Whassup. I stopped temporally the other history because of my notebook. It destroyed the hard-drive and I just lost 25k words (chap 7, 8 and 9). If I manage to recover it, then I continue the other one. And yeah, I forgot the 'r' in the title...

"Master Skywalker, there's are too many of them... What are we going to do?"

Anakin looked deep into the youngling's eyes. His head moved... But his hands were jammed. They were sweating. Earlier, when he knelt before Sidious, he thought the Dark Side would give him the power to do anything, to kill anyone. Children, adults, and women... all for the sake of his Padmé. Meanwhile, with his eyes on the children, so frightened and full of the promise of safety, Anakin could not move. He watched these little children grow up, he participated in their training, reading to them or teaching them all the seven lightsaber fighting-styles. The war gave them little time before they became padawans and were sent to the battlefields... Ahsoka became his padawan when she was only 14, but he saw even worse ones; Bene turned padawan with 11, for example. Doubt permeated his head and the sweat on his hands made it difficult to hold the lightsaber... And before he could see it, his orange eyes were weeping, his black hood had come down, revealing the tears in the poorly lit room to the children.

"Are you... are you all right, Master Skywalker?" a little girl he didn't know, with her hair done on a ponytail, came up and grabbed her sleeve.

"You're crying." another pointed out in a whisper, a little boy, just over 8 years old.

"Are you sad, Master Skywalker?" the same blond boy from before, who looked so scared, approached. With a few seconds, all the children were around him, their little eyes full of worry and fear now. Anakin, ashamed of his actions, tried to wipe the tears from his eyes, walking away with sobs and putting his back against the wall of the room.

"What did I do?..." he asked himself, taking his hand from his face, exasperated. His eyes reflected in blue. Still, even if he wasn't expecting an answer, what he heard was something else.

"General Skywalker, we—" the clone, along with three others, opened the door. Contrary to what he had expected and making him stop his speech, he saw the General crying against the wall, a face full of regret... And all the children alive. The only second of silence in the room was erupted by the same clone walking away in a hurry, the others pulling their guns up and aiming om Anakin."Lord Sidious! Anakin—" again being cut off, but this time by the hiss of a lightsaber, the clone's head rolled across the floor when Anakin threw himself without thinking about the clone's direction. Red lasers came towards him, but they were struck down with great skill, killing two of the three remaining clones. The last clone tried to run, his hand on his helmet's communicator... His body, however, was tossed up, his head hitting the metal ceiling before being pulled and, with a twist of the bluish blade, his neck ripped off in a smell of burnt putrid flesh.

Panting, Anakin looked at the four clones of his 501° Division fuming... Dead, by his own hands. He betrayed Sidious... after betraying the entire Jedi order. He condemned Padmé with his actions... With trembling lips, Anakin saw the children passing the clones, eight of them, their faces shocked and glances a little more full of hope. They knew the clones had changed into enemies, but watching Anakin kill them was daunting. However, as soon as they got to him, Anakin suddenly got down on his knees and hugged two of them tight.

"I... I won't let anything happen to you. Anything!" He whispered in a voice full of emotion, going from shame on himself to the little spark of hope he gave to those little children. The two just nodded in agreement, the other six, uncertain, hugging Skywalker as a group. It lasted just over five seconds before the eldest stood up and took the lead in the pack, wiping his eyes with his sleeves. "Stay together and prepare your lightsabers, I'll notice immediately if we're in danger." spoke to them, and the little ones nodded in agreement. The plan was to reach the highest level of the Temple, where a secret airport existed only for the masters... Trying to save the other Jedi on the lower levels would be suicide since thousands of clones were there. The nasty taste that took his mouth now came from the thought of how terrible the Jedi Order made his life. They never trusted him, never valued him... they always put him down. But now, what about these younglings? They came here at an early baby age, never had contact with their parents, and never having finished their training, they were already being sent to their deaths. Yet it was all Sidious's fault. He created this war. The Sith and the Jedi were wrong... These children did not deserve such wicked fates because of such bad people as the Council and Palpatine.

The path to the top was incredibly difficult. Several clones would climb the stairs to verify in Anakin, who had to be quick to execute them before they could communicate Sidious of his treachery. Currently, Anakin was hiding his presence in the Force, an effort to ensure that Sidious did not discover about it, at least until he left Coruscant with the children and Padmé. Reaching the Council Room, the secret passage was in the circle in the middle of the Chamber, where he and the children stood and, with the use of the Force, began levitating, a circular session opening on the ceiling, as well as the lights being automatically switched on.

Of the three ships inside, the largest could hold 10 people, a white and green G9 Rigger-class. Joining in with all the children, now less scared and with calmer eyes, Anakin started the engines, flying in less than two minutes through the skies of Coruscant, using the Force to hide his presence and that of the ship from any clone who could see him.

