Hi all,

Here is the second and final chapter of this short venture into Abby's world. I didn't want to make you wait too long considering most of us have more time on our hands than is typical.

Please remember to leave a comment. I appreciate every one of them.

And please stay safe and wash your hands.

Warning: this chapter includes spanking of an adult as discipline. If this offends you in any way, please click away.

Chapter Two

Abby awoke the next morning to smell of breakfast cooking downstairs. She hopped out of bed and hurried to the kitchen after seeing it was nearly 8 am, well past when she would usually leave for work.

Gibbs was dressed and laying eggs and bacon on two plates as Abby came stumbling into the kitchen. He looked at her and then the kitchen table and she took her cue to sit down at her usual spot.

Gibbs laid the food in front of her and sat himself.

"Eat," he directed as he opened the newspaper.

"Um, what about work? It's already nearly 8."

"I let the director and Tony know we would be in around noon. I figured that would give us enough time to have our discussion."

Abby frowned but picked up her fork and began eating. She found she was actually quite hungry. She tried to keep her impending punishment out of her mind while she finished breakfast.

After Abby put her dishes in the sink, she turned towards Gibbs, ready to ask him if they could wait until after work to "talk."

"Get upstairs and get dressed, Abs. I'll be up soon and we will talk."

"Just talk?" Abby squeaked out hopefully.

Gibbs lowered his newspaper and gave Abby the famous Gibbs stare.

"What do you think?"

Abby squirmed in her spot and wished the ground would just swallow her up. She hated it when Gibbs was mad at her. Worse yet, she honestly couldn't believe she chose to stay out instead of come home on time considering what she was now facing.

"I-I think I better go get dressed," the goth sputtered out before all but racing for her room.

Once in the bedroom, Abby began searching for clothes in the dresser she shared with Ziva. She was hoping she had some black leggings to go along with a skull imprinted sweater she had already laid out.

Yay! Abby thought as she spotted her black leggings. She plucked them out of the drawer and held them up. It was then that she noticed, like most leggings, that they were thin material.

Abby frowned at that discovery considering Gibbs was going to spank her.

Maybe I should try for something a little more protective, Abby thought as she rooted through her clothing options again.

She had two other pairs of leggings and three or four skirts, all which had the thickness of a sheet of paper as far as Abby was concerned. What she needed was some jeans, she thought, or those workman overalls with that thick material. Or maybe fleece-lined?

Abby shook her herself out of her thoughts. Gibbs would be up soon and he would not to be happy if she wasn't dressed.

Just then, Abby had an idea for how she could make her clothing supply work in this situation. She grabbed her black leggings and tossed them on the bed. She was so pleased with her plan Abby was almost jubilant about her upcoming spanking. Maybe it was worth staying out late after all.


Gibbs found Abby sitting with her knees tucked under her chin when he entered her room 20 minutes later.

She looked so young, stuffed up against the corner and chewing nervously on her bottom lip. She did that every time she knew she was awaiting a spanking.

Gibbs cleared his throat and sat on the side of her bed, motioning for Abby to come closer. She crawled over slowly until she was sitting next to him.

"Do we need to talk about why you're going to be punished?"

Gibbs has decided to keep the lecturing short simply because he knew that Abby knew what she had done.

"Um, no…" Abby answered slowly, not wanting to drag this process out anymore than necessary. "I disobeyed by staying out past curfew and wasn't taking care of myself considering I have to work."

Gibbs was astonished by Abby's straightforward answer. Usually she stalled as much as possible before submitting to a punishment. Gibbs chalked it up to her having more time to think about than usual.

"That's right, Abby. You know I can't keep you safe if you don't follow the family rules," Gibbs said quietly but sternly. "I was worried about you."

Tears pricked at Abby's eyes. She hadn't meant to worry Gibbs. The disappointment in his voice was always the worst part of her punishment.

"I'm so sorry," Abby wailed as she dove into Gibbs's chest for a hug. "I didn't think it through. I didn't think at all. I didn't mean to worry you!"

"I know," Gibbs said as the two broke away from their hug. "Do you understand that I have to punish you so that hopefully you'll think before you act next time?"

"Yes," Abby agreed quietly.

"Good," Gibbs said, not wanting to dole out consequences any more than Abby wanted.

"I'm going to spank you for your disobedience now. You're also grounded here for the rest of the week. No going out for any reason unless it's for work. Got it?"

"Yes sir," Abby mumbled.

She was starting to worry her extra padding wouldn't help considering how upset Gibbs was with her actions.

