A/N: "Hi folks, sorry for the pause in updates. I've been back at work now quarantine has been relaxed so my writing schedules had to change with it. Don't worry though, there's still plenty more to come from this story. We aren't even half way through yet. Enjoy!"


Pt1: Shenanigans

The sound of joyful, bouncy music resounded through the upper levels of the Monster Temple. It's source was a new portable speaker. With Marco's phone connected, he and Star could dance along while they cleaned up in the kitchen. The next song in the playlist had them singing back the words, Marco holding up a clean ladle like a microphone while Star 'strummed' along on the broom.

"Hey, tell me what you want me to say

You know I'm stupid for you"

Their tune was halted however as somebody suddenly clicked the pause button. Brought out of their trance, the couple saw Eclipsa standing by the doorway. They awkwardly downed their imaginary instruments, having been caught in the act.

"Sorry, I did try calling up to you" Eclipsa began. "But we have company".

Globgor followed her into the room, leading Marco's parents in behind him.

"Hi son! Hi Star!" Rafael greeted them as he embraced his boy.

"Good to see you too Dad" Marco grinned as he hugged his dad back. Glancing over to his Mom, he saw she was carefully leading in Mariposa by her hand, the toddler still learning the basics of walking.

"Hi Mariposa!" Star cheerfully greeted the baby. She squeaked in delight upon seeing her big brother and his girlfriend. Star scooped her up for a hug, something the baby gratefully accepted as she fell into her arms. "You're getting so big!"

"What are you doing here?" Marco inquisitively asked.

"Do I have to make an appointment to see my own son now?" Angie joked as she greeted him with a hug. "I've been trying to call you all afternoon!"

Grabbing his phone from the counter, he saw that he indeed had several missed call notifications on the screen.

"Oops, it must have been on silent while we had music on" he duly apologised.

"I had a hunch when we walked in" Angie chuckled as she playfully rolled her eyes. "At least you're keeping the place clean for Eclipsa".

"Oh, I never have to worry about a mess. They are the perfect guests" Eclipsa gratefully assured her.

"Well, I was calling to ask you a favour" Angie continued. "I was wondering if you and Star could watch the babies this afternoon. We're going to take Eclipsa and Globgor out".

Marco wanted to voice objection to such a sudden request but Star got in first.

"Of course we will!" She agreed in a merry tone, completely eager for some super cute fun with Meteora and Mariposa.

"Erm, Star…" Marco tried to intervene.

"Oh come on Marco! Can you really say no to this face?" She rhetorically asked as she raised up the smiling Mariposa. He knew he couldn't argue at this as his baby sister raised up her excited hands to his face. Begrudgingly, he accepted.

"So, where are you all going anyway?" Marco quizzed.

"A friend of a friend opened a new place downtown and invited us along. We thought we'd make it a double date so the other young couples could get out for a change" Rafael quipped as he playfully nudged Globgor's arm.

"It has been a while since we got out properly" Glogbor admitted. "Besides, I'm curious to see what true Earth cuisine has to offer".

"Men, always thinking with their stomachs" Eclipsa japed as she shook her head.

"If you do a good job, we may even bring you back something" Angie teased her son.

"Well, seeing as you put it like that Mom, I guess we can accept" Marco slyly confirmed, further validating Eclipsa's comment.

"I'm glad to hear it! We won't be back too late" Angie assured them. Star in particular didn't seem to mind time scales. She was ready to revel in the youngsters adorable nature for as long as she could while they looked after them.

Making their way to the living room, Star plumped Mariposa down with Meteora in her playpen.

"I have a surprise for you, Meteora" she teased. The two toddlers were delighted to see one another, the later keen to show off her toys to her best friend.

"Have fun!" Star called to the departing couples as they headed out the door.

"We're gonna have a fun afternoon, aren't we?"

The kids gibbered in delight at their 'auntie' Star's promise, full of energy and ready for whatever games she had planned. Looking over to Marco for assistance however, she saw he had already started up the TV for a video game session.


"Oh come on Star, we've been doing chores all morning. It's time to relax. Besides, I'm sure they'll entertain themselves" Marco shrugged as he made himself comfy on the sofa. Star and the babies frowned at his actions. As his console started up, she walked in front of the TV to block his view.

"If you think I'm looking after these kids on my own then you've got another thing coming" Star declared as she crossed her arms in annoyance.

"I'm not asking you to do anything on your own. I'm asking you to come and relax babe" he cooly replied as he sunk into the cushions.

"Wait, what did you just say?" Star suddenly questioned.

Marco immediately realised the possible folly he'd committed. Stuttering for a moment, he looked over to the kids as if to find some kind of backup. Even Meteora had her hands on her head however in pure disbelief at his mistake.

"I...erm...asked you to relax?" He quietly answered, hoping to throw her off.

"No, after that" she said.


He immediately raised his arms to his face as he braced himself for the worst, certain he'd feel something fly at him soon enough, whether it be a nearby object or her hand. Closing his eyes in terror, it then came as a great surprise to find her getting comfortable as she cuddled up cutely in his lap. Had using a pet name really worked? He didn't question it for fear of ruining the moment, just simply smiling as he enjoyed her company and started his game.

Star lay content as she watched him play, starting to think he had the right idea all along about relaxing together. After a few minutes though, she turned her head to check on the babies. They looked on from the playpen, faces downcast as they felt abandoned. This pulled at Star's heartstrings more than Marco's brief flirtations as she felt bad for them. Pulling herself away from Marco, she swiftly snatched the controller away from him.

"What the heck Star?!" Marco exclaimed.

"Come on Marco, playtime" Star ordered as she lifted him up. "I have a fun idea to entertain the kids".

A short time later the couple had relocated themselves and the babies to Meteora's room. Looking around at the abundance of toys she possessed, Star began to formulate a fun idea as she set Marco to work.

"Boy, she sure has a lot of stuff for someone so small" he complained.

After some creative building with the toys and other junk, they had recreated a miniature Mewni for their game. Using roughly put together dolls of their friends as their characters, Star and Marco put on a show.

"Oh no, here comes one of Mina's evil robots! He's going to squash Janna and momma Eclipsa!" Star narrated.

Marco stomped into the scene doning cardboard armour and a helmet, letting out a silly growl for emphasis.

"Don't worry though, here comes papa Glogbor to punch the evil robot in the face!" Star added, entering the scene herself dressed as a caricature of the monster King, complete with boxing gloves for hands, stripes and a makeshift tail. She hit Marco square in the face as he went down with an audible 'ooft'.

The babies let out a happy cheer as the figurative bad guy was vanquished, particularly Meteora. Whether that was down to the imitation or just injuring Marco remained unclear. Star flexed in triumph as she enjoyed her part in the show. Marco didn't seem quite as impressed however, rubbing his jaw from the impact he received.

"Why do I have to keep playing the bad guy?" He groaned.

"Well, considering all the whining you're doing I'd say you play the part pretty well" Star sassily jibed as she helped him to his feet. He just grumbled as he took off the helmet.

"It's so uncomfortable under this thing".

Star could only giggle as she indulged in the joy the make believe brought, if albeit for different reasons to the babies. Looking over at them however, she saw Meteora was now entertaining herself eating the miniature of Janna as Mariposa let out a little yawn next to her. Clearly all the fun had taken its toll on the kids.

"Ok, food then naptime" she declared as she took off her tail and gloves.

Taking them into the kitchens, they put the tots into their highchairs and fed them an early supper. Star whirled the spoon around in front of Mariposa's face, entertaining her before she took a mouthful. Marco meanwhile was having a tougher job with Meteora, the little monster keen to snap as much at him as the food with her sharp teething teeth.

After a few unsuccessful swipes, she finally managed to latch on to Marco's arm as he wondered what his sister and girlfriend were laughing about. He let out a shrill cry as he tried to shake her off. Star managed to pull her off pretty quickly as Meteora innocently snuggled into her arms to seem less threatening. Marco knew he wasn't going to get any sympathy when she was doing that.

