For some reason, I don't like this chapter, so I wouldn't fault you if you felt the same.

Second, I would like to give a rare author s/o because this person helped me keep writing when I didn't want to. S/o to RoseClrdVibes! Check out their new story, "When Demons Dance" and give them some support.

Anyway, on with the story! Mistakes are mine.


Calli waltzed into the room where she found Bellatrix lying on the bed, propped up by her elbows, and shirtless. It caused her to falter a little, still not used to having her lover within reach. Calli forced herself to concentrate on why she was there in the first place.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" she asked.

"Why put off the inevitable?"

"You know Cissa is going to want an actual ceremony, yes?"

"She will get one, but I wanted to do this part privately."

"And the timeline has nothing to do with the fact I leave for Hogwarts in three days?"

"Of course not."

Calli snorted and crawled on the bed, straddling Bellatrix's waist. She held out her right arm, wand in her left hand, and Bellatrix grabbed hold of her right arm with her left hand.

"I'll go first, and then you go after me," she said.

Bellatrix nodded. Calli placed her wand at the juncture where their arms met and took a deep breath.

"To you, Bellatrix Black, I confess to thee at this hour, I shall be yours for eternity. I take you as you are, to be nothing but yourself. Loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your enduring love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend the rest of my life. Until Death is my escort, I vow to love you, honor you, trust you, and be loyal to you. From this moment on, I shall be known as Calliope Giselle Black. So I have said, let it be."

A dull golden band curled around their wrists. Calli could feel it pulsing against her skin.

"To you, Calliope Giselle Black, I confess to thee at this hour, I shall be yours for eternity. I take you as you are, to be nothing but yourself. Loving what I know of you, trusting what I do not yet know, I will respect your integrity and have faith in your enduring love for me, through all our years, and in all that life may bring us. I choose you as the person with whom I will spend the rest of my life. Until Death is my escort, I vow to love you, honor you, trust you, and be loyal to you. From this moment on, I shall be known as Bellatrix Gauthier-Black. So I have said, let it be."

The golden band glowed and sunk beneath their skin. Calli felt something click into place, like the puzzle of their relationship had been completed. Bellatrix shivered and placed her hands on Calli's hips as she sat up straight.

"You chose my name," she whispered.

"And you chose mine," Calli whispered back.

"We are bound. For all eternity."

Calli draped her arms over Bellatrix and connected their foreheads. "Yet eternity is still not long enough," she sighed.

Sirius was passing by the drawing room with the intent of catching Harry before he ran off to Diagon Alley. As he passed, something in his peripheral had him pause. Sirius frowned and entered the drawing room where the Black family tapestry hung on the walls. He stepped up to it, cocking his head at the golden strands snaking over his ancestors.

"What in the hell?" he muttered.

The golden strands stopped at a picture of his cousin and then a new line sprouted from Bellatrix. Sirius followed it down to where a new picture and new name appeared. He couldn't recognize the picture, seeing nothing but red eyes and black curls, but the name was so familiar to him.

"Calliope Black?" he said. "Why does that sound so- shit!"

Sirius paled and ran out of the room.

After their private ceremony, Bellatrix decided to visit her sister with the intent of telling her what they did. It would work out better for them if Narcissa knew in advance rather than at the last minute. Calli kissed her goodbye before she went up to the third floor. She opened the door to her study and found her father standing in front of the fireplace, his attention on the new painting over her mantle. It was a picture of her parents. All of them. Tom and Rayna stood in front with Dan and Jean a little behind them. They all wore matching smiles. She came up beside her father and he sighed deeply.

"A little odd seeing myself up there," he said.

"It would've been odd if you weren't."

"You're using contractions."

"I wish people would stop pointing that out," she huffed.

"What are your plans for today?" he asked after he stopped laughing.

"I have to go to my flat and make it lived in before Harry, Ron, and Ginny show up. We're going to Diagon Alley for last-minute supplies."

"Sounds fun."

