Nuppa Nuppa - No buddy, he's my little green bean, i would never kill him. ;) This is one of those, "Whoa that was close!" times. It's part of the story for him to be exhausted nearing the end, it makes the last two "pranks " ( they feel bad for tiring Lloyd out so they go easy on him ) work with the plot.

CheezPretzel - thank you!

Welp i'm getting bored of this story... the least i can do is post the last chapter before i either delete or rewrite it, am i right? ah well here we go.

Lloyd squeezed his eyes shut. This was going to be the end of him. The famous Green Ninja, killed by his own friends. The universe was especially cruel to Lloyd a lot of times. This wouldn't be the first time, but it was definitely going to be the last…

But the boulder never came.

Cole had panicked and stopped it at the last second. Jay removed his hands from over his eyes, and Kai was THIS close to beating up Cole for not paying attention. Zane just sighed in relief.

Lloyd cracked open his eyes to see the boulder had stopped, but before any other thoughts could cross his mind, darkness took over his vision and Lloyd blacked out.

Cole took the maze down. It sunk into the ground, and after it did there was no sign that it was ever there. The only thing left was Lloyd, lying there in the middle of the monastery, unconscious.

"Lloyd!" Kai yelled, running up to him, the others not far behind.

Kai shook Lloyd's shoulder, not getting a response. "Lloyd, wake up, buddy…" Kai was somewhere between worried for his friend and furious at Cole. He could've yelled at Cole, but in the back of his head Kai knew he was to blame too. So he remained silent.

"Lloyd is not injured." Zane commented after scanning Lloyd, "He simply passed out." Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"But what about the last two pranks?" Cole asked. Now Kai really did yell at him.

"Our PRANKS left Lloyd in THIS STATE and you still wanna FINISH IT?!" Kai yelled into Cole's face, which made Cole back up.

"Okay, buddy, calm down… we first need to get Lloyd inside." Cole said, which seemed to make Kai's rage go down to some extent.

The four ended up taking Lloyd to the little infirmary they had at the monastery, and laid him down to rest after Zane had carefully bandaged the cuts.

Later, the four original ninja were sitting in Jay's bedroom, talking.

"Well that didn't go as planned." Cole said, stating the obvious. It took the majority of Kai's willpower to not yell at Cole again.

"Why so quiet, Jay?" Cole asked.

"I just… I don't know. This didn't go as it was supposed to. I feel like we need to make it up to him somehow." Jay said, swinging his legs.

"I agree, I feel extremely guilty about freezing Lloyd's room now." Zane said. Zane had, in fact, frozen Lloyd's room BEFORE Cole's "prank". The original plan was to tire Lloyd out a LITTLE bit, so he would look for his room but find it frozen. Granted, it was a little mean, but it was part of the fun.

"Hey… I have an idea!" Cole said.

"Dare say one of your ideas out loud and I want to see if anyone has the guts to stop me from punching your face into your head." Kai threatened, glaring daggers into Cole.

"It's not a bad one, I promise!" Cole said to try and reassure Kai.


"Just listen to my idea, you can be the judge, okay?" Cole said, perfectly calm, having dealt with Kai's temper for years.

"Here it is: …" Cole shared his idea with the others, and Kai surprisingly approved, then they set to work.

Cole paired Jay with Kai, and him with Zane, said it would be "the most strategic option". Why? Kai was going to melt Lloyd's room, and Jay had a vacuum to suck up the water as it melted. Kai had argued with this arrangement a lot, but Cole said Jay isn't much use on the candles team so there was no point in him being there, earning him protests from Jay.

Zane wasn't allowed to go anywhere near Lloyd's room for the time being, so he and Cole were taking candles, laying them out along the floor ( the most effective positions calculated by zane ), and securing them them to the spot with a lump of mud, which was enough to hold the candles in place once it dried.

Then they waited, and waited. Not in the infirmary, no. Zane said that since they four were the ones to do this to Lloyd and Lloyd knew it, he would try his best to avoid them, and walk out the infirmary even though he knew he wasn't supposed to… because that's Lloyd for you. A stubborn kid.

And finally, Lloyd did walk out.

"Quick, dim the lights!"

"Kai, you're up!"

"You sure he won't trip over the candles?"

"I have made absolute sure Lloyd will not."

The first thing Lloyd saw when he woke up was the ceiling of the infirmary. Huh? What had happened? Oh right… Cole had trapped him in a maze and tired him out. But the others had helped, which makes them just as evil.

And Lloyd was the one supposed to have the venom inside him. Ironic.

Lloyd got up. It made him dizzy but he still got up. There were bandages on his arm and legs too, covering up the scratches he had gotten earlier. What to do, what to do? Lloyd stumbled out of the infirmary, and all of a sudden the lights dimmed. Huh? What was going on?

Then a candle lit up in the darkness. Now if Lloyd's mind wasn't so fuzzy then maybe he would have known it was just Kai, but at that moment Lloyd was convinced that if he caught the little flame he could hug it and go back to sleep... or something.

Lloyd got closer to it, reaching his hand out. Nearly there… nearly….. And then the flame went out. Lloyd looked around in confusion. There it was! A little farther away, Kai had lit another candle, but Lloyd thought the candle had MOVED. So he went after it as fast as he could possibly go… waddling speed.

"Going good, Kai!" Jay complimented.

"It's working!" Cole whisper-cheered. They couldn't let Lloyd know they were there.

