Invader Zim belongs to Nickelodeon.

Requested by my good friend, KatLovesTF. Hope you like!

Warning: sad, heart breaking moments ahead followed by silly fluff.

Where's Gir? Part One

After many weeks of miscalculations and failures, the little Irken alien, Zim, had finally finished his doomsday device to conquer Earth. This time, he was certain he would take over the planet with his new device. All that was needed was some last minute adjustments to ensure that the doomsday device would work a hundred percent.

Just as Zim turned to get a few more tools from his nearby desk, he heard his little robot SIR excitedly come down the stairs to his lab. Gir knew that Zim had been cooped up in his lab all day so he decided to bring his alien master some snacks from upstairs.

"Hi Master!" he said cheerfully, carrying a handful of snacks. "I brought you these yummy snacks!"

"Careful, Gir," Zim warned as he rummaged through his desk shelf for a certain tool. "Don't get anywhere near my doomsday device."

Gir had his little arms piled high with a bunch of snacks that he couldn't see in front of him. Just as he was walking towards Zim, he didn't see that there were nearby screws scattered on the floor. Gir suddenly slipped on one of them, and ended up crashing into the table where Zim's doomsday device was.

The sudden collision also knocked the device onto the floor, where it smashed and broke into many pieces. Zim quickly spun around when he heard the crash, and his eyes widened in horror at his now broken device.

"Gir, what did you do?!"

The little robot winced in pain as he hit the ground and against the table hard. He shakily got to his knees and started to tear up when he heard Zim suddenly yell at him. His master never yelled at him like this before, and now it scared him.

"I-I'm sorry, Master," Gir whimpered through his tear flooded optics. "It was a-an accident. I-I just fell and—"

"You just destroyed my device!" Zim interrupted. "How could you, Gir?! I spent weeks building that thing!" When he got no answer, Zim leaned close to Gir and yelled, "Answer me when I'm talking to you!"

Gir shrunk down and turned away as more tears dripped from his optics. Now he was even more scared. But his fear grew when Zim grabbed his wrist tightly, and forced him to look at him.

Zim continued to scold and yell at the now crying little robot. "You ruined all my hard work! I was this close to finishing my device, and you just wrecked it, Gir! You never listen to me! Never!"

"I-I'm sorry, Master! I'm sorry!" Gir kept whimpering over and over while tugging at his wrist. He was so scared that Zim was going to hurt him, that he tried tugging himself free. But every time he tried to free his wrist, Zim would tighten his grip and yank him back so Gir couldn't escape.

Finally, Zim released Gir's wrist and gave him a shove. "Get out of my lab, Gir! I don't need you to mess anything else up. You're terrible, Gir!"

The little robot shakily got to his legs while rubbing at his now sore wrist. Just as he was about to race out of the lab, Gir heard Zim mutter, "It's times like this I wish I had a better SIR unit. At least one who would listen to me and actually do things right."

Hearing those words broke Gir's heart. He couldn't believe it. His Irken master actually wanted a better SIR unit than him.

Unable to contain himself, Gir raced out of the lab and to his room in tears. If Zim felt like he didn't want him around to be constantly breaking things and messing everything up, then he wasn't going to stay around anymore.

He heard of humans feeling this same way, and they did something called "running away" where they left their home because they were neglected or felt hurt by someone there. And now, Gir felt like he should run away because he thought Zim now hated him and didn't want him as his SIR unit anymore.

In his room, Gir quickly packed a few things he wanted to take. He knew he couldn't take everything in his room, but at least a few of his favorite toys and items.

Gir already made up his mind that he was leaving Zim for good, and not planning on ever coming back. He figured Zim would just receive a new SIR unit as soon as he realized Gir was gone.

Just as he was finishing packing his items, Gir realized that he didn't know where exactly he was going to go after he left. But wherever he chose to go, it was going to be as far away from Zim as possible.

Gir was trying not to cry as he zipped up his dog costume, and made sure he had all the things he was taking.

"Bye-bye, room..." Gir said sadly as he turned around one last time to say goodbye to his bedroom. But as soon as he was about to walk out the doorway, he noticed on his nightstand the framed photograph of him and Zim together.

Zim's words repeated inside Gir's head again. It made Gir feel sad, upset, and even mad. Flashing his optics red, Gir knocked the picture to the ground where the glass smashed into many pieces.

Then he hurried to the front door, threw it open and ran out without even bothering to close the door behind him. As Gir walked down the empty sidewalk, he realized he didn't know where he was going. He didn't want to stay out here for long since it was already nighttime, but where could he go?

The first place that popped into Gir's mind was Dib's house so he decided to go there. He just hoped Dib and his sister wouldn't mind letting him stay there.

Still full of tears, Gir knocked on the Membrane's door before ringing the doorbell. Inside, Gaz and Dib were seated on the living room couch. Gaz was in the middle of playing her Game Slave while Dib was waiting for Mysterious Mysteries to come on.

When they heard the knock and the doorbell ring, Gaz immediately told Dib to go get the door.

"Why do I always have to answer the door?" Dib complained.

"Because I've already got my hands full here," Gaz answered as she gestured to her Game Slave. "And besides, you've got two legs that aren't broken so go answer the door!"

Dib just rolled his eyes and slid off the couch. When he went to answer the door, he was surprised to see Gir at his doorstep. Then he immediately thought that Zim was nearby, possibly planning to sneak into his house or abduct him.

He was about to close the door when Gir squeezed himself through and whimpered, "Wait, Mary! D-Don't go!"

Dib sighed and closed the door. "For the millionth time, Gir. My name's not Mary. It's just Dib, okay?" He was even more suprised when Gir lifted his arms up, and made grabby hands as he wanted to be held.

The young boy leaned down to Gir's level. "Are you okay? Or this another one of Zim's evil plans to make me let my guard down? Wait—where is your freaky alien master?"

Gir folded his arms in a cute pout. "He's not my master anymore cause Zim no loves me no more!" He suddenly began sniffling and crying again.

"Uh, why is Zim's evil robot dog here?" Gaz asked when she recognized the familiar green dog.

"I...have no idea," Dib answered.

Still crying, Gir lifted his pawed arms again as he silently begged for Dib to hold him. Something about Gir's behavior and teary optics convinced Dib that this wasn't a trick. So he ended up lifting Gir into his arms, who snuggled against his chest and clung tightly to him.

"What's wrong with him?" Gaz asked when Dib carried the still crying little robot to the couch.

"I'm not sure, but something tells me that Zim might have done something to him." Dib gently rubbed Gir's back to help him calm down a little. "Gir, are you okay? What's wrong?"

Gir pulled the hood of his disguise down so he could wipe the tears from his optics. "M-My master doesn't love me n-no more! He h-hates me now cause I broke his new doom thingy! But it was an a-accident! A-And now he said..." Gir choked on a sob. "He s-said he wants a better SIR unit t-than m-me!"

Gir couldn't contain himself anymore so he just broke down and wept in Dib's lap. Dib and Gaz had never seen Gir so upset before. But what saddened them even more was when they heard Gir say, "T-That's why I ran away. So Zim can't h-hurt me no more. I don't wanna live with Zim anymore!"

Gaz put down her game for a moment. "Aw he's crying. Do something, Dib!

"What do you want me to do?"

"I don't know, but do something quick! His crying is starting to get to me." Gaz then hopped off the couch and went to her room, leaving Dib to comfort Gir all by himself.

Dib didn't know how to calm Gir down. The little robot wouldn't stop crying no matter what he said. Not knowing what else to do, Dib just hugged Gir close while patting and stroking his back.

After a few long minutes, Gir's crying were reduced to quiet whimpers and hiccups. "Are you okay now?" he heard Dib ask. "Did Zim really say all that to you?"

Gir nodded sadly before burying his face in Dib's chest. "Uh-huh. That's why I came here where he can't hurt me no more." He tilted his head up and gave the boy teary, hopeful optics. "B-But you won't hurt me, right?"

Dib gave him a sad smile. "Of course not. I just don't see how Zim could snap at you like that. You seem so sweet and nice. And cute, too."

Gir smiled a little at that last comment, but then his smile faded when he remembered Zim. He suddenly began whimpering again and hiccuping little sobs.

