Once again everything belongs to J. .

This chapter is the longest so far at just over 7,000 words.

Please review! Somebody left a paragraph of writing tips and i greatly appreciate the advice. I plan to update the rest of the story with his or her recommendations when I find the time.

Please give me more writing advice!

Please volunteer to beta!

I have read through this chapter once and I am sure it still contains a mass of mistakes.

This installment contains lemons! Don't read them! If you do thats on you.

Chapter (to be corrected soon)

On the first day of 'night' in the cavern a familiar white owl swooped down. Landing on the table where Harry and Hermione were eating breakfast. Harry immediately moved to his owl and started petting her.

"Hedwig! How did you find us girl?"

She seemed to cluck at him disapprovingly and started nipping at his fingers until he distracted her with bacon.

Two more days continued in there regular fashion before Geoffery returned.

He appeared suddenly during their morning exercise routine. Harry and Hermione were half way through a set of body weight squats when a voice started barking at them.


Harry lost his balance and had to catch himself before he fell to the ground.

"Go lower Hermione! You need to activate your hamstrings and gluteus muscles!"

Hermione's threw a look at the hat for remarking on her form when Harry had nearly fallen over.

"Harry! I expect better balance from a Griffindor seeker. Back to it!"

The morning workout continued in this way with Geoffery barking corrections to their form.

As they were eating breakfast Geoffrey noticed Hedwig.

"Harry when I brought you here there was no owl... how did she get here?

"She flew in from the roof one day..? I hadn't seen her back in England for a few days so I figure she knew we were coming."

"Has she ever drawn blood from you"

"Umm no? Why would she"

"Does she ever try to?"

"No... I mean she nips at my fingers to be ?"

"A normal owl shouldn't be able to find us. Have you ever considered she's trying to do more?"

Hermione who had been looking at the two inquisitively started in.

"Familiars don't hurt their familials, it's basically part of the bond. Why would Hedwig try to hurt Harry."

"Just a theory my dear"

"Harry please oblige the creature by cutting your hand and giving her a drop of your bloods"

Harry drew 'the knife' from his pocket. For some reason he always carried it. Not out of a desire to complete the task but because it somehow felt important now. He cut his palm once again. Blood flowed.

He put it near Hedwigs beak and she lunged forward burying her beak into the blood. Harry yelled out as his owl burst into flames.


The flames quickly consumed her body leaving only a pile of ash on the table. Hermione moved to Harry not just to investigate the ash but also to comfort Harry.

"Geoffrey! Why did you let him do that! How did she burn alive because of his blood!?"

She glared at the hat. Who was, laughing?

Between peels of laughter Geoffrey squelched our a few words.

"Harry. Ahahaha I knew you were special. Ahaha but this... this is just plain ridiculous."

Recovering from his shock hart began to get angry.


Harry was suddenly cut off by a very loud


It was coming from Hedwigs ashes...

A snowy white head stuck its way out of the ashes. It immediately glared at Harry.

'Finally! Why the hell! did it take you so long to bind me!'

'Foolish humans can't see with their own dumb eyes'

Hermione was staring at the head in shocked silence. Harry was on the verge of passing out.

"Can... can.. can you guys hear her?"

"Hear what Harry?" Hermione said distractedly.

"Hedwig... she's talking to me... in my head I guess."

Geoffrey who was still roaring with laughter began to settle down.

"She's a Phoenix Harry! And by my guess no older than a hundred years old!"

'Tell that conceited hat I'm no older than 35, thank you very much! In fact you should probably be repeating everything I say for your companions. Leaving them out of the conversation is rude'

"Umm... she says she's only 35..."

'TheRe you go ill make a good pet-master out of you yet. Your finally starting to follow directions. It's a shame I couldn't be this direct with you before, I could have gotten a lot more of that bacon meat'

Harry continued to translate for her.


Hedwig gave him a reproachful and smug look. 'Just because you're the master in this bond doesn't mean you're not my pet too'

"What the bloody hell is going on!" Hermione was looking between the three of them arms crossed.

"A Phoenix young Hermione. Is able to take on many forms when they are young. It is a survival adaptation to prevent them being taken advantage of until they are old enough to defend themselves."

