And here it is, the fourth and last chapter! Sorry for the wait and enjoy it ;)

Good reading to all!

« Cat Noir? »

Adrien bit his lips and nodded with guilty air.

The seconds passed and Marinette began to understand what was going on, « Since when? » she asked with a cold voice.

« Mari... »

She raised her tone: « Since when? »

« I don't... I don't know exactly... more than a year. »

Marinette felt her throat tighten and her heart tear in her chest. She shook her head as her eyes darken with anger. She caught Adrien's hands still placed against her hips and roughly removed them from her body before moving away from him.

« Listen, it's complicated, I... »

« No, it's very simple. »

She caught the first item of clothing which was lying on the floor and threw it to the other side of the room when noticing it was Adrien's shirt. Eventually, she snagged a blanket from the bed and wrapped it around her body. With her hands shaking and her heart beating rapidly, she snatched up underwear, shorts and tee-shirt from the wardrobe before going to the bathroom.

Adrien, after having put on jogging pants, hastened towards her and put his hands on her shoulders to stop her, « Mari, can we talk, please? »

His green eyes had lost their glow which she loved so much and the guilty look he was wearing was making her want to hug him. But the rage brewing inside her was bigger.

« I expected just one thing from you, Adrien, » she whispered, her eyes anchored on his, « The truth. And you couldn't even give me that, so don't count on me to listen to you. »

Hurt by the hardness of her voice, he didn't hold her back when she escaped from his grip and dived into the bathroom.

Marinette let her tears flood her eyes the instant she closed the door. Pressing her hand against her mouth, she burst into tears, externalizing all the emotions she had kept bottled up within herself for a long time. For way too long.

She felt betrayed by her best friend, her partner, the one she loved more than anyone. And she felt stupid to not havenoticed anything while he knew during all this time.

Her body shook with her sobs as Marinette slid under the shower, letting her tears meld with the water which was flowing along her skin.

Adrien sat waiting at the edge of the bed with his head lowered. One of his legs animatedly jumped even with his shaking hands laid against his thighs.

Marinette's sentence was repeating on a loop in his mind until it hurt his head. He absolutely wanted to clear this up with her, to explain to her the how and the why, and apologize.

He owed her real excuses, real explanations, he was totally conscious of that.

The moment the bathroom door opened he suddenly stood up. Marinette exited without giving him a glance. Her hair was amassed in a high ponytail, exposing her swollen and red eyes. She was wearing a red tank top, decorated with buttons on the front, and black shorts which emphasized the narrowness of her waist. Her fruity perfume tickled Adrien's nostrils as she coldly walked by him.

He wasn't able to take his eyes off of her. Analyzing her features, her tensed jaw, her frowning eyebrows and the hurt in her eyes, « Marinette... I'm really sorry. »

His voice was overflowing with sincerity, but she still didn't look at him.

« I wanted to tell you, really... »

She cleaned up her stuff spread over the floor, making back and forth between the bathroom and the room.

« But it was never the right time, and then... »

He was cut off by Marinette's bitter laugh « Seriously? In one year? Don't fuck with me. »

Her tone was freezing, to such an extent that Adrien felt his skin shiver. She had never talked to him like that. Actually, she had never talked to anyone like that.

« You've had months and months, » she began. « We see each other pretty much every day, for hours. And it's not like you'd had just one way to tell me, you could have also done it as Cat Noir! You had so many opportunities! »

« Precisely! It was never the right time! At first, I was scared, then as more time went by I put more pressure on myself, feeling less able to tell you. Could you really see me yelling at you in the middle of a fight, 'Uh, by the way, LB, I know you're Marinette, watch out!'? »

The young woman sighed and got closer to the door, her walk still brimming with anger, « You really notice nothing! » she yelled.

Storming downstairs, Marinette was closely followed by Adrien who was hurtling down the steps just behind her. « Then explain to me! »

« If I had known, everything would've been so much simpler! »

They arrived on the first floor before reaching the kitchen.

« What difference would it have made? »

She turned to him in a curt movement, without noticing the presence of their friends in the room. Instead, glaring at the look on his face, she shook her head and bit her lips.

« I wouldn't have to lie to myself, repeating that I wasn't in love with you in my head until I was convinced. Because everyone, everyone but you, of course, knew very well that I am! »

Adrien opened his eyes wide and half-opened his mouth.