Dib panicked as he thought Gir was going to start crying again so he quickly hugged him close to comfort him. "Aw, it's okay. Please don't cry."

"I can't h-help it!" Gir whimpered as he buried his face in the boy's chest.

Dib didn't want to see Gir cry again, but he didn't know how to calm him down. But seeing the little robot snuggling against his chest made him assume that Gir just wanted to cuddle against something to make him feel better.

So he decided to carry Gir up to Gaz's room where she would hopefully lend one of her evil-looking stuffed animals to Gir. As soon as Dib opened her bedroom door, Gaz immediately told him to get out.

"Wait Gaz! Can you please let me borrow one of your stuffed animals?"

"What for?"

Dib gestured to Gir, who still had tears in his optics. "For Gir. I can't get him to stop crying, and judging by the looks of it, I think he just wants something to snuggle with."

Gaz was about to say no, but then she heard Gir's sad sobs and whimpers along with seeing his tear stained metal cheeks. She couldn't say no to such a sorrowful face so she ended up letting her brother borrow one of her stuffed toys.

When Gir hear that Gaz was going to let him have one of her stuffed animals for the rest of the day, he perked up a little with hopeful teary optics.

"Just make it quick," said Gaz. "And you can only borrow one."

Dib nodded and turned to Gir. "Okay, Gir. Which one of her toys do you want?"

Out of all her stuffed animals, there was one that caught Gir's optic. He pointed to a huge black teddy bear with red eyes, plush claws and fangs, and white stitches all over its body. It actually looked more horrifying and possessed than cute and cuddly, but that's what Gir wanted. But on the bright side, the stuffed bear's fur was super soft which made it super cuddly just for Gir.

Still carrying Gir, Dib had to drag the huge teddy bear by its arm to his room. Gir still felt upset when he sat on the boy's bed and cuddled against the bear's fuzzy tummy.

"Are you okay, Gir?" Dib asked as he sat down next to the little robot. Gir shook his head. "I still don't get why Zim would say those things to you."

Gir sniffled a little and buried his face in the bear's fur. "I don't know too, Mary. B-But it looks like he doesn't want me no more! He said h-he want a better SIR unit than m-me!"

Dib didn't want to see Gir cry again so he used his black jacket sleeve to gently wipe away the tears from the little bot's optics. "Hey, it'll be okay. Tell you what, I'll let you stay here for a while if you want to. As long as you want to. We can play whatever you want. Whatever makes you happy."

Gir looked up with hopeful watery optics. "R-Really? I can stay?"

Dib nodded. "Of course you can. And you're lucky too 'cause my Dad is going to be gone working the whole weekend, so you don't have to worry about him seeing you or anything."

"You going to be alone the whole weekend?" Dib nodded again. Gir perked up eagerly. "Oooh! I can help take care of you! I can be your babysitter!"

Dib laughed a little. "I don't need a babysitter, Gir. My Dad's actually going to be checking in on Gaz and I via video transmission."

Gir's face fell a little. "Aww, but I wanted to take care of you..."

"O-Or you know what?" Dib filled in quickly. "I guess you can help take care of me for the weekend."

"Yaaay!" Gir cheered, hugging the young boy around his stomach. "Don't worry, Mary. I'll take good care of you for your Daddy!"

"Well okay then. want to have dinner with us?" Dib winced as Gir squeezed him in a tight hug.

"Oooh yeah!"

Meanwhile in Zim's lab

After cleaning up the fragments and leftover pieces of his doomsday device, Zim decided to update his Tallest leaders to let them know that he wasn't going to present his new device to them like he originally planned.

But after contacting them and trying to explain what happened, the Tallest interrupted Zim and said they didn't want to hear whatever he had to say to them this time.

Zim was confused. "I'm sorry I wasn't able to present my amazing device, my Tallest," he said. "But my SIR unit—"

"We don't care, Zim!" they interrupted again. "Stop contacting us! It's so annoying!" Before Zim could answer, they hung up and ended the transmission.

Zim was completely flabbergasted at why his leaders showed no interest in his doomsday device. But at the same time, he also felt a little hurt by their words and wondered if they really meant that. Were they mad because he didn't report in sooner? Did they not like the idea of a doomsday device?

Whatever the reason was, Zim decided not to upset his leaders any further by trying to send another transmission. Instead, he decided to go down to his lab again and try to come up with a better invention to please his Tallest the next time he would report in.

Down in his lab, Zim noticed how messy it looked as a result of constructing his previous device. So he decided to organize his shelves and tools to begin his next experiment.

But while organizing his desk drawers, he noticed that some of his tools were missing and then remembered that he left them upstairs.

Not wanting to go upstairs, Zim com-linked his SIR to retrieve his tools. "Gir, would you please bring me the tools that I left upstairs? I believe I left them in the kitchen area." Zim was suprised when he got no response, but assumed Gir was on his way down.

Several minutes passed by, and Zim still didn't see or hear Gir come down to his lab. He was staring to get impatient. "Where is he?" Zim asked out loud to himself. "It can't take that long just to bring a few tools from upstairs."

Zim waited another minute or so until he finally couldn't wait any longer, and went upstairs himself. "Is he seriously ignoring me?"

Once Zim got his desired tools, he went to the living room to scold Gir for ignoring his command. But upon entering the room, he noticed Gir wasn't sitting on the couch watching TV like he normally did. "That's weird."

Zim then checked inside Gir's room, thinking he'd find him there but there was no sign of the little robot. Zim was even more shocked when he saw the broken picture frame of him and Gir. He carefully picked it up, avoiding the broken fragments of glass. "Did Gir do this?"

Setting the picture aside, Zim cautiously stepped over the broken glass to Gir's bed. He figured Gir was sleeping this whole time because of the little lump that was underneath the covers. "Gir, why did you brake the picture frame? And how come you're ignoring your com-link when I'm trying to give orders?"

When he got no response, Zim yanked the covers back. His eyes widened when he didn't see Gir. In his place was Gir's plush pig.

Zim then began searching all over his base for Gir, but he couldn't find him. He checked all the rooms, down in his lab, even up in the attic, but there was no sign of Gir anywhere.

When he checked one last time in the living room, he saw that the door was wide open. He quickly ran over and closed it. Panic rose in Zim's chest. He didn't want to assume the worst, but he had a bad feeling that Gir left the base.

Zim suddenly remembered what he said to Gir earlier that day. Every word replayed in his head, and it was no doubt that Gir left because of what was said to him.

The little alien felt like ripping his own antennas off for what he did. Zim's mind was clouded with so many emotions and thoughts, that he couldn't even think straight anymore. But all that he wanted to do at that very moment was try to locate his little SIR robot.

Zim right away summoned his base's computer to try and track Gir. "Computer?"

Groaning a little, Zim's unenthusiastic computer responded, "Ugh...what?"

"Computer, can you be able to locate Gir? I think he might have left the base, and now I don't know where he is."

"Of course he left," Zim's computer responded. "That's because you were being a big jerk to him, and making him feel like you didn't want him anymore."

"Well thanks for making me feel bad," Zim answered sarcastically. "I get that I yelled at Gir, but I didn't mean it. And I just want want him back," he said quietly. "So can you find him? Or at least locate him?"

" He disconnected his locater chip."

"Well thanks for nothing then!" Zim angrily responded as he stormed out the door. "I'll just find him myself!" Putting on his disguise, Zim quickly dashed out into the night, hoping he'd find his little robot buddy.

First, Zim checked in the front yard of his house and then the backyard. When he couldn't find Gir, Zim decided to check all of Gir's favorite places for any sign of him. But every place he checked, there was no sign of Gir anywhere.

Zim was starting to worry. It was already dark and he couldn't find Gir anywhere. He began to panic and think that he was never going to find Gir, that his little SIR was gone for good.

Over and over, Zim tried locating Gir but it was no use. He figured Gir must've deactivated his locator chip so Zim couldn't find him.

"Oh Gir...where are you?" Zim asked as he blinked back a couple tears.

Meanwhile at Membrane household

Having dinner with Dib and Gaz turned out to be a very fun experience for Gir. Even after Gaz finished eating and left, Dib and Gir remained in the kitchen where they were both playing with their food with each other.