"Young Phoenixs will either live in the wild until they are mature or bind themselves to a magical being that will defend them. The bond lasts until the death of the magical being and until the bond ends the Phoenix will serve the magical being in return for protection."

"It's amazing she waited this long for you to offer to complete the bond. Most phoenixes would have left the moment you refused to let her draw blood."

'I knew you were just being dense'

Hedwig had climbed from the ashes and was cleaning the soot off her pure white feathers.

"Why is she white?"Hermione asked.

'Tell your future mate it is because I come from a royal line of phoenixs. I am not like the red creature your headmaster has chained to him.'

Harry's face redend at Hedwigs words referring to his 'future mate'. "Uhh.. she said it is because she is some type of Phoenix royalty"

Nobody spoke of this comment as they stared at Hedwig a Phoenix was alot to take in, a royal one was somewhat not comprehinsable.

"Why me Hedwig? If your some type of royalty there must be better options for you as a protector? Do you even like the name I gave you?."

'You are a good human and given time your power could grow beyond measure. I consider you an investment in the future of this world...

As for the name... it is acceptable, if very avian...'

"What would you rather be called?"

'Oh I don't know maybe something that humanizes my obvious intelligence.' Hedwig seemed like a very smug bird, even if her heart seemed to be in the right place.

Harry considered for a moment and then a thought came to him.

"How about Heidi? It's similar to Hedwig but it's not... avian."

'Sounds like a stripper name'

"How do you even know what a stripper is... you know what I don't want to know."

How about Hailey?

'That is acceptable master'

Hearing the master comment in his mind once again Harry held his words sending a glance at Hermione. He would have to talk to Hedw.. Hailey about it later.

After breakfast Geoffery resided over their school work while Hedw... Hailey listened in.

Geoffrey added invaluable information on the history of spells or his opinions on the way in which they should be cast. When Harry and Hermione moved onto ancient runes Geoffery took over completely.

"Magic is controlled through symbolism. Wands and staves act as a symbols of control. Magic incantations are the spoken word of the magic within us. The more infused with magic that a symbol is or the more meaningful the symbology the more powerful the foci. Runes are the written representation of magic. But they would be useless without the infusion of magic into the runes. Sequences of runes are linked together to create the desired effect."

"Any rune can be used as a magical rune but the most effective are the ones that you believe to be magical and thus your magic responds better to them."

"Why do you suppose that is true but a wand works better when it contains something magical?"

Harry waited for Hermione's hand to raise but it never did. He looked at her face to see she was puzzled over the question.

He thought about it for a moment.

He thought about discovering magic for the first time, the wonder.

Harry mumbled "Magic has no language."

"What was that Harry?" Hermione said this looking at him expectantly.

"I said magic has no language, it's bigger than humanity. It doesn't need a language, it simply is.."

"That is correct Harry... Magic is an ocean we are simply the faucets. Understand the flow of magic. Magic flows from your soul which simultaneously collects magic and releases it to your spirit. Your spirit is you. It is the bridge between your body and soul. When you die your spirit is the last to leave. When magic moves from the soul to a spell, you shape it. You being your spirit, your intentions and will for the spell create the result."

"We use foci to help us draw our magic out and focus our intentions and will. Wands are a great example of this. Dragon heartstrings are good for powerful spells whereas a unicorn tail hair is well adapted to healing and charms. Think of the nature of these creatures."

"Runes work because we believe they do. Because we believe, our magic is focused and we may apply our will to it."

Hermione was completely enraptured by this new theory.

"Mr. Geoffery why can't we just write down English and then believe it to be a rune?"

"If I were to set you onto a cliff and tell you to jump out onto the invisible bridge before you... would you. Could you jump completely without reservation?"

"No, I don't think I could.

"What if it was you, telling you to jump. Could you even do it then?"

"I wouldn't be able to know if it was really me."

"And thus my young pupils we move onto our next lesson and the first part of soul smithing."

"To smith ones soul you must learn to see the soul. do do this you must learn to trust yourself completely to follow your magic back to its source and look upon the source. Merlin referred to this as 'soul sight' and to achieve it one must first look within. You must master your body and follow it to your spirit then you must master your spirit and follow it to the soul."

