This was originally on Tumblr after an anon requested a fake dating Everlark. If you've read this, welcome back and if not, enjoy.

A Simple Favor

The Invite

"You've got to be fucking kidding me."

Peeta gawked at the frilly invitation in his grasp, then at the attached list of activities.

Three days.

Three fucking days of wedding activities to torture him.

"Can we tone down the cursing?" Katniss, his co-worker, sat down at her desk adjacent to his. "This is a place of business."

"You wouldn't be saying that if you had to go to this."

Peeta swiveled his chair, tossing the invitation onto Katniss' desk. It landed smoothly atop her keyboard and she reached to read the perfect calligraphy print announcing the upcoming nuptials of Rye Mellark to Delly Cartwright.

She turned back to Peeta. "Yeah…so?"

"Look who's the Maid of Honor."

Katniss looked to the right part of the invitation which listed the wedding party.

Her grey eyes suddenly shot up at him. "Oh, holy fuck! Is that her?"

"Yeah. It's hard to look at her name and not still see her sucking off my best friend."

Katniss snorted. "Yeah—that's not an image even I would likely forget." She examined the invitation again. "Gawd, even her name is pretty. Madge Undersee."

"Don't remind me," Peeta growled, yanking the invitation from her grasp. "Who plans three days of pre-wedding activities?"

"Your brother and his affianced, apparently." Katniss gave him a sympathetic smile. "You think she'll bring him?"

"According to my brother, they're officially together now."

Peeta never used to be this bitter.

However, two years ago, that irrevocably changed when he discovered his then-fiancée on her knees and giving his best friend a blowie—on his bed. Madge had wept, of course, telling him that it had just happened.

And Gale…he had begged for Peeta to understand that it wasn't just sex…that he felt something more for Madge.

How the hell was he supposed to understand that?

Peeta had packed his things and immediately left the apartment that he and his best friend had been living in—let the fucker deal with the astronomical Bay Area rent on his own.

He then accepted a job at Panem Projects, a Brooklyn based start-up created by tech mogul Haymitch Abernathy. The uber-genius had invented an app that allowed you to search for specific non-profits and charities that one may be interested in contributing to.

On Peeta's first day, he met Katniss Everdeen, who was part of the QA department he was in. She was a supervisor while he was just one of the lowly engineers.

They had been sitting across from one another ever since.

"That sucks." Katniss sat back, crossing her legs, as she watched him carefully. "Did you want to get wasted after work?"

It was at their fifth round of shots that the idea came about.

"I can't go to this." Peeta held the invitation, now beer-stained and being used as a coaster for their peanut bowl. "It's basically a three-day Peeta Mellark roast!"

"Yeah, and a wedding," Katniss replied. She leaned forward, her cheeks warmed from booze. "You know what you need? A date to this God-awful event. Not just any date, a hot date."

"Here's the problem, sweetheart," he replied. "I'm not dating anyone."

"It doesn't have to be a real date," she reasoned. "Find a great-looking chick who'd be willing to spend three days looking like she worships your cock. Isn't this what those dating apps are for?"

"I don't want a stranger around my family!" He reached for the beer bottle in front of him—was this even his? "That's how those Netflix crime specials come about."

Katniss chuckled. "Okay. Understandable." She met his glazed stare. "I'll do it."


"I said I'll go with you," Katniss declared. "I'll be your hot date."

Peeta took a long swig. "Uh…no offense Katniss…you're definitely pretty…but hot?"

"I have been known to dress up once in a while."

He looked at his friend; her dark hair was in its usual braid and she wore a pair of fitted jeans along with a zip-up with the Panem Projects logo on it—some sort of fiery bird. On her feet were a pair of Converses that had seen better days.

"You're really know how to make a girl feel desired," Katniss told him. "I can't think of any possible reason why Madge would dump you."

"Hey now! That's hitting below the belt!"

"Well, you don't think I can be hot!" she retorted. "Give me your phone!"

Peeta, in fear of his life, pulled out his phone from the pocket of his jeans and handed it to the woman.

Katniss picked up the invitation with her free hand and started to type with the other.

"Katniss…Motherfucking…Everdeen…" She handed the phone back to him. "I've RSVP'd for you and added myself as your plus one."