They were currently seated at either side of the kitchen table, where Dib was trying to fling fish sticks like if they were little footballs into Gir's mouth. And Gir had his mouth wide open, as he was trying to catch the flying fish sticks.

But as soon as Dib saw an incoming video transmission from his father, he immediately told Gir to hide under the table.

"Oh hi, Dad," Dib said as soon as his father came up on the video transmission.

"I just wanted to check in to make sure you and your sister are all right," the Professor said.

"Everything's fine here, Dad. No need to worry."

"Very well. Do you two need anything?"

"Well actually..." Dib was hesitant to ask his father, but he forced the words out nonetheless. "Yeah, there is. we still have any rainbow sherbet ice cream in the freezer?"

"Did you finish your dinner?"

"Of course I did!" Dib said, sliding his plate into his lap and giving the rest of his fish sticks to Gir under the table. He held up his now empty plate. "See? Now where's the ice cream?"

"There's still some in the freezer," Membrane answered. "But try not to overdo it, okay? I know how you get when you have ice cream before bed."

"I'll be fine, Dad."

"All right then. Call me if you need anything. And remember, just because I'm not home doesn't mean you can stay up all night. Be in bed by nine, okay?"

"Okay, fine."

After the transmission ended, Dib motioned for Gir to come out. "That was close. Okay, Gir. It's only seven thirty, so we still got time to do stuff. You want some ice cream?"

Gir bounced excitedly. "Oooh! Yeah! Yeah!"

Just as they were enjoying their ice cream at the kitchen table, the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Wait here, Gir," Dib told the little robot as he got down from his chair. "Who could that be at this hour?"

When he opened the door, Dib's eyes widened in surprise when he saw Zim standing at the doorway. "Zim? What are you doing here?"

At the mention of Zim, Gir whimpered and hid behind Gaz's large teddy bear. He was scared that Zim had come to take him back so he could hurt him back at the base.

"Okay, here's the thing," he heard Zim say reluctantly. "Gir ran away from my base, and now I can't find him. I can't even locate him anymore because he turned off his locater chip. And I just came here wondering if you might have seen any sign of him."

"Well I haven't."

"Are you sure?"

"Why don't you just get out of here, Zim! Maybe Gir's just hiding well or something."

Zim detected something strange in the human's voice. "Wait. Are you sure you're—"

"Get out of my house!" Dib snapped as he slammed the door shut.

Zim was stunned at Dib's sudden outburst. But at the same time, it seemed like he knew something about Gir. Zim walked to the side of the house, and sneakily peered inside the living room window.

All he saw was Gaz sitting on the couch and playing her video game. But then he saw Dib walk in, carrying Gir and dragging a massive evil-looking teddy bear behind him. "What the...? Gir? What is he doing with them?"

Zim couldn't hear what they were saying inside but by the looks of it, it seemed like Gir was having a fun time with the two siblings, especially with Dib. He watched as Gir's optics lit up the whole room when Dib return a few minutes later with a plate of chocolate chip cookies.

Seeing Gir have a better time without his Irken master made Zim feel terrible for what he did. He wished he could go in there and apologize to Gir for yelling at him and making him run away, but he knew that at this moment Gir didn't want to see him. So Zim decided he would come back later where he would hopefully get his little SIR back.

In the living room, Gir was happily shoving cookies in his mouth, no longer feeling sad. "You want one?" he offered with his mouth full at Dib.

"Oh no thanks, Gir. I just barely ate—"

Before he could let Dib finish, Gir went ahead and shoved a cookie into the boy's mouth, nearly making him choke. Once the plate was empty, Gir hugged Dib around his stomach and thanked him for the delicious cookies.

"Aww you're welcome, Gir," Dib said, patting the little robot's head.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. Dib rolled his eyes. He had a hunch of who was at the door. Just as he got up to answer the door, Gir immediately clung to his right leg. He wanted to play with Dib by preventing him from answering the door.

"Um, Gir? Can you let go of my leg?" Dib tried to shake Gir off him, but the little bot wouldn't budge. "Gir, I'm serious!"

Gir was giggling happily as he clung to the boy's leg like a little leech. He giggled even harder whenever he almost made Dib trip or lose him balance.

"Aw forget it." Dib slowly walked to the door while dragging his right leg behind him with Gir still holding on. He only took two steps when Gir suddenly grabbed his other leg, and finally made him and face plant against the carpet.

The boy sighed as he felt Gir climb onto his back to pin him to the ground. "Gaz? Can you get the door? Gir won't let me up."

"Ugh, fine," Gaz said, rolling her eyes. "Go ahead and make me do everything."

As soon as she opened the door, she wasn't too surprised when she saw Zim was there again. Gaz turned around to tell her brother, "Hey Dib, you might wanna take Gir to the kitchen." Dib nodded and crawled to the kitchen with Gir still on his back.

"I knew it!" Zim said after Dib left. "So it's true. You are keeping Gir here!"

"And why do you care? You're the one who drove him away," Gaz reminded him.

"Don't you dare bring this back to me," Zim growled. "I know what I did and I truely regret it. And that is why I came all the way here to rectify my mistake by taking him home."

Gaz scoffed. "Yeah right."

"I'm serious!"

Gaz paused before saying, "Well do you know what happens to mean aliens who hurt their best friends?"

"No. What?"

"They get a face full of door!" Then Gaz slammed the door shut.

"Hey!" Zim exclaimed. "You can't just turn down Zim when I came all this way to apologize!"

"Of course I can!" Gaz yelled from the other side of the door.

Zim just stood there, defeated and not knowing what to do. "So you're just going to close the door?" He heard the lock click. "And lock it?" Then the porch light clicked off. "And turn off the porch light?"

Zim was not ready to admit defeat right there. "You think this will keep me away? Well guess what? I'm not leaving this spot until you open that door, and give me back my SIR unit!" he declared loudly. Then Zim folded his arms and sat on the doorstep.

He heard shuffling inside followed by muffled voices. Suddenly, the door opened with Gaz pointing a super soaker water gun at him.

Zim yelped and jumped to his feet the second he saw the water gun. "Wait! L-Let's be rational here!"

"Just go home, Zim. And stay away from my house!" Gaz yelled.

Zim somehow overcame his state of nervousness. He was not about to feel intimidated by a little girl. "No! I will not leave until you let me in there so I can talk to—AAAAAHHH!"

Gaz was done listening to Zim so she finally sprayed him with the water gun. She watched Zim scream and run down the street as the water burned him.

"This isn't over!" Zim shouted behind him as he ran down the street to his house.

When Zim finally returned home, he cursed himself for not slathering on some paste earlier so he could be protected by the water.

After he changed out of his wet clothes, Zim realized how quiet it was without Gir around. And he didn't like it at all. He just hoped Gir was all right by himself.

But turns out, Gir was having fun playing with Dib. He even had a chance to play video games with Gaz, and turned out to be an even better player than Dib, even though Gir never had any experience with any video games.

After the video games, Gir wanted to play with Dib again. At that moment, Gir was on top of Dib, pinning him down while covering the boy's face with his own black jacket. He was pretending he was kidnapping Dib.

And Dib was playing along, letting out small muffled yelps and cries for help. But then he really started shrieking when Gir slipped his hands under Dib's arms and began tickling him.


Instead of actually helping her brother, Gaz just put down her Game Slave and said, "That's not how you kidnap him, Gir. Let me show you how it's done."

Then she got off the couch and pinned Dib's wrists above his head so he couldn't bring his arms down anymore. "You gotta restrain him first," she told Gir. "And now you can attack him."

Dib shrieked and laughed loudly again when Gir rapidly tickled his exposed underarms. But what made it even worse for him was the fact that Gaz had his wrists secured over his head, so he couldn't pull down his arms no matter how much he yanked and pulled them.


Their playful moment was interrupted when Professor Membrane once again called to check on his kids. Gaz quickly threw a blanket on top of Gir and Dib so their father wouldn't freak out seeing a little robot in their house.

"Hey Dad," Gaz said when the Professor appeared on the screen.

"Just wanted to check to make sure your two are okay. Everything's fine over there?"