"Physical activity and meditation is how you will master the body. Meditation and knowing yourself is how you will master the spirit."

"What do you mean by knowing yourself?"

"You must know who you are. The real you. The one that exists because of the trials of your life and the one that exists within your very soul."

"And how do you suppose we do that?"

"Well you will be doing a lot of magical meditation, followed by what I call soul mirroring, and finally we will teach you to be anamagi."

"Anamagi!" Harry exclaimed.

Hermione more reserved in her excitement asked. "What is soul mirroring?"

"The beast within Harry. It is a real part of you, it is a combination of your instincts and your souls essence. some would call it a spirit animal but in reality it is a connection to the baser portion both you instincts and your soul. Soul mirroring is the way in which we strip all the falsities away from your perception of yourself. It is why you are both here. Hermione will act as the mirror to Harry and Harry the mirror to Hermione."

After completing their school studies and lunch they started the soul smithing lessons. Hedw... Hailey sat on the arm of a chair a few feet away and listened intently.

"Take a meditative position seated crosslegged on the floor. Rest your hands either on your knees or at your stomach. Take your meditative breaths and sink into your mind."

They followed his direction sitting cross legged in the grassy clearing within the cavern.

They quickly sank into the meditative states they had been practicing for the past week. In a calm voice that flowed with their breaths.

"Once you have reached a meditative balance seek out your magic, pull it to you."

Harry's breathing slowed and he looked into himself using his recent occlumency practice to keep his mind free of errant thoughts. He felt for the magic and felt it ripple through him. Instead of pushing it to his wand like normal, he held it within himself. It explored his body, vibrating in agitation as it hit the old breaks in his bones.

"That's it, hold that. Let the magic flow through you. Use it to know your body."

He let them practice for a few hours and when the days lessons were over he had them stand and stretch.

"Learning your body can be done with magic, but mastering it requires you to use it. Stretch, loosen your muscles and feel them."

"Tomorrow you will begin weight training to help you master your body."


The days turned into a monotony of pain as their muscles became almost constantly sore from the workouts.

When the Healing and Purification potion was finished things changed. They were much less sore but they became ravenous, eating copious amounts of food during mealtimes.

Harry seemed to grow an inch overnight his body showing the hint of a weightlifters muscles.

Hermione likewise noticed changes to her body. Her curves increased and her ass grew in both firmness and size. Her stomach flattening out even more while her breasts lost any hint of sag they might have had.

The first animagi lesson went very similar to body meditation. Hailey was out hunting and due to the time gap she would be gone a couple of days

"Most witches and wizards use potions to discover their animal forms. You will not, the purpose of this is to get in touch with your instincts and inner animal. Using a potion is like a short cut, you get the results but not the lessons in between. You are becoming anamagi for the lessons not the results."

"As you pull your magic into you, use it to feel your instincts, use these instinct to call your inner animal forth from your soul and into your spirit."

Harry was once again sitting cross legged on the grass next to Hermione. He lost himself in his body. Feeling it, feeling the urges it brought fort. He thought of the times he had done things instinctively. Flying, running after Hermione to face a troll, the lake during the tournament, running to find Sirus. Sirus... He had gone to protect him. Something in him let out an anguished roar at the loss.

Protect them...

Another roar.

And then it was gone.

Harry opened his eyes.

"I felt something!"

"That fast? It should take you weeks to feel a hint of your inner beast."

"I felt something roar when I thought about protecting people."

"Very interesting Mr. Potter we will have to wait and see how this plays out."

It took Hermione another few days to get a sense of her inner beast. When she came out of the magical meditation she said she felt a sense of protectiveness but also a playfulness that she hadn't expected. Almost as if her inner beast was playing with her.


After teaching them the basics Geoffrey left them to conduct the soul mirroring.

They would sit cross legged in front of each other hands extended out to one another. Then they would draw forth their magic and try to have it flow through the from them to the other and back into them.

This was done while talking. They would share their thoughts and emotions. Explaining their self perceptions to one another and then commenting on the accuracy of the others perception.