"Ok, I think it's naptime" he declared dryly.

Taking them up to Meteora's room, they readied the two toddlers for bed. Marco was thankful he had a hold of his own sister this time. She behaved much better for him as he wrapped her up in a blanket for warmth. Looking down at his work, he noticed a funny coincidence.

"Hey Star, I turned Mariposa into a…"

"I turned Meteora into a…"

"Burrito?" They both said at the same time. Clearly they'd had the same goofy idea.

Settling them into their cots and drawing the curtains, Star kissed the two goodnight as she let them rest. She took Marco's arm as they snuck out of the room, happy with the job she'd done in babysitting. With any luck, they'd sleep through until their parents were home.

Unbeknownst to the couple however, Meteora had no such intentions as she sharply opened her eyes. She'd been biding her time, faking the tired rouse with her friend as she sought some exploring they could do on their own. Though she still had the memory and judgement of somebody her actual age, she could remember nuggets from her and Mariposa's time in the Neverzone. The fifteen years they'd spent there had shaped and moulded the two into confident young adventurers and best friends. Whilst the memories were hazy now, the feeling was still the same. 'Grobb' called over to 'Bork' in baby babble, her adopted sister woke up too.

A short time later, nobody was around in the living room to hear Janna let herself in.

"Star? Marco?" She called out. She got no answer. Shrugging it off, she casually decided to raid the cupboards in the kitchen for a snack before she continued her search. Snatching a bag of chips, she munched away blissfully as she continued further upstairs. That's when she heard muffled but familiar voices coming from Star's room.

"Oh wow, their beautiful Star. Can I...touch them?" She heard Marco ask timidly.

Janna immediately stopped chewing.

'Wait, what did he just say?' She thought. As she edged closer, she heard Star reply.

"Okay Marco, but be gentle. They're sensitive".

Janna's eyes widened. "Oh God, are they…" she muttered. Her question was cut off by Marco's voice again.

"They're so soft… sort of small though".

Janna had her ear to the door quickly. Surely they couldn't be doing what she thought they were doing?

"Well don't worry. One day they'll be as big as my mom's…" Star continued.

Janna's face dropped. She couldn't let this happen. She didn't know who was leading this from her position behind the door. Her mind was made up pretty quickly though.

"Hey! Don't squeeze them like that!" She heard Star say.

Raring backwards, Janna swiftly knocked the door off its hinges, falling face first into the room. 'How does Star do that so easily?' She thought as she felt the floor. Thankfully for her now scarred mind however, she'd gotten it all wrong. Star was sitting at a makeup table brushing her hair while Marco seemed to be examining the little mewberty wings on her back. Whether or not this still classified as something seedy among Mewmans, she didn't want to know.

"Janna! What are you doing here?" Star asked casually as she saw her friend flat out on the floor.

"I...erm...came over to see what you two were up to" Janna awkwardly began, trying to push the earlier innuendos from her mind.

"We've been babysitting?" Marco replied, a little confused by her awkward demeanour. "Is Tom with you?"

"Ugh, he had to attend some dumb underworld ritual thing with his family" Janna groaned as she sat up. "So wait, if you're babysitting, where are the babies?"

"They're sleeping in the other room" Star informed her. "If you're gonna poke your head in, be careful not to wake them".

Needing the sight of something more innocent to cleanse her thoughts, Janna took a walk down the hallway to see the kids. Creeping into Meteora's room however, she noticed something was amiss.

"Uh oh...Star!"

When Star and Marco joined her, they saw exactly what she was getting at. The babies weren't in their cribs where they should have been. Their blankets were abandoned. They'd disappeared.

Meteora and Mariposa had waddled their way downstairs, heading for the main kitchens as they sought out snacks for their adventure ahead. Clambering up onto the counter, Mariposa hoisted herself up on her friends back as she stole what they sought from the cupboards. Bringing down a large box of cookies, Meteora cooed in delight as they opened them up.

As the two muched away however, they began to hear the trio upstairs calling out their names and turning the temple upside down. Realising they had been rumbled, they quickly made a beeline for the pantry to avoid detection.

Meanwhile, Star and Marco were still running around in panic.
"Babies?! Where are you?! How did this happen?!" Star fretted as she desperately searched. They'd scoured high and low but there was no sign of the missing toddlers. What if they had been taken? She didn't think she could live with herself if they had, let alone the repercussions they'd face.

"I don't know. How do babies even get out of cribs taller than they are?!" Marco questioned as he panicked too.

"Guys, relax. They can't have gotten far" Janna assured them, trying to be the voice of reason as she pulled curtains aside.

"You're right, we need to split up and track them. Fast" Star ordered. She knew time was against them before the parents got home. The others were quick to concur as they made sure they had phones at hand just in case they found something. Whilst she and Janna tore through the throne room, Marco went to check the kitchens.

As he investigated every nook and cranny, his eyes eventually fell upon an open cookie box on the side.
"Wait, didn't we tidy that away earlier?" He thought aloud. His eyes narrowed in suspicion as he began to close the search.

"Mariposa? Come on out, I know you're in here. You too Meteora".

No answer came however. Glancing over to the pantry, he saw the door was slightly ajar.

'Bingo' he thought as he crept over.

Quickly yanking open the door though, he saw nothing but the various food stocks as the room flooded with light. His expression was one of confusion as he searched. The babies were, in actual fact, right above him. Meteora knew she had to act before Marco found them. Quickly searching for something she could use, she located a large bag of flour perched precisely over where Marco was searching.

Signalling to Mariposa, the two pushed the bag with all the strength their little bodies could muster. By the time Marco heard their struggles, it was too late. The bag came falling down, knocking him to the floor and trapping him beneath. As he tried to wriggle free, he felt two more small bumps crash onto his back as the two stowaway toddlers landed and made a run for it. Eventually, he wrestled his way out from underneath and quickly yanked out his phone to call Star.

"Kitchen. Now!" He quickly ordered as he gave chase.

The troublesome pair had crawled their way to the window and snatched at a table sheet nearby by the time backup arrived to corner them. Meteora opened up the window as she stared Star and Janna down.

"Meteora, don't do anything silly now. Come to Auntie Star" Star pleaded, forcing a smile to emotionally lure them back. Meteora wasn't buying it however. Nodding to her friend, the two grasped at the table sheet and prepared to jump. Star and Janna leapt forward to grab them but it was too late. The babies held on to each other and the sheet as it unfolded like a parachute.

As they glided down, Star watched as they steered towards a small herd of deer in the clearing to the rear of the temple. Coming in from above, they had the element of surprise as they landed on the back of their target. It kicked out in terror but they held on tight. Mariposa quickly improvised and was able to use the sheet like a set of reigns, controlling the deer to their will as they used it to escape the clearing and dart into the woods.

Back in the temple, Star and Janna could only look on aghast as Marco joined them.

"Ok, that was pretty slick" Janna admitted.

"Don't take their side Janna!" Marco scolded her.

"I'm just saying" Janna shrugged. "How the heck do two toddlers even know how to do all that anyway?"

Star just gave her boyfriend a telling look.

"Marco, do you think they actually... still remember the Neverzone?" She asked him as she theorised.

"The what-zone?" Janna interrupted, clueless as to what they were getting at.

"It's a long story" Marco answered. "Whether they do or don't though, we've got to track them down and fast".

The two runaways slowed their ride down to a walking pace as they casually trotted through the woods. They marvelled at the natural beauty around them, their adventure reminding them of the many times they'd been out to the park with their respective mothers.

Seeing a large pile of fallen autumn leaves ahead, Mariposa got the idea to steer the deer straight through it. As the leaves went flying into the air, the babies squeaked in delight as the foliage spun back to earth around them. For the duo, this was bliss. While they couldn't remember exactly how, they felt a strong bond of sisterhood when rambling around and having fun. It was familiar and comforting.

