"T-tom…?" Harry gasped as he turned the corner to his office. He felt his heart dropping down to his throat as it immediately squeezed shut.

"Why are you….here?" Harry slowly asked as he quickly made his shock as best as he could before this seated former lover.

The fear that gripped Harry's chest gave him the motivation to go on. Tom couldn't have known about Harry's secret yet...couldn't he? Harry had been living the remote, muggle life for five years now, and…. No! Harry couldn't let this happen. Harry also shielded and fortified his mind even more so- Tom was- is- a master at mind reading, so Harry had to at least attempt to block out the memories he didn't want revealed.

Tom's dark wine colored eyes stared deeply into Harry's emerald cut pair, his soulful eyes more haggard looking than Harry had ever seen them when they had been together. His usually styled curly brown locks were the same as ever, but a bit disheveled, as if it was an attempt at normalcy. Tom was dressed in his usual cut of business robes, though, the same as before.

"Harry?" Tom whispered softly, almost in disbelief, suddenly gripping onto the leather chair arms kept for Harry's clients.

Tom's usually hard to decipher eyes were clear at this instant; They were full of shock and...hope?

No, it had to be wrong. Harry must have lost his skill to read Tom after five years apart. Harry mentally let it slide for the bigger problem, though.

Harry's eyes harden into stone, his face impassive now. "Mr. Marvolo, I was not aware that you were a client for my business." Hopefully, Harry's voice hadn't trembled as much as he felt inside.

Now, Tom's eyes changed from shock, to anger. Anger- Harry could deal with anger easily.

"Harry, what are you doing here? Do you know how much I've been looking for you!" Tom raised his voice, rising from his seat now. "So this is where you've been hiding from me? From your friends and family, our home?"

Harry suddenly felt fear- Tom only raised his voice when he was especially furious, and never at Harry before. Still, Harry found the resolve to go on. After a quick wandless muffliato to keep the sounds inside his office, Harry moved his weak legs to sit down at his chair to ground him.

"Mr. Marvolo, need I point this out that I would prefer you to address me by Mr. Evans? And secondly, we have had this talk already when you, you, broke up with me. Please, let us go back to the main topic, the business." Harry said cooly, opening up a folder already on his desk, trying to keep his thumping heart at bay.

Harry knew he lost because he kept avoiding his eyes from To- no, Mr. Marvolo's- but… In any case, why hadn't Harry checked the file beforehand? It was such rotten luck. But based on To- Marvolo's reaction, Harry's secret was safe for now. Okay. He could deal with this.

"Mr. Evans? Ha! An alias! Harry, explain to me why-" Here Tom interrupted his rant to stop his exclaims and breathed deeply through his nose before exhaling harshly. "Harry, I-"

"Mr. Evans." Harry cut in in a no nonsense tone. "Please, it's Mr. Evans now."

Tom's eyes suddenly flicked to Harry's then his hand.

Why would- oh. Harry knew why. Harry automatically reached for his simple gold band on his left hand and held it in a clasp. Maybe...Harry could spin this in a way to salvage this horrible meeting.

Glancing back to Harry's eyes, Harry could immediately tell that Tom was closing up his emotions again. It was always a habit he made Tom lose whenever they were at home...not that it mattered anymore. Harry had to stop thinking of before- it would only hurt him in the end.

"I see," Tom whispered softly. "Congratulations. I hadn't known you would move on so fast already." This, he said with a forced sneer but Harry couldn't see it as Harry's eyes were locked on his ring.

And so Harry burned at this comment. "Tom," He said, throwing away all attempts at distancing himself again, "Don't shift this blame onto me. It's been nearly five years. I've merely left and moved on...with someone else," Harry hastily added.

"...I see," Tom said again, eyes still locked on Harry's left hand. "You've thrown away the Potter name for this Evans? Who you've only known at best for five years?"

"Yes," Harry said simply. "I have. And," Harry got up as he put away his folder again, "as I see this meeting going nowhere for now, I say that we should re discuss our business plan at a later date and with someone else."

"NO!" Tom grabbed onto Harry's lapels, shoving Harry into a wall with him.

Harry could only laugh bitterly at this. "Tom, don't you see? I've moved on, let me go. I don't understand why you are doing this." Harry's eyes were closed and slightly to the side, eyes closed to hide the myriad of emotions inside him.

"Don't understand?" Tom whispered again, equally bitter and harsh.

Tom's hands left Harry's lapels to swiftly grab onto his hands and locked them in place above his head as Tom's lips pressed on to Harry's pinker ones.

Suddenly, Tom's face was within centimeters to Harry's and their lips were together. In shock, Harry couldn't do anything, the forcefulness of Tom's passion throwing him off his loop. Harry hadn't felt this for five years….

But when Tom's tongue started trying to slip inside, Harry's bearings came back and he tried bucking and twisting off of Tom's hold, anything to remove Tom off him. But Tom held firm, the sudden activity's blood pumping, shock, fear, want, regrets, and anger made Harry lose his breath and strength. Harry couldn't fight against what he's been missing for five years, not when his heart was reacting differently from what his rational mind knew was better.

Tom's sinful tongue and teeth nipped harshly at Harry's tongue, only to leave it with soothing caresses in apology seconds after. His lips fit perfectly and softly onto Harry's own as his still fit body pressed against Harry's in every possible way up against the wall, igniting that old fire of memories Harry had been trying to hold at bay. He could taste Tom, his unique sweet warm taste that Harry hadn't found in anyone else for so long and being in his embrace...Still, it was against his will.

A sob broke out of Harry, as the repressed tears started flowing down his cheeks. Abruptly, Tom let go of Harry as an obscene string of saliva still connected them before breaking. Both their breaths were harsh and loud, but Harry's even more so.

"LEAVE!" Harry yelled as his tears fell even more now, and apparated out of his office to escape home, leaving Tom alone in his office.

Tom's hands shakily left form the warm spot where Harry had just been leaning on, as one hand fell to his side in a tight grip and the other covering his eyes as his own tears dripped down from his chin.

"What have I done?" They both thought.