The magic would help them to feel the other persons internal beliefs. If Harry said something about himself that Hermione did not believe he would be able to feel her disbelief. If she felt strongly enough against his set perception, her perception of him would slowly erode his until a middle ground was formed.

The concept behind this was explained by Geoffrey.

"It is impossible to truly know oneself, and while that is what we are trying to get closer to, it isn't a feasible goal. Humans change to much to truly know themselves. Everyone has a perception of who they are and that perception is usually not accurate. Everyone else has a perception of you and while that perception is even less accurate. The perception of a persons closest friends is usually closer to reality. The reality of who you are is most likely somewhere in between who you think you are and who the people closest to you think you are. That's what we are trying to do here, get you close to an accurate mental understanding of your self. This accurate self perception connects your brain to your soul and allows your spirit to grow stronger as the bridge between the two."

These conversations between Hermione and Harry became a very private and intimate experience right away.

Sometimes they would just sit quietly and talk. Other times they would share their fears and insecurities with each other. The sharing of each other's magic during this time brought them even closer together. They had begun to enjoy the time of intimacy so much they started connecting at night while sitting in front of the fire in their room.

"After the years of crap that happened with the Dursley's I think I started to believe what they were telling me. Part of me believes that I am a freak and that I won't ever be good enough for someone"

Harry could feel the magic swirling between them and he felt Hermione's repulsion and rage at this thought. He felt her appreciation for him and how much she looked up to him.

"Harry. That's a bunch of coswallop and you need to believe it. You are the most amazing man I have ever met. You are incredibly intelligent and you fight for everyone around you completely selflessly. You would do anything for someone you care about! There is a line of girls at school all vying for your attention because we all think your wonderful."

Hermione's face paled as she realized she had said 'we'. The magic was already passing between them showing him, her emotions. Even if Harry had been as oblivious as before the mental blocks were lifted he couldn't have possibly missed it. Her embarrassment was clear to him and he looked at her with a small grin on his face.

Before he could comment, Hermione took her turn sharing.

"I've always been rejected because of how hard I studied and how easy It is for me to learn facts. When I was in primary school the other kids would tease me constantly. They would call me ugly or bucktooth. They would say that no guy would ever like me because I was too smart. They teased me for my hair and teeth just like Ron did when I got to Hogwarts. I never really had a friend until I met you, nobody our age had ever encourage me until I met you. I know that what people have said about me isn't true but there is a little voice in my head saying that I'm ugly and that nobody will ever want to be with me."

"Hermione... you are the most intelligent woman I have ever met and if that makes some guys not want to be with you, they don't deserve you anyways."

Harry grinned

"While your teeth may have been a little large when we were eleven... you have more than grown into them now. You are absolutely breathtaking with or without makeup. Your eyes are the most beautiful hazel I have ever seen and I love how long your hair is."

"This is kind of embarrassing to say but you wouldn't believe how many people from school just stare at you because of how beautiful you are. When you walk into a room it takes my breath away. Anyone would be lucky to have you and someday when you find someone it's going to break my heart."

She had felt his emotions as he spoke and she could feel his appreciation for her intellect and beauty. She could tell how much he valued her. She could also tell that he didn't think he was good enough for her. A long repressed desire and longing for Harry rushed to the surface.

Hermione lunged forward, planting her lips on his.

Harry was frozen.

His mind was a wreck at the sudden emotions boiling in from Hermione.





Hermione's tongue brushed his lips and he realized he was kissing her back. His hands finally broke from hers. He grabbed her waist and pulled her on top of him as their tongues battled for dominance. The flow of magic between them never stopped and they could feel the others love. Harry pulled away.

"Hermione..." she looked at him expectantly

"I'm not sure I know what love is. But I think I love you... I think I always have, but I never thought I was enough for you."

Her face broke into a wide smile.

"I know Harry, I can feel how much you love me... I love you too and I know that your enough for me. I've known you for years and I've loved you since our first year together."

The magic was boiling at their confessions. They were wrapped in the feelings and perceptions of the other.

Hermione leaned down and kissed him passionately Harry returned the affection instantly. They surfaced a while later, eyes glazed.