Eventually, they came to another clearing in the centre of the forest. It was there they spotted a large mound coming out of the ground. It looked like a mismatch of two separate objects, something that had been formed when the two dimensions cleaved. On its face looked like the entrance to a cave. It was dark and damp, not very appealing at all in many ways. Yet as they approached, Meteora began to feel a strange aura emanating from inside, like something was calling out to her.

Communicating something to her friend in babble, she climbed down from the deer and began waddling towards the cave. Mariposa hesitated to follow at first, unsure about the danger they may have been walking towards. This wasn't the Neverzone anymore and they weren't exactly prepared for all out combat. Eventually though, she reluctantly followed, being left behind in the forest the greater fear.

The interior of the cave was narrow, dimly lit by strange lights within the very walls themselves. These same walls dripped with moisture, allowing basic plants to carpet the ground they waddled upon. Eventually, Meteora noticed a prominent light up ahead as she and her friend crawled towards it.

The tunnel opened out before them into a huge, underground cavern, natural light pouring from a large hole in the ceiling. The light wasn't the only thing pouring in though, as a thin waterfall trickled down from above to form a shallow lake in the centre. Stone banks rose around the shore and the cave walls were entangled with more hanging vines and flowers.

Beneath the surface of the water, strangely formed lines of white crystal glimmered as they snaked their way into the centre. There, an island with a monolithic structure embedded in it rose from the lake . Whilst it looked naturally formed, it's surface gleamed an unnaturally smooth, shimmering black with further crystalline 'veins' running up it's surface. Meteora could instantly tell that this was what she had sensed outside. Little did she or Mariposa know that they weren't alone in the cavern.

Back in the woods, Star was now feverishly tracking the deer that had ferried away the babies while Marco and Janna kept their eyes open in the rear for any sign of the troublesome tots.

"Where did you learn to track animals Star?" Janna inquisitively asked.

"My Dad taught me when I was younger. I never thought I'd be hunting babies though" Star quipped as she trawled through the leaf litter on the forest floor. Eventually, the tracks brought the trio to a clearing in the middle of the forest. It was there they saw the deer that had carried their quarry grazing in front of the entrance to a narrow cave. The babies were nowhere to be seen however.

They stared into the long darkness snaking its way underground.

"You think they went inside?" Marco asked.

"Only one way to find out" Star noted as she crouched down and crawled in. Marco could only sigh as he realised he'd have to follow. Cave exploring wasn't exactly what he'd planned on earlier. If only he could have just played video games like he wanted. Janna noted the same to herself, though she was much keener to see what secrets the creepy environment had to offer.

"Eww, it's all soggy in here" Marco complained as he noticed the moisture dripping from the walls.

"Focus Marco!" Star snapped at him, keeping her eyes locked forward as she crawled on.

Down at the shore to the lake, Mariposa playfully splashed around with the clear water as she kept herself amused. Meteora was more focused however, staring down at the crystal 'roots' that led to the island and it's monolith.

Carefully reaching her hand down into the water, she gently brushed it against the crystal. That's when she felt the power within flow through her. It was a concept she remembered possessing in the Neverzone, something Glossaryck had tried to teach her in this world before his untimely demise. Focusing her mind as best she could, she felt it flare up inside again as the clovers on her cheeks began to reappear. She tried to speak.


Feeling the sudden surge, her eyes began to glow a bright gold as the magic coursed through her once again. The crystals also began to light up, the glow traveling inwards as it headed for the island. Mariposa noticed the sudden flash and looked on as her friend involuntarily formed a stone path through the lake and towards the island.

Pulling her hand away, Meteora could only blink in amazement as the light began to slowly fade. Her focus now set on the island, she crawled along the stone walkway. Mariposa followed behind, unsure as to where her friend was going.

It was around this time that their pursuers finally crawled their way to the caverns entrance. Taking a second to look on in marvel at the place, Star's attention went straight back to searching for the babies.

"Meteora?! Mariposa?!" She called out.

A shrill cry suddenly cut through the air. The trio froze in fear at it's terrifying sound. It also stopped the babies below in mid crawl, though they were less aware of where it had come from. From the ledge however, Marco managed to locate it's source first.

"We've got a problem…" he stammered.

Star and Janna saw what he was getting at when he pointed it out. Hanging from the tangled vines smothering the wall was a twisted, goblin like creature. Thin and wiry, it had sharp claws on its hands and even sharper teeth in its mouth. It's most frightening feature however was it's lack of eyes. Whatever this creature was clearly couldn't see. It must have heard Star's call and reacted in tandem. It wasn't alone either. The sound of crunching vines began to emanate all over the cavern as more appeared to seek out the sound.

"What are those things?" Janna whispered to Star.

"I have no idea. They don't look friendly though" Star quietly replied as she carefully manuverd to the edge of the ledge. They'd have to be quick and discreet in order to avoid the ire of these cave dwellers. As the trio continued to scout, it was Marco who eventually spotted the babies.

"Down there!"

He saw them crawling to the island at the lakes centre. They were dangerously close to the skulking creatures though. Cautiously maneuvering down, the group swiftly but quietly gave chase along the stone path. As the babies reached the small island though, the pathway began to sink back into the water. Though it wasn't deep enough to stop the trio, the splashing got the attention of the creatures.

"No! Not wet socks" Marco cursed.

"Forget your damn feet Diaz, we have bigger problems" Janna told him as she pointed out their pursuers.

Now running as fast as they could, they raced for the island as the creatures descended from the walls in a frenzy. Meteora remained focused on the monolith and it's light. Mariposa however noticed her brother and auntie Star rushing towards them as well as the dangerous creatures also in pursuit.

"I'm coming, Mariposa!" Marco called to her. Before they could reach the island however, a group of the creatures landed in their way, letting out a vicious growl as they closed in on their prey. Star was quick to punch one in the face as they began the fight forward. Marco kicked another backwards into the water as it tried swiping at Janna. They formed a circle, combating the monstrous beings from all directions as they edged towards the babies.

The monsters kept coming however, letting out more shrill shrieks to alert their brethren as they kept emerging from the walls. They were beginning to cut off a path between the island and the rescuers. Mariposa could see this and began to get scared.

"Don't worry Mariposa, we're coming for you!" Marco called out to assure her, chopping another creature down. They were fighting a losing battle though. Mariposa turned to her friend for help. Meteora still seemed in a trance however, transfixed on the monolith. Her focus was only broken where her friend began to tug at her clothes and bable something to her. That's when she noticed the danger they were all in.

Hesitantly, Meteora reached her hand out towards the monolith. She felt the magic more than ever now as both she, it and the crystalline veins of the cave flashed in a blinding white. On the lake, Marco, Star and Janna had to shield their eyes. The light caused the monsters to scatter in fear though as they retreated back up the vines and into shadows once more. With the last of the creatures gone, Meteora withdrew her tiny hand and the glow once again began to fade.

Regaining their sight, the trio now saw their path was clear. They rushed towards the babies, scooping them up safely as quickly as they could.

"Don't run off like that again!" Star lamented as she hugged Meteora close. The little monster was still slightly dazed from her magical exploits but hugged Star back. Feeling her cheeks, any sign of the clovers had once again vanished. Mariposa meanwhile was only too happy to see her brother again.

"What happened there?" Janna asked them.

"I don't know" Marco replied before turning his attention to the monolith. "Any idea what that is Star?"

She didn't answer however, now fully transfixed on the monument herself. She felt a presence within calling to her, much in the same way that the box in her closet had before. Huddling Meteora in one arm, she began to slowly extend her hand out towards the shiny black surface. Before she could touch it however, she was brought out of her trance by Marco.


"Huh?" She replied, withdrawing her hand as she blinked in confusion.

"Come on, let's get them home before we get into any more trouble" he told her as he held Mariposa close. She knew he was right. Yet she couldn't help but wonder about the strange monolith. Seeing Meteora asleep in her arms made her realise she had greater priorities to attend to though.

Taking one last look at the now lightless structure, she followed on after her boyfriend. Janna took a quick picture of the cavern as a keepsake, knowing she'd have to scope out more places like this in future for any interesting loot.