« Because if I had known, I wouldn't have tortured myself for not only being in love with you but with Cat Noir too! If I had known, I wouldn't have felt guilty being in love with two boys at the same time because you both are the. Fucking. Same. Person! »

With tears in her eyes, Marinette moved away from him, walking backward. Little by little.

« I would have never slept with a liar like you, » she spat at him with a scornful voice.

This sentence hurt him more than any wound. Lacerating his heart, leaving it wide-open and bleeding as he extended his hand to Marinette who moved away even further.

Only as she finally turned around did Marinette jump when she noticed the presence of Alya and Nino. They had stopped what they were doing and were gawking at them with wide-eyes.

Marinette wiped a tear that was running along her cheek away and turned to Adrien. In other circumstances, she would have frankly burst out laughing. But the betrayal she had just suffered left a bitter taste behind which wasn't amusing at all.

« Okay... » Alya began by coming out of her stupor. « Someone explain to me what's going on? Why have we found a broken glass? Why are you yelling at each other? And wow, Adrien, what are all those scratches on your back? »

Marinette felt the red blush run up her cheeks and looked away from Adrien.

« I'm going for a walk, » she said before leaving the room.

The young man didn't pay attention to Alya who was visibly waiting for explanations or to Nino who had his eyes fixed on his friend's back with eyebrows frowning. Instead he ran after Marinette who came out from the house after snatching up the keys of the car they had rented for the week.

« Wait, Mari! »

Her eyes closed as a sigh escaped from her mouth. She turned around and looked up at him. The storm of rage was beginning to disperse, moving on to deception which shone from the depths of her irises with grey reflections.

« I'm very sorry, I should have told you before last night, I... I should have told you as soon as I knew. »

Marinette reached her hand and placed it on his cheek. She gave him a sad smile and caressed his skin with her thumb, « I know, kitty. I know. »

He raised his head and, his mouth half-opened, as he looked at her with his tear-filled eyes. Marinette's heart broke in her chest when a tear dropped on his cheek. She wiped it with her finger and shook her head, « I need some time, you understand? »

He agreed and slowly got closer to her, putting his hands on each side of her face. His lips pressed on her forehead in an infinitely tender kiss. Marinette felt a terrible sob mount in her throat but she swallowed her sadness and closed her eyes.

Eventually, she pulled herself out from his grip and got in the car, rapidly followed by Alya who rushed after her. She opened the car door and gestured to her friend to move to the passenger seat.

« I'll drive, » informed the apprentice journalist, « You're not in any condition to. »

Marinette sighed but obeyed. Alya put the key on the contact and started the ignition.

« Well, explain to me everything now. »

« Wow, » Alya said a few minutes later.

Her friend let herself fall against the seat and sighed, her eyelids closed.

« I can't believe he didn't tell you anything for a year! »

« Yeah... Me neither. »

Alya had been aware of her double identity for years now. Between her detective qualities and her relationship with Marinette it became quite easy to deduce her best friend's secret. Which had greatly released the pressure off the latter. The fact she was able to talk of all this, to a person other than Tikki, Master Fu or Cat Noir, was truly pleasant. Having a new point of view on the entire story had been quite refreshing and made her felt really good.

Several times, Marinette had to lecture her friend who had tried over and over to discover her partner's identity. But she hadn't been ready, and more importantly if the opportunity presented itself one day, she had wanted learn it from him. Him, with whom she had fallen in love with over the years.

It was very different from Adrien. It was love at first sight on one side, and the feelings which naturally developing on the other. It was a kind, polite and naive boy on one side and a swaggerer, teasing and brave one on the other. It was the black and the white, the Yin and the Yang.

And yet, it was the same person.

Marinette wasn't able to get over it. Despite the logic, the striking resemblance and the harmony between these two personalities. The shock was still the same.

« And I can't believe you got laid together! »

Marinette came out of her thoughts and opened her eyelids, « Me neither... »

« Well, it was still predictable, » Alya commented while parking the car.

« Where are we going? » Marinette asked a few seconds later.

Her friend undid her seatbelt and turned toward her, « Shopping. For tonight. »

Marinette frowned her eyebrows, « What are we doing tonight? »

« Having a party. There's alcohol left from yesterday. And, before you say no, you really need it. »

She sighed and rubbed her eyes, not really convinced.

« Come on, Mari! It'll take your mind off all this, and you can make Adrien jealous, that'll teach him. »

Marinette burst into cynical laughter and undid her seatbelt too, « We're not fifteen anymore, Al. »

The concerned one shrugged her shoulders before coming out of the car, « Trust me. »

Marinette shook her head while laughing and followed her best friend into the shop's entrance.

