Hey, guys.

Boy, has it been a while! I've had major writers block for a looooong time and now that we are on lock down, I am ready to kick it's ass. I have been working on something new, within my beloved Fifty Shades category of course. I realise there are many stories out there now, but I am just not ready to let it go. My writing style has matured a fair bit compared to when I used to upload here, and I am ready to show you all how much I think I've progressed. I really hope you like the chapter, this is just the beginning. I am so excited to keep progressing this story further, I feel so fresh and new, and I feel so positive about this one.

I truly hope this is enjoyed, all feedback is appreciated as always,



Chapter One

"What else could possibly go wrong for me?" I thought to myself as I looked in to the mirror. My brunette locks messy and unruly, my face sported bags under my eyes from the lack of sleep the night before. I sighed, and began to pull a brush through my hair, I needed to look presentable if I were to get anywhere today. I continued to brush my hair until it looked somewhat tidy, and proceeded to pull it up into a ponytail, I pulled some baby hairs out to give my hair a more relaxed look and looked into the mirror once more.

"I still look like shit!" I say out loud, I cover my mouth at the realisation that I'd just spoken to myself. I roll my eyes and turn around to find my room mate, and best friend Kate staring at me.

"Come on Ana, we need to leave soon!" She exclaims waving her hands around to exaggerate the hurry.

"Fine, I just need to cover these bags" I reply as I fumble in my make up bag to find my trusty concealer.

"Go get dressed, I will find it for you, I've set out an outfit for you on your bed" Kate says with a smile on her face, oh how she loved to dress me up.

I brush past Kate and make my way to my room, on the bed I spot the outfit. A Black knee length pencil skirt, and a white sheer blouse with frilly collar, she also left a white spaghetti strap tank top to go underneath. These clothes weren't mine, I would never pick something like this for any occasion ever. I was more of a t-shirt, jeans and converse kind of girl but Kate wanted us to look professional, smart, sexy. I don't do sexy.

After slipping into Kate's chosen outfit I look around for my trusty kitten heels only to realise Kate had hidden them. "I've picked a pair of heels for you Ana! They're by the door" Kate shouts, it was like she was a psychic... Or just heard me cursing at myself. Damn me for being the same shoe size as Kate I think to myself as I make my way back to the bathroom. Kate has laid out a few products, concealer, mascara and a clear lip gloss. Kate loved lip gloss.

"You have three minutes Ana" Kate says sternly as she gives me a look. I nod and look into the mirror rolling my eyes once more.

I quickly hide the bags under my eyes, and a couple of blemishes, and then apply the mascara which completely transformed my face, I looked more awake than ever. I finish off with a light layer of lip gloss which completed the look. I looked presentable, smart, sexy. Just like Kate wanted. I hurry out of the bathroom, grab my purse and slip on the heels Kate had chosen, a plain black pair of 5 inch heels, simple, yet smart. I look at my bestfriend, and examine her outfit. A V neck black dress that pulled her figure in, in all the right places, she had put a thin red belt around her waist, a short black cardigan over her shoulders and red heels. Kate's face was effortlessly beautiful, she let her long blonde locks fall around her shoulders and down her back, her natural waves showcasing the length. She had little make up on, but made a statement with her red lip, she always meant business when she wore her favourite red lipstick.

We hurry out of our apartment door, and into the elevator, we lived on the first floor, but Kate would never walk any more than she has to in heels. Once we reached the outdoors we made our way to Kate's Mercedes and slipped into our seats. The engine roared to life and we began our journey to Seattle.

"You remember what you have to do, right?" Kate asks, and I nod

"Yes, stay quiet, make notes" I reply, clutching onto my bag as she picks up speed along the road

"Leave the questions to me, I've got some... questionable ones there so I think I will handle asking them better than you will little miss shy" Kate chuckles and I playfully slap her arm

"I thought we were just going to question him about his business and charitable work?" I ask raising my brow

"Obviously, but Christian Grey is a mysterious character and if I can be the one to gain some new information about him I am sure as hell going to try" Kate responds, a smirk on her face.

If I'm honest, I'd never heard of Christian Grey until yesterday when Kate begged me to tag along to be her assistant. I reluctantly agreed because well, she was my best friend after all. I couldn't say no to Kate. I liked to lead a somewhat sheltered life, reading books, going to work and hanging with my two best friends. But I also wanted to support Kate on her big break in her journalism career, she had landed a job right out of college for the Seattle Times, but her work never went past sports, until today where Kate got to interview Mr Christian Grey, CEO and Founder of Grey Enterprises Holdings.