Arriving back at the temple, Star and Marco sat the babies back in their playpen. They were all pretty beat after the afternoon's unexpected activities. Thankfully, they'd gotten home before the adults, ticking their next concern off the list without a hitch. It allowed them all to quickly tidy up again and wipe away any evidence of the cave from their persons. Sitting down in front of the pen, they and the kids just starred awkwardly at one another.

"So, they do remember the Neverzone" Marco muttered to Star as he looked at his little sister.

"They must do. How else would they have learned what they did?" Star noted.

"Beats me" Janna chimed in, now kicked back on the couch with her phone and one of the puppies after losing interest.

"So why run off? Why now?" Star continued.

"No parents I guess. Mariposa's always good for us usually when she's on her own" Marco noted, returning his little sister's smile.

"It's when she gets with this one though that the trouble starts" he continued, pointing out Meteora. She just scowled at his comments.

"Don't pin this all on Meteora!" Star exclaimed as she jumped to her defence. "Clearly they both are capable of causing trouble".

"Well, whatever the case, babysitting is going to be a challenge from now on" Marco sighed.

"Yeah, if looking after two babies can get this bad I'd hate to know what a thousand was like" Star idly remarked.

"What?" Marco asked, confused by where she picked out such a seemingly random number from.

Star blushed as she stuttered for an answer to justify her little slip of the tongue. Thankfully, she was spared any further embarrassment when the parents arrived back at the temple.

"We're back!" Eclipsa cheerfully exclaimed. Star and Marco put on another awkwardly forced smile as they quickly stood to attention, keen to not raise suspicion.

"Oh, hello Janna. I didn't know you were coming over?" Eclipsa greeted as she saw her still sprawled out on the couch.

"Oh no, you should have said you were coming. We'd have brought back some more food" Angie exclaimed.

"That's OK Mrs Diaz" Janna politely responded as she sat up at the mention of food. "I'm sure Marco and Star will be happy to share with me, seeing as I helped them out with the babysitting".

She smirked in their direction. Marco wanted to object but a discreet elbow to the ribs from Star told him to keep quiet.

"Well, it looks like everything went ok here" Glogbor noted, glad their home hadn't been trashed in their absence.

"And how's my little bola de ternura?" Angie said as she picked up Mariposa from her pen.

"Mama!" Mariposa answered as she hugged her.

"Did you hear that? She called you Mama!" Rafael excitedly exclaimed.

"My goodness. They must be learning so much with each other" Eclipsa joyfully noted as she picked up Meteora. Even Marco and Star were surprised.

"Can you say Mama too bubby?" Eclipsa asked her child. Meteora did exactly that, going one further and calling out for her papa too. It left both parents more than proud.

"Can you say Star?" Eclipsa continued, pointing her towards her adopted niece. .

"Star!" Meteora gleefully said.

Star let out an "aww" as the youngsters cuteness helped melt away the memory of any earlier conundrums she'd had with her. Marco wasn't quite as convinced earlier, particularly when she just gave him a glare when she was asked to say his name.

As the Diaz's left and Eclipsa and Globgor put Meteora to bed, Star and Marco just collapsed onto the sofa as exhaustion caught up with them.

"You guys want in on this?" Janna asked between bites as she reentered the room with the goody bag of food. She got no reply however, finding the two passed out on the couch in each other's arms. Janna just snapped a photo of this, certain she could blackmail them to her whim some other time as she left for home.

Pt2: Taco's & Jealousy

The full force of Star's staff collided with her target as she sent him crashing to the floor. He was part of a Monster raiding party, seeking weapons from one of the abandoned Royal armouries dropped into the Echo Creek suburbs post-cleave. It seemed like an easy contract when he accepted it. Neither he or his comrades had anticipated the vigilantes tracking them however and the outcome of the ensuing fight showed how much they'd underestimated their skill.

As their leader went down at last, Star acrobatically swung her staff back around to rest as she grinned at her and Marco's efforts. They'd found the crime rate had begun to rise again recently, though they'd equally risen to the challenge, excelling in their role as the town's defenders. They'd taken a more private approach as time went on though, avoiding anymore press interaction and covering their faces with some eye masks Star had made.

It didn't stop them gaining popularity with the local youth however. Seeing two 'heroes' their own age taking on villains was a sight many sought to see. Every time a struggle began, a crowd would congregate out of nowhere. The news spread quickly through social media and before long, they'd built up a bonafide fan club. Much like their combat demonstrations before, the real deal was becoming a cool spectacle for many.

A cheer went up as the last of the villains was vanquished and the law enforcement arrived to arrest them. Star and Marco used the crowd to their advantage, slipping into the onlookers to avoid getting questioned by the press again as they made their getaway.

It was hard to avoid the admiration of fans with this tactic though, many wanting to meet them and take selfies. Some days, it would be fantastic to feel the love. On others however, they just wanted their privacy. This was one of those days.

Whilst the duo weren't the types to be mean and turn away those who looked up to them, they made a point of quickly moving along with things today. A group of excitable preteens had them cornered though, singing their praises as they reveled in meeting their heroes.

Star voluntarily entertained them as Marco tried to sneak away to where they had parked Nachos. He found his path blocked though as he unintentionally walked straight into another onlooker. He stumbled out an apology before getting a good look at her.

His shyness kicked in the presence of the absolute knockout stood before him. She was the same age as he and Star, latino like him with smooth olive skin and flowing black hair. She had stunning hazel eyes, a dazzling smile and a svelte figure, dressed in a stylish tank top and skirt combo. He could barely string a word together as he just stared.

"No, it's my fault, I should have watched where I was going" she politely apologised, brushing her hair timidly past her ear. Marco was still speechless as she continued.

"Trust me to do something silly when I'd actually been hoping to meet you".

"M..me?" Marco stuttered.

"Yeah! I mean, it's not everyday you get to meet the best fighters in town" she admitted.

"Well, it's nothing really, you know" Marco replied, his confidence returning as he humbly gloated. Her compliments were feeding into his ego as she kept her eyes lustily upon him.

As he continued bragging, Star was finishing up with the other kids. That's when she glanced over to her boyfriend and the unknown girl mildly flirting with him. Her eyes narrowed in suspicion as she went to investigate.

"I just find it really brave how you can take on those Monsters with just your karate skills" she continued, twiddling her hair with her little finger.

"The experience helps. I've done this so much it's like second nature" Marco boasted, his arrogance inflating the more she flattered him. His falsified demeanor was broken quickly however as his girlfriend interrupted.

"Marco!" Star hollered.

"Ah Star! Wha..what's up?" Marco stuttered, taken off guard by her sudden intrusion.

"Oh nothing. Just curious to see what you're up to" she replied cooly, trying not to make her true intentions known.

"I, erm, was just talking to...to…"

"Oh how silly of me, I haven't even told you my name" the girl noted, giving Marco a save from anymore awkwardness.

"My name's Arabella. Nice to meet you".

"Charmed" Star dryly replied, shaking the girls extended hand.

"So you're Star Butterfly right? His partner?" Arabella asked.

"His girlfriend, actually" Star duly noted as she folded her arms.

"Oh wow! So you save the city and date too? That's so cool!" Arabella observed graciously. Marco was only too keen to further big this fact up as they continued their conversation. Star wasn't buying into the flattery though. Something about this girl irked her, even if she couldn't put her finger on it.

"Anyway, I should let you two go. You've probably had a long day" Arabella deduced.

"Yeah, we'd best call it a day" Marco admitted. "Maybe we'll see you around?"

"Maybe. Nice to meet you both" she replied as she bid them farewell and took her leave.

"She seemed nice" Marco noted as he and Star mounted his Dragoncycle. She said nothing however until they got home. Whatever joy she'd taken in their victory was on the back burner as she couldn't get the thought of this 'Arabella' out of her head.
Echo Creek was a small town, sure, but she'd never seen this girl before. Neither of them had. What were her intentions? She seemed particularly drawn to Marco too. There was no way Star was going to let anybody make a move on him, particularly after all they'd been through just to be together in the first place.