« You really messed up, dude. »

With his head between his hands and his elbows on the kitchen table, Adrien let out a sigh. Desperation lined his features. « I know. »

« A year! That's a really long time! »

« I know, » he grumbled.

Just like Alya knew about Ladybug's identity, Nino had uncovered Cat Noir's some years ago. It had to be said that Adrien was a poor liar — except when it concerned Marinette, obviously — and that over time his excuses had become flimsierand flimsier.

« Besides, you slept together, she must feel really bad... »

« I know! » he yelled.

Nino stopped what he was doing and sat up toward his friend, « Well, alright, it doesn't help you. But, seriously, Adrien, why didn't you tell her anything? »

He looked up at Nino, « Ladybug always rejected Cat Noir, even though it was the most authentic part of me. So, I believed that if she knew who I really was, she wouldn't want me anymore. »

He wrinkled his eyes, analyzing the situation, « Except she's in love with Cat Noir. »

Adrien sighed, « And how was I supposed to know it? »

His friend pinched his lips, « By telling her the truth... »

Terribly angry with himself, the young man let his forehead fall against the table and contracted his jaw.

Nino stood up and gently patted his shoulder before move away.

« I know some people who had some fun last night... » he declared, his eyes fixed on his friend's back.

Adrien grumbled, shooting a black look at Nino as he stood at the entrance of the kitchen.

« Okay, not the right time, got it! » he defended himself by raising his hands up.

The blond put his head between his hands again and sighed for the umpteenth time.

« I hope you used protection, at least. »

« Nino! »

The interested one did the same movement of surrender again and definitely knew it was time to go away from the room, leaving Adrien alone with his thoughts.

« I hope you didn't break anything else but the glass! »

A few kilometers away, after completing their shopping for the upcoming party, Marinette and Alya had ended up in a clothes store. Well, more rightly, Alya had dragged Marinette into the clothes store. The journalist apprentice was rummaging through the shelves and racks, her arms already full of finds. Her friend was sighing, only barely looking at the articles.

« Come on, Mari! » Alya grumbled, « Since when do you not like shopping? »

The concerned one shrugged, her eyes fixed on the ground. Her friend got closer to her and firmly put her arm around her shoulders.

« Okay, time-out. Forget Adrien, forget Cat Noir and take time for you, and only you, all right? You can start to worry again tomorrow. »

Her lips straightened as she spied the expression full of compassion shining from Alya's eyes as she gave an encouragingnod. She finally looked up and agreed by lightly smiling, « Help me to find a dress, then. »

« You can count on me! »

At the height of excited hysteria, Alya caught her hand and guided her through the sections. Finding the perfect outfit hadbecome her goal and she would never leave before having unearthed the ultimate dress for her friend. After a few minutes of searching, she caught a garment and showed it to Marinette, a smile spread across her lips. With eyes wide open, the Paris' heroine shook her head.

« There is no way I would wear this, » she assured.

« We'll see about that... » she whispered while she kept searching.

After she found two other dresses which were a little less daring, Marinette went over to the dressing rooms with Alya. The first outfit was a total flop, the fabric gaped and didn't bring her thin figure out at all. The second one, on the other hand, was more fitted and the color — a deep navy blue — accentuated her bright eyes.

« It's not bad, » Alya said with her arms crossed.

Marinette was undoubtedly pretty, but there was something missing. Her friend gave her the first dress she had showed her and looked at her while pinching her lips. With her hands on her hips, she squinted her eyes, the apprentice stylist wasn't really convinced.

« C'mon, it doesn't cost you anything to try on! »

A sigh later, Marinette eventually went back to the dressing room. Alya was hopping up and down with impatience, knowing very well that her friend was going to be radiant in the outfit she had found.

And, when Marinette appeared in front of her, she knew she had been right to force her hand.

She was breathtaking.

« Mari... You're really beautiful. »

The interested one gave her a sincere smile and looked at her reflection in the mirror. The dress was clearly daring, really sexy and very different from what she usually wore. But she felt rather comfortable, and beautiful. It felt good, felt great.

Then, while biting her lips, Marinette nodded toward her friend, « I'll take it. »

After a few purchases, the two young women were on their way home, savoring the marine breeze and the reflection of the sunset. It was a nice summer day. With her head leaning against her seat, Marinette was looking at the passinglandscape while letting her thoughts wander. This afternoon had made her feel really good, had allowed her to think about something else.

