Hi there! I've been updating myself with the episodes from the last season of Henry Danger and I can't believe it's already over T_T

At least I still can write about them :')

So, here a new chapter, enjoy it!

Let's go

The young duo made their way through the thickness of the jungle, with no more light to illuminate their path than that which came from the rays of the moonlight, which made its way through large leaves and thick branches.

Otherwise, the darkness consumed everything around him, turning what for Henry had been a simple trip through thick vegetation in a somewhat dangerous journey.

Although for the prince, going that path for the third time wasn't presenting too much difficulty. He had a habit of memorizing various routes, such as lost passageways in hidden alleys and escape routes through labyrinthine streets. So he had made sure to etch in his mind the path taken through the jungle to the stone wall of the palace.

So it was that, like a panther, he was able to jump over protruding roots and roll under fallen branches without slowing down or stumbling once even under the veil of night, his sharp eyes taking in every nook of his surroundings as they advanced.

His friend wasn't having it that easy, though.

Several steps back, Jasper was coming, who, being less athletic than his friend, was finding the journey a little more difficult.

The young man was struggling to keep up with the same fast pace as the prince, who although he had slowed down enough so that his friend could follow him through the darkness and not get lost, was going faster than normal. More than once a branch hit him in the head or he tripped over protruding roots that he couldn't make out on his way, but still he didn't give up and continued after Henry.

The latter had not given him much information other than telling him that he needed his help to infiltrate the city and warn of the attack to avoid it. Or who exactly they were going to talk to once they reached their goal. However, Jasper trusted his friend's reasoning.

Henry looked quite confident and sure that he was not only doing the right thing but also that his approach to the matter was the most appropriate in this case, so he was going to follow him and give him his support in any way he could.

Furthermore, this was by far the most exciting adventure he and the prince had ever been involved in.

No way was he going to reject the opportunity to participate in something so important!

Because he was distracted, he didn't see the thin branch that pounced towards him in time, so he didn't manage to dodge it and this one hit him hard right between the eyes, causing him to lose track of his surroundings for an instant, which was enough to his foot tangle in a root, causing him to stumble and fall face-first towards the uneven ground.

"Ouch..." he complained quietly.

A little accident wasn't a excuse to alert anyone around.

Henry, still a few steps ahead, stopped when he heard the commotion his friend was making and turned to look at him as he rose from the ground, brushing off his clothes that were now stained with dirt and covered in leaves and branches.

"We're almost there," he assured once he made sure his friend was fine, turning his eyes forward again.

The prince narrowed his eyes, trying to adjust his sight to see if he could make out the path ahead.

He advanced more slowly, partly because being close he didn't want to do anything to give themselves away and partly out of consideration for Jasper, because the blow he'd suffered would make it harder for him to keep up with him and he needed him.

After wandering carefully in the dark for a few moments, the prince finally found himself face to face with the imposing stone wall.

Now all that remained was to know if he could go up the same site or would have to find another entry.

The young man looked up, meeting blackness and only a faint flicker of light that seemed to be higher up, perhaps from a small torch or a candle.

"So we're here, huh?" Jasper whispered coming after him.

The soldier stopped to one side of Henry to observe the wall and then he looked up towards where his eyes could reach.

"You still haven't told me where in the city we will end up once we climb the wall," he said.

Oh, of course. Henry had forgotten to clarify that when he referred to infiltrating the city, he was referring to entering the princess's room.


"We are not going to enter the city, exactly." He tried to explain himself.

His friend looked at him curiously.


"This wall won't lead us into the city" he continued, "but into the room of a residence."

"You mean we are going to sneak around the owners?" Jasper asked, now a little less enthusiastic about the journey and more insecure.

The idea of infiltrating a city undetected and moving around the streets as spies has sounded fun, but now he felt a little scared to be recognized and captured. He didn't want to harm any innocent civil, but he would have to if they were spotted and challenged.

He wasn't exactly good at stealth, though he could do well if he felt like it enough, but now that he'd already started getting nervous, he doubted he wasn't going to make a mistake.

And if he did it and because of him they caught him and Henry, Ray would kill him!

That is, if the enemy didn't do it before him.

Seeing he started to panic, Henry hastened to calm his partner, he wouldn't be useful in this state of nerves and anxiety.

"We won't have to get around our way among them," he clarified, putting a hand on his shoulder.

Jasper relaxed at his words.

"... we will have to reduce them." he concluded.

His eyes widened comically and the boy blanched.

"What do you mean by reducing them?"

Henry took him by the forearms then, to stop him from shaking inside his boots.

"Listen, I didn't tell you my complete plan because I didn't have time there in the camp, I was urgent to get here, but now that I have reached my goal, I'll explain everything to you."