The questions in her mind continued to bug her until Marco presented her with a bowl of his signature nachos back at the Monster Temple. As he warmly smiled at her, she knew that, whatever trepidations she had with this girl, that the love she and her boyfriend shared certainly wasn't diminished in any way. Putting it to the back of her mind, they enjoyed their evening together in peace.

A few days later and the duo were back in action again. They followed a lead on a dispute that had broken out between humans and monsters in a suburb near the city limits. The origins were varied depending on who was asked. Whatever had truly sparked it however, the accusations being thrown around were getting nasty and bitter. It was up to Star and Marco to try and restore some sense of clarity in the neighbourhood and stop things getting out of control.

"He set my shed on fire!" the Human man complained as he chastised his neighbours misgrestion.

"I've already said I'm sorry! It's my darn allergies" The monster lamented as he sniffled back any more fire from his nostrils.

"Look sir, what is all this arguing going to accomplish? Accidents happen. Your neighbour has already said he'd pay for the damage" Marco explained as he helped play mediator.

"I guess" the man begrudgingly accepted.

"I can give you the contact details for a really efficient Mewman building team too" Star added. "They work for practically peanuts. Sometimes, they'll even work for literal peanuts!"

"Well, that sounds good" the Monster noted.

"So what do you say, do you think you can shake hands and be friends again?" Marco asked. The two neighbours looked at one another before coming to the conclusion they could. They realised the dispute had been petty and vowed to stop fighting anymore before thanking the duo who had stepped in.

"Nice kids" the Human said. "Who were they again?"
His monster compatriot just shrugged.

Once again, a small crowd had gathered to see the efforts of the local heroes, even if this incident had involved more words and less fists. As the duo looked to make their exit once again however, they found a familiar face in their path.

"Oh, hi. Again" Star balked, making little effort to hide her displeasure.

"Hi Arabella!" Marco greeted her, much more enthusiastically.

"Hi Marco! Hi Star!" Arabella greeted them cheerfully. Her facade wasn't fooling Star though. Surely she could tell that she had a problem with her. She didn't have the young siren down as dim. An ulterior motive was obviously in the works. Somehow.

"Wow, fighters and diplomats? You two really have it all don't you?" Arabella continued.

"It's just what we do. No sweat" Marco humbly boasted, flexing his joints to exaggerate the hard work involved. The two continued their back and forth for a few minutes before Star grew tired of all the 'courteousness' on show.

"Look, we'd love to stay and talk but we're kind of busy people, you know?" she intervened as she sought to wrap this conversation up.

"What? We don't…" Marco began before he felt a sharp pain come down on his foot from the heel of his girlfriend's boot.

"Oh of course, I'm sure you have so much to get on with" Arabella said. Star was still trying to work out if there was any sarcasm in her tone before she continued.
"Before you go though, I was actually hoping to ask you both something".

"Oh?" Marco said as his curiosity peaked more than the earlier pain.

"Well, you two do so much for the town, I thought it would be nice for someone in town to do something for you" Arabella suggested. "My Dad opened a new restaurant in town recently and when I told him about you two, he said he'd love to have you over for dinner".
"Well, that's a nice offer but I'm not sure…" Star began as she slyly tried to cast off the invite. Arabella was persistent however, bringing the ace from her sleeve before Star could dismiss her.

"I don't know if you've heard of my dad? Mateo Marcello?"

To Star, the name meant nothing. Marco's eyes lit up however.

"Your dad's the Matty Marcelo?! No way!" he exclaimed.

Arabella giggled at his reaction. "Yeah, I forgot people see him as that famous here" she admitted. "So, will you come? Tomorrow night? I know that's sort of short notice…"

"No, no that's fine. We'd love to!" Marco answered, beating Star to any possible interventions.

"Great! Well, I'll see you both tomorrow night then" Arabella said cheerfully as she took her leave. Star was just dumbfounded by how well the girl had outplayed her. Marco meanwhile, only felt his excitement bubbling further.

"I can't believe we're going to meet the Matty Marcello!" he rambled in joy.

"Erm, remind me who that is again?" Star asked, feigning forgetfulness in place of just straight up not knowing the name.

"Star, he's only one of the greatest Latin chefs in the world and a local legend!" Marco explained. "You know the recipe I follow for my nachos? He created that!"

"Wow, so this is a pretty big thing for you…" Star nervously chuckled.

"Are you kidding?! We have to go!" Marco begged excitedly. She wanted to object but she could see how much this meant to her boyfriend. This girl had backed her into a corner she couldn't escape from. There was nothing she could do but agree to go and hope that her suspicions were just paranoia.

Later that afternoon, Marco was playing one of his online games downstairs with Tom whilst Star sat on her bed alone, save for one of the laser puppies, who's head she mildly stroked for relief as she thought. Her mind was now fully enveloped on the situation developing around tomorrow evening.
What were this girl's intentions, particularly with Marco? Did she know about his love of cooking or was it just a lucky fluke? Either way, she didn't trust her at all. She could recognise her flirtations towards her boyfriend, from the compliments down to the way she batted her big eyes at him. The other half of her mind told her that this was all her imagination and there was nothing to worry about however. She needed a second opinion.

Reaching for her phone, she made the call to her 'bestie'.
"Hey B-Fly! What's happening with you girl?" Ponyhead answered as the video screen sprung into life.

"Pony! I need your help. I've got a problem" Star discreetly informed her.

"Ooo, a problem that you can't solve with earth turd? This is obviously bestie territory" Ponyhead smugly noted.

"Well that's the thing, it kind of involves him...well, it doesn't involve him exactly but he's a part of the involvement...I think. Does that make sense?" Star waffled.

"Not in the slightest" Ponyhead bluntly answered. "You're gonna have to be a bit clearer than that girl".

Star began to explain the 'Arabella' situation and her flirtatious nature to her friend. She hoped that Pony could provide some kind of clarity and tell her that this was all in her head. Instead, she did the polar opposite.

"Hmm ok, it sounds like you've got a classic maneater problem" Ponyhead deduced.

"Maneater? She wants to eat Marco?!" Star asked in shock, clearly new to the term.

"No B-Fly, not literally" Ponyhead sighed. "No, a maneater is a girl who thinks they can pick out any man they desire, whether he has a boo or not, and steal him away. They don't care about who they hurt in the process. They'll do anything to get what they want and repeat this time and time again when they get bored".

"Anything?" Star gulped as she thought the worst.

"Anything" Ponyhead repeated back, deadly serious.

"So, you think this Arabella is trying to steal Marco from me?" Star blurted out.

"One hundred percent" Her friend replied. She seemed to be completely certain on this issue. Star had her suspicions but didn't think it could be this bad.

"What do I do then Pony? We're meant to be going to dinner with her family tomorrow!" Star explained.

"Wow, you're in deeper than I expected" Pony noted. "Ok, heed my words of wisdom Star because there is only one way you combat a menace like this…"
Star was now fully concentrated on finding a solution. If her friend had one, she would hear her out.

"What you need to do is..."

All of a sudden, she was cut off by the sound of a bell and a voice calling for her.
"Pony! We're back on set!"

"Oops sorry, that's my cue girl!" Ponyhead told her friend.

"Wait, your cue for what?" Star asked in confusion.

"I'm getting my own TV show! The studio loved my web series so much that they invited me in to film a pilot episode" Ponyhead explained gleefully.

"TV show? You never told me about this?" Star questioned.

"Well, it was sort of meant to be a secret on my contract but I guess that's out of the bag now" Ponyhead shrugged. "Anyway, got to go!"

"Wait Pony! You still haven't…"
Star was too late however as her friend swiftly hung up. Throwing the phone away in frustration, she buried her head into her pillow to muffle the sound of her groan. She didn't realise her relationship with Marco was in this much danger. They'd battled some of the worst evil forces imaginable and stayed together throughout it but this was different. This was a new threat all together. Subtle, conniving, dangerous. Star knew she couldn't let this stand. She wouldn't lose Marco, not like this.