But her demons made their come-back much too soon, and her smile reduced little by little.

« Do you regret it? » Alya asked, her eyes fixed on the road.

Marinette turned her face toward her with eyebrows frowned.

« Sleeping with him? »

She seriously thought about the question. Did she regret it?

« No, » she finally whispered.

Her eyes lost themselves again on the sunset, « No, because, I trust him anyway. I'll always trust him. And I think it's something essential when deciding to make love with someone, especially the first time. »

Alya nodded.

« And... I really, really wanted to do it at the time, » she confessed.

« And you are madly in love with him. »

A smile took shape on Marinette's lips, « Yeah, there's that too. »

« What are you going to do? » Alya asked, a few seconds later.

She closed her eyes a moment, « I dunno. »

« Especially since you finally confessed your feelings. »

Marinette's eyelids opened again and her heart sped up in her chest. Her hands rested against her face as she grumbled with annoyance.

« What am I gonna do? » she yelled.

« Show him your dress. »

« Alya! »

Her best friend stuck her tongue out at her, a smile on her lips.

A few hours later, Adrien was sitting on the living room's couch, his mind elsewhere. His gaze was fixed on the amber liquid he was swirling in the glass he was holding. The house was filling little by little and he recognized a few faces he had the occasion to see the night before.

Laughs streamed all around, songs resonated, the ambiance was nice and light, but the young man's brain was fixated on Marinette. The guilt had a bitter taste, so bitter that even the alcohol wasn't successful in masked this feeling.

He sighed and took another swallow, emptying his glass in one go. He stood up and found his way towards the improvised bar Alya had set up. It was actually a simple table with a dozen bottles of alcohol and as many glasses.

A hand came to rest on his shoulder, « You're alright, buddy? » Nino asked.

Adrien snatched a bottle and filled his tumbler up, lifting it to his lips. He shrugged and drank half of it.

« Take it easy. »

« Why? » he asked while wiping his lips with the back of his hand.

His eyebrows frowned in confusion at his friend's smirk and his confusion only increased when Alya arrived, wearing the same expression as her boyfriend.

« Yeah, take it easy Adrien, » she said with a wink.

« What the hell did you two do? »

Their smiles enlarged as the pair looked at each other, then Alya gave Nino a nudge drawing his attention to the stairs. The latter followed his girlfriend's eyes and focused on Adrien again, « Because, it would be too bad to miss this... » he murmured close to his ear.

The young man opened his mouth, about to ask for explanations, but his gaze was drawn to the same place as his two friends'. His eyes opened wide and his blood began to boil in his veins, spreading a fire along his tanned skin.

« 404 error, Adrien ceased to function. »

Turning to face his girlfriend, Nino burst out laughing at Alya's remark but the interested one didn't even take the trouble to sigh. The external world didn't exist anymore and he was just focused on one unique person: Marinette.

The dress she was wearing was breathtaking, Adrien's lungs could testify. In white satin, the garment elegantly cascadeddown her body, revealing the smooth expanse of her slender yet muscular back. The subtleness of the draped scoop neckline contrasted with the sensational backless cut of the dress, flowing gracefully to a stop at the middle of her thighs.

While the dress had initially caught Adrien's attention, turning his head, the true impact of her beguiling ensemble really hit him when he took in her pulled back hair. The style gave her an almost dangerous air which made him desperately think about his lady. Indeed, this had been the premeditated effect Alya had advised her on. With her black locks drawn together in a high ponytail, braided for a more striking appearance.

The young man's body temperature continued to rise even higher when she got closer, giving him a more comprehensive view of her face. Her lips were covered by a bright red lipstick and her sparkling blue eyes were accentuated by her hairstyle and by her incredible dress.

« I think one part of his body functions really well... » Alya whispered again.

Adrien eventually awoke and rolled his eyes, « Very funny. »

« Actually, it wasn't a joke. »

He opened his mouth, about to answer but Nino cut him off before he had a chance to speak.

« Oh, come on, go get her! »

« She doesn't want me to get her, » Adrien declared, his eyes fixed on Marinette.

Alya sighed and took a swallow of alcohol, « You understand nothing about women, my poor friend. »

She looked at him with desperate eyes and slipped away, leaving behind a completely lost Adrien, with arms thrown up, his mouth half-opened and eyebrows raised.