Anakin was euphoric through the entire sequence of events. His mind was racing on and on with the betrayals he did and the things he would have done if he stayed submerged in the dark side of the Force. He would have killed good and innocent children... What would Padmé have said about him if he had known?! She, who loves kids, who are carrying our children... She would have hated the blond without precedent, which scared him to death. Having Padmé's hatred would make his heartbreak in pieces. But he would have done it so that Sidious could save her in childbirth...

... Sidious wouldn't have saved her. With his eyes wide open, that notion hit Anakin like a missile. The dark side of the Force does not use love, but hate, fear, and pain. If Padmé had died, without the Jedi Order and no one else to hold onto, Anakin would have only Palpatine to trust, and Anakin himself would be a bottomless pit of all the Dark Side's emotions. He would respect the dark lord endlessly and, in his pain, he would have done anything to the dark lord... Anything. Anakin felt the urge to vomit when the achievement hit him. The vision he had of Padmé dying would happen because of Palpatine. And then, the twisted image of Palpatine turned itself to an even worse one... Now, Anakin has a profound hatred for the sith. Hatred of all the things he did to him and the thing he was going to do.

Suddenly, a straw found his mouth. Taking the strength out of his thoughts, he saw one of the little children with a water bottle in his hands, her straw in his mouth.

"You're sweating too much, Master Skywalker..." the blond approached the cool water bottle, his eyes under Anakin. Really noticing his dry lips and body heat, Anakin grabbed the bottle and drank the water vehemently, just one hand on the wheel. The icy liquid made his mind slow down and clear thought reached him, bringing him back to reality.

"Thank you... I needed that." He spoke softly, turning his eyes forward. He already saw Padmé's apartment on the horizon and, with a nod from the child, he saw him take the water bottle to himself, the other children having stirred the ship's fridge. With a few moments, he landed the ship on the platform, watching Padmé running to his encounter. He didn't even wait another second before opening the cockpit, jumping out and grabbing her hard, pulling her feet off the ground and spinning, careful with her large stomach. A needy kiss was made at the end, prolonging it for full seconds when, finally, he landed her in the ground.

"Ani, what's happening?! I saw the Jedi temple on fire and, and..."

" Is Palpatine... Palpatine betrayed the Jedi, he was the Sith. The clones are killing all the Jedi right now, and the temple is under attack... I... And I almost killed them, Padmé."

"God..." stunned by the information about the current Supreme Chancellor of the Republic's betrayal, Padmé used her sharp senator mind to connect all the points. It all made sense. The fact that the war didn't end with Count Dooku's death; he asking for even more power... The clone army... But what caught her was what Anakin said last, seeing the tears rising in her husband's eyes. "Killed?..."

"I almost killed the children in the temple... I joined Palpatine because I thought he would save you... But he lied to me! He was going to kill you in childbirth, he was never going to save you! He was going to use me as a tool, an executioner! Padmé... All this is my fault!" he shouted, falling on his knees in front of his beloved who, with wide-eyed eyes, walked a step away from Anakin. Her eyes went up, and on the ship, the husband was flying, she saw several little heads watching, confusion in their eyes. Her eyes turned to her husband, softened now... and so Padmé came closer again, bending down on his knees and placing his hand on his face.

"Ani... Thank you very much..." she whispered.

"What?..." his voice was full of embargo, stabbing pain at the weight of his actions.

"For not becoming a monster. For changing while there was still time... For being the man I love so much." In this, she held him tight, his tears falling on her shoulder, and his arms hugging her hips frailly as if the slightest mention of walking away would make him fall flat on his face and crack into millions of pieces, like a lampshade.

"Master Skywalker... Are you a sith?" confused, one of the children asked.

"No... - he sniffed, rising carefully, still hugging his wife." I am not a Sith. - He turned, holding Padmé's hand and staring at them.

"I believe him. If he was, he would have killed us, wouldn't he?..." another said, black hair at the height of his neck. Most nodded yes, but some seemed too confused to give the right answers. The bigger blond, however, took the reins of conversation as he looked one last time at Padmé, the mechanical hand passing the navel area. Even without the touch of flesh, he felt the strength of his son inside.

"We must get out of Coruscant. Soon Palpatine will discover that I betrayed him... We must go after Yoda and Obi-wan, only with their help can we kill Sidious." said, going to the freighter, Padmé silently agreeing to this. Leaving Coruscant was a maxim now, just as support for her husband had to be provided by her and no one else. The moment everyone was inside the ship, Anakin flew into the skies, ignoring any radio calls for exit confirmations or the like. If Sidious found out that this was the ship he was using, then he would be quick to locate us. As soon as they entered open space, Anakin activated the hyperdrive.

And, moments later, they had escaped the chaos that Coruscant was in.

Then, one of the children noticed what was happening around him...

"Hey, why did Master Skywalker kissed that woman?" asked, genuinely confused now.

George Lucas said that the prequels are the best :D