Wrote for a weekly challenge at Harry Potter Fanfiction Challenges

Challenge: Write about a Weasley from any era.

Prompt: Starlight and Precious

Disclaimer: I don't own Harry Potter

Word Count: 306

The cold wind rushes in from the windows of the Astronomy tower. I am standing, hand-in-hand, with Molly Prewett. We are staring out of the window, into the vast sky. Her eyes seem to sparkle in the starlight. It seems like forever ago, when I asked if she would come up here with me. She had been sitting at a table with friends working on homework. Finally, she slammed her book closed and brushed her curly hair out of her face, laughing. Then I asked if she wanted to go on a walk. She had looked unsure for a moment, I was so scared she was going to say no. She turned to her friends.

One of them gave her a thumbs-up, and she said, "Alright" I had led her hand-in-hand through the dark castle, to where we are now. Her laugh, her smile, I know I'm in love. I've known her since I started at Hogwarts, she's a year older than me. The first time I saw her, was when I was going to platform 9 3/4. I guess I looked nervous because she came from behind me and laughed.

"Just run, silly!" she had said playfully. I let her go first. She backed up and sprinted through the barrier fearlessly. I figured she was a Gryffindor. I was right. She has the courage and the fiery spirit of a Gryffindor. I turn to her. This moment is perfect.

"Well, I guess we should head back," I say. It's already one in the morning. We look at each other for a moment. Then she kisses me. It's short and sweet, but I can feel my face burning.

I don't know what's going to happen in the future, but I know I will never forget this precious moment, and I will never stop loving this girl.