« She told me she needed time! »

« Anyway, we warned you, » Nino said before he vanished too.

The party flowed by with the rhythm of the alcohol Marinette was drinking, and, if we relied on her red cheeks, her hazy ideas and her permanent smile, the time was passing at a crazy speed. Adrien hadn't taken his eyes off her for hours and this power he was giving to her, this sensation to feel desired and desirable, this view of his green eyes anchored on her body, just made her want to take another sip of the alcohol in her glass. At first, she thought he was just lacking subtlety in his way of looking at her. But, after their eyes met for the twentieth time, Marinette was convinced he totally knew what he was doing. And the fire in her lower stomach just got stronger with the idea.

She squinted her eyes, looked away from his gaze and turned around, offering him an uninterrupted view at the open-back of her dress. She kept talking with a few of Alya's friends and suddenly felt a presence behind her. It made her shiver from head to toe, feeding the fire which was burning deep down inside her guts. Turning her head slightly, she discovered without surprise, Adrien standing close behind her. His eyes were lowered to hers and his gaze was full of way too many feelings to enumerate all of them. He opened his mouth, his body at a few inches from her, but was quickly interrupted.

« Do you guys want to play a game of 'never have I ever'? » Alya yelled.

A sigh escaped from the young man's mouth while the remaining guests — no more than half of a dozen — expressed their joy. Emboldened by the alcohol flowing through her veins, Marinette passed near Adrien purposefully caressing his hip with hers while plunging her eyes into his with a smile on her lips as she continued to walk by him, seductive and confident. She didn't need to turn around to know his cheeks were burning, his breathing was jerky and his skin was discretely undulating with shivers as he painfully swallowed.

She eventually met Alya, who was largely under the influence of alcohol, and the remaining guests in the living room. They settled on the couch, on the chairs, creating a quite intimate and nice atmosphere which made her feel good.

Adrien ended up in front of her, sitting on the ground while leaning against a chair with a leg hunched against his gaze, dark with desire, never drifted away from her even when a few golden locks fell on his forehead threatening to obscure his view.

« He's literally devouring you with his eyes, » Alya whispered in her best friend's ear.

« Well, who starts? » Marinette declared for all answer.

The apprentice journalist shook her head while laughing and caught her phone, starting an application with already prepared questions. After they had entered the names of the players, Alya turned to Marinette, a large smile in her lips.

« You start! So, Mari... »

She grumbled while Alya busily discovered the question intended for her. The laugh which escaped from her mouth didn't reassure her at all.

« Has anyone ever brought you to orgasm? »

Marinette opened her eyes wide, catching the phone with a brusque movement, « What the hell kind of question is that? »

« It's the Hot mode, » Alya retorted by taking the object back, « So? »

All the guests had their eyes fixed on the two young women, but Marinette could feel a particular pair of green eyes strongly. So, she caught her glass and drank a big swallow of alcohol, under the acclamations and laughter of her friends.

More questions followed and soon, it was Adrien's turn. Marinette, eyes plunged into his, bit her lips while waiting for his question.

« Adrien... » Alya said, focused on her phone, « Have you ever had an intimate relation, whatever that is, with someone in this room? »

He caught his glass and emptied it in a few seconds, under the surprised exclamations of the others.

« Seriously? With who? »

Adrien shrugged his shoulders, smiling, and Marinette looked down, her heart beating faster. Fortunately, no one particularly insisted and the questions continued. Nino didn't drink when his turn came and Alya emptied her glass while laughing when it was hers.

Soon, Alya proposed to change the game and to indulge in a good old truth or dare session, at the greatest damage of her friend who knew this would end — everything was relative — badly.

« Mari, you start! » the apprentice journalist declared, excited, « Truth or dare? »

Marinette, with hands-on each side of her face, wasn't really confident, « Truth. »

It was still less dreadful than the alternative, wasn't it?

« Oh, interesting... With who, in this room, are you the most likely to have an intimate relation? »

Marinette sighed and looked at her best friend with dark eyes facing her triumphant expression.

« Adrien... » she whispered between her teeth.

« Sorry? Who? » Alya asked.

She hated her. She really did. But the alcohol helped to loosen her lips and she answered the question anyway, « Adrien Agreste! » she confessed, way louder than she'd meant.

Her cheeks crimson, Marinette caught her glass and took refuge in it. Gazes focused on the blond, who obviously restrained himself from bursting out laughing. Of course, he quickly lost this sparkle of mischief which was flickeringdeep down in his eyes when his turn came.