Composing herself once more, she sat up as she formulated a plan the only way she knew.
"Ok Arabella. If you want a war, you've got one" she declared.

The next day came around quickly and Star and Marco prepared for the evening ahead. She knew that her boyfriend, in his nerdy attempts to impress one of his idols, would be dressing smartly, so she would have to do likewise. To halt any questioning from him, she had barred him from her room for the afternoon as she got herself ready.
She skimmed through the outfits in her closet as she looked for something to match Marco's formal attire. She was caught at a crossroads however as everything she owned either over or under matched what she was going for. Eventually, she began to improvise, altering one of her more 'casual' royal dresses to match with some 'smarter' earth clothes. In the end, she impressed herself with the result.

"Perfect" she concluded as she admired her handiwork. She hoped that this would be all she needed to keep Marco by her side this evening and not her rivals. She knew that she'd need a contingency plan though, just in case. Rooting through her closet, she siphoned through the various tools and weapons she had in her possession. She was looking for something compact and discreet that she could hide on her person during the evening. She wasn't looking to hurt anyone, but if this girl was going to make moves on her man, perhaps she could use her natural warriors' will to scare her off, should things get too heavy.

Eventually, she picked out a small, retractable metal staff, something that wasn't too dangerous but that could fold away easily into her purse. Though she was pleased with her pick, she thought over whether or not this was too much. She didn't want to start violence where she didn't have too and she certainly didn't want to embarrass Marco in a situation that would mean a lot to him. She also knew that she wasn't going to lose what they had to a maneater however. With any luck, this would be a final resort only.

As she sought to exit her closet, a familiar feeling called out to her once again from beneath the junk scattered around. She knew what it was without seeing it; the box was calling to her again. Or at least what was inside it. Her mind was caught with indecision once more. A situation like this could be so easily solved with a little magic. She knew she couldn't use it however, no matter how tempted she was. She also couldn't let Marco know that she still had some semblance of magic hidden too, lest it put him in danger should somebody come looking for it.
"No, I have to get used to solving these kinds of things without magic" she told herself as she took one last glance at where it was buried before closing the closet door. Taking a deep breath, she cast any doubts she had to the back of her mind before she got to work on getting ready.

Around an hour later, Marco waited impatiently, pacing around in frustration. Though he wasn't going to admit it, he didn't want to be late meeting one of his idols. He knew he only had one chance to create a first impression and he didn't want that to be a bad one. He strolled over to the mirror, once again checking his hair and straightening his tie as he tried to 'perfect' himself. Glancing at his watch, he noted the seconds ticking by with scrutiny.
"Come on Star, we can't be late" he muttered under his breath as he went back to checking himself over in the mirror.

Star meanwhile was secretly spying on him from the top of the stairs.
"Such a cute doofus" she giggled to herself as she watched him pace back and forth to the mirror. She had deliberately kept him waiting a little longer so her surprise could be more effective when she appeared, much like he had done when they went on their first date following the Cleaving. As he glanced at his watch again however, she knew she had kept him waiting long enough.

Marco was so caught up with his tie again that he almost didn't notice the reflection appear behind him as it moved down the stairs. Turning to face it, he was instantly paralysed in amazement as she stared agape at the sight before him. Star was moving down gracefully towards him in a fantastic indigo gown, undercut with a lighter blue on the hem and decorated with a white bow on the waist and shining sequins all over to represent stars. It wasn't too unsimilar from what she wore formally in her princess days but would suit the occasion tonight perfectly. She'd done her makeup and hair perfectly too, her blonde locks up in a neat bun, topped off with a flowery headband.

"Wow, you look incredible Star" Marco began, still in awe at the sight of his girlfriend made up so spectacularly.
"You don't scrub up too badly yourself Diaz" she replied teasingly as she closed their distance and admired his appearance. "You look surprised".

"I just...didn't think you would be looking as...extravagant, as you do" he stammered.

"Well, did you think I'd let you out do me silly?" She joked playfully. "We're going out together aren't we? We're a team".
She warmly smiled at him, something he returned gladly as he took her hands in his own. Then he started laughing to himself.

"What's so funny?" she asked, confused by his sudden change in tone.

"Nothing, it's just… I didn't think you'd take tonight as seriously as I did for some reason" he chuckled.

"Huh?" Star said, still perplexed.

"I'm glad you did though. I am sooo hoping it goes well tonight" he idly continued, now too caught up in the excitement to notice the baffled look on his girlfriend's face.
"I still can't believe I'm going to meet Matty Marcello! Do you think he'll share his recipe secrets with me?"
Turning to face Star, he just saw her staring back blankly, unsure of what to say.
"No, you're right, I'm getting too ahead of myself" he somehow determined, walking out of the door and fiddling with his keys. As he disappeared, Star could only scowl at his idiocy. The sooner this evening was over with, the better. Opening her bag one last time, she checked she definitely had the retractable staff. It sat nestled in it's own compartment. "Just in case" she muttered to herself.

A short flight on Nacho's later and the couple arrived at the 'Hogar De Sabor'. Marco had explained on the journey there how it was the latest in a small but highly rated chain of restaurants Marcelo owned. Star hadn't really paid much attention, her mind fully focussed on what the night could bring. She only hoped that her worst case scenario wouldn't actually play out. When they touched down outside the restaurant however, she couldn't deny that she was impressed. The exterior was made of white marble and lit up with many golden fairy lights. It gave a warm and welcoming vibe to any potential customers.

As they approached the door however, any enthusiasm Star may have had quickly dissipated as she saw Arabella standing ready to greet them.
'Oh no, she looks really pretty' Star thought to herself as she observed her rival. She too, had put a lot of effort into her appearance, sporting an off the shoulder black dress that flowed down to floral patterning around the hem.

"Wow, you both look incredible. I almost feel underdressed in comparison" Arabella humbly complimented them.
"Don't be ridiculous, you look lovely" Marco courteously replied, returning the compliment. She giggled playfully at his words. Star's expression was far more stoic however as she fought hard to hide her displeasure.

"Well come in, my father is just preparing the food now" she told them as they entered.
The restaurant was just as glamorous inside, the walls decorated with traditional Mexican art and trinkets. Arabella led them towards the back where they saw her mother preparing the table for them. She was very similar to her daughter in both style and mannerism, the family resemblance clear for all to see. She lit a candle on the table and invited them all to sit down as they waited on Arabella's father. It didn't take too long for him to make an appearance while the others engaged in idle chit chat.

"Good evening! Welcome!" Mr Marcello proclaimed cheerfully as he emerged from the kitchens. Marco's expression was one of pure joy as one of his idols appeared in the flesh. Star wasn't quite as enthusiastic but still put on a smile. It did allow her to finally get a good look at the person her boyfriend looked up to.
He was a stout, rotund man, confident in his own skin as he proudly strode forward. Whatever athleticism he may have possessed in his physique had been swallowed by a 'dad-bod' in his later years. His hair was thinning on the crown, though he still was able to sport a thick, black moustache on his face. He wore his shirt unbuttoned at the top, a thick tuft of chest hair on full display. Marco may have idolised this man for his cooking ability but Star secretly prayed he didn't want to look like him too. Still, at least he seemed polite and ready to welcome them in.

"Mr Marcello it's such a pleasure to meet you I'm a huge fan!" Marco exclaimed excitedly at a million miles per hour. He almost took the eccentric Mr Marcello by surprise with how rapidly he fired the sentences out and shook his hand.

"Lovely to meet you too young man. You must be Marco, si?" Mr Marcello replied in his thick, Spanish accent. "My daughter has told me a lot about you and what you do for the town".
Marco gave Arabella a smile, almost to confirm thanks non verbally as she too gleamed back. Star could only cross her arms in frustration.
"And this must be your partner?" Mr Marcelo continued. Star was about to correct him like she had his daughter before Marco raced in with the introductions.
"Yes sir, this is my girlfriend, Star Butterfly".