"Lloyd's pretty gullible when he's half asleep." Kai commented, grinning, earning him three smacks on the back of his head, partially messing up his already wacky hair before he lit another candle. Slowly but surely, the flames from the candles led Lloyd to his newly melted and dried bedroom, and that's when Kai lit four candles that were around the bed.

Lloyd followed the flame… why wasn't the candle staying in one spot? Why was it constantly moving?! Then all of a sudden four candles around the bed lit up and that's when it hit Lloyd. Oh yeah, that's right, he understood it ALL now:

There was an invisible alien called Blobby in the Bounty that cared for Lloyd's well being MORE than the ninja because Blobby's realitives live in Ninjago and Lloyd is OBVIOUSLY the SOLE HERO of the city ( Lloyd doesn't need the other ninja, he's awesome on his own ) and when Lloyd was in trouble Blobby got an emergency alert in their secret base on their home planet Blogborf and came in their personal luxury invisible UFO ( which is currently sitting on the deck of the bounty but nobody can see it because it was invisible...duh ) and stopped the boulder before it could crush him, then bandaged Lloyd's cuts for him and then when Lloyd woke up, Blobby moved a candle around the place to lead him to his bed. It was that simple.

Lloyd congratulated himself on figuring it out, but not for long, as he decided he was finally, FINALLY going to get a good rest, and flopped onto bed, saying, "Thanks Blobby."

Lloyd flopped onto bed, muttering something the ninja couldn't hear, and they all sighed in relief.

Jay turned on the light again, "Well, that just happened."

"Yeah," Kai agreed.

"However, we must fix all of our previously set up pranks." Zane said.

The next few hours were spent with Jay fixing the microwave, Cole plucking the candles off the floor individually, Kai sorting out the video games ( a long and tedious process ), and Zane undoing the stitching on Lloyd's gi before going into Lloyd's room and properly tucking him into bed.

Then they all slept.

Lloyd woke up in the morning feeling a lot better than before. His headache had gone away, he got a good amount of sleep… it was 10 in the morning. Ah well, who cares.

Lloyd practically stumbled out of bed and made his way to the kitchen, but halfway there he heard voices.

The ninja.

Lloyd debated whether to go in or not until he heard what they were talking ABOUT.

"Cole, don't eat that! It's for Lloyd!"

"Jay, are you certain more than the suggested amount of sugar will be beneficial?"

"Lloyd has a sweet tooth, he'll love it."

"I'm afraid I do not understand what a 'sweet tooth' is."

"Kai get the heck over here!"

"You ask me ONE more time and I'll do MORE than just GET OVER THERE!"


"Put more icing on,"

"What about the sprinkles? There HAS to be SPRINKLES!"

"I believe Lloyd will be awake in some time, I suggest we stop arguing and hurry?"

"Yeah, KAI."

"You're no better, COLE."

"Both of you, shut up!"

And Lloyd walked into the kitchen.

Everyone froze where they were. Zane was putting more icing on a slice of cake, covered in icing himself. There must have been some kind of icing explosion. Cole and Kai looked like they were in the middle of a wrestling match, mud on Kai's favorite hoodie and a few tips of Cole's hair along with his sleeve singed. Jay looked like he was trying to break up the fight, but to no success, a bruise forming on his arm which he must have hit on a corner at some point. He also had cake batter on his cheek. Must have licked the spoon.

"Hey Lloyd…" Cole and Kai muttered sheepishly, while Jay just laughed and Zane smiled, continuing what he was doing.

Then all of a sudden three pairs of hands were steering him to the table, a chair waiting for him. Lloyd sat down, utterly confused, and then a slice of chocolate cake with thick icing and a load of sprinkles appeared in front of him, complete with a fork beside it.

Lloyd picked up the fork and looked up at his friends, who were waiting for Lloyd to taste the cake.

Lloyd was suspicious at first. This could be another prank. Another evil prank...

Judging by the state his friends were in, they put a lot of effort into this one slice, so Lloyd hesitantly tasted the cake… and surprisingly it was really good. There was a lot of sugar, and the sprinkles only added to it, but Lloyd loved it the way it was. The cake was fluffy and the icing was thick and smooth, both a rich chocolate.

"You.. Made this?" Lloyd asked.

"Well, Zane did most of the work. Kai lit the fire for the cake, and I added tons of sugar. Kai and I both had to keep Cole away or he'd ruin the whole thing."

"Hey! I had my moments." Cole objected Jay.

"Buddy, the only moments you had were when you squeezed the icing tube too hard and blew it up, along with somehow getting the clearly labeled containers of sugar and salt mixed up." Kai commented, which made Cole back down, and Lloyd, Kai, Jay, and Zane laugh.

"Hey… uh, Lloyd?" Cole asked, getting Lloyd's attention.


"Sorry for, you know, nearly crushing you back there. I guess nothing really makes up for us doing that to you, but do you forgive us?"

"I mean, it was an accident, right? And I'm okay. So we're good." Lloyd stated, making them all sigh in relief.

"I managed to stop that thing just in time." Cole commented, still relieved Lloyd wasn't going to hate them for it.

But what Lloyd said next lead to half an hour of confusion for everyone:

"But… what about Blobby?"

the last two pranks were supposed to be Zane freezing Lloyd's room and Kai leading a sleepy Lloyd in circles for fun... i tried to make it interesting by nearly killing him but i think i ruined the entire story instead. tell me if i should rewrite it or delete it, and keep a look out for a new story called GET THAT CHICKEN! it's going to be a oneshot, just random things revolving around that chicken...