"Yeah Dad. No problems at all."

"Wait. Where's your brother?"

"Oh he's right here." Gaz gestured to Dib who was still trapped underneath the blanket. He continued to squeak and giggle under the blanket because Gir was still tickling him underneath.

Membrane was able to see the little lump on the floor squirming and squeaking uncontrollably. He gave Gaz a funny look. "What's wrong with your brother?"

Gaz quickly came up with an excuse. "Oh, he's just pretending to be kidnapped, and I'm pretending to be the kidnapper. See?" She grabbed and pinned Dib's wrists under her knees before tickling under his arms to make him laugh harder.

The Professor smiled as he saw his two kids playing together and getting along. "Well it looks like everything's under control. Just contact me if something's wrong, or if you two need anything. All right?"

"Sure thing, Dad," Gaz said over her brother's loud laughter.

As soon as Membrane hung up, Gaz took the blanket off Dib and released his wrists. He was still giggling and squirming as Gir kept tickling him.

"Gir!! Plea-hee-hee-hee-hease!! C'mon sto-ho-ho-hop!! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! Gaz!! Get him off me-hee-hee-hee!!"

"Oh fine." Gaz pried the little robot away from her brother.

When Dib finally calmed down, he playfully glared at Gir. "Oh I am so getting you back for this!"

Gir squealed and took of running as Dib lunged at him. He giggled madly when Dib suddenly started chasing him all around the living room. Gir squeaked loudly when he was finally caught by Dib, and lifted into the air.

"Gotcha!" Dib carried Gir to the couch where he pinned his little wrists under his knees. "Now you're going to pay for that, Gir!"

Gir instantly started shrieking squeaky laughs and giggles as Dib tickled his little underarms. "AAAHH! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE! MARY NO-HO-HO-HO!"

Dib felt Gir trying to tug his wrists free so he immediately attacked Gir's little tummy with rapidly moving fingers. Gir squealed adorably loudly and laughed even harder.


Despite being tickle tortured by the young human, Gir didn't mind this at all. In fact, he wanted Dib to continue! He felt so much better laughing, and letting go of all the negative emotions he held inside after having his feelings hurt by Zim.

Even Dib noticed how Gir wasn't even trying to stop him. He wasn't even begging Dib to stop tickling him.

As Dib kept tickling Gir's little belly, he had to catch the little robot because Gir nearly fell off the couch from laughing and squirming so much.

"Hey Gaz, wanna help get back at Gir?" Dib asked his sister.

"What for?" Gaz replied as she kept playing her game.

"To make him feel better so he's not sad anymore."

Gaz thought about it for a second, and then tossed her Game Slave aside. "For once, I'm actually agreeing with you." She helped grab and pin Gir's little wrists above his head while Dib sat on top of the little bot's legs.

Gir was already giggling and squirming in anticipation. He then screeched with happy laughter and giggles when he felt two pairs of fingers wiggle rapidly against his tummy and underarms.


Somehow, Gir was able to wriggle his wrists and legs free and right away hopped off the couch. He giggled up a storm as he was being chased around the living room by the two siblings.

As a last defense, Gir ducked and hid behind the huge teddy bear. He squealed every time he felt Dib or Gaz trying to tug the bear away from him.

Once Dib finally managed to yank the massive teddy bear away from Gir, he quickly grabbed the little robot and pinned him to the floor.

Gir immediately stared shrieking and squeaking laughter when he was being tickled mercilessly. He was having fun with it, but at the same time he was also losing it with two pairs of hands attacking his very ticklish spots.

Meanwhile, Zim was spying on all three of them from the living room window again. He watched with jealousy as his human enemies were playing with and cheering up his little SIR.

Zim felt even more awful about what he did, but he felt more jealous watching Gir having a better time without him. He stayed at the window, watching the three for the rest of the evening.

He got to see Gir playing more video games with Gaz, him playing with the huge teddy bear, and even him playfully wrestling with Dib. Zim couldn't watch anymore so he ducked down, and sat on the grass in the dark.

So many emotions were racing through the little alien's mind. He felt jealous, upset, and lonely. He even felt like he was going to cry. Zim was more upset at himself than anything because he knew he was the reason for driving Gir away. And all he wanted to do was apologize to Gir and make it up to him, but he didn't think that was possible.

As Zim peeked one last time to see what Gir was doing now, he yelped startlingly as Gaz was standing right by the window. She gave Zim a hard stare which made him shiver a bit.

Then she yanked the window open, and asked in a cold tone, "Why are you still here?"

"I-I just came to check if Gir's all right..." Zim answered quietly.

"Just go home, Zim," said Gaz. "And quit spying on us. It's so creepy."

"No!" Zim said firmly, slamming his hands on the windowpane. "I'm not leaving here until you let me in so I can talk to Gir. He's my SIR unit. Not yours. Mine! And if you think that you can just keep him here forever, then you're crazy! Crazy, you hear me?"

Before Zim could finish his rant, Gaz slammed the window shut down on Zim's fingers. Zim shrieked as his fingers were trapped and pressed down against the heavy window. He tried to free his fingers, and ended up slipping through his gloves. When he got up, he had a hard time tugging his gloves free with his now sore fingers.

Zim saw that the window shades were now slid down so he couldn't look inside anymore. Lowering his antennas, he sadly and slowly walked back to his house. Zim tried blinking back a few tears as his claws now pulsed a little in pain. But he wasn't tearing up from his injured fingers; he was tearing up because he thought he now lost Gir forever, and he was never going to see him again.

But he wasn't ready to give up. Zim figured he'd have to show Gir just how much he was sorry. After all, he heard humans say that actions spoke louder than words.

Since it was late, Zim decided he would put his apology plan into action early the next morning. For now, the only thing Zim could do was try and get some rest. But Zim couldn't get any rest. His harsh words to Gir kept repeating over and over in his mind like a broken record. That, and also his sore fingers kept bothering him.

Another thing that bothered Zim was the silence around him. It was too quiet in his base, and he didn't like it. He missed Gir, and he felt so lonely without him.

Zim couldn't even get some sleep in his own room. So, without realizing it, he went to sleep in Gir's room, hoping that would bring him some kind of comfort. It worked, but just for a little bit.

Zim was then startled when he felt droplets of liquid drip from his eyes. He realized he was crying. Zim had never cried before because his Irken leaders always said that showing emotion displayed weakness. But here on Earth, everyone always said that it was okay to cry and show your emotions.

The poor little Irken couldn't hold back his tears anymore, no matter how hard he tried to. He had to let it out. For the next few minutes, Zim was snuggled against Gir's blanket and crying against the soft fabric. He was crying so much that he ended leaving a damp stain on the blanket.

It's fine, Zim told himself. Tomorrow I can rectify my mistake, and finally apologize to Gir. But if I'm going to apologize, it's going to have to be a big apology.

After all that crying, Zim finally felt tired and went to sleep.

In Dib's room

Meanwhile, Dib and Gir were currently engaged in a playful wrestle with each other on Dib's bed. In the end, they made a mess of bed sheets and blankets on the bed.

"Okay, Gir," Dib said, a little out of breath from all that playing. "I think...I think that's enough for now. Just help me fix my bed."

Gir nodded and helped smooth out the wrinkled bed sheets, and fold Dib's blankets. But then he wanted to play again. So when Dib was distracted, Gir snuck behind him and suddenly trapped him with a nearby blanket. Gir wanted to play kidnapper again.

"Aahh! Gir!" Dib yelped out as he was pressed against his bed. "I told you, I don't wanna play kidnapper anymore!"

"But this isn't kidnapper," said Gir as he sat on top of the boy's back. "I wanna play abducted!"

"Okay, well how do you play—AAAHH! GI-HI-HI-HI-HIR!" Dib couldn't even finish his sentence because Gir began tickling under his arms again. Almost every game Gir wanted to play involved tickling.


As Gir kept tickling the young boy, he also made sure he kept Dib pinned against the bed and had the blanket covering his face so he wouldn't see where Gir would tickle him next.

Luckily, Dib was saved when he heard an incoming transmission coming from his father. Gir already knew to move aside and hide when he heard the ringtone from the floating video device.