"Nice to meet you" Star greeted him with a pleasant smile. 'At least he remembered that point' her mind thought about Marco however.
She suddenly felt Mr Marcello bring her arm forward though as he placed a tender kiss on her hand.
"The pleasure is all mine Senorita" he replied courteously as he got a good look at her. "Such a rare beauty. You are not from Echo Creek no?"

"N-No, I'm from Mewni" Star stuttered, taken off guard by his 'latin charm'.

"Ah! So you are one of the new arrivals to our fine town?" he noted.
"Erm, not exactly…" Star began. She was cut off though as he began to wax philosophical.

"Journey's like your own are inspiring to me. I know many people who are still apprehensive, afraid even, of those who now call our town home alongside them. But not I. My family came from lands afar to seek a better life here too. So where others see uncertainty, I see opportunity. I have been lucky enough to travel the world, searching for the secrets to perfect flavour. Now a whole new world has come to us. For the first time in a long time, I am excited to discover something truly new and unique. I cannot wait to welcome Mewmans and Monsters alike to my restaurant so, together, we can truly revolutionise cooking for the whole world!"

Marco was overjoyed in delight, struggling for words as he smiled goofily like an excited puppy. Star was somewhat less awestruck. His words were passionate and inspired, that much was true, but this was still technically Mewni too. Nobody had travelled here as he proclaimed. She wondered if he just saw those from her former home as more of a business gain than anything else. Then again, being in a restaurant, she was also thinking with her stomach, so she wanted to see if his food matched his words.

"Now, if you'll excuse me, I must return to the kitchen to add the final preparations to the meal" he noted as he took a brief leave. It left the others to once again talk amongst themselves, Arabella mostly keen to know more about Marco and Star's exploits whilst her mother politely agreed and commended them.
"Let me know if I'm wrong, but was that the 'praying mantis' technique you finished up with the other day Marco?" Arabella asked.

"It was… you know about karate?" Marco replied, surprised at her knowledge.

"It's… a hobby of mine" Arabella admitted.

"Hobby? I think that's downplaying it a little" her mother interjected. "You used to love all of the old kung fu movies. What was the name of the actor you used to adore?"

"Mackie Hand mom, I've said this so many times" Arabella laughed.

'Oh no, she has so much in common with Marco' Star thought, panicking in her head as her boyfriend nerded out with this girl over the things they liked. She couldn't tell if Pony's theory was coming correct or whether this girl was genuinely the perfect match for Marco. Either way, it was making her feel incredibly uncomfortable inside. She was relieved when Mr Marcello finally emerged with the food.

"Dinner is served!" he proudly declared as he laid out the assortment of Latin food on the table before them. The smell of it alone was pretty intoxicating, enough to make Star's stomach quietly rumble in anticipation. He served it out in a manner where people could help themselves to what they wanted. Star had to keep non verbally assuring Marco that he could actually take the food without seeming like he wasn't minding his manners. By the fourth or fifth time, she was rolling her eyes. As she tucked into the dishes herself though, she couldn't help but be impressed. She could taste a lot of where Marco got his inspiration from.

"Your cooking is delicious Mr Marcello" she politely informed him.

"Thank you my dear, it gives me great pleasure to hear that" he replied heartily. "Have you tasted much of the food we've have on Earth?"

"Well, yes actually" Star replied. "I've lived with Marco's family for a while".

"Interesting" he replied as he twirled his moustache before he turned his attention to her boyfriend. "So, Marco! Tell me my boy, how did two 'jovenes' like yourselves come to be in such a position as you are?"

After his initial near choking at the chef addressing him, Marco managed to splutter out a reply. "Do you mean fighting crime or being a couple?"

"Well, both I guess" Mr Marcello said. "I can imagine they are both exciting tales".

"Well, it's a long story" Marco began. "But I guess it all began when Star came to Earth as an exchange student. We became best friends almost right from the start and, I guess the rest just blossomed from there". He held Star's hand as he rounded off the story, something that filled her with joy as she smiled back at him.

"Well I think it's a lovely story" Mrs Marcello noted. Her husband was still curious though as he delved further.

"So Star, how does one come to actually be an exchange student outside their own dimension? When I was in school, I knew some kids who hadn't even left their own neighbourhood much" He asked.

"My parents sent me here to learn magic properly. It was sort of my job as a princess in a way" she explained.

Mr Marcello nearly spat out his wine at the revelation. "Dios mio! I never realised we were in the presence of royalty" he exclaimed. Even Arabella seemed surprised.
"Well, I'm not royalty anymore" Star admitted sheepishly. Whilst the hosts were keen to know more, she didn't exactly want to recount how her ancestors had essentially stolen the throne from the true Butterfly family. Her save, ironically, came from Arabella, who shifted the conversation back to her father.
"Didn't you meet royalty before dad?" she asked.

"Ah si mi hija. The King and Queen of Spain" he replied as he began recounting his stories. He captivated the room as he told them some of his favourite exploits, particularly Marco, who hung on his every word like the starstruck fanboy he was. The stories certainly impressed Star but she realised that, in one swoop, Arabella had taken the gloss away from her and put it back on herself and her own family. How intentional it was, she was unsure. It was clear though that she'd missed the opportunity to 'big herself up', so to speak. The dynamic daughter and father duo had made her own relationship with her family pale in comparison.

"Yes, there have certainly been some good times" Mr Marcello concluded. "But my greatest adventure has always been mi familia". He turned his attention to Marco as he moved on to his next point. "Marco, you are a red blooded male like me, si?"

"Erm, yes" Marco nervously replied.

"Tell me then, how has a girl like my Arabella not got a boyfriend yet? She is truly beautiful, yes?"
His question put Marco on the spot instantly. He stuttered incomprehensibly as he was placed between either offending an idol or his girlfriend. Star herself was sceptical of what he may answer, her eyes narrowing as she awaited what he'd choose.

"Dad! You're embarrassing me!" Arabella exclaimed as her cheeks flushed red.

"Hahaha, that is my job as a father" Mr Marcello chuckled. "Don't worry Marco, you don't have to answer. It is just a bit of playful fun".
Marco breathed a deep sigh of relief as his host playfully patted him on the back. Star too was relieved until she saw Arabella look at him and playfully giggle. He returned the gesture as they gazed upon one another. Star felt her hand sliding towards her bag there and then. It was only the intervention of Arabella's mother that brought her back to the moment.

"Tell me about your father Star. He must have done some interesting things as a King. Plus, I want to know if what he does could rival my husband's ego" she asked as she playfully jibed her husband.
This put her instantly in the limelight as everyone awaited her answer. Her Father was certainly a character but he hadn't exactly done much to match up to Mr Marcello's glory. All Star could think of was all the times he'd embarrassed himself with his oafishness. She couldn't exactly tell them any of that. It left her with only one option; to outright lie.

"Oh, yeah my Dad was a real man of the people" she began cooly. "The people loved him as King. He even helped save the life of the new King when he was done. Yeah, my dad was pretty cool".

Before she buried herself further into the lie however, her phone began ringing in her bag. Pulling it out of her bag, she saw that it was, ironically, her Dad calling her. As the room fell awkwardly silent, she hesitantly answered.


"Star! I need your help!" River replied in a serious, panicked tone.

"What's wrong?" she asked.

"I was journeying home but came across a strange contraption in one of these clearings people here gather in. I think it's housing something evil" he explained.

"Well, what does it look like?" She questioned.

"Like some sort of fountain. Except it reacts to my touch. Something is obviously controlling it. I don't know if I should fight it though. It might be something the Humans worship" River whispered. Peering out of his vantage point, he glared daggers straight at the source of 'evil'.

Down the line however, Star knew exactly what he was referring too. She wanted to put her hand through her face in embarrassment. He was trying to start a fight with a drinking fountain, something she had, ironically, first done when she came to Earth. Remembering she was in company however, she wasn't about to explain this to him in front of them, particularly after she had just tried to make him seem such a brilliant person a moment ago.

"I'll be back in a moment" she tried to politely assure the others as she headed outside. She only hoped this wouldn't take too long. Everyone was slightly confused but didn't question it.