« Adrien... » Alya began, « Truth or dare? »

« Truth. »

« Tell us one of your sexual fantasies. »

It was Marinette's turn to waggle her eyebrows and give him a look full of cheekiness.

« Uh... » he thought, « Do it in the shower. »

A shiver ran along her skin. Their eye contact didn't break, and, even if his answer was rather careful and moderate, the spark in her lower stomach awoke up even more. She was asking herself what were his other fantasies? Thinking about her own wants, and the desire of experimenting all this with him filled deep down inside her.

« Marinette? Truth or dare? »

Time was elapsing at a crazy speed. Their eyes didn't leave each other anymore and her heart was beating without restraint in her chest.

« Truth. »

« With which celebrity would you dream of sleeping with? »

A smile grew on her lips, and, her gaze became more intense than ever, she said: « Cat Noir. »

The expression on Adrien's face grew deeper, darker. It was in that moment, with way too much alcohol in her blood, herlower stomach on fire, her skin feeling tight, that Marinette really realized than Adrien was Cat Noir. That the two men she loved the most in the world were one.

That the love of her life was just in front of her.

She painfully swallowed and held herself back from not jump on him.

« Very well, » Alya declared, looking at her friends.

The tension which was reigning between them hadn't escaped from her, nor to Nino. The game kept up, questions continued and Marinette became hotter and hotter. Her breath was speeding and her throat burning from the alcohol didn't help her to calm down, neither the fire which was propagating between her thighs. Adrien's look, full of desire, didn't get escape her, which didn't help her either. Not at all.

« Adrien? »

She stood up, her brain full of fuzzy thoughts and her senses altered.

« Truth or dare? »

Her tongue was furry and the tightness in her lower stomach was even becoming painful. She couldn't hear the question and even less his answer, because she was going to explode.

« I... I don't feel good... Sorry... I... »

She stood up, reeled on her high-heels, leaning on the walls and somehow climbing the stairs, while under the surprisedand misunderstood scrutiny of the others. By some miracle, she reached her room safe and sound.

She went on until reaching the bathroom, stopping to spray her face with cold water. Placing her wet and shaky hand against her neck, Marinette closed her eyes and attempted to regulate her breathing.

Taking an indeterminate few minutes to steady herself, the young woman gathered herself up and advanced into the room again. All of a sudden, the door opened and her body immobilized itself.

« Are you alright? » Adrien asked.

She couldn't talk.

« Mari? »

Why not? These were the only words which were sounding on a loop in her mind.

Why not, huh?

So, she erased the space between them in a few strides and leaned on him. Her lips pressed against his in an almost tough passion. Adrien's hands automatically found her hips and Marinette buried hers in his golden hair.

A moan, full with trickling desire, escaped from her mouth when Adrien pressed her against the door with a strength that made her head spin. Her legs were almost carried off the floor when he put his hands on her butt, squeezing against her skin without restraint. She was devouring his lips with hers, never full of him. Never sated.

« I want you, kitty, » she whispered in his ear, « Now. »

With pupils full of want, he passed his hands around her naked back and ventured his fingers below the fabric, making Marinette jump.

« So do I, m'lady, » he purred, his lips on her neck.

Her eyelids closed, her lips pinched, she was savoring the burning touch of Adrien's hands which caught a strap of her dress, making it slide along her arm. His mouth kissed her shoulder and soon, the second strap went the same way as the first. The dress fell along Marinette's body, unveiling her naked chest.

« I love you, » he murmured while letting his fingers run over her body.

Chills tingled right through her skin, making Marinette opened her lips and her eyelids at the same time. Squeezed between the door and Adrien's firm torso, she found her thoughts becoming a bit woolier again.

He said it.

He finally said it.

All her senses converged toward one single desire. Her eyes wanted to see him, to see all of him. Her ears wanted to hear him moan, to hear him purr. Her tongue wanted to taste his. Her nose wanted to smell the perfume of his skin. But, most of all, her epidermis, her entire body wanted to feel him. To feel him pressed against her, over, under, behind, before, inside, in every possible way.

She needed him, more than ever.

Then, Marinette literally jumped on him, taking his lips by storm, letting her fingers undo the buttons of his shirt. A guttural sigh escaped from his mouth and he squeezed her breasts, her back, her stomach. Her hands shaky, Marinette had a great deal of difficulty in undoing his damn shirt. It was maybe the alcohol, maybe the arousal, or maybe the happiness, quite simply. It didn't matter, because the fire between her thighs was becoming unbearable. Then, Marinette bluntly pulled on his shirttails, ripping the two sides apart and sending the buttons flying all over the room, to finally uncover his chest.