"Hi Dad," Dib said when he saw Membrane's face on the screen.

"Hello son. Everything's okay over there?"

Dib nodded. "Yup." He then tilted his head in confusion when he heard his father suddenly chuckling. "What? What's so funny?"

"You. Was there tornado in your room?" the Professor asked, still chuckling.


"Look at your hair. It's a mess."

Dib rolled his eyes, and reached up to smoothen his super messy hair. "I was just playing."

"I can tell. For now, I just called to say good night to you both."

"Already?" Dib asked. "But it's still early. And a Friday night."

"I know that, but you should know that I normally let you stay up a little later on a weekend night," Membrane answered. "Besides, it's already 10:30. You've stayed up long enough."

"But I'm not tired," Dib protested with a whine.

"Son, I'm not going to ask you again," the Professor said firmly yet gently. "It's already late, and you need to go to sleep. All right?"

Dib sighed and folded his arms. "Fine. I'll go to bed. Good night, Dad."

"Good night, son. Sleep well. Oh wait—one more thing."


"Did you take a bath already?"

"No. Why?"

Membrane sighed a little. "Just...promise me you'll take a bath tomorrow morning when you wake up."

Dib whined again. "But I'm fine!"

"When was the last time you took a bath?"

"I don't know. Like...three days ago?"

The Professor sighed again. "Then you need to take a bath tomorrow."

"But I don't need a bath!"

"Why is it always a struggle for me to take you a bath, and put you to bed? Son, it's just a bath. And just because I'm not here doesn't mean you can do whatever you want. So when I come home, I expect you to be clean and well rested. I do not want to find out that you stayed up tonight. Understand?"

Dib knew there was no point in trying to argue with his father any further, so he reluctantly agreed. "Okay, fine."

"Excellent. I have to get back to my work so I'll go ahead and let you sleep."

"Okay. Good night, Dad."

"Good night, son. Sweet dreams."

As soon as Membrane hung up, Dib rolled his eyes again and made himself comfy on his bed. He didn't think his Dad would check in again to see if he was asleep, so he decided to pass the time reading some scary novels.

As he began reading a chapter, Gir cheerfully bounced back into the room. "Hi Mary! You done talking to your Daddy?"

"Yup. He was just checking in to say good night." Dib suddenly yelped when Gir snatched his book out of his hands. "Hey! I was reading that!"

"You can't read now," said Gir. "You gotta go to bed now."

"Says who?"

"Says your Daddy."

Dib scoffed and rolled his eyes. "Yeah right. It's a Friday night, and I'm not even tired."

"But your Daddy says you gotta go to bed."

"So? He's working in his lab across town. He don't know what's going on here."

"But you said I can take care of you for your Daddy. And I say you go to bed."

Dib rolled his eyes again. "No offense, Gir, but you're not the boss of me. And you don't have to treat me like a little baby, either. If I wanna stay up later, then I can."

"Mary, you better go to bed right now," Gir scolded like a parent. "Or else."

"Or else what?"

"Or else your in big trouble!"

"Nice try, Gir. But you don't scare me. My Dad doesn't have to know."

Without warning, Gir tackled Dib and pinned the boy down on his back against the bed. "Gir! Get off me!"

"Mary, go to bed!" Gir said as he tried to tuck Dib in. Dib just whined like a child, and kicked the blanket off him.

"But I told you, I'm not tired!"

"You not sleepy?" Gir asked.


Gir patted the irritated boy's head. "It's okay. If you're not sleepy, then I make you sleepy!"

Dib didn't know what Gir meant by that, but he quickly figured it out when Gir suddenly tickle attacked him again. "Gir no-ho-ho-ho!! I'm no-ho-ho-hot in the mood to be tickled anymo-ho-ho-ho-hore!!"

"Well this is what naughty little boys get for not going to bed!" Gir said over Dib's loud giggling. "You gonna go to sleep now?"

Dib shook his head. "No wa-ha-ha-hay!! Ha-ha-ha-ha!! A-And you can't make me-hee-hee-hee!!"

Gir smirked at the young boy. He felt like Dib was just asking for it. Well if Dib didn't want to listen, then Gir would use another method to make him listen.

First, Gir reached into his head compartment to pull out a pair of toy handcuffs. Gir would always use these handcuffs on Zim whenever they were playing kidnapper, or when Gir was pretending to arrest Zim and put him in space prison.

It was hard getting the cuffs on Dib's wrists since he was moving around so much, but Gir managed to cuff Dib's wrists over his head and attach the cuffs to one of the bars on the head board so Dib couldn't lower his arms at all.

"Aw Gir!" Dib whined as he tried tugging his trapped wrists down. "What was that for? That was assault!"

"It's so you don't run away," Gir explained innocently. "You gotta go to sleep now." He grabbed Dib's blanket off the floor and tried to tuck him in again, but Dib just kicked the blanket away again.

"Stop trying to tuck me in! I don't wanna go to bed!"

"Aww you still not tired?"


"So you wanna keep playing until you get tired?"

"Just let me go, Gir!"

Gir assumed that Dib just wanted to play more to tire himself out. And Gir knew exactly how to help tire the young human. He grabbed Gaz's huge teddy bear before pushing Dib's shirt up to his chest.

Dib's eyes widened when he felt his shirt being pushed up. "W-Wait Gir! What are you doing?!"

"I gonna play with you until you're sleepy!" Gir cheerfully answered before grabbing the teddy bear's paws, and softly dragging its plush claws up and down Dib's tummy.

Dib squealed and giggled squeakily as the bear's plush claws made his belly tingle, and even made goosebumps rise on his skin. "Gir no-ho-ho-ho!! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!! Please!! Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!! That really tickles!!"

"Are you ready to go to sleep now?" Gir asked over the boys loud giggling.

"No-ho-ho-ho-ho!! I don't want to-hoo-hoo-hoo!!"

"Aw it's okay, Mary. I know you wanna play more."

Dib squeaked in surprise when the massive teddy bear was suddenly dropped on top of his face and chest. Now he couldn't see what Gir was about to do next, but he was able to feel Gir climb and sit on his waist. "Now what are you doing?"

Gir didn't answer, and instead pulled out a feathery cat toy from his head compartment. The cat toy he owned was just a long plastic stick with two long feathers attached to one end. Gir loved the toy because he always liked to mess with Zim by tickling him with the feathers, especially when Zim was already comfy in bed.

And now that Gir brought his feathery cat toy with him, he decided to try it out on Dib. He instantly got Dib to screech super loud, squeaky giggles by brushing the feathers all over Dib's tummy.


Having the huge bear on his chest was bad enough for Dib since he couldn't see where Gir was going to tickle next. But what made it even worse was the fact that his wrists were restrained above his head so Dib couldn't protect his belly no matter what he did.

"You gonna go to bed now?" Gir asked again.

Dib didn't hear him over the sound of his own loud laughter. He frantically shook his head. "NO-HO-HO-HO! PLEASE GIR! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE! STOP DOI-HI-HI-HING THA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAT!"

Gir assumed Dib was responding to his question. "No? You still not want to listen to your Daddy? Bad Mary! Now you're going to get it!"

Dib jolted with a loud shriek when he felt the tips of the feathers trace around his belly button. He then started screeching loudly and squirming wildly when the feather tips slipped in and wiggled against the ticklish skin inside.


"You gonna go to bed now?"

Dib knew there was no way out of this. So he finally blurted out that he would go to bed if Gir stopped tickling him right this second. But it took several long seconds for him to get all the words out since he was laughing uncontrollably.


After hearing that Dib was willing to cooperate, Gir finally pulled his feathery toy away. Then he crawled over Dib, who was red faced and heavily panting, and unfastened the cuffs from his wrists.

Dib tiredly tugged his shirt down, and pushed the teddy bear off his chest. All that laughing and tickling actually tired him out. He let out a squeaky yawn, and tiredly rubbed his eyes. He was even too tired to protest against Gir, who began tucking him in.

"Sleep tight, Mary," Gir said sweetly, patting Dib's head. Then he planted a little kiss right on the boy's nose.

"Aw Gir!" Dib whined as he blushed.

