Trent stood just outside the library window. He had spotted her on his way in. She was standing beside a cart of books that he imagined that she was putting back, but one must have caught her eye because she had it open and was looking down at it with a slight smile on her face. Her expression of complete and utter interest in whatever was in that book is what stopped him. He had dropped Andrea off and had gotten Jesse to take his car so that he could ride back with Daria. He didn't want to leave her alone until he could make sure that she understood about Charles' dad. Jesse would stay at the house until they got home so he felt better about that too. He was about to try and get her attention when he saw a guy approach her. It was clear to him from the guys body language that he was into Daria, but she didn't seem to see it. The whole time Daria was talking and gesturing to the guy he was looking at her with this awed expression and then she was done and moving away leaving the guy leaving to stare after her. The guy looked dejected and left without a book in hand. Trent entered the library and didn't see Daria anywhere. He decided after taking a nearby newspaper, to take a seat at the window that overlooked the commissary outside that he'd entered from. Soon he was reclining in the chair and practically dozing.


Daria's voice pierced his sleepy brain. He blinked a few times realizing that he'd drifted off.

"What are you doing here?" the concern in her voice was evident.

He sat up a bit straighter.

"I wanted to talk to you," he shook his head. "Charles' dad…"

"Yeah, he was at the school earlier."

"I know that you and Jane said something so he will probably try and talk to you and see what you know."

"We didn't talk to him directly. We kind of made sure that he- overheard us and the incriminating evidence that had been gathered."

"He might try and corner you." Trent stood giving a slight stretch.

"I have no plans to be alone with him."

He might not give you a choice.

"Guys like him are unpredictable- and unstable."

"I promise I'll be careful."

He studied her upturned face and suddenly wanted to hold her and protect her. She looked fearless and venerable at the same time.

Thanks for the protective vibe…shit, is he thinking of me as like- a sister or something…?


No wonder that guy left. She can be a bit intimidating when sizing a person up. Those eyes cut right through to the bone.

"I- uh, should get back to work."

She didn't move. He didn't move.

"Miss Morgendorffer?"

Daria turned to see Miss Lawrence, the head librarian, standing a few feet away.

"Excuse me," she said to Trent and went back to speak with her boss.

Trent watched the interaction.

Daria must like her. She's not wearing that look like she'd rather be anywhere else. She's in her element here. This place really works for her.

Trent became acutely aware that he was watching her when she turned back towards him and approached him.

"Um, did you need anything else Trent?"

"No- I mean, yeah. Can I catch a ride home with you?"

YES! Wait- what? Oh, he means-

"Sure, I don't get off for a couple of hours though."

"I know."

They looked at each other for a few moments.

"I'm gonna get back to work then."

"Okay. I'll stay out of your way. You won't even know I'm here."

I doubt that.

Daria turned away, picked up the books that she was going to put away and carefully walked away so that she would trip and embarrass herself.

"What happened to your car?"

Daria and Trent had just gotten in her ride when she thought to ask.

"Jesse has it."


Well, why didn't he drop you off at the house?

"I told him to drop me off so that I could spend time with you."

Did I just say spend time with? Shit! Maybe she didn't catch it.


she caught it.

"I was worried that Charles' dad might show up here."

well, that's true too.

Sometimes silence is golden Trent… I should have known…

Daria sighed.

"You need to stop anywhere?"

"Nah, I told them to save us some pizza for dinner."


They drove the rest of the way home in silence.