Mr Grey's company as I found out last night covers a wide range of horizons, and a lot of charitable work. Providing clean water, and food to those in need all over the world. And personally building thousands of homes all through out the country for those who were homeless. Mr Grey also had a big hand in helping out during Hurricane Katrina, rebuilding homes, donating funds to small businesses. I can't lie, he was very admirable, his work was and is utterly brilliant. He was the reason I hadn't slept much last night.

After an hour of traffic, we arrive outside of Grey Enterprises Holdings, it was an intimidating high rise building made entirely of steel and glass, I stepped out of Kate's car and looked up. I imagined Christian Grey's office was right at the top, over looking the city of Seattle. Kate and I make our way inside of the building to the front desk which was sleek, yet simple. Sat behind it was a young blonde woman, she smiled at us, yet her tone seemed cold.

"Katherine Kavanaugh, from the Seattle Times. Here to see Christian Grey" Kate says, her voice had turned ever so professional, a small smile appeared on her face.

"Yes, Mr Grey is expecting you. However he is not expecting your assistant here" The receptionist says, she looks at me, her smile disappears and I look away.

"I did email to confirm that I would be bringing an assistant. I assumed it would be sorted" Kate responds, showing proof of her email.

"Yes, bu-" Suddenly the receptionists head turns as she hears the ding of the elevator. Out comes two tall burly men both with the "Army" hair cut, and behind them was Christian Grey.

I turn with Kate and we watch as he makes his way towards us. His face plain, and almost cold as he looked at us both. "I will take it from here, Hazel" Christian says as he stops, his security men moving aside so that Christian had space to... breathe.

"Yes, Mr Grey" Hazel nods and takes her seat, and returns to her work.

"Katherine Kavanaugh, it's a pleasure to meet you. Who have you brought with you?" Christian asks as he shakes Kate's hand, however his eyes trained on me, taking in every inch of my body, and face. His security men begin talking in hushed tones, I assume they are taken aback by the extra guest.

"Anastasia Steele, but please call me Ana" I say, reaching out to shake Mr Grey's hand. His hands are soft, but his grip firm. He finally lets go after what felt like hours.

"Anastasia... such an unusual name. Welcome to Grey Enterprises and Holdings. We will head up to my office now" Mr Grey says, suddenly turning and making his way to the elevator.

Finally, we arrived on the 25th floor. The final floor of the building. We walk along a corridor and into an open space, another receptionist desk in the far corner with lots of seating across the open space. There were many doors, but one was a little more extravagent than the others. It was steel, with frosted glass around the edge, I could only assume that glass was bullet proof as it was so thick. Mr Grey opened the door effortlessly, ushering myself and Kate inside his spacious and simplistic office. At one end was a huge oak wood desk with multiple screens and a laptop. The other end was three Black leather couches with a coffee table in the middle of them.

No pictures hung up on the walls, no plants, just this furniture. We make our way over the the sofas, Mr Grey sits on one, and Kate and I sit on another, opposite him. I reach into my bag for my note pad and pen, and Kate does the same with her dictator. She then pulls out her own notebook, where she had written her questions. As Kate goes through her questions, I begin taking notes, ensuring to write as much detail as possible so that Kate could work on her article thoroughly and portray it right. I'm so immersed in my notes that I miss Mr Grey's reaction when Kate asks...

"Are you gay?" Kate says, her face blank as she looks at Christian. I look up and see him, speechless.

After a few silent moments Mr Grey answers "No, I am not gay. I like to keep my private life, private" Mr Grey looks at me, and I immedately look away. I could feel his gray eyes burn into my head as I continue making notes.

A knock at the door sounds and then opens. Another blonde lady walks in "Mr Grey your 4PM conference call is ready" she says, Mr Grey looks at his watch and he curses under his breath.

"I will be done shortly, please tell them I will be a few moments late" Mr Grey replies, the lady nods and she exits the office.

I begin to pack up my things, Kate does too although she looks slightly disappointed that she didn't get to ask her few remaining questions. I stand, straighten my skirt and slip my purse over my shoulder. Mr Grey reaches out his hand and we lock eyes for a few moments as we shake hands. He then shakes Kate's hand and we both turn to leave.