Gir just giggled, and pulled the massive teddy bear close so it could sleep with him and Dib. After Dib took his glasses off and turned off his bedside lamp, Gir wanted to sleep next to him. So he wormed his way under the covers until he laid on top of Dib's belly.

Dib let out a nervous squeak when he felt Gir push his pajama shirt up again. "Gir! W-What are you doing?"

"I got cold," Gir innocently replied. "So I wanna sleep with you and your warm tummy." The little robot pressed his metal cheek against Dib's tummy, making the human jump a little. Gir's face felt cold.

"Oh all right," said Dib, getting comfy again. "Just don't tickle me in the middle of the night, okay?"

Gir giggled a little. "I won't." With his bright blue optics illuminating the dark under the blanket, Gir was able to spot Dib's belly button again. Giggling softly, he sneakily extended a finger to trace around it.

Instantly, Dib twitched and exploded with loud squeaky giggles. "Gir, no-ho-ho-ho-ho!! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!! You promised—ha-ha-ha-ha—no more tickling!!"

Got ignored his response. "I have a question."

"Wha-ha-ha-hat?!" Dib squealed and laughed louder when he felt Gir's little finger start wiggling inside his belly button. He buried his face against the teddy bear's arm to try and muffle his laughter.

"Why do have a happy button in your tummy?"


"And why are you so ticklish here?"


"What's your happy button even for?"


"Ooooh! What's at the bottom of your happy button? Or is it like a hole that goes on forever and ever?"


Gir finally took his finger out when Dib kept batting at his hand to stop. "It's okay, Mary," he said as he heard Dib's heavy breathing again. He patted Dib's tummy. "I'll stop now."

Gir nuzzled his cheek against the soft, warm surface before resting his head against the boy's belly again. He perked up when he suddenly heard growling sounds coming from Dib's tummy. "What's that?"

"Hm?" Dib sleepily replied.

"Why's your tummy making funny noises? Did you eat a mad puppy?"

Dib giggled a little. "No. That's just my stomach digesting my dinner from earlier."

"Wow!" Gir exclaimed when he heard another growling sound. "So your tummy has a tummy, and it's eating your food?"

"Um...sure. I guess if you understand it that way."

Gir giggled again. "Your tummy's so silly! It makes all these funny sounds! I like it when your tummy makes that funny pffft sound!"

Dib lifted his head in confusion. "Huh?"

"Like this!" Gir took a deep breath, and blew a loud raspberry against the human's belly. Dib instantly screamed like a girl, and began violently squirming on his bed while shrieking laughter.

"Gir, don't do that!" Dib giggled when he managed to calm down. "I can't stand it when anyone does that!"

"Aww why not?" Gir asked, resting his chin on Dib's stomach.

"' Dad and sister used to do that to me all the time when I was little, and it drove me crazy!" Dib was glad that it was dark in his room so Gir couldn't see him blushing.

"Awww! That's so cute!"

"No it's not! It's evil! And it feels horrible!"

"But it makes you all smiley and giggle funny," Gir innocently pointed out.

Dib rolled his eyes. "That's because it's an involuntary response. I don't choose to laugh all crazy-like when someone blows on my belly." He shivered a bit. "Now I'm getting all tingly just thinking about it."

Gir giggled again, and then began gently poking all over the boy's tummy, making him twitch and giggle squeakily. "Ooooh! You feel so squishy and warm!"

Dib suddenly felt a little offended, and pushed Gir's hands away. "Excuse me?! I happen to be in excellent shape here! If anyone's squishy, it's obviously Zim!"

At the mention of Zim, Gir's face fell a little. He cuddled against Dib's warm belly. "Thank you for letting me stay with you, Mary. S-Since my master was so mean to me..."

"Aw it's okay, Gir," Dib said, gently patting the little robot's head. "You know, you're always welcome here anytime." Dib winced a little when Gir hugged him tightly.

As Gir laid his head against Dib's chest, he perked up again when he heard a soft, rhythmic thumping sound. It sounded steady, and very soothing to hear. Curious, Gir pushed the boy's pajama shirt higher so he could hear that thumping sound better. "What's that sound?"

"That's my heartbeat," Dib answered. Watching Gir's child-like innocence and curiosity humored him. "When you hear that sound, it means I'm alive."

"Cool! What's your heart for?"

" keep me alive."

"I like that sound..." Gir sleepily replied. The soft rhythmic sound of Dib's heartbeat was making him sleepy. In a matter of seconds, he finally fell asleep and his optics dimmed to black.

Dib smiled warmly at the little sleeping robot on top of him. He pulled the covers closer to keep them both warm, and then drifted off to sleep.

Early the next morning

Fortunately for Zim, his species didn't need that much sleep. In fact, the average sleep cycle for an Irken was around three to four hours of sleep a night.

So early the next morning, Zim got up to put his apology plan for Gir into action. He figured Gir wouldn't forgive him that easily even if he just said he was sorry. Zim needed to do something to show Gir just how sorry he was.

He came up with many ideas, but he finally narrowed down his choices to one. He just hoped he could still make it to Dib's house early.

Zim quickly changed, stuffed a handful of money in his pocket, and headed to a nearby toy store. He remembered Gir dragging him to the store weeks ago because he saw something displayed by the window that he really liked.

When he entered the store, Zim's heart almost stopped when the toy Gir wanted wasn't at the window display. He quickly searched all over the store, trying to find it until he finally noticed a large cardboard bin towards the back of the store.

Zim peeked inside, and noticed there were similar toys to the one Gir wanted. Feeling hopeful, Zim climbed inside the bin and began tossing out the other stuffed toys to find the one he was looking for.

Finally, after emptying out the entire bin, Zim found the toy he was looking for: an enormous stuffed pig with crossed eyes, and a silly stitched smile with its tongue sticking out.

As Zim tried to lift the stuffed pig out of the bin, he was surprised at how heavy it was. "How can a stupid toy weigh so much?" Zim grunted as he struggled to lift the piggy up.

When he did finally pull it out of the cardboard bin, the weight of the massive plush pig pinned Zim to the ground. It was even a struggle for him to free himself from underneath!

Grabbing the toy by it's fuzzy ear, Zim dragged it all the way to the cash register where he finally paid for it. Then he realized he had another problem: carrying the massive piggy all the way to Dib's house. Zim sighed as he realized he had a long tiring journey ahead of him.

In Dib's room

Gir ended up waking up before Dib. He overheard Dib's father mention that Dib was supposed to take a bath the next day, so Gir wanted to be helpful and wake the boy up for his bath.

But trying to wake Dib up proved to be difficult. He kept mumbling that he was still tired and wanted to sleep, but Gir wouldn't take that as an answer.

Gir yanked off the blanket, making Dib whine and curl inward as the warmth from his blanket was taken away. "Wake up, Mary!" he said cheerfully.

Dib put a pillow over his head. "'s Saturday," he tiredly whined out. "Just let me sleep in." He squeaked in surprise when he felt Gir try to tug him off the bed by his ankles. "Stop, Gir! I want to sleep!"

Gir saw how stubborn the young human was being, so he decided to take more drastic measures. Gir had experience in waking up Zim whenever he was so stubborn and complained that he was still tired. There was always a trick in waking him up, and Gir figured this trick would work on Dib as well.

First, Gir sneakily slipped his hands under Dib's pajama shirt before gently pressing his fingers against the warm skin of the human's belly.

Dib jolted with a squeak as Gir's fingers felt cold against this skin. But he suddenly exploded with uncontrollable giggles as Gir began lightly tickling him there. "Gir, no-ho-ho-ho!! Hee-hee-hee-hee-hee!! I'm no-ho-ho-hot in the mood for tickles!!"

"Then wake up!" Gir moved his hands higher to the boy's underarms. "Wake up! Wake up! Wake up!"

Dib squealed and laughed even harder, slamming his arms to the side. "NO STO-HO-HO-HO-HOP! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! I-I'M AWA-HA-HA-HA-HAKE ALREADY!"

"No you're not!" Gir said, wiggling his fingers faster under the trapped arms. "You're eyes aren't open!"