He looked at the browser window and then back at a smirking Katniss.

"You actually wrote 'Katniss Motherfucking Everdeen' as my date's name." Peeta had to smile. "My mother is going to love that."

"She's going to love me," Katniss assured him. "She and everyone else at this wedding is going to forget who the hell Madge Undersee is after I'm done with them."

Peeta had to ask. "Why are you doing this?"

"I know how it feels to be taken by surprise." She was suddenly staring very hard at the dirty bar table they sat at. "Plus, you're my friend and we take care of each of other." Her eyes met his, her own looking like she was on the verge of breaking. "Right?"

Peeta reached over and squeezed her hand. "Right."

"Okay, so I have prepared a portfolio of myself." Katniss presented him with a closed folder. "Childhood photos…likes and dislikes…just some general information that a boyfriend should know."

"34C?" Peeta eyed her doubtfully, briefly flitting to her white button down. "Are you sure?"

"Yes. You bought me a lovely dark green lingerie set for our last anniversary." Katniss pulled out a piece of paper. "Here is a little questionnaire that I've made for you, just for me to know you a little better."

Peeta skimmed over the questions. Most of them were pretty general; where he was born, his parents' and his brother's name as well as their ages, his favorite foods…then—

"Why do you need to know if I'm circumcised?"

"If we have supposedly been together for about six months, shouldn't we be having sex by now?" she questioned.

"True." Peeta looked around the room. "Is it okay that we're using a meeting room for this?"

Katniss shrugged. "The guys in IT use this room to play Pokémon every Friday."

"Also, when are you going to do something about…" He waved his hand out at today's outfit: a pair of black slacks, a white button down, and brown loafers. "…that."

"Don't you worry your perfect little blond self." Katniss playfully ruffled his hair. "I didn't realize that you were so fixated on looks."

"You were the one who suggested 'hot'," he pointed out. "However, my parents, who are generally good people, can sometimes be judgmental. So besides being very smart and extremely accomplished—we're going to have to show them how great you are on the outside."

"Peeta, do my looks matter to you?" she suddenly asked. "I mean, do you think that I'm pretty?"

Katniss wasn't what people would call conventionally beautiful.

Her hair was a single shade of black which could be a bit-frizzy on humid days, and her complexion was sun-kissed with a sprinkle of freckles on her cheeks. However, Peeta saw deep grey eyes that sparkled when she was particularly excited about something (pushing a new feature on their app, for example) and full rose-colored lips that needed no lipstick.

And when she smiled, everything about her just lit up.

"I think you're beautiful," he said truthfully. "I do worry that the people at this wedding won't see you the way I see you."

"Then that's their fucking problem, isn't it?" Katniss smiled gently. "We just have to make this look real. I think we can do this." She pushed a pen towards him. "Now, fill your questionnaire out, okay?"

"Alright." He reached for the pen and his eyes went to her. "Katniss?"


"Thank you."

Two Weeks Later…

"Sister—Primrose…24…a nurse in Seattle…Mom…Kate…former teacher…Dad…Marcus…former General in the Army…."

As he waited for Katniss' Uber to arrive, Peeta went through the flashcards that he and Katniss had created in order to get through the three days leading up to his brother's wedding.

They had everything from their first date (a Harry Potter trivia night at a bar close to their office) to any distinguishable body marks (him—a scar on his knee from falling off his bike at 12 and her—surprisingly, a scar just above her left butt cheek from a tattoo removal procedure, though she wouldn't tell him what the tattoo was).


He had been so distracted that he didn't even hear the car pull up.

"Sorry." He tucked the cards in his back pocket and lifted his eyes to greet her. "Hey…holy shit."

This was not Katniss Everdeen.

Katniss Everdeen didn't wear her dark hair down in smooth waves that framed a perfect heart-shaped face. She didn't wear sleeveless black jumpsuits that revealed rich olive skin and plush breasts (she was definitely a 34C).

"You like?"

She did a little twirl for him, graceful despite the stilettos she wore.

And, Katniss definitely didn't have an ass that made his mouth water.

The unbidden thought of biting into one of those full globes caused his cock to twitch in his now too tight jeans.