"What do we do now?" Harry asked.

"I think we should take it slow." She said

"For now I think we should get ready for bed"

They readied themselves and after Harry finished up in the washroom Hermione entered.

When Hermione came back into the room a short time later Harry's eyes bulged out of his head.

Hermione was wearing one of Harry's shirts. Barely reached down past the juncture between her legs. Harry could tell that she had removed her bra as the somewhat cold room had an effect. She also wasn't wearing any pants. Black panties that Harry could barely make out hugged her tightly.

"I hope you don't mind" Hermione said embarrassed.

"This is how I sleep at home and it's been driving me crazy to sleep with a bra and pajama pants on."

Harry gulped and swallowed. Blood was quickly redirecting itself to different portions of his body.

She crawled into bed with him and snuggled into his chest. Hermione appeared to go to sleep quickly. Harry stared at the ceiling deep into the night. He would take a cold shower in the morning.

Harry and Hermione had done little more than light snogging every night before they fell asleep. They were spending more time talking intimately and continuing with their soul mirroring than progressing their relationship.


A breakthrough on the tenth day of 'night' seemed to stoke the fires of their growing love.

Hermione was practicing her anamagi transformation when her skin started to glow.

Geoffery waited with baited breath. Well as baited as an animated hat could be. Even if it was not a full transformation his pupils were moving through their transformation faster than should be humanely possible. He knew it had to do partially with the soul mirroring they were doing on their off time. Somehow their intimate reflections of the each other was bringing out their instinctive animals. Maybe it was because of how much time they spent staying mindful of their spirit. They were almost always attempting to be mindful of both their body and soul and the result was faster understanding of their spirit.

Her skin flashed bright for a moment and then faded. Her eyes snapped open.

"I think I'm a lion! I could feel my claws and how strong my jaws were. I wanted to run and hunt! And..." Hermione broke off, glancing over at Harry and Geoffrey as her cheeks flushed.

Harry looked up from his own meditation excitedly "How did you reach it Hermione? What instinct did you focus on to draw the animal out."

Hermione who's cheeks were already flushed. Blushed harder, she stood quickly and went to whisper in Harry ears.

"I was thinking about sex Harry."

Harry face went bright red and he stared up at Hermione wide eyed.

A chuckle broke their stare. "While I can guess at what was whispered, I would rather not know. You can't argue with results Harry, I suggest you do as Hermione did."

It took a while for their faces to cool long enough for them to try again.

Harry faded into his mind and used his instincts to call forth the animal.




He then brought his emotions towards Hermione forth.







The animal charged forth from him. He could feel it. He was it. Sharp claws. Four powerful legs. And wings?


His surprise banished the animal as quickly as it came.

He opened his eyes and saw Hermione cheering him on!

"You did it Harry! Your skin was glowing! I think we are already getting close. It should have taken us years to get this far! What animal do you think you are."

"I don't know... I had four legs and claws and... and wings! I felt like a predator and a protector."

"It will come fully with time children. I think that is enough for today. Take the time to celebrate how far you are coming along."

Harry and Hermione spent the rest of the day celebrating their discovery. When Geoffrey disappeared into the library for the night Harry had Dobby set out a romantic dinner for them.

They sat next to each other enjoying the closeness.

"What do you think we are going to do when we get back to school?" Hardy asked

Hermione looked at his serious face and considered her answer. "I think we need to get to the bottom of why Dumbledore did what he did. Something weird is going on with him and we need to get to understand it."

"What about Voldemort? If Dumbledore isn't really with us then fighting him is going to be much harder."

"I agree Harry, but there's not much we can do about that until we know more. How are we going to tell everyone what's going on with us?"

"Ron's going to lose it, that's for sure."

Hermione grinned at the thought. But sudden worry grabbed at her. "Harry... I don't want to tear all of our friendship apart. Even if he is a prat sometimes he's been there for us a lot. Maybe we shouldn't tell him."

Harry felt the animal in him well up. "Umm no Hermione, I don't like that idea at all. I want our relationship to be public." The next part was said at a growl. "I want everyone to know your mine."