« It's so cliché, » Adrien murmured while laughing.

Marinette threw herself against him, letting her tongue run on his pectorals, biting his burning skin. She needed more than one try but she finally managed to pull his belt out with her trembling fingers and soon, his pants fell at his feet.

With a skilled kick, he tossed the garment and his shoes, ending up in underwear, hands pressed against Marinette's waist. She did the same, and, when she removed her high-heels, Adrien had to bend considerably lower to kiss her. At hisgrumble of frustration Marinette couldn't help but smile, before seeing the glow of challenge shining in Adrien's eyes.

Straight away, he put his hands behind her thighs, lifting her in his arms like she weighed nothing. He squeezed her more against the door, grinding his pelvis against hers.

« Adrien... » she whispered with a shaky voice, « I need... I... »

« What do you want, Bugaboo? » he asked with a husky voice.

The sudden impact of who she was truly with hit her in the face. The endearment from his lips combined with his disheveled state made the resemblance to Cat Noir unmistakable. But her thoughts were brought back to the moment with the out of control hip movement made by his body against hers.

With a wicked grin, she murmured in the hollow of his ear. « I'll show ya, »

Adrien licked his lips, completely at her mercy. She couldn't help but smirk and let her feet fall to the floor, catching his hand. She laid her hands on his torso and pushed him on the bed before sitting down on his thighs, her gaze intense.

Bending ever so slightly, she brushed his lips with hers without even offering an actual kiss. Instead, she caught the edges of his underwear which quickly ended up thrown at the bottom of the bed. Adrien's warm and hard member was freed torub against her groin sending a burst of pleasure throughout her body.

Completely hypnotized by his partner, Adrien snatched up the condom box which was lying on the nightstand and quickly rolled one on while Marinette's lips ran along his neck. His longs fingers ventured south until they found her hips, abruptly stopping to almost roughly take hold of the sides of her panties before brusquely removing them.

« Wait, » Marinette said as he positioned himself between her thighs.

He frowned with his eyebrows but she reassured him with a light as a feather kiss. Biting her lip, she grabbed his hands ushering him to him lift up his torso while she eased up too, keeping her face at a few millimeters from his.

« You told one of your fantasies... » she whispered while caressing his face with her fingers, « It's my turn now. »

She didn't want tenderness, not even gentleness. She needed to feel him, to feel he was here.

Then, she removed herself from his thighs and pivoted on the mattress, moving to face the level of the pillows while on all fours upon the bed. Looking over her shoulder, her gaze anchored with Adrien's as he sat just behind her.

« Are you sure? »

She nodded, and a flame of a new desire began to burn in the eyes of the young man. He moved to her, laying his hand on her lower back, caressing her butt before getting a firmer grip on her skin. Marinette let her forehead fall against the mattress when she felt Adrien between her thighs.

An out of control moan escaped from her burning throat when he slowly inserted himself inside her. Gently, too gently, he began to pump with back and forth movements.

She could feel he was containing himself.

« Kitty... » she gasped with a guttural voice, « Please, don't hold back. I... need you... »

The second after, he did a much more powerful thrust and Marinette couldn't retain a guttural moan from escaping from her lips. She let the top of her body fall against the mattress and closed her eyes, her lower stomach burning with pleasure.

Adrien had an uninterrupted view of Marinette's hips, of her thin and muscled back, of her long braided black hair. A hand pressed against her waist while he slid the other one until reaching her neck, brushing against her skin, scattering countless chills and as many fires.

Marinette grabbed his fingers and interlocked them with hers, gripping on them like a buoy in this ocean of enjoyment which threatened to submerge her.

Adrien's other hand tensed around her waist while he was sinking into her, releasing a husky moan at the limits of almost being a grunt which sounded at her ears. Taking his hand closer to her lips, she pressed a kiss against his longs and thins fingers. She brushed his skin with her tongue before inserting his forefinger in her mouth, intensifying his sighs of pleasure.

« Oh, Princess... » he gasped.

Both of them felt as though this building tsunami of bliss would soon engulf them. As if encouraging it, Adrien let his hand run from Marinette's waist to settle between her thighs, making her jump. Eventually, he put his fingers on her swollen and burning clit.