"I will personally walk you both out. I am looking forward to reading the article, Katherine" Mr Grey says as he opens the office door leading out into the wide open space.

I take one step and fumble over my feet, falling to the floor, my face narrowly missing the floor. I try to gather my surroundings as I am helped up from the floor by none other than Mr Christian Grey. I turn to look at him and he smiles.

"Thank you, Mr Grey" I say, my face feeling hot and no doubt turning bright red from embarrassment.

"You're Welcome Miss Steele, are you always this clumsy?" He asks, raising a brow as he continues to look at me

"Only in 5 inch heels" I state, feeling shy I look away. He lets out a small chuckle and shakes his head, he finally lets go of my arm and we both catch up with Kate and Mr Grey's security men who were waiting just a short distance away. Kate had struck up a conversation with the younger man, who seemed to be hanging on every word she said.

Once we reach them, we make our way to the elevators and all step inside. I stand next to Mr Grey, feeling his gaze over me as I stare ahead, ready to leave this place. I couldn't quite believe that I had tripped and fallen to the floor in front of a multi-billionaire and his staff. I would never live this down. Kate was already looking mischievious, oh how I am dreading listening to all her jokes on the way home.

The doors open, and we all step out, say a quick good bye, Mr Grey agrees to answer Kate's unanswered questions over email and we set off in our separate ways. What an afternoon. I think to myself as Kate and I enter her Mercedes. I look at Kate and she immediately breaks out into a hysterical laugh.

"Little miss clumsy" Kate says still laughing, I roll my eyes and slump in my seat.

"Please Kate, that was so embarrassing I don't need you making it worse" I look at her and she immediately stops.

"Fine, fine, but this isn't the last of it. I'll let you off just for today" She replies, the car falls silent as we hit the freeway and immediately hit traffic. The journey back home is slow, but finally we reach our destination.

As soon as we get inside of our apartment, I kick off Kate's heels and make a run for my bedroom. Stripping off Kate's carefully selected outfit and into my comfy sweats. I return Kate's clothes to her laundry basket and we slump on the couch. Kate begins scrolling through her phone at take out options and I watch over her shoulder.

"Wasn't Christian gorgeous?" Kate asks as she selects a chinese restaurant.

"I mean... sure, he had very intense eyes" I reply, watching as she selects a few options on the menu. "Is all that for you?" I ask

"No of course not, it's for us, I said I'd get us take out today, to say thank you" Kate looks at me with a smile.

"Oh... Yeah, sorry I forgot" I lightly smack my head and scrunch up my face.

"Anyway, back to Christian. Tell me what you really think, he spent a lot of time looking at you, Ana" Kate presses further.

"Sure, yes, okay, he's hot Kate. Is that what you want me to say?" I sit up and face her, crossing my legs, she does the same and we are staring at each other.

"Ooooh Ana! That is exactly what I wanted you to say" Kate smirks and shows me her phone, scrolling through her order. I nod and give her the okay.

"I just hope he likes the article, I know what angle I want to work on. I think we need some new and exclusive photos of him though, just to give it more of an edge" Kate says, and I nod in agreement.

"Why don't you ask him when you email him then? No harm in asking is there" I suggest

"Of course not, I was already thinking of doing it, but now that you agree, I will definitely ask him. Maybe we'll get to see him again" Kate says, I immediately bury my face in my hoodie, feeling shy.

Some time passes, and Kate is now getting to work on her article, and I am on the couch reading my book, enjoying the peace and quiet I am inevitably going to get this weekend because Kate will no doubt be working on her article all weekend so that she has a draft ready by the time Monday rolls around. I on the other hand have one shift to work on Sunday at the DIY store and then I am starting my new job at SIP. A Publishing company, my dream job.

I look at the time, and realise it is quite late and that I should get some sleep. I fall into my bed, and stare up at the ceiling. My mind in overdrive, thinking about today, falling over in front of dozens of people. Christian Grey's eyes, oh his big intense grey eyes. I couldn't get them out of my head. His gorgeous copper hair, and his rugged looks... Why couldn't I get him out of my head? I close my eyes and try to drift off to sleep but nothing worked. Here I was sitting up in my bed, feeling all flustered about a man I barely knew. I'd never felt like this before, this was unlike me.

Come on Ana... Snap out of it...