"Well, I'm going to get these dishes cleaned before we do anything else" Mr Marcello declared, breaking the silence as he began gathering up the cutlery.
"I'll give you a hand dear" his wife offered.
"Thank you mi amor" he said as he gave her a tender kiss on the cheek. Once they were in the kitchen, it left Marco and Arabella alone.

"Well, your parents are really nice" Marco complimented.

"I'm so glad you think so. I didn't know if my dad would be a little to for guests to handle" Arabella replied as she gave him a warm smile.

"Believe me, compared to some people I've met before, he's pretty normal!" Marco joked. It elicited another giggle from Arabella before she continued.

"Well, while they are busy, there's something I was hoping to show you".

"Well ok, but shouldn't we wait until Star gets back?" Marco asked. He peered out of the window at his girlfriend, who was now engaged in some kind of frustrating debate on the phone.

"Well, it was something I kind of wanted to show just you. Alone" she told him. Her eyes never left his once, her stare only intensifying her words.

Marco's eyes widened as his nerves flared up. What was she getting at? Surely she wasn't coming on to him?
'No, she can't be. Her parents are here and my girlfriends outside. Nobody could be that brazen...right?'
Before he could find the words however, she was standing right before him. Her eyes still remained fixed on his own and her hand was now extended out to take his. Taking one last nervous look at his girlfriend outside, he skeptically took her hand.

She led him carefully upstairs, not once letting go of his hand. Marco's mind was still swimming. Where was he taking him? Why was his mind screaming of suspicion? Had he led her on?
"So...erm...what did you want to show me?" he stuttered.
"You'll see" she replied coolly, not once taking her eyes off the path ahead.

Had she gotten the wrong idea? She was a pretty girl, as her father had pointed out, but he would never sneak around behind Star's back, ever.
She stayed quiet until they reached the second floor. It was dark up here, the lighting low compared to the bright restaurant downstairs. There was little more up here than a storeroom.

"So, what did you want to show me?" Marco nervously asked. She said nothing however. She just closed the door and kept her eyes fixed upon him. He had no time to prepare for what came next.

"Urgh Dad, no, you don't have to pass a challenge to use it. It's just for drinking from!" Star explained in frustration as she tried to talk her father down.
'Now I know how Marco felt' she lamented in her mind as she realised the irony of the situation.

All of a sudden however, she heard a scream come from the restaurant. She instantly recognised it as Marco's. For some reason, it also came from upstairs. Scanning the table they'd been sitting at, both he and Arabella had vanished.

"Oh no" she mouthed. "Dad, I'll call you back".

Hanging up the phone, her hand went straight for her bag. Grabbing hold of the staff, she had it ready and primed in her grasp in seconds. With all concern for her image gone, she ran at full speed into the restaurant and headed for the stairs as quickly as she could. She feared the worst as she sprinted but her goal was clear; nobody was taking Marco from her.

Hearing noise up ahead, she raised her leg and hit a stern kick with full force against the door. It collapsed in a heap as she leapt into the room.

"Get your hands off my man you witch!" she shouted as she looked to bring her wrath down on Arabella. When she saw her and Marco however, she froze in confusion. They meanwhile, seemed just as confused by her reaction. They stood facing one another, a good two metres apart, bowed in a respectful position.

"Star? What are you doing?" Marco asked in confusion as he straightened up.

Star struggled to find the words as her head tried to wrap itself around this situation.
"What am I doing? What are you doing?!" she exclaimed. Arabella stepped in however to save Marco from any awkward explanations.

"I'm sorry Star, it's my fault" she began. "I kept hearing that Marco was the best karate fighter in town, so I wanted to test my skills against him. I guess it's part of the reason I invited you here".

"Do you really expect me to believe that?!" Star barked back.

"It's true Star" Marco intervened.

"B..But I heard you scream?" Star noted.

"What can I say, she caught me off guard" he chuckled, rubbing the back of his head in embarrassment. "With all due respect though Arabella, you should have given me some warning".

Star just stood dumbfounded. Had she really gotten the whole situation wrong? Was this girl only interested in Marco for hopes she could practice karate?

"I know, I'm sorry" Arabella replied remorsefully. "I guess I thought catching you by surprise would give me a fighting chance. Obviously I still have a lot to learn".

"Well now probably isn't the right time to do. We're still full from dinner for a start!" Marco joked. "Come down to the dojo my old Sensei runs? You can learn a lot more there".

Star remained speechless as they continued their pleasant conversation. It was only when she was addressed directly that she came out of her trance.

"Say, what's the staff for Star?" Arabella asked inquisitively.

Remembering the weapon she was still holding, Star cast a nervous look to her equally confused boyfriend before retracting the weapon. Still lost for words, she hung her head as she accepted she was wrong about everything, turning on her heels to head back down to the table. Marco and Arabella remained silent themselves.
"Erm, I think you should talk to her Marco. She seems upset" Arabella suggested.

"Huh? How do you know?" Marco asked.

"Call it a girl's intuition. That's something you can't learn" Arabella noted smuggly. She soon became distracted however as her father called them down for desert. It left Marco alone for a moment as he dwelled on what had just happened.

Neither Star or Marco said little for the rest of the evening. Both maintained the feeling that, be it one way or another, they'd both messed up, though neither was admitting that to the other.
"Well, I'm very glad you accepted our invite. It was a lovely evening!" Mr Marcello proudly stated, neither he nor his wife sharing in any of the awkwardness the other three felt. Star, meanwhile, wanted nothing more than to go home, though she knew she couldn't not be courteous. She made sure that both she and Marco thanked him for having them and together, the two bid the family goodnight as they left the restaurant. For a moment, neither knew what to say. Now they were alone however, Star decided to make her true feelings known.

"Well, that evening was a total disaster" she grumbled.

"Huh? I thought it went ok?" Marco replied obliviously.

"Well, as long as you enjoyed it I guess" she replied. She was still downtrodden though, something Marco instantly noticed.

"What's wrong Star? What happened earlier?" he asked.

"I'm not sure I want to talk about it" she answered, rubbing her shoulder nervously as she remained very self contained. Marco wasn't giving up that easily however.

"Come on Star, you can talk to me about anything" he assured her, placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. He had some deciphering to do however as she remained silent. Then, the realisation hit him.

"Wait, Star...were you getting jealous? Over Arabella?"

"No! I...wasn't, no!" Star shouted. Her flushed cheeks gave away the fact she was lying however.
"You were getting jealous!" Marco continued, laughing a little at the absurdity of it all. Star wanted to argue with him but realised there was no way she could lie her way out of this one. Eventually, she just hung her head once more. Marco noticed she wasn't sharing his amusement however and curbed his amusement.

"Star, there's nothing to be jealous over, I promise" he assured her. She knew he was right but her insecurities were still playing devil advocate in her mind. She couldn't lie to him anymore. She'd have to be honest with him. Before she could begin though, he continued.

"I'm sorry if you felt uncomfortable tonight. I...I should have asked you before the night started rather than just leading you blindly into it".

"No, I'm the one who should be saying sorry Marco" she began. "You're right, I did get jealous of Arabella. I guess I let my insecurities get the better of me and...I shouldn't have".

"Star…" Marco tried to interject. She carried on with her rambling however.

"I just don't want to lose you Marco! I was like this before when you were with Jackie! And when I see a girl like Arabella… I know she'd be such a better fit for someone like you than I am! She has more in common with you, she's prettier than…"

Marco cut her off swiftly as he pulled her in for a passionate kiss. It took her by surprise at first but eventually, she melted into his touch. As the kiss broke, he looked right into her eyes as he held her.

"Nobody, and I mean nobody, is better for me than you are Star. You're the girl I was waiting for. And no matter what happens, nothing and nobody could make me stop loving you".

Star smiled warmly at his words as she knew he was being sincere with her.

"We really are mess up twins huh?" she giggled.

"Mess up twins till the end" Marco replied, taking her hand in his own as they called time on their evening.