"I like." Peeta gave her a smile. "Maybe a little too much."

She looked triumphant. "Give you a boner?"

"Fuck yeah," he replied, a tad breathless.

"Then I've done my job." Katniss wrapped her arms around his neck. "Hello boyfriend."

Her mouth covered his own and his arms encircled her waist, pulling her tightly against his body. She teased, nipping at his bottom lip, her tongue skimming his lips before pulling away. Something surged inside him and his tongue invaded her mouth, sweeping in to taste sweetness.

Katniss growled against him, her center pressing into his now definitely hard cock.

Reluctantly—because they had to either breathe or die during the world's hottest kiss—they pulled apart.

"Why did you do that?" he asked, gasping for breath.

"Because we're supposed to be in love." Her chest heaved, her eyes just cooling down from their kiss. "And couples in love kiss like that."

"I know no couples who kiss like that," he told her, a smile unexpectedly forming on his lips. "But feel free to kiss me like that whenever you see fit."

During their five-hour flight, they went over the wedding itinerary.

"I've had a stylist pull looks for us for all the fancier events," Katniss explained. "Don't worry, nothing looks like we're trying too hard. We'll be more complimentary to one another."

"What would trying too hard look like?" Peeta asked curiously.

"Well, if your tie matched my dress for example."

A flight attendant stopped in front of their seats. "What can I get you both?"

Katniss smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. "He will have…" Her fingers brushed against his ear lobe and he couldn't help but shiver in pleasure. "…a cup of chamomile tea. I will have a coffee—"

"With milk and two sugars," he breathed out, trying to smile up at the attendant.

"Thanks baby," Katniss cooed at him, her hand brushing through his hair affectionately.

The woman quickly fixed their drinks, handing their cups to them one by one.

"Can I just say that you too are extremely adorable?" the flight attendant remarked.

Katniss put a hand to her chest.

"Thank you!" She looked to Peeta; her expression full of affection. "He's just so easy to love."

Peeta smiled tightly. "This is my dream girl…" He patted Katniss' hand. "…right here."

The flight attendant practically squealed before going to the next seats.

"You really could be a little bit more convincing," Katniss remarked. "Maybe act like my touch doesn't repulse you."

"You don't!" He shifted towards her. "In fact, it's really the opposite."

Katniss rested back against her seat. "Really?" She crossed her arms. "Convince me."

Peeta unbuckled his seatbelt. Pressing the release button of the armrest, he pushed it up so there was no divider between them.

Katniss waited, obviously interested in what he was up to. He realized that their tray tables covered anything below the waist and his mouth widened in a grin.

"Tell me." His hand went to her thigh. "What exactly are you wearing under this?" The fabric beneath his palm was smooth and he could feel a full firm thigh. He continued upwards towards the cleft between her thighs. "Are you even wearing underwear?"

Katniss' arms fell to her side and she swallowed thickly. "I am."

"And, if my hand found its way between your thighs—" His hand stopped just about an inch from her center and she let out a labored breath. "—if my fingers brushed against this practically non-existent cloth, would I find you wet?"

"Maybe," she whispered.

Peeta leaned forward, his mouth going to her ear.

"Would you let me put my fingers to your clit? Let me rub you until you came all over this seat?" His pressed his mouth to the spot behind her ear and she shivered. "You'd like that, wouldn't you? You'd happily fill this cabin with the smell of sex if I fingered you into completion—"

"Stop—" Katniss gasped out, her hand covering the hand on her thigh. "I'm convinced."


Peeta moved his hand away—but not before quickly brushing the tips of his fingers at her center. The feeling of heat had him hard immediately.

"You're far from repulsive, Katniss." He met her heated stare. "I've always thought that."

Katniss snorted. "Yeah, right."

Peeta took her hand, placing it to where his erection demanded to be freed.

"Believe me," he demanded, and her fingers moved against the rough fabric of his jeans. "This is because of you. Yeah, it's extremely hot to see you in this get-up, but what makes me hard is that look in your eyes."

Katniss licked her lips. "What look?"