Dib barely managed to open his eyes a little as he was laughing uncontrollably. "GIR, C'MO-HO-HO-HON! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! M-MY EYES AHA-HA-HA-HA-ARE OPEN! C'MON PLEA-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEASE!"

Gir smiled to himself as he successfully woke the boy up. When he helped Dib to sit up, Gir grabbed him by the hand and tried to tug him off the bed. "C'mon, Mary! You gotta get up now!"

"What for?" Dib asked as he refused to budge.

"'Member? Last night, your Daddy said you gotta take a bath today."

Dib yanked his arm free. "No way! I'm fine right now so I'll just do that later." He yelped when Gir managed to tug him off the bed by his ankles.

"I'm in charge of you for your Daddy, and I say you take a bath right now!" Gir declared as he dragged Dib to the bathroom.

Being stubborn like a child, Dib refused to take a bath. He whined and kicked his legs while telling Gir that he didn't need a bath in the first place. Dib even clung to the door frame of the bathroom door, like a toddler refusing to leave a toy store.

When Gir finally managed to pry the boy's fingers off, he quickly shut the door so Dib couldn't escape. Then he dragged Dib by one ankle to the tub to turn on the water. "How warm do you want the water?" Gir asked. "Not too hot?"

Dib didn't answer, but only continued to whine like a little child and try to kick his legs free. "Just let me go, Gir! I don't need a bath!"

Gir patted the irritated boy's head. "Relax, Mary. Since it's Saturday, I'll let you stay in your jammies for the whole day!"

"That doesn't make me feel better!"

"Sure it will! Do you need help to take off your clothes?"

"Gross, no!" Dib said as he hugged himself. "I'm not undressing myself with you in here!"

Gir tilted his head. "Well how are you gonna take a bath?" he asked innocently. "You can't take a bath in your jammies."

Dib didn't want to take a bath, but he knew there was no point in trying to avoid it. There was no way around it as lokg as Gir was watching over him. He hesitated. "Well...I guess I could put on my swimming trunks since I can get wet in those."

"Ooooh! Yay!" Gir beamed. "Where are they?"

"In my room, but—"

Gir didn't let him finish, and just dashed back to Dib's room. He quickly found the swimming shorts that Dib was talking about. Just as he walked out of Dib's room to the bathroom, he saw the human freeze in place in the middle of the hallway as he was attempting to sneak away.

Dib looked like a deer caught in headlights. He thought he could sneak away and avoid his bath without Gir noticing, but he was wrong. Then, without warning, Dib took off running down the hall with Gir chasing him from behind.

"Come back here, Mary!" Gir shouted as he chased the young human. He finally managed to catch Dib, and dragged him all the way upstairs by his ankles.

By the time they were both back in the bathroom, the tub was already half full. Gir went ahead and turned off the water. "Here," he said, handing Dib the swim shorts. "Put these on so you can get in the tub."

Dib just glanced at his swim shorts, then at Gir, and back at his shorts. Gir caught on to his silent message. "Oh don't worry," the little robot said as he pressed himself against the door, and covered his optics with his hands. "I won't look."

Dib felt a little more relaxed, and then took his sweet time taking off his clothes and slipping into his swim shorts.

"Are you dooone?" Gir asked.

The boy sighed. "Yeah...I'm done." He didn't want to budge as Gir took his hand, and tried to get him in the tub.

"C'mon, Mary! You gotta take a bath!"

"Stop calling me Mary! My name's not Mary!"

"Can I call you Dibby then?"

Dib rolled his eyes. "It's just Dib!"

"Okay, Dibby!" Gir replied cheerfully.

Gir had to forcibly drag Dib to tub, and pick him up to put him in the water. Dib frowned and folded his arms in a pout as soon as he was placed in the water.

Gir saw the boy's frown so he reached in his head compartment to pull out a yellow rubber ducky. "Here, Dibby! You can play with my ducky while I get you all clean!" He gave the toy ducky a little squeeze, making it emit a squeak.

Dib rolled his eyes again. "I can bathe myself, Gir."

The little robot shook his head as he grabbed a nearby stool to reach the tub. "But I'm in charge of you, and I get to clean you."

Gir grabbed a nearby washcloth and a bottle of shampoo. Then he cupped some water in his hands, and poured it on Dib's head. Dib shivered a little as the water dripped from his head to his face.

As soon as Dib's hair was finally all wet, Gir squirted some shampoo on his head and began washing his scalp. It felt weird having Zim's little robot SIR take him a bath, but Dib went along with it. And he didn't mind that much since Gir resembled an innocent, silly little child.

Once Gir was done washing his hair, he poured water on the rest of the boy's body to clean the rest of him. Gir then squirted shampoo on the washcloth so he could clean Dib's back and face.

When that was done, Gir decided to move to his little feet. But every time he reached for his ankles, Dib pulled his feet away and shook his head no.

"I-It's okay, Gir," Dib said, trying not to sound nervous. "I can take it from here." He tried to grab the washcloth out of Gir's hands, but Gir pulled it away. He surprised Dib by climbing into the tub. "Um, Gir? W-What are you doing?"

"I just gonna clean your little feet!"

"Wait, Gir! No!" Dib tried to climb out of the tub, but Gir quickly snatched his left ankle and began scrubbing the bottom of his foot.

Dib immediately exploded with loud shrieks and giggles, and began splashing around in the tub while kicking his legs. "AAAHH! GIR NO! NO PLEA-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEASE! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! T-THAT TICKLES! HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE!"

"Dibby, hold still!" Gir playfully scolded as he now began scrubbing Dib's other foot. He nearly got kicked in the face several times, but managed to hold the boy's foot still.

Trying to clean the rest of Dib was difficult, especially when Gir tried to scrub at his tummy. Whenever Gir inched the soapy washcloth close to Dib's belly, Dib squealed and hugged himself while giggling madly.

When Gir finally managed to pry the boy's hands away, he scrubbed rapidly at Dib's sensitive belly and even tried to clean inside his belly button.

Dib was a screaming mess of hysterical laughter as he splashed water everywhere, and even smacked Gir with the rubber ducky. "AAAAAAHA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! GIR S-STAAAAAHA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAP! HA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HA! I-I'M CLEA-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEE-HEAN ALREADY! JUST PLEASE STA-HA-HA-HA-HA-HAP!"

Finally, after a few more long minutes, it was over. As soon as Gir helped Dib out of the tub and drained the water, Gir sat Dib down on the bathroom carpet to help dry him. Dib giggled a little as the fluffy towel brushed over his ticklish spots.

"Here, Dibby!" Gir said cheerfully as he handed the boy his space themed pajamas. "Oooh! Now I can make you and your sister breakfast! You want some waffles?"


"I make you waffles!" Gir interrupted, and then raced downstairs.

While Gir left Dib to change, he went back to the human's room so he could take Gaz's huge teddy bear downstairs. In such a short time, he had grown attached to the huge, evil-looking stuffed toy.

Gir was also excited to make lots of delicious cooked waffles for Dib and Gaz. "You want some waffles, too?" he asked the plush bear. "I like to make waffles for everyone. You know what else I like? I like watching TV, especially the scary monkey show. I like to color. Oooh! And eat tacos from the crazy taco man!"

A few minutes later, Dib and Gaz came downstairs to be greeted by the sweet smell of freshly cooked waffles. Gir beamed, and handed them both a plate pile high with waffles that were dripping with syrup.

"Do you like 'em?" Gir asked hopefully as both kids began eating.

They both nodded. "Totally! Gir, these may be the best waffles we've ever eaten!"

Gir smiled wider, and squealed in happiness. Then he began scarfing down his own plate of syrupy waffles. But after a few more bites, he wanted to help feed Dib.

"Gir, I can eat myself," Dib said, turning his head away when Gir tried to shove a piece of waffle in his mouth.

The little robot's face fell. "But you said I can take care of you. And I wanna feed you your waffles."

Dib didn't want to hurt Gir's feelings, so he reluctantly agreed to let Gir feed him. "Okay...fine." He blushed when he heard Gaz snicker at what Gir was saying when he was spooning waffle in his mouth.

"Open the garage," Gir said teasingly like if he was feeding a baby. "Here comes the plane! Choo-choo!"