Jasper nodded, ready to pay attention to everything Henry had to explain.

"Up there," he began, pointing to the dim light over the wall, "there is a balcony that leads to a room, which we are going to sneak into, there is also a person inside, that will be willing to hear us once we explain them why are we there."

His friend nodded his head, signaling that he was paying attention.

"Listen carefully, that person is the princess, to whom..."

"The princess?!" Jasper exclaimed.

Henry hurriedly covered Jasper's mouth with his hand, looking up at the top of the wall, fearing that someone up there had heard them from Jasper's scream.

After a few seconds everything was still calm and Henry relaxed.

"Yes, the princess of Bordertown," said Henry, without uncovering Jasper's mouth. "It is with her that we are going to talk and who we will warn of this attack, do you understand?"

At the boy's nod, Henry let him go, looking at his hand that had covered his mouth and grimacing, wiping his palm on his pants.

"Are you sure she's going to hear us?" Jasper asked, looking up once more.

"We have to try" Henry answered with honesty. "I'm sure she'll see reason, this is about her people' safety, after all, any more questions?"

"How are you sure that she will accept our help and won't throw us to her guards once she has the opportunity?"

"I heard that she is reasonable, also smart and thoughtful, I'm sure she will see the need to accept our help."

"So to summarize," Jasper looked up at the wall, "We will sneak into a girl's room" he commented, lowering his voice knowingly.

He no longer sounded fearful but rather giddy with the idea, as if it were a prank.

Noticing the similarities, Henry couldn't help but let go a low chuckle and his cheeks turn red. It wasn't something they'd done in his hometown, so it made him feel more adventurous.

"Hey," Jasper called, "I heard that she's also pretty, you saw her, right? is she pretty?" he asked, sounding quite interested in the answer.

"She is beautiful", Henry replied, with a dreamy smile as he thought about her, again.

"Do you think that she'd like me?"

That question tore through Henry's dazed mind like a knife when he realized what his friend was implying by that.

"I saw her first!" he exclaimed.

"And what gives you the right to claim something?" his friend asked.

"I'm a prince!" Henry replied like if it was the more obvious thing in the world.

Jasper crossed his arms, haughtily.

"Rumors has it that she's smart, not an air-headed girl like the ones you're used to date," he pointed out.

"And she wouldn't be so smart if she chose you!" Henry rebutted.

"And she would be really smart if she rejected you!"

"What do you have to offer?" Henry said, "You're no more than a soldier."

Then he puffed up his chest, imitating his friend and crossing his arms.

"Also, I am sure that in her capacity as a princess, she would prefer me." he smuggly added.

"Ha! Come on! why would she choose a spoiled prince when she could choose a warrior to stand by her side and protect her?"

At that, Henry barked a laugh.

"You barely know how to hold a sword", he reminded him.

"Yes, but she doesn't know that!"

"She'll know if I tell her!" Henry threatened.

Jasper narrowed his eyes at him.

"You wouldn't dare to sabotage me..."

Henry took a few steps towards him.

"I'd pretty much dare to" he replied, lowering his voice with promise.

At this point, both of the boys were face to face, looking at each other with blazing fire in their eyes and fists clenched.

This wasn't the first time they had this kind of fight over some pretty girl.

And it wouldn't be the last.

They weren't real fights, just small rivalries. At the end of the day, they still would be friends.

And thanks to Henry's fast reflexes, they would continue being friends a couple of hours more.

A weak, sharp sound reached the prince's ears, a sound he knew well enough.

The sound of an approaching arrow.

Without thinking on it, he took his friend by his shoulders and threw him aside with him, both of them falling hard to the ground.

The arrow hit into the ground, the same spot they had both occupied seconds before, narrowly missing them.


Jasper didn't have time to finish his question or complain about his pained back, because Henry grabbed him by his forearm and lifted him off the floor, cutting any word that could have came out of his mouth.

Henry started to run back towards their camp, dragging Jasper behind him, unable to come up with any other solution.

They had been spotted and his mission had gone south.

He berated himself as they did the way through the dark jungle. He'd left himself get distracted and that had endangered his and Jasper's live.

He didn't even know where the heck were they going, in the haste to leave, he had taken a random direction.

On top of everything, he could hear the sharp sound of more arrows tearing through the air, sticking to trunks at their sides and the ground barely seconds after they ran on it.

Whoever who was following them was a skilled archer.

With eyes trained to spot targets in the dark and agility to leap over obstacles while keeping a tight grasp on the weapon.

A cry from behind him made him to stumble on his feet, and he had to stop when he felt that Jasper had been the one who did it.

The soldier stumbled over his feet, having been distracted by an arrow that had grazed his arm, cutting through the fabric of his clothes, hurting the skin under it.