"That fire," he told her, his thumb caressing the top of her hand. "That fire in those grey eyes will always get me, if you're in this black jumpsuit—" Her fingers enclosed along his cock, gripping him firmly. "—or if you're wearing that ugly zip-up sweater that HR gave you for your work anniversary."

"Excuse me?" They both jumped at the voice and looked to see the flight attendant. "We've just been notified that we'll be landing a little sooner than we announced. So, if you could finish your drinks in the next few minutes—"

"Of course," Katniss said quickly, her free hand reaching for her cup. "We'll be done soon."

The woman gave them a smile and moved on to the next row.

Katniss sat back, the hand on him quickly disappearing.

"You're going to be more problematic than I thought," she said, her eyes dark.

"Trust me." Peeta let out a breath. "The feeling is mutual."

"I never asked, but you and Rye are pretty close, right?"

Peeta nodded, pushing the cart with their luggage down the corridor as they left baggage claim.

"We're probably just as close as you and Prim are," he told her. "And Delly is great. Horrendous taste in friends, but she's really a sweet person."

"Do you suspect that Rye will see through all of this?" Katniss questioned.

Peeta shook his head. "We've done our research." He stopped, reaching for her hand. "I also always thought that you and I had great chemistry…in the workplace. I think it transfers easily into whatever we're trying to pull off."

Katniss smiled. "I feel the exact same way."


They turned to see a couple, running toward them excitedly.

Rye rushed over, pulling him into a tight hug and practically lifting him off the ground. His brother was a broad fellow; muscular from years of playing football throughout high school and college. However, Rye was as gentle as they came when it came to his younger brother and the lovely woman that he would soon be marrying.

"I've missed you, little brother!" Rye said affectionately. "Welcome home!"

They drew apart, just as Delly pulled away from hugging Katniss.

He reached over to quickly kiss Delly on the cheek. "Hello soon-to-be big sister."

"Hello, my sweet little brother," Delly greeted in return.

"Rye, Delly—" Katniss beamed at him and his heart leapt at the affectionate gesture. Taking her hand, he presented her proudly to the couple. "—this lovely woman is my girlfriend, Katniss Everdeen."

Delly grinned at his expression. "I can already tell that she's going to be a perfect addition to our family."

Rye took Katniss' hand, leaning and giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I welcome anyone who makes my baby brother smile this brightly," he told her. "Welcome to San Francisco. Have you ever been here?"

Katniss shook her head. "This is my first time. Congratulations, by the way."

"Thanks!" Delly glowed in excitement. "I can't wait for all the festivities—" She whipped around to her fiancé. "—and for us to be married, of course!" They all chuckled at her exuberance.

Rye led them out into where the town cars were stationed; a man in a black suit immediately took the cart and headed to the trunk of the black Sedan in front of them.

"A driver?" Peeta asked.

"Mom and Dad insisted," Rye responded with a grimace. "You know them."

They all slid into the wide back seats, Rye closing the door behind him.

Delly immediately pounced. "So, how did you two meet?"

"We've been working together for the last two years at Panem Projects," Katniss told her easily. "I've always liked Peeta and we became friends right away."

"However, a little over six months ago, I finally got the balls to ask her out on an actual date," Peeta finished for her. His hand found hers, their fingers entwining easily, and he met Katniss' eyes. "And, wonderful woman that she was, she accepted. We've been together ever since."

"I love it," Delly said sincerely. "And you look so beautiful together. The children are going to be gorgeous."

Rye smiled affectionately at his fiancée. "Don't scare Katniss off, love."

"I don't know," Katniss said, eyeing Peeta playfully. Her free hand reached to push his hair away from his face. "I've always loved blue-eyed children."

"And, the children would look particularly lovely if they had Katniss' hair," he added, his hand reaching to the tuck a tendril of her hair behind her ear.

How did he never notice what was in front of him?

"Oh man," Rye said, looking between them. He smirked at his brother. "You are so fucked."

"It's so wonderful to have you here, Katniss," his mother said. "We've never had Peeta bring a girl home. You know, except for Mad—" She waved her hand, rolling her eyes. "Anyway, you are most welcome."

"Thank you, Mrs. Mellark," Katniss replied graciously.

"Call me Janice, my dear."