"A real adventure," she muttered sarcastically.

He placed his hands on her shoulders. "You look so much like her it's scary," he whispered.

Calli hummed and folded her arms as she leaned into her father. "I've invited Fleur for the holidays," she said. "She needs to get her mark and I miss her company."

"Is she bringing the whole family?" he asked warily.

"Why so you can escape Apolline?" she teased.

Tom shivered dramatically. "That woman is a terror," he grumbled.

Calli laughed and turned in his arms, patting him on the chest. "You'll be fine," she said.

"Says you. She loves you."

"I'm going to go now," she said.

"Wait, before you go, what's your plan this year with Harry?"

Calli looked back at the painting and exhaled. "Harry is a product of his environment, and a part of me can't hate him for growing up with this black and white outlook on life. I know once things come out, he'll turn on me. But until then, I'm going to be his friend," she said.

"You aren't going soft on me, are you?"

"The idea I have to be a terror consistently is foolish. I am capable of destroying a man by being kind to him."

"You're right. That's way scarier," he said.

Calli rolled her eyes and walked away.

"Oh, and make sure you get extra parchment so you can stop taking mine," he yelled at her retreating back.


Moody entered the home where he found Severus, Remus, and Albus waiting for him.

"Good, you're all here. Come with me," Sirius said.

The group followed him into the drawing room. He pointed to the tapestry.

"Surely you didn't call us down here for show and tell?" Severus drawled.

Sirius scowled and said, "Look at the line that comes from Bellatrix."

The four men huddled close and Severus felt a chill go down his spine as the temperature in the room dropped. There were several changes that the tapestry accounted for, including the fact Narcissa was no longer a Malfoy. Rodolphus had been completely erased from the entire thing. But more importantly, it showed in plain writing that Bellatrix and Calli were married.

You impatient fools, he thought.

"How is this possible?" Remus asked, his voice strained.

"The tapestry considers true and pure bonds as familial connections. It adjusts as the family lines change."

"Dammit," Moody hissed. "I knew we should've kept looking for her."

"Severus, has he said anything about her?" Dumbledore asked.

"There has been no mention of either of them. I was told Bellatrix was recovering at an undisclosed location," he said.

"That must be where they've been hiding her," Sirius said. "And if she's bound herself to Bellatrix-

"We must find them at once," Dumbledore said. "We were all there when Trelawney gave us that prophecy."

"What about Harry's prophecy?" Sirius asked. "Does it change now that she's back with her father? Even if he kills him, we still have her and Bellatrix to worry about."

Severus was internally freaking out. He kept studying the image, seeing if there was anything that could tie Calli to Hermione, but thankfully, her natural look was too different to be distinguished. He caught Remus doing the same and wondered if Bellatrix even remembered how the tapestry worked.

"We have to find them both," Dumbledore said. "We cannot risk the two of them getting any stronger."

"The Dark Lord has always been private about his daughter, Albus, even before he attacked the Potters. He will not tell me where she is just by me asking," Severus said.

"I only need you to keep doing what you've been doing. I must go to the bank. Maybe Griphook can help me with getting information on her. She is a witch with money. Surely she has accessed her mother's vaults."

"I'll go with you," Sirius said. "Harry and the kids are down there. I can check in on them after."

Dumbledore nodded distractedly and the two left the home. Moody grunted and hobbled after them. Severus put a finger to his lips when Remus started to talk. He removed the coin he kept in his robes and held out the coin. Remus grabbed the other half, and Severus activated the emergency portkey.

Bellatrix and Narcissa jumped in shock as Severus and Remus appeared in the room. Tom had just walked in as well, but he was a bit more composed with their sudden arrival.

"We have a problem," Severus said.

"What problem?" Tom asked.

"Bella, your marriage appeared on the tapestry," Severus said. "The Headmaster and Sirius are on their way to figure out how they can find you and your new wife!"

Bellatrix froze as everyone looked to her. She had completely forgotten about that.

"You got married?" Narcissa seethed.