Gibbs patted his thigh as an unspoken invitation for Abby to lay across his lap. She hesitated and Gibbs helped her get into position.

The sad sigh Abby made once she was across his knees made Gibbs wish he could skip this all together. Unfortunately, Abby wasn't one to learn a lesson without punishment. And so far, spankings were the best deterrent to repeated misbehavior.

Gibbs wrapped his arm around the young Goth and pulled her closer to him. He raised his arm and brought his hand down hard on her upturned bottom.


Gibbs frowned. Something wasn't right about this scenario but he couldn't quite put his finger on it. He raised his hand again and delivered a slightly stronger spank on the other side of Abby's bottom.


Yes, there was something definitely hinky going on – as Abby would say. The smacks Gibbs has delivered sounded muffled as his hand met its target. And Abby hadn't so much as made a peep so far. Usually she started crying right away, never one to hide her feelings.

But now, Abby was not only silent but also still. In fact, as Gibbs looked down, she actually seemed to be lounging across his lap! And did he just see her picking casually at a cuticle?

Something was very, very wrong.

"Abigail…" Gibbs growled as he picked up his daughter and stood her in front of him. "What have you done now?"

Abby widened her eyes and started to feign innocence when Gibbs put his hand up to stop her. He had caught sight of a red waistband and a black one.

"How many pairs of pants are you wearing?"

Abby had the sense to at least look sheepish. She aimed her gaze at the floor and scuffed her at a non existent spot.



"Four pairs of underwear."

Gibbs almost didn't contain his smirk. Only my Abby, he thought. Still, he had to be stern and carry on with her discipline.

"I'm assuming you did this so your spanking wouldn't hurt?"

Abby just nodded forlornly. This was not going the way she had hoped. She thought for a second she saw amusement on Gibbs' face, but when she looked again it was clear Dad wasn't happy.

"Well, since you tried to get out of your spanking with all these extra clothes, now you're going to get it bare. It will never serve you to try to deceive me, Abigail Rae."

With that announcement, Gibbs pulled Abby back over his lap as she burst into tears. He pulled down all of her leggings and underwear – which took a minute considering how layered she was – and began spanking hard and fast.

Abby's cries transitioned quickly to sobbing as he laid swat after heavy swat on her rapidly turning red bottom.

"I'm sorry! Please, no more!"

Abby wriggled for all she was worth but didn't get anywhere. Papa Gibbs was determined to teach his mischievous girl a lasting lesson.

Gibbs paused in doling out her punishment in order to lower her clothing further to gain full access to her sit spots. He picked up the wooden spoon he had brought upstairs.

Abby turned and saw the raised implement and threw her hands back to protect her already million degree bottom.


"Abby, hands away. I was going to spank you over your clothing but you brought this on yourself."

Abby cried harder but didn't move her hands. Gibbs swatted her thigh, leaving a vivid pink spot which compelled Abby to finally move her hands.

Gibbs set to work lighting a fire on Abby's sit spots as she sobbed and kicked.

"Are you going to disobey, Abigail?"


"No sir! … I pr-promise!"

"Are you going to stay out late and not take care of yourself?"


"No, no, pl-pl-please!"

Gibbs knew it was time to finish up. He laid two more stinging swats on Abby's bottom before tossing the spoon down.

His girl was quietly sobbing into the comforter. He could feel her jagged breathing against his lap.

Gibbs hand immediately went to Abby's back to soothe her. He pulled up the first pair of underwear and pulled the rest of the clothing off. He knew she wouldn't want so many layers on her punished backside.

Gibbs turned Abby over in his lap and nearly gasped with the force in which she threw herself into his arms. She cried into his shirt as he rocked and shushed her, softly affirming she was a good girl and she was forgiven.

After awhile Abby pushed off Gibbs's chest and looked up at him with wide, watery green eyes.

"That hurt so bad," she pouted.

"I know. Bet you wish you hadn't tried to lessen your spanking now, huh?"

Abby stuck her bottom lip out further and huffed before settling back on Gibbs's chest. He didn't have to cover his smirk this time.

Abby's sniffles diminished and her body got heavy with sleep.

Gibbs laid her on her bed and she immediately turned on her belly. He winced as he saw the flash of red that was her panty-covered bottom. When would these kids learn that trying to get out of a punishment always resulted in a worse punishment?

Gibbs picked up Abby's discarded pile of clothes and tossed them on the desk chair. He kissed Abby on the hair as she sniffled in her sleep.

"Love you, baby girl."

"Love you, daddy," Abby mumbled back.