Behind her, Peeta followed along with his father carrying their bags up the stairs.

"She seems like a lovely girl," his father told him.

"I care for her a great deal," Peeta said as he watched his mother and Katniss chat easily. "I don't know how I even got her."

"Trust me, son." He gave Peeta an affectionate smile. "I think she feels the same way. I can tell just by the way she keeps looking over for you—like she can't believe that you're together."

They stopped at the door to his childhood room.

"Well, we put some extra towels in your bedroom," his mother told them. "And, Mags—" Peeta had introduced Katniss to the head of the household when they first entered his childhood home. "—made sure that fresh sheets have been put on the bed and she's aired out the room as well."

"Okay, but where will Katniss be staying?" he asked.

"We're not so old to not know that you aren't sleeping together," his mother said. "So, we just set up your room for the both of you."

"That's perfect," Katniss told his parents. She looked to him boldly. "Show me your room. I'm dying to see those little league trophies of yours."

"We know that you must be exhausted," his father told them. "So, we'll just have dinner sent up and we can rendezvous for brunch tomorrow in the main dining room."

"Thank you, Marshall," Katniss said as Peeta opened the door for them. "Thank you as well, Janice."

"Of course, dear." His mother gave them a jaunty wink. "We'll see you tomorrow."

Entering the room, Peeta placed their bags at the end of his bed.

"What kind of life did you leave when you came to work at Panem Projects?" Katniss stared up at the high ceiling of the room, her eyes traveling to the four-post bed, and then to the floor-to-ceiling windows. She went to one immediately. "Oh my God! You can see everything from up here!"

"A house on Twin Peaks affords that kind of view. However, it's not so great on foggy days," he told her, watching as she examined every bit of his room from the bathroom ("A clawfoot tub!") to the walk-in closet (This is practically the size of my studio!).

Taking off her shoes, Katniss leapt onto his bed. "Holy shit! This is heavenly!"

Peeta went to her, toeing off his own shoes before joining her.

They laid side by side, hands immediately reaching for one another.

He turned to her. "Did I ever say thank you for being here?"

"It's all worth it to stay in this sweet room," Katniss replied, her grey eyes dancing.

"So, you're just here for the room?"

She smirked. "Well, I did also find out that you have a huge cock—so that's a bonus."

"Katniss!" Her laughter filled the room and his stomach tumbled in pleasure hearing it. He suddenly flipped, his chest over hers and the giggles fell from her lips. Peeta stared down at her, her grey eyes suddenly darkening as he examined her. "You're something special."

"I'm nothing." Her chest rose and Katniss let out a shaky breath. "I just want to be here for you."

"I want to kiss you," he suddenly said, his hand reaching to trace her jawline. "Would you allow it?"

"Are you doing it because you want to thank me?" she asked tightly. "Or because you want to explore what is obviously between us?"

"Both, I think." Peeta had never felt this exhilarated or this flustered by someone. Just a touch from Katniss and he was in a whirlwind, happy to be caught in it. "I just think you deserve someone less broken than I am."

"We're both broken." Her hand reached for the nape of his neck, drawing him down until their lips were brushing. "I don't know if we can fix that, but we can help each other mend." She smiled against him. "Let's see where this weekend takes us, and we can go from there. For now, I'm allowing you to kiss me. So, make it a good one."

Peeta dipped his mouth into hers, sampling just a bit, and it was like he could breathe again. Immediately, his lips sought hers, his tongue sweeping into her mouth and swirling against her own. Katniss moaned and his heart rose in triumph as she pressed herself to him eagerly.

His hand reached to cradle her head, his fingers entwining in soft waves and he plunged into her mouth once more, exploring her in their kiss.

Katniss ripped her mouth off his, a string of saliva still connecting them.

"Fuck!" Her eyes were frenzied. "What the hell are you doing to me?"

He grinned. "I'm just exploring."

Despite his attempt to remain cool, his own heart raced; the feel of her mouth…and her tongue undoing him.

This wasn't the plan, but it felt right.

"This whole game we're playing," she said, her eyes full of hunger. "I'm going to crash and burn, aren't I?"

"If you burn—" Peeta kissed her tenderly. "—then I burn with you."

See last part for notes.