"Not the time, Cissy!" Bellatrix shouted before she apparated from the room.

No one had time to ask where she was going.

"Come on, I have a faster way to get to the bank," Narcissa said. "Benefits of knowing Lucius Malfoy."

"But how do we warn Calli?" Remus asked, rushing out of the room with the others.

Calli slipped her arm into Harry's as they walked. He seemed shocked at the action and she smirked.

"I may or may not have overreacted at the party," she said. "And I'm sorry."

Harry huffed out a laugh. "You reacted like you should've. I'm the one that should be sorry."

"We both made a mistake. I just…I don't want this year to be like the shit storm that's been this summer."

"I agree, but man, it's weird hearing you curse so much," he joked.

"I stopped denying myself the pleasure," she laughed.

Harry wrapped his arm around her waist and the two talked about nothing as they went from shop to shop. The two were too caught up in their conversation about how weird it is being orphans, Calli being honest about some of the things she'd been feeling ever since Dan and Jean had died. Sure, they weren't her real parents, but they were there for a lot of her formative years. It was weird not having them around. Harry, however, did not share the same feelings as he only knew his parents for a short time. She did appreciate him listening and offering support where he could. It was nice to be two people bonding over loss rather than enemies.

Calli wasn't searching for weak spots or looking for blackmail material. She was just talking to a friend.

"Hey, Hermione!"

Calli turned as Fred jogged up to them. He smiled and hugged them both, but Fred kept a hold on her arm. He was squeezing and tugging as if he wanted to pull her away.

"I'm sorry, mate. I need to borrow Hermione for her brain."

"Oh! That's fine," Harry said.

Fred smiled tightly and lightly dragged Calli in the direction of his shop. Harry went to Ron and Ginny, telling them what was going on. Ron went to follow them but Ginny kept him there. Fred led Calli through the backdoor of the shop where she found Luna and Draco already there. The twins kept watch.

"Congratulations on getting married, but you really should have waited," Luna said by way of greeting.

"How did you-

"Your union showed up on the Black tapestry," Draco sighed. "Sirius saw it and called the Headmaster, Moody, Sev, and Remus to the house. They saw it as well."

"Sirius and the Headmaster are in the bank right now with Griphook," Luna said. "But Cissa and Tom are there as well. It's literally a matter of time before someone beats the other, and if the Headmaster gets hold of your personal information, he can use it to track you down."

"Have you tried to access your Mum's vault?" Draco asked carefully.

"Fuck," she whispered.

Calli was reeling. Their impromptu decision may have just fucked everything up.

"We need to get you out of here," Luna said.

"Hey, something's happening outside!" George announced.

No one had time to respond as an explosion went off in the distance. Then another. And another. The twins went first, keeping Calli hidden as they surveyed the scene. Luna was behind her with Draco behind Luna.

"What do you see?" Calli said.

"Uh, Death Eaters," George said. "I think."

"Wait, what?"

Calli poked her head around and gaped at the six smoke trails flying over the alley. Spells flew from each one, causing minimum damage but maximum chaos. A few spells then focused on the bank, and the goblins started rushing people out into the streets. Calli squinted at the sight of Dumbledore and Sirius. They looked angry…and empty-handed. The spells kept flying for a few more minutes. When the Aurors showed up, the smoke trails zig-zagged away from Diagon Alley. In the silence, store owners groaned about the damages, but were grateful it wasn't much.

"I thought all the Death Eaters were dead," George whispered.

Calli grinned and said, "There are a few who survived."

"We need to go," Luna said, tugging on Calli's arm. "We have to make sure the Headmaster didn't get anything from the goblins and you don't need to be in public until we know for sure."

"Tell Harry and Ron reminded me of the explosion, and I went to my flat. Make sure you tell them without telling them that I'll see them on the train. Okay?" Calli said to the twins.

"Got you."

Calli, Luna, and Draco ran down the alley. When they reached the trees, they apparated to Rayne Manor.