He put a hand over his injury, hissing at the sharp pain, and Henry tried to grab him by his arm again and lift him off the ground, about to tell him that it wasn't safe to stay still too much time, when another arrow passed flying inches from his face.

He took a step back, then took a step aside and kept dodging arrow after arrow.

Jasper, seeing that if he stayed there much more Henry's life would be endagered, tried to rise himself from the ground, but an arrow stuck to the ground next to him, trapping his trousers' fabric under its sharp tip.

More arrows were stuck into his clothes, nailing him to the ground, unable to escape.

"Run!" he shouted to his friend

But Henry wouldn't have any of that.

He ran back towards his friend and knelt in front of him, wanting to help him break free from the arrows, but more of the sharp wooden sticks fell upon them, one after another, each one of them sticking him into the ground through his clothes.

Once they both were trapped, the shower of arrows came to a halt.

For a few seconds, they stayed quiet and still, their eyes dancing around the dark jungle, looking for the imminent danger that was sure to jump on them at any moment.

"Now what?" Jasper asked in a whisper, his voice trembling with fear.

Henry was at a loss of what to do. Trapped there, he couldn't scout the surroundings for any possible escape route. His sword was useless and out of reach.

They were alone in who-knows-where, far away from their family and friends, away from any help they could have had.

Henry's heart was weighing heavy with guilt and sorrow, not for himself but for his friend.

Jasper had trusted in him, had followed him loyally, sure that his friend would keep him safe.

And how had Henry rewarded his loyalty?

He had dragged him here with him, to a sure death, away from all they knew.

"Henry?" his friend whispered.

Henry sighed in regret, an apology already forming inside his head.


But the prince cut himself when more noises reached his ears.

Low sounds that normal ears would have difficulty to catch, but his sharpened ears got it.

Sounds of light footsteps over the ground, the soft brushing of fabrics, the clacking of arrows inside a quiver.

Their attacker was approaching.

"What is it?" Jasper asked, noticing Henry's change of demeanor.

He didn't answer him so he looked around, trying to spot something in the darkness, to find whatever had called Henry's attention.

"I know you're out there!" the prince shouted suddenly at the emptyness.

Whoever was who had attacked them wasn't going to kill them, yet.

Maybe they still had an opportunity to explain themselves.

"Show yourself, and we'll explain everything!"

He kept silent, keeping his hearing sharp to pinpoint where this person was, but whoever this was, had stopped walking.

Henry wet his lips, readying himself to tell what he had came to warn first.

"I'm Prince Henry of Swellview" he started, introducing himself, rising his voice but no shouting.

"I came to this city to warn you people about a looming danger"

He waited for any kind of sign that he was being heard, but hearing nothing, he went on.

"One of your own is going to betray your ruler, the Maharajah's life and that of his daughter are in grave danger!"

Just crickets answered him but he could hear the light footsteps again, a bit hesitating.

"An attack is being planned right now, we came here to warn you all before it's too late...please, hear us out before is too late!"

Jasper leaned a bit against Henry to whisper in his ear.

"Who are you shouting at?"

Henry ignored that question, his attention still put on something Jasper couldn't guess.

More footsteps, this time firm and decided, as if the owner of them had realized that to keep hidden would be useless at this point.

The prince hoped this meant his claims had been heard and taken into consideration.

"Why would I trust in strangers' words?"

That voice took them by surprise, and both of them looked around, trying to get a peek of the newcomer.

"And you shouldn't" Henry replied.

"Dude!" Jasper chided him under his breath.

Weren't they supposed to make this guy trust in them?

"I learned my lesson today" Henry went on, ignoring Jasper's confusion.

"To not trust in strangers, less in the ones who betray their master"

He couldn't see this new person that had trapped them there, but he could feel eyes put on him, piercing and calculating.

He still had their fully attention.

"Some days ago, a man came to our camp" he began, "A man claiming to be a person of high command in the Maharajah's court – one of his most trusted advisors –. A man with veiled intentions, with a poisoned heart that is planning to turn this city into a bloodbath, whose intention is to betray you, your ruler and your people using another men's army and seize power for himself"

There was silence, and then:

"What proof do you have that all you're telling is true?"

"I don't have material proof" Henry admited, "but I know the title of that man, he is the Vizier"

They heard the heavy steps again, this time both of them knew where to look.

They waited till, among the thick greenery veiled in dark came out a person.

Thanks to the weak moonlight seeping through the branches, they noticed that it was a young man barely the same age than them, with short dark hair, fair skin and dark eyes.

He was the same height as them, wearing dark baggy pants, boots, and a loose long-sleeved shirt.

In his hands he carried the bow stretched with an arrow ready in case it was necessary and the quiver hanging from his back.