Hermione felt a shiver run up her back. Both she and her inner animal almost purred at his words and rough tone of voice. She felt a sudden weakness in his presence and her normal dominating personality was subdued.

"Ok Harry. I think I like that idea."

Harry reached over and held her hand. He could feel his animal growling within him. It wanted her and it had the confidence to have her. He wanted her.

"Should we head to the room Mione?"

She nodded at him and then turned to Winky who was waiting to take their plates.

"Thank you for dinner Winky it was delicious as always."

Harry, remembering himself, thanked the elf as well and stood to help with the dishes.

"Master Harrys will not be helping with the dishes. Master Harry needs to get to bed so he's can be ready for tomorrow!"

"Winky how many time do I have to tell you not to call me master, you have as much freedom as you want and Hermione and I are even giving you a paycheck. Your as close to being a free elf as you can be, while still being bound to us."

"If Winkies is a free elf then she is free to call master Harrys, 'master' then. Now off to bed with you or Winkies won't do your laundry for a week."

Harry sighed. The elves has gotten much stronger willed since the bonding. Even if their new freedom and stronger will only aided in their loyalty. The elves actually argued with them now. If you tried to do something the elves didn't think you should be doing it was very possible you were in for a tongue lashing.

Sighing again Harry took Hermione's hand and pulled her to the only bedroom in the cavern.

The animal in him was still acting up at their proximity. He was feeling the urge to rub his face against hers. 'I guess that would be how whatever animal I am shows affection'

Lost in his own thought Harry didn't notice that he actually was nuzzling Hermiones neck with his face.

Feeling confident, Instead of pulling back Harry started planting small kisses on her neck.

"Harrryy... what are you doing to mee." Hermione was almost purring at his actions. Harry was being so confident so decisive. He had backed her up against their bed.

Harry whispered in her ear between kisses. "I can feel it Hermione... I can feel my inner animal"

He kissed her on the lips trying to drive all of his passion into her. His hand went around the small of her back pulling her into him and slowly massaged her. She was purring out loud now.

"Harryyyy... how far are we going to take this... What has come over us... I can feel it too, my instincts are telling me to do things... to submit to you" this last part was said almost at a whisper.

Harry pulled back a moment and looked her in the eyes.

"I don't know Hermione, I know I want you. I know the animal wants you. If you want me to stop we should probably stop now. I don't know if the animal will be able to calm down."

She was staring at him lustily... her best friend.. the love of her life.

Her mate. A voice from deep within her purred out.

Making a decision. She drew her wand and pointed it at her stomach and after saying a few words a blue light faded into her stomach.

"Contraceptive spell" Hermione said in a voice half way between nerves and hunger.

She placed herself in Harrys arms once again.

Almost Instinctively they began to pass back and forth their magic as they had practiced doing for the last few weeks. Instantly they were aware of each other feeling. They could almost feel each other animals.

Harry, was growling at the foreplay ready to take her, his inner animal growling to dominate her to posses her.

Hermione was just as worked up. The animal in her wanted to play and struggle and be dominated into exhausted submission.

They lunged at each other. Kissing madly. Pushing against each other.

He was going to take her. She was his mate and it was time to make that official.



Hermione was once again backed up against the bed and she was playfully pushing Harry back resisting his attempts to lay her on her back.

Their lips were locked in an embrace, tongues struggling for dominance as they snogged.

Harry's hands explored hermione's back and ass. Grasping at the cliff of her firm ass Harry leaned into her. He forced Hermione to lean back with his weight. Until she fell back into the bed with a giggle.

He was between her legs and leaning over her in a heart beat. His inner beast roared in triumph as his hands pushed her shirt up revealing her toned stomach. Hermione broke the kiss to lean up and rip his shirt off over his head. His hand snaked behind her back to struggle with her bra until she took pity on him and took it off underneath her blouse. She tossed it to the side and started to lean back until she felt Harry tug her back into a sitting position.

She looked up at his eyes and saw pure lust and power filling them. It humbled her immediately.

Harry's inner animal was exhibiting all of its wild instincts and Harry felt a hungry confidence building within him.