In response to the sensation, Marinette roughly sank her nails into Adrien's wrist while her tongue still lapped on his forefinger. He began circular movements against the most sensitive part of her body, and she arched more, her eyelids closed, her body shaking.

Finally, the huge wave of pleasure submerged her, and Marinette joyfully drowned herself into it. It wasn't a moan she released but a full cry of satisfaction which resounded in the room and Adrien didn't delay in joining her in this state of pleasure.

She fell against the mattress, he fell on her. She squeezed his hand into hers, he put his lips on her back. She felt her heart swell with happiness, he felt his fill up with love.

Marinette turned around, her back against the bed and Adrien laid down next to her. Their chests were lifting at a crazy speed and they turned their faces toward each other, smiling from ear to ear. She was the first to burst out laughing and he soon imitated her.

Adrien put a hand on the burning forehead of the young woman and softly caressing her hair, before tenderly kissing her. She looked at him, her eyes sparkling like a summer night.

« Will we ever finish a party? » he asked.

Her lips straightened, Marinette shrugged her shoulders before nestling against him, her head resting on his chest.

« I'd rather finish the party with you, » she whispered.

Adrien strengthened the force of his hug around her body and placed a kiss on the top of her head.

« How long have you had this fantasy? »

Marinette couldn't see him, but she knew very well that his green eyes were dripping with his typical mischievous glow which characterized him so well.

« A while... And you? »

She sat up, with a hand placed against his abs, her elbow leaning on the mattress, a smile on her lips.

« Way too long, m'lady, » he murmured.

The seconds passed and questions began to converge in her mind which, little by little, was getting its clarity back.

« How come you never tried anything over all this time? »

A sparkle of thought began to shine in his eyes.

« Before, I was just lost. Lost between you and Ladybug, I didn't understand how it was even possible to love two people at the same time. To love that much, I mean. I felt guilty, and... »

He stopped himself as he faced the touching expression from Marinette who was biting her lips.

« And I'm sorry to have condemned you to feel that way when I could have remedied it. »

He looked up and let his face fall over the pillow.

« I'm truly sorry, Mari. »

She brushed her lips against his jaw before shifting her face closer to his.

« I know, my kitty. I know. »

« It's just that... » he kept going, eyes plunged into hers, « I didn't want to pressure you, to force you, to push you into anything at all. »

She nodded.

« And... since you rejected Cat Noir's advances for years, I figured if you didn't like that part of me, it was a lost cause. I thought nothing would ever happen. »

He shook his head.

« I shouldn't have decided for you. It was your choice, not mine. »

She let herself fall against the mattress, eyes fixed at the ceiling.

« Especially since I was completely in love with you as Cat Noir. And I was in love with Adrien too since... since way too long. And the fact that you are the same person, it's amazing, I get the impression that all my feelings added together and it produced something really strong, it's... »

Her flow of words was interrupted when she realized everything she had just said. The blood converged in her cheeks and she tensed, eyes wide-opened.

« In love? » he repeated with a moved voice.

Yes, she had told him hours ago, but it was under the influence of anger. Now, it was words full of sincerity, full of love.

Slowly, very slowly, she turned her face toward his and discovered his expression overflowing with love which made her heart melt.

« You can't even imagine how much, » she answered with a little voice.

Adrien didn't waste another second and threw himself on her, licking her lips in a passion-filled kiss. Marinette's hand automatically slid around his back and Adrien's slid against her waist. His mouth literally devoured her skin, caressing her lips, her cheeks, her forehead, the tip of her nose, her jawline, making the young woman smile.

« I'm in love with you too, Bugaboo, » he purred against her ear.

A frisson of mad power ran through her spine. Marinette put her hands against his cheeks, anchoring her gaze into his. His blazing green eyes were illuminated by the moonlight and a flame was dancing in his pupils, giving a perfect blend between the serious and tender look of Adrien and the passionate audacity of Cat Noir.

The corners of her lips straightened, Marinette could only be thankful for challenging the luck she had. The luck they made one, the luck to find each other twice, the luck to be together.

The ladybug's luck.

And here it is! I really hope you like this chapter! Thank you guys for all your reviews, your follows and your favorites for my story, it was really motivating!

And, of course, a big, a huge, thank you to GreenPaw who correct all the chapters! If you didn't know her, go read her stories, they are really amazing!

I'll probably post another stories in this account, so, stay tuned!

Have a good day, evening, or whatever, and take care of yourself!