Where the fuck were you all night!?"

Lovino yelled, rushing towards his brother who just appeared at the rundown church's door. Feliciano knew this was coming, and he admits that it was his fault for leaving so suddenly and without warning.

"Fratello, I can explain".

Feliciano tried to remain calm but his brother wouldn't stop screaming.

"You can't explain shit to me! I was all night looking for you in this damn place, worried that something might have happened to you and- what the hell is that on your neck?"

Lovino had noticed the scratch left by Ivan and the smaller Italian panicked, covering it quickly with his vestment.

"Did..did he do that to you? That potato bastard hurt you!?"

The brunette shook his head, he just wished that this argument could be over already. He was a terrible liar and Lovi would find out immediately if he tried making up a story. Thankfully, the Frenchman approached the fighting brothers.

"Umm Feliciano, I wanted to apologize for treating you that way last night, I hope you can forgive me".

It sounded like a sincere apology and it surprised the smaller Vargas brother who nodded enthusiastically with a wide smile on his face.

"Me too!"

Said the Canadian with Elizabeta who went over to Feliciano's side to hug him, Francis joined in as well.

"I love group hugs!"

Alfred shouted, sprinting towards them to join the hug. Lovino observed them from a distance, a little bit less mad with his brother.

"You, grumpy Italian, come here too!"

The American commanded and unexpectedly, Lovino actually joined, holding his brother tightly.

"Fratello idiota, don't ever disappear like that again, understood?"

The priest nodded, but their moment of happiness was interrupted when the floor began shaking, making all of them fall on the ground. Suddenly, they found themselves at court.

"Hola amigos, sorry for calling you all without warning!"

Antonio greeted the humans, who were a little bit dizzy from the teletransportation.

"But wasn't the trials going to end next week?"

The Hungrarian asked, a little bit confused, the angel nodded before replying.

"Unfortunately the jury decided to hurry up the process due to some unprecedented issues".

Feliciano was sweating cold, did the council found out about him and Ludwig already? He was sure that this was all Ivan's fault for being a snitch. Not only was he in trouble himself but he dragged the other humans into it as well.

The German soon appeared in the courtroom and went over to the Italian's side.

"Luddy, what's going on?"

He asked, even though he already knew what was happening. Somehow he still had hopes that the German would tell him that everything was alright.

"Liebe, I have no idea what will happen in the next hours but I need you to trust me, can you trust me?"

The Italian felt even more puzzled than before but he was willing to trust his lover.

"Yes, yes I can".

Feliciano squeezed the demon's hand with a little smile as the German guided him to their seats.

Basch, the judge and the representation of greed, entered the room, making everyone stand up to show respect. The room was quiet, not even the demonical council was chit chatting, which was highly unusual.

"Ladies and gentlemen of the court, as you can see, there's been a reschedule of the trials proposed by the jury. I do not know what the reason behind it but I hope to find out soon. They have also requested for Feliciano Vargas' case to be presented first".

Now everyone was talking amongst each other and Felicano could see his brother asking the angel what was going on and him not knowing what to say. The feeling of knowing you're doomed is indescribable, he just felt miserable and wished he could do something to save his poor soul.

One of the demons from the jury stood up, clearly he was the representative of the group.

"Your honor, we have solid evidence against Feliciano Vargas for having a romantic relationship with his lawyer, a demon!"

The court went wild, everyone was shocked from this unexpected statement, something that had never happened in the purgatory before.

"But that is impossible! How would a demon ever fall for a human? A dead human? And especially if he's a dead human priest!"

Basch seemed very surprised, he couldn't believe what was happening in his court, this was chaos, this was complete and utter madness.

"Your honor, if I may present to you a witness of their sick and twisted relationship".

A member of the jury made way for the Russian demon who stood in the middle of the room with a satisfied smirk.

"My name is Ivan Braginski and I am mr. Beilschmidt's colleague. A few days ago I witnessed a horrific sight in the men's bathroom just after the first trial was over. I saw them kissing and-".

His speech was interrupted by the infuriated Italian that flipped a table over. His angel was desperately to calm him down but it was too late.

"You bastard! How dare you kiss my little brother! Who the fuck do you think you? I'm going to fucking kill you".

Lovino threw himself on Ludwig, punching the demon on the face over and over. Feliciano tried separating them but in the midst of it, was punched and passed out when he saw his bloody nose.

"Stop it! Stop it right now!"

The judge shouted, and all of the lawyers, humans and even some of the members of the jury were trying to stop Lovino for committing a second degree murder.

"Lovi you have to stop! This will all be held against you!"

Antonio tired to reason with the Italian but he wouldn't listen, he was consumed by rage. The German however, didn't fight back and allowed Lovino to attack him as much as he wanted. Honestly, he felt like he deserved it. He knew that after this scene, Feliciano would be sentenced to hell and the only way to avoid that was sacrificing Lovi's soul. The document had already been signed with an easy copy and paste spell given by Gilbert.

At the end, the judge had no other choice but to cast a spell to immobilize the furious Italian. He was dragged back to his seat with the help of Antonio. Feliciano was woken up from fainting with a spell as well, he couldn't recall exactly what happened but at least his nose wasn't bleeding anymore. The German had wounds all over his face that were very painful, but he was going to endure them.