He growled out one word as he tugged on her top. "Off"

Hermione stared into his eyes and slowly pulled her blouse over her head throwing it in-the direction of her bra.

Her full C-cup breast's were on display for Harry. Her nipples were perfectly centered and hard enough to cut diamonds. Her semi tan skin seemed to glow in the room.

Harry just stared for a moment, his awe bringing him slightly out of his lust filled state.

"Your so beautiful Hermione..."

Feeling more vulnerable and on display than she had in her entire life she blushed and looked away from him.

His hand reached out and firmly redirected her eyes back to his.

The lust had returned and they attacked each other with the abandon of rutting animals.

Harry's mouth trailed a line of kisses from her lips to her breasts as he gently took each nipple into his mouth and sucked lightly. Hermione let out a long purring gasp as his tongue flicked across her hard nubs. She was going to explode if he kept that up for too long.

She felt his hands down at the buckle of her jeans and her hand instinctively moved to help him. Her pants were off in an instant and Harry simply ripped her panties right off her. He crawled down her body planting kisses the entire way down. His finger sought her folds and she gasped as the tips of his fingers explored her.

When Harry arrived at his destination he looked up at Hermione and grinned.

"Hermione... I didn't know you shaved this."

"I don't Harry.. it's a hair removal spell I do once a year. It makes wearing a..." she was cut off as Harry dove into her wetness licking from her entrance all the way to her gem.

Harry set to work without experience but filled with eagerness to learn. He listened to her gasps as his tongue flicked across a nub. He went back and flicked it agin. Another gasp.

He dove in licking and sucking her clit gently. Her moans grew in intensity and didn't pause as Harry venture lower to drink in her nectar.

He found the taste deeply pleasing and decided to enjoy it as often as possible.

Hermione's moans grew and grew until with a muffled screech her whole body shivered. "Ohhh... Harry that was intense I dont know how much more I can take..."

Harry hadn't moved he had simply slowed his licks and suckles. Spending more time drinking her nectar as her hands wound its way into his hair.

The confidence emitting from his inner beast was at a boiling point. He looked up into her eyes and smiled at her sweetly before a look of steel crossed his face.

"Your going to take everything I give you." Hermione shivered at the commanding tone in his voice and nodded down at him.

This was so unlike the strong willed woman she thought she was. She could still feel her dominating side but it seemed to be completely cowed by Harry's attitude.

Harry set back to work licking and drinking from her essence until Hermione leaked twice more.

When she came down from her third peak, Harry began to trail kisses back up her body. He spent a solid two minutes on her breasts while Hermione vainly pulled at his belt.

"Hermione do you want something?"

Harry's instincts were screaming at him




She looked up at him a moment of spite peaking at his audacity. His tone suggested that he wanted her to beg and her anger grew until she noticed the steel in his eyes followed by humor and love. She could actually feel these emotions through their bond but his emerald green eyes attacked her in a different way.

He knew she wanted him. He wanted her, but he wanted it on his terms. She was dealing less with the Harry that she had grown up with and more with the man that Harry would become. She wanted him. He wanted her to submit. Hell everything in her wanted to submit put her pride was standing in her way.

A gentle hand on her jaw drew her from her thoughts. His piercing eyes drilled into her. She was crumbling. His low voice attacked her and sent shivers down to her nethers.

"Do you want something my love?"

She crumbled entirely.

"Harry will you please take off your pants?"

"Are you sure Hermione?"

"Yes Harry... please.."

He stood up off the bed and let his pants fall. His inner beast roared in triumph. Hungry for the next part. The next struggle of love.

Hermiones eyes went wide.

"Harry how big is that?..."

His member stood in front of him proud and dripping with precum. He felt fueled by his inner beast, boiling with energy.

"Umm I think it's almost seven and a half inches..."

"How... how is it going to fit?"

Harry looked down at her and grinned. He was proud at his females respect for his masculinity. He moved towards her kneeling between her legs.

"I guess we are going to find out"

She nodded timidly at him and reached down to guide help him towards her entrance.

"Harry I've never..."

"I know mione, neither have I."

Before she could respond he slowly rubbed his head against her opening. The action cut her off and she let out a moan of pleasure as her entrance was smeared with his precum.

