A/N: Adding characters from the TV show, "The Shield"

He's out with the guys. They never should have invited Shane. He also drinks before coming to the pub, which defeated the point. "So Addy-boy! That barmaid's been checking you out. Can I be her sloppy seconds?" Shane chuckles.

"You know I'm taken"

"Yeah but you date both!"

"Shane, you are so full of shit!" Lem grins. "Just because Adam plays both sides of the fence...They've explained this a hundred times. Adams brain drifts off, just like it does when his teachers are talking at school, when he notices familar faces. The guys that Eric plays in the band with. He squints as he struggles to remember the right term, string band? Stripe band? He keeps staring and locks eyes with Lily, who then quickly turns away.

What the fuck is she looking so guilty about? Something's up.

Like a detective he takes it as a sign to come over. He nods to Mr Hendricks. The only person that's greeting him with a smile.

"Alright?" He asks still looking at the music teacher.

"Yes, yes...would you like to join us?" Mr Hendricks asks raising his beer glass politely. "It's a very happy occasion!"

"Sir don't..." One of the guys with an annoying bowl cut said.

"What? His Dad's the headmaster, I'm sure he knows" Mr Hendricks coos.

"Knows what?" Adam squints. He rolls his eyes as most of the students go rigid. Some of the boys smile and Lily is chewing the inside of her cheek like she hasn't eaten all day.

"Here we go! The swing band have performed very well this year. They're all getting awards. When you guys all get home, you're going write little speeches. Family and friends are gonna be invited" Hendrick nods proudly.

"Cool...Eric never said..." Adam shrugs.

"That's because he's getting a special mention...In my speech" Mr Hendricks points to himself, clearly a little drunk.

"What the fuck does that mean?" Adam asks. His suspicion and anger rising. Awards? For his French horn? His parents and sisters in the front row? He'd love that shit. It was weird that he wasn't here. He lived to be on the centre stage. But Lily's face said it all.

"Sorry, guys we're sorry...Headmaster Groff...he said that Eric wasn't good enough for a swing band award! I'm sorry!" Lily blurts out.

"Ya what?" Adam gulps to stop his mouth hanging open.

"He can have mine!" Lily whines.

"Bollocks! You're all...You're all sitting here. Laughing and drinking. Without a fucking care, while you shut Eric out?"

"Stop being dramatic!" Another guy called David said.

"Shut the fuck up, Violin knob. You're all gonna get up on stage, and make Eric watch this shite! Some friend you are Lily!" Adam snarls turning away. He was confused by Lily the most. Eric liked her. Ola was even trying to set them up to have a double date, for fuck sakes.

"Adam, wait!" Lily shouts. He doesn't bother looking back, until David, gets up and bangs his spoon on his glass.

"Hey headmaster's pet!"

Adam turns around and raises his eyebrows. He wasn't going to start chucking chairs and flinging glasses, But this arse-wipe was clearly baiting him...….

"Okay then Little Groff! Look us in the eye and tell us that Eric is good enough to play the French horn!" David asks, looking at the rest of the table in confidence.

"He's great, thanks" Adam nods with determination.

"I meant with the instrument. Not with your dick!" David sniggers. The boys at the table laugh while Mr Hendricks cringes at David in shock.

"Now Gentlemen..." Mr Hendricks begins.

"Nah, listen you little pricks! Eric's an amazing musician. He can play you guys under the fucking table. The only reason you're icing him out is because you're all fucking jealous!" Adam announces.

"Wow, I almost believe you. The blow jobs must be that good huh?" David laughs.

"One more sex joke dickhead, I'll attach a razor to your silver violin frog and shove it up your arse. Trumboner deserves better!" He storms off. Past the laughter, past stunned onlookers. Forgetting that his builder mates exist. Moordale is a small place. He's got to contain this before Eric finds out. It made his dick shrivel inside of his body. But there was only one person that could help them out.

Talking to his father, even saying something as simple as good morning, was like climbing Mount Everest. Everytime Adam saw his father, he could see his father's frown lines. The suspicion in his eyes. That negative clench of his jaw. It made him sick just thinking about it. But he'd swim through the rain-storm of his father's negative energy. He'd actually have to have a real conversation with his father. Without sounding pathetic, as usual. He dreaded it like a kick in the balls. At times, when his father glances at him, actually feels like a physical beating.

But he'd endure it tonight, all for Trumboner's sake...