"Mr. Lovino Vargas, do you mind explaining your actions to the court before I send you to hell once and for all?"

Basch asked, tired of all the shenanigans that were going on in his court, all caused by this brat with anger issues.

"Be-because this son of a bitch has no idea in the mess he just got my brother into! He's going to hell and I, and I can't let that happen, my fratello doesn't deserve hell!"

He burst into tears, unable to wipe them away because he couldn't move, but his angel cleaned them with a handkerchief.

"There, there Lovi, let it all out".

Antonio said with a grin, petting the Italian's head.

"Shut the fuck up".

The court was moved by the scene and Feliciano just couldn't break it to his brother that he made the choice to be with Ludwig. It was just too painful to tell him.

"Since your response is very emotive, I will forgive this chaos you made and I will liberate you from the spell when the trial ends".

The judge announced, and the angel was quite happy by this. It meant that Lovino had some good chance of making it to heaven.

"Your honor, if you allow us, the jury has already came up with a verdict for mr. Feliciano Vargas".

The judge nodded, allowing the representative of the council to speak.

"Feliciano Vargas will be sentenced to hell for breaking his priesthood vows in multiple occasions, for being an adulterer and fornucator, not only with a human but with a demon as well, who happened to be his lawyer".

Basch sighted before raising his gavel but he stopped when the German stood up.

"No! Not yet!"

All the eyes were turned to Ludwig, wounded all over and barely standing up.

"My client, Feliciano Vargas, has signed a deal with me in which the soul of his brother Lovino Vargas will be sacrificed instead of his".

The priest's eyes were filled with tears, he never signed such a thing, that was not true! He tried to say something but his voice couldn't come out. Gilbert had casted a spell on him to unable his speech for a few minutes to not spoil their plan.

Antonio gasped, he couldn't believe what he was witnessing. The priest betrayed his brother in the worst way possible, condemning him to hell when Lovino was meant for heaven.

"No! Your honor, this is outrageous! My client has all the rights to go to heaven, this is very unfair!"

The angel protested but the judge simply shrugged, receiving the scroll where the deal was printed. He opened it and the signature was there, not only that but also Feliciano's bloody fingerprint.

"Feli..why? Why would you do this to me?"

Lovino couldn't even find the will to curse and fight. It was over for him, the signature on that paper was his brother's. He had just been betrayed by the person he loved most.

Feliciano tried to scream but nothing came out, his fratello couldn't see his effort in trying to speak, how could he explain that this was a mistake if he couldn't talk.

"These are underworld laws, mr. Fernandez Carriendo. In our world, cheating and treason are allowed in the game. I now sentence Lovino Vargas to an eternity in hell".

The judge announced, hitting his shovel loudly and just with that. Lovino's body burst into flames and a painful scream could be heard as he disappeared and only smoke was left. It was only then when Feliciano's voice returned to his body.

"No! Fratello no! This is a mistake, you have made a mistake!"

The Italian cried out, running to where his brother was sitting just seconds ago.


The German said, and the next second he received a slap from the brunette.

"How could you do this? You're a monster and I fucking hate you! I can't believe you've done this".

Basch rolled his eyes, ignoring the couple's fight and beginning with his speech.

"I now sentence mr. Feliciano Vargas to heaven, although through very unorthodox ways, still valid".

He then hitted the shovel and the Italian's body began lifting slowly unto the air, his now glorified body was full of light.

"Liebe.. I'm so sorry".

Ludwig was kneeling on the ground as he watched Feliciano go up the sky, he couldn't hear his apology, which was what hurted him most. The German was crying like a baby on the ground and everyone just watched, feeling pity for him. Gilbert ran to his brother's side. Picking him up and hugging him tightly.

"West, it's alright, big brother is here, I'm here".

The German buried his face in the Prussian's chest, with his breath shaking, tears rolling down non-stop.

"Members of the court, I declare that today's trial is over, we will continue the remaining trials tomorrow at the same hour, you are all dismissed".

The judge was the first one to leave the room. He felt so uncomfortable seeing the demon have a breakdown in the courtroom. It was so pathetic to watch. After him marched out the demonical council, in silence, giving the German a moment. The other demon lawyers left as well, Ivan practically ran out of the room as soon as he could, scared of what Ludwig might do to him since he caused it all. Eventually, the room was emptied leaving only the brothers and Antonio, who walked towards them.

"I am upset of what happened but I know you did it for love so I wanted to tell you something that can give you some comfort. When someone goes to heaven, only their happiest moments are preserved and I'm sure that Feli in heaven is right now thinking how happy you made him in the purgatory".

The angel said with his usual smile, as he walked out of the room, now the brothers were alone.

"I don't know how I'll live without him, brother".

Ludwig confessed, still holding onto Gilbert tightly.

"You'll make it through, West".

Author's note: Thank you for reading The Sinner! This is the most tragic end I have written so far but I hope you have all enjoyed it. Keep up with me for more fanfics and feel free to comment!