"Describe him" he ordered a bit harshly

"Hey, watch your manners, dude!" Jasper jumped to defend his friend. "You're talking to Swellview's crown heir!"

The newcomer stretched the bow and pointed the arrow at the one who had spoken.

"Tall, wearing dark purple and black clothes, gloves, a turbant, a weird staff, thick facial hair and creepy green eyes" Henry replied quickly.

Seemingly stunned by what he had heard, the newcomer lowered his weapon, expression turning from hard to confused and worried.

"That's him" he mumbled to himself.

Henry and Jasper saw him start to pace to and fro, eyes put on the floor as he walked, like if thinking deeply on which decision to take concerning the two of them.

Henry was getting impatient but he bit his tongue, letting him to reach a decision for himself.

Having set his mind, the archer kept his weapon low but firmly grasped, walking warily towards them.

"Your description of him matches his looks" he said, kneeling in front of them. "But, I don't have way to know if this isn't a trap"

"Pretty stupid from me to blurt out the whole plan to an armed enemy while he has me trapped and unmovilized just to set him a trap." Henry pointed out.

"You have a point" the archer agreed.

He sat cross legged on the ground, a bit loosen up and more easy-going.

"Yet, I caught you both trying to sneak through one of our walls, the one that leads to the princess' bedroom" he said, less conflictive and showing to want understand what had they wanted to do. "How do you explain that?"

"Well, we were planning to talk with her" Jasper informed him before Henry could say something, less scared and more relaxed now that this young man was turning kinder.

The archer took his attention to Jasper then.


"What he means is that..."

"We were hoping to climb up the wall and get into her room" he explained.

Seeing that his kinder expression was turning into anger by the second for those new revelations, Henry hastened to fix the mess that Jasper's loose tongue was getting them into.

"We thought that this guy has some allies inside the city" he said, "He knows me, I don't know how many people he warned about me, but I can't risk this whole operation by getting caught after take a few steps into the city"

After his taken-out-of-the-sleeve explanation, the guy relaxed his semblant again.

"You say that he plans to attack our city" he repeated.

"Using my father's army" Henry added. "Look, I know that we both look like spies setting a trap, but I'm the prince and this next to me is my most loyal friend, we're telling the truth, neither of us want this disgrace to fall upon your city, that's why I need to warn your princess about this, this guy has coaxed my dad into this, using some kind of weird sorcering or something, I don't want my father to become a cold-blooded killer as much as you don't want your ruler to become a corpse"

Nodding once, the young archer lifted off the ground and looked back at the darkness behind them.

"You heard them", he said to the nothingness.

Or what they thought it was nothingness.

After that, there was some hussle among the greenery, a crunch of leaves and earth as several footsteps were heard.

Then, among the darkness, a person came out to the open, her slender shape lighted by the pale moonlight.

It was female, dark skinned, wearing a two piece outfit consisting on a short, flowing red skirt with a metal belt, patches of armor on specific parts of her body for protection, like over her chest, shoulders and her arms from the wrists to the elbow, and knee-high sandals decorated with ornate designs.

Her curly hair was pinned on top of her head with different gold and silver buckles, only a few curls fell to the sides of her face.

She also had a medallion hanging around her neck, a bow on her hands with an ornated design and a quiver hanging from her back.

"Yes, Blake", she replied, her dark eyes falling upon the two stunned young men on the ground.

"I heard everything"

It was the same person, Henry could say so much.

This beautiful warrior woman was the same pretty girl he had seen through that balcony window.

"Who's that?" Jasper asked under his breath, looking both amazed and a little scared at the woman.

"The princess", Henry replied, his eyes put on her.

"Charlotte, if what this boys are saying is true, his treason is beyond what we had imagined" the guy they now knew was called Blake, told the princess.

She pressed her lips, her eyes scanning over them both with a gloomy and worried gaze.

Rumors about treason among her father's inner circle had been running around lately. Upon knowing it through trusted spies, she had gone to her father immediately to let him know, in hopes he did something to stop any potential uprising against his government.

To no avail.

Her father, known by being an iron fisted ruler that wouldn't leave any rumor of treason without investigation to prove whether it was true or lie, had brushed it out like if it was nothing, showing no care about her daughter concerns.

The spies had disappeared without trace after that, and her father was getting sicker and sicker with an unknown illness as the days went on.

Something evil and dark was being planned in the inner chambers of the palace, something that would put hers and her father's live in danger.

And maybe this guys could give her the answers she so much wanted and needed.

Reaching a decision, she turned to her partner.

"Set them free, Blake" she ordered to the other archer. "We need to discuss some business."

What do you say?

Charlotte's outfit is based on the one Farah wears in POP The Two Thrones, I've always loved it.

See Ya!

H. C.