Dib blushed even more as he chewed his food slowly. He glared harshly at his little sister as she kept snickering at the way Gir was feeding him.

They were suddenly interrupted when the doorbell rang. Both siblings rolled their eyes and groaned as they knew who was at the door.

As Dib walked to the door to answer it, Gir got down from his chair and immediately clung to Dib's leg. He giggled as he was weighing Dib down, and giggled even harder when he managed to trip the boy again.

Dib sighed as Gir sat on top of him, pinning him down against the floor. "Gaz? Can you get the door?"

The doorbell rang again as Gaz got down from her chair. When she opened the door, she was not too surprised to see Zim there. But she was a little shocked to see him sitting in a shopping cart, that was also carrying a massive stuffed piggy.

"What are you doing here, Zim?" Gaz asked coldly.

When Gir heard that Zim was here again, he immediately grew afraid and got off of Dib. "I don't wanna see him!" he whimpered out as he reached for Gaz's teddy bear.

"Calm down, Gir," Dib said as he sat up. "If you want, we can go up to my room, and let Gaz—"

Gir didn't let him finish his sentence because he grabbed Dib's ankle, and dragged him back upstairs along with the huge teddy bear.

"Why are you here again?" Gaz repeated. "I thought you wanted a better robot servant."

Zim sighed. "I never meant what I said back there. I just—" He got cut when Gaz slammed the door shut again. Annoyed, Zim rang the doorbell repeatedly. He was not going to be ignored again. When Gaz answered the door again, she glared harshly at Zim.

"Would you stop slamming the door in my face?!" Zim asked angrily.

"Will you quit trying to break into my house?"

"Look. Can you just give me five minutes in there just to talk to Gir about—"

Gaz was done hearing Zim so she ended up pushing the cart off her front lawn, and into the street. Zim shrieked as the shopping cart tripped over a crack in the sidewalk, and ended up crashing into the street.

He did manage to quickly dust himself off, and drag the stuffed pig back to the doorstep. This time, he banged on the door multiple times, like a burglar trying to break in.

When the door finally opened, Zim pushed himself inside before he would get locked out again. He got crushed by the huge piggy when he managed to fit it through the door.

Gaz just watched the little alien squirming under the massive plush pig as he tried to free himself from underneath. When he did manage to push the piggy off of him, Zim's wig was crooked on his head, and one of his contacts came off. Zim didn't want to put his disguise back on so he decided to take his wig and remaining contact lense off.

"All right. Now where's Gir?"

Gaz ingored his question, and instead nudged the plush pig. "Why'd you bring this?"

Zim rolled his eyes. "It's for Gir. Duh. Just let me talk to him. I literally came all this way with this stuffed piggy that weighs nearly a ton just to apologize to him." His antennae drooped downward. "Please...just let me see him."

Gaz detected a hint of desperation and sadness in the alien's voice. He didn't sound like he was lying. He sounded like he was really sorry, and really wanted to apologize.

She sighed. "I think he's upstairs with Dib."

Zim nodded, and dragged the stuffed piggy behind him by its fuzzy ear. Then he shot Gaz a glare. "What is the matter with you? Pushing me into the street like that!"

It was a struggle to drag the huge toy up the stairs since it practically weighed a thousand pounds. He perked up when he heard Dib's grunting and Gir's giggling nearby. Zim smiled a little when he saw Dib clinging to his doorframe as Gir tried to pry him off by yanking on the boy's ankles.

"No, Gir! Let go of me!"

"You let go!"

"No! I know what you're going do to me!"

"But you said you wanna play, Dibby!"

"No I didn't! I know you're just gonna tickle me again!"

Dib suddenly stopped struggling when he noticed Zim standing a few feet away. "Zim?"

Feeling afraid again, Gir yanked Dib inside the room and slammed the door shut. Zim rushed over to open the bedroom door. Luckily, it wasn't locked.

"Gir? Gir, where are you?"

Dib gestured to the little trembling lump on his bed. Gir was whimpering and trembling under Dib's blanket. Dib glared at Zim. "Why are you here?"

"Just...hear me out," said Zim. "I just want to talk to him real quick."

"No!" he heard Gir say from under the blanket. The little robot reached out for Dib, and hugged him close. "D-Don't let him take me, Mary! Don't let him hurt me!"

Zim felt his heart break when he heard those words. He couldn't believe Gir was this scared of him. He drooped his antennae, and crawled over to bed to rest his chin on the mattress.

"Gir?" he said softly. Zim heard the little bot whimper again. "Gir, you don't have to be scared of me. I'm not going to hurt you." He reached a hand out, but when Gir felt Zim gently touch his shoulder, he roughly pushed the hand away and scooted further away from Zim.

"Gir, please," Zim said, his voice cracking. "I won't hurt you."

Dib couldn't believe how sad Zim sounded. He could tell Zim wasn't putting up a fake act; he really felt sorry and wanted to apologize. So he decided to help Zim out.

The young boy gently nudged Gir. "It's okay, Gir. He won't hurt you. I think Zim just wants to apologize."

But that didn't convince Gir. The little robot whimpered and got down from the bed, trying to crawl away from Zim. Gir ducked inside Dib's closet, and used one of his black jackets to hide behind.

Whenever Zim tried to get near him, Gir would whimper louder and swat his hand away. Zim had to nearly chase down Gir all over Dib's room until he finally managed to corner the little robot.

Now feeling trapped, Gir started to cry. He thought Zim was going to force him to go back to the base so he could hurt and yell at him again.

Seeing Gir cry also saddened Zim. So he got down on his hands and knees, slowly inched closer so as not to frighten Gir, and used his antennae to gently brush over Gir's cheeks.

The soft touch made Gir look up with tear flooded optics. He saw Zim give him a sad smile followed by a concerned look. Gir saw that Zim didn't look vicious or mad. He actually looked sorrowful and depressed.

"Gir, listen to me," Zim said softly. "I want you to know that I never meant what I said the other day. Not a single word. I'm sorry I yelled at you. It was wrong of me to say such filthy, hurtful lies...But running away? Gir, why would you take off like that?"

Gir cowered down against the corner. He thought Zim was upset at him for running away. He answered with teary optics, "B-Because you said y-you wanted a better SIR than m-me."

Zim reached a hand out to gently wipe Gir's tears away. "No, no, that's so not true. I would never replace you, Gir. You're the best little SIR unit I could ever ask for."

Gir looked up with hopeful teary optics. "I-I am?"

"Of course you are," Zim answered, gently petting the little bot's head. "So don't ever think for a moment that I would replace you, because I won't. I don't need one of those other dumb SIR robots because I already have the best SIR right in front of me."

Gir smiled a little, but then his face fell. "B-But you said I never listen or do things right. A-And then you didn't want me anymore 'cause I broke your doomy thingy. Why were you mean to me?"

Zim turned his head away. "I know I lost it for a moment, but what I said was also not true. I was just so upset and frustrated after working on that device all day. I didn't mean to lash out my anger on you."

"I-I'm sorry I broke your doom thingy," Gir said quietly.

"It's okay, Gir. It doesn't even matter anymore. And you wanna know why?"


"Because...when I went to present my doomsday device to the Tallest, they didn't seem so interested in it. They actually didn't care to see my presentation so...what's the point? I actually doubt that device was going to work on its own since I could never find a suitable power source."

"So you not mad?"

Zim smiled warmly. "Of course not. I'm mad at this planet for not providing suitable power sources for large devices of destruction, but not you. Never at you, Gir. And I'm sorry if I hurt you. I'm really sorry, Gir. I am really, really, seriously sorry." He lowered his voice. "I...I want you to come back. You really scared me when you ran away unexpectedly. And...I miss you."

Gir looked up. Zim eyes were glistening a little. He couldn't believe his own master was crying...crying for him. Crying because he truly wanted him back as his SIR. "You...really miss me?"

"Of course I do," Zim answered as his voice cracked again. "It's so boring back at base without you. And I feel so lonely without you. I'm...I'm a wreck without you..!" Zim then spread his arms out to Gir, silently begging for a hug. "Please, Gir...I need my little SIR unit back where he belongs."

Gir stared at Zim, not showing any emotion. He didn't say anything.

To be continued...