sorry, she gets frustrated easily. To answer your other questions, we're from a distant realm. There's a lot of us actually, and we write stories!" Angelwings explained.

"About us?" Kim asked.

"Well, they can be, but there are many stories. It's hard to explain since you aren't from there..." Angelwings said thoughtfully.

"Try not to think about it too hard or your brain will ditch your body." Devilwings deadpanned and the class gave uncertain looks to one another.

"We aren't here to hurt any of you, or expose you're secrets, but we did come here to right a wrong!" Angelwings said.

"And by that, you mean expose Lila?" Miss Bustier asked.

"Well yeah." Devilwings nodded as if it was obvious. Lila then growled and struggled against her chains.

"YOU WON'T GET AWAY WITH THIS!" She screeched and Devilwings simply laughed.

"Oh really? Do you think that we are the only ones of our kind?" She asked, gesturing to herself and Angelwings. "There are THOUSANDS of us out there, and I can guarantee that there are MANY who would give anything just to see you fall."

That silenced Lila, who actually seemed scared by Devilwings' words and she looked down at her feet. She was finished. The rest of the class looked over at the two powerful beings in front of them.

"So, what are you going to do now?" Alya asked, still recording.

"Well, we only came here to expose Lila as our main mission, so I don't know what we should do next." Angelwings shrugged and Devilwings hummed to herself.

"How about we let the others decide?" She suggested.

"Really? You think we should?" Angelwings asked.

"Well it makes sense to me, plus it wouldn't be difficult to do another part. Also this is getting long." Devilwings explained and Angelwings thought a moment before nodding.

"I see your point. Okay, let's do it!" She said.

"Um, can someone please explain what you're talking about?!" Marinette asked. Devilwings then opened a portal and shrugged.

"Sorry, not how that works, if something is coming next then we have to address the others, and we can't do that here without making you guys have an existential crisis." Devilwings said.

"We have to go, besides, you all have to deal with Lila here." Angelwings added and Devilwings grabbed her arm.

"Also, since my sister pulled a Ladybug, by purifying an akuma, we better leave before Hawkmoth tries to find us. We know too much." Devilwings explained and pulled her sister through the portal.

"Bye everyone! Please let Lila have a suitable punishment! The rest of you are great!" Angelwings waved before the two disappeared and everyone stared silently for a moment.

"Okay, just so we are all on the same page, everyone saw that right?" Nino asked.

All anyone could do was nod.

Meanwhile, in a mysterious room with a lot of bookshelves, Angelwings and Devilwings appeared out of a portal and Angelwings went to a desk after pulling out a book from a shelf.

"EEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeee! I can't believe it! Our first project together! This is so exciting!" She squealed and Devilwings rolled her eyes.

"I have helped you with some of your work before." She said.

"Well yeah, but this time we actually have bigger roles! And it was so much fun! What do you think we should call it?" Angelwings asked.

"What Every Fan Would Like To Do." Devilwings deadpanned.


"What? I was kidding? What kind of title is that?" Devilwings asked as Angelwings started to write that on the book cover.

"I funny one! Everyone will love it!" Angelwings said sincerely and turned around in her chair.

"You ready?" She asked and Devilwings smiled softly.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm ready." She said and snapped her fingers, summoning her own chair and sat down as Angelwings started to write their adventure.

Each wondering if it was really the end.


Well, a lot has happened in the world. Coronavirus is shutting down schools and everyone is learning online for a while. That's the basic thing that's going on, and I want you all to remember to stay calm, wash your hands, and stay healthy. This shouldn't be taken lightly, but we shouldn't panic either.

Now for the story, those of you who have read my other stories or one-shots already know that I have this imaginary place for my writing avatar to hang out. A little office where my current stories are being written and future stories are.

This one-shot featured the debut of Devilwings0220, who I created a while back, I am NOT creating a separate profile, that is more trouble then it's worth, but she will have a bigger role later in the distant future. I also want to point out that neither of these two are purely good or evil, in writing there has to be happy endings, but also bad experiences that lead up to that.

As for what's next for this, I meant for it to be a one-shot, but if you all want a second part about these two taking down Hawkmoth, leave a nice review and let me know! I'd love to know your thoughts!

And for the few of you who have read my other stories, I have been undergoing A LOT of writers block, I thought writing something outside of what I usually do would help me, and fingers crossed it does. Please, be patient, I have not abandoned my stories, I promise.

Remember to Stay Miraculous, and wash your hands! Seriously, put your device down and wash your hands! It's for the greater good! :D