He slowly plunged his way in the first inch. He sat there for a minute and then slowly stroke in and out until he met her barrier.

Hermione was moaning in his ear kissing his shoulders as he kissed her neck.

"Are you ready Mione?"

She looked up at him and nodded face set in resolve. "When you get passed it just hold me for a minute until I get used to you."

"Ok just relax and let me do the work."

Harry mentally counted to three in his head and then thrust into her.

Hermione let out the wimpier of a stifled scream. Her eyes were wide and she gritted out to him.

"Don't move! Let me get used to it."

They glanced down and saw that Harry's penis was about three fourths of the way into her.

"There's more?!" Hermione let out in a fearful voice.

"Shh Hermione everything going to be ok."

"I feel like your stretching my whole body out"

Harry slowly ran his hands over her body and kissed her neck as she became used to him. They shared tender kisses and Hermione hands wrapped around his shoulders to caress his back.

They kissed once more and then Hermione nodded at him.

"Im ready now Harry..." in a quieter voice she added "take me."

Harry began to rock back and forth into her. He felt her essence grasp at every inch of his manhood and he knew he wouldn't last long. He slowed his pace and focused on making slow deep strokes into her.

Hermione was gasping and moaning as the pain of her deflowered womanhood turned to pleasure.

"Ohh harrryy..." she gasped out.

Harry only had a inch of himself left out of her and he was butting up against the end of her channel.

"Oh harry don't stop. I think I'm going to cum again."

He picked up the pace trying to ease the last inch of himself into her.


"Oh my God harry!"


Her body quacked and shivered In the most intense orgasm she had had that night. It stretched on for several minutes.

When Hermione started to cum Harry increased the speed and depth of his strokes hammering into her, stretching her limits as her sheath spasmed around him. Just as she began to come down from her high, harry felt the last inch of himself sink into her. He stretched her past her limits, her eyes widened as her tunnel spasmed around Harry's member.

It was enough to push him over the edge and he cried out her name as he spasmed and drenched her insides in six deep shots of his fluid. It spilled out of the sides of their union.

Hermione felt him spasm as he filled her. She shivered in another small orgasm as her inner beast exclaimed in joy at being marked.

Harry slowly eased himself out of her and watched as his thick white essence poured from her.

Hermione was completely dazed she was almost comatose as the aftershocks of pleasure rippled through her body. She felt his seed pouring from her and she reached down to collect it on her fingers. She pulled it up to her nose and gave it a sniff like she was smelling a fine perfume.

Her eyes were glazed over as she stuck each finger into her mouth licking them clean.

Harry who had never totally gone soft was instantly erect.

Minutes passed as Hermione recovered. She would occasionally reach down to collect their combined fluids on her finger tips and then idly lick them clean. She was in a complete daze seemingly moving on auto pilot. She har her fill and rolled over to snuggle up to Harry.

"Thank you Harry. That was better than I ever dreamed it could be"

Harry leaned down to kiss her softly on the lips.

"I love you Mione"

"I love you too Harry"

They slowly drifted off to sleep.

LEMONS END. You're safe to read. Probably.


They awoke In each other's arms. Still naked.

Hermione smiled up at him. "Good morning my love."

Harry yawned and stretched offering her a tired "Good morning Mione"

They looked at each other for a moment, the previous nights events setting in.

Hermione could see Harry thoughts through his eyes. It wasn't any type of legillemens or magical bond, she just knew him that well.

He would be thinking he took advantage of her. That he wasn't good enough. She struggled briefly with her own inadequacies before resolutely deciding her morning wasn't going to be ruined.

Hermione was absolutely correct at guessing Harry's thoughts. He looked down at guiltily

"Hermione I'm..."

She smacked his chest before he could continue.

"Shut it Harry! Last night was absolutely wonderful! And I won't have you ruining a perfectly pleasant day over your poor mental perceptions."

"I love you. You love me. End of story. I won't have any second guessing or pity parties out of you over our relationship."

Harry looked at her for a minute. She was right.

"Yes ma'am" he said with a smile, leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

"I do love you, you know"

"I know Harry, I felt it all of last night. I love you too."