AN: OK, Long story short there's a quarentine going, im going short on skittles and the Tzench damned thing didn't save after a power outbreak. So I'm starting this thing back again and hopefully this time internet won't screw me over before midnight.

2nd AN: Some Cross Over Elements, if you saw them and you know them clap your mutha'fraking hands and you'll get a cookie!

M-rate for Lulz and stuff (other warnings include Drama, Some Romance Mushy stuff, Liberal Application of Rule 63,Graphic Violence, OOC'ness, Character Death, Implied and Not-so-Implied Dark and Bad people get me right?).

Chapter 1: Prologue - Come Undone

Midoriya Inko knew despair, or rather she thought that she knew.

Her husband Hisashi, kami bless his soul, knew about her past and what she had to go through before meeting each other, about the rivers of tears and blood that she had to shed sometimes quite literally; it was quite a miracle that she managed to function as a normal person at all considering the skelletons in her closet.

Of course during her 'retirement' she thought that there were moments where she felt some pain (emotional wise, after all like her couldn't be bothered by silly things like physical pain) like when she got jealos when her then best friend Hisashi got flirted on and she had to watch in silence holding back the urges to burst the necks of those tramps but then why would he see in plain her? it didn't matter that she had quite some figure thanks to them, or that sometimes they would sleep together in the couch not-quite cuddling (they were both exhausted, so it didn't count even if Hisashi would wrap an arm around her waist), or the dinners they had together...or the Hallowen night scare which would made her blush an apple-shaming red.

Of course the latter case was the thing that got them together as a couple when some odd months latter her belly started to get more noticeable (for once not thanks to her annoying habit of stress eating) and the birth of their son: Izuku.

And not matter how much she loved her husband she threatened the fire breathing son of a cunt that if he ever get him pregnant again without her consent she would made him taste his own prick through his ass! after all it was not a painless experience to give birth to her green bundle of joy.

The mother wanted to smile in remembrance of that day, of the happiest tears that she let fall while holding her newborn child...could barely imagine that like her could even have the right to give birth, all things considered.

But now, 5 year later of that brilliant point in her life...she gets to be reminded what pain, no! what despair feels like.

Her son, her precious Izuku had his dream if not his whole world shattered appart the day the doctor told him quite bluntly that he was Quirkless.

She tried to make the doctor check again, honestly she tried almost everything to see if there was a mistake. But no matter what, or how many different doctors she seeked the result was still the god damn same:

-'Ma'am, there's no way for him to have a Quirk'-

It was all the same, over and almost made her revert back to the 'her' of those dark days when one supposely 'profesional' told her that it would be best that she get rid of 'the failure' and tried again. Thank god she had her child and husband to hold her back otherwise that worm would've been a red smear on the wall by the time she ended 'talking' about calling her baby a failure.

However, things started to went downhill from that point...somehow at some point she was seen by some of the busybodies of the neighbourhood, by the next hour she was holding back from maiming the next person that either sent her a pity glance or made another comentary about her precious son again!

And of course there was the subject of her husband, well...more like her ex-husband.

She loved Hisashi, Kami above knew she did, after all she left that life through tears and a lot of blood to be with him; but while she tried to find a solution, medical help or even rumors her husband was starting to get more distant each day. Their breaking point? the night he suggested to give the child (as if he had nothing to do with their own son for fuck sake!) in adoption.

Inko didn't remember much of that night but the burns on her hands and the blood stains told more than words, and a week later she would get the papers of divorce through the mail.

It didn't matter much, to be honest. Sure it hurt her a bit emotionally but she loved her child more than someone who would only see a quirk instead of family.

But it affected her son more, who in his childish yet smart mind could only see that thanks to his quirkless status mom would cry alone in her room and that his dad won't come back home.


-'I'm sorry, i'm so sorry my baby...'- Inko held back the sobs as she watched Izuku listless in front of the t.v. watching yet again another show of Pro-Heroes with a hollow smile. Today was his first day of school, and already she could see some subtle signs that her son was being bullied. It wasn't fair! If there was someone to blame then she would be the one held accountable for not passing her Quirk at least! Hell even Hisashi's would have been enough.

-"M-Mom...c-can I be a Hero? Just like All-Might?"- He asked her in tears the moment he got back from school, and Inko could just hold her child in her arms as much as she held herself back from running to the school and skin everyone alive.

She left him some katsudon she made in the morning and put him his favorite program, watching him from affar as he went through the motions each day dreading the day where it would get to the point that she would need to stay glued by his sides out of fear, even the tought was inconcievable.

Still it didn't change that Inko Mirodiya now knew what the redefined meaning of despair feels like to her. For what else could she call to that feeling of being so helpless in the face of her child's suffering?


Wipping away the tears and taking a deep breath Inko went back to the kitchen where she could hear the house phone ringing. She would rather not take the call and go back to hug her son in peace but it would be quite rude from her if it was something important.

-'Wonder who would be calling right now...maybe Mitsuki?'- While she had some concerns about the offspring of her friend, perhaps if she arrenged some sort of playdate while they talked would be nice.

-"Midoriya Residence...?"- Damn, she tried to sound normal, did she really sounded that bad?What else could go wrong?

-"Rough day, my child?"-

And just like that...things went downright wrong.

-"..."- Was it possible that she just get to forget how to speak even a word out of sheer terror? because she could only think of it as the reason she's going mute at the moment.

-"My, my...was my call rather unexpected...or were you hoping to hear from someone else?"- The amused chuckle in a low baritone was almost parent-like, and it would've made almost everyone believe that the owner of said voice to be of some jolly mature man making a call to a distant but cherished relative. In her it only brought panic as she remained frozen in place.

-"*Sigh*Well, I will assume that indeed it was the fact that you were not expecting that I of all people would call you, considering that your...request...for 'retirement' was very"-The laugh that followed was lower than the normal ones she heard before, somehow making the room felt so cold despite being so warm outside-"Demanding"-.

-"Then why did you called...Sir?"- She muttured throught gritted teeth as she watched first at her baby boy still looking at the show of All-Might then at the windows searching for any hint of them in the streets.

-"So cold...I expected that much but it's more of an...interest, in my family's life, tell me 'Inko-chan', how's my grandson?"-

Those words, those three simple words destroyed the mask that made 'Midoriya Inko', the civilian, single mother.

It was No.062 'Ikiryo' Inko the Weapon,the dull eyed assassin and single mother who remained.

-"If you touch him, I'll kill you"- She didn't rise her voice, she did not speak those words as a threat, she just told them as anyone else would tell that the sky is blue or that the grass is green.

She told it as a matter of fact.

-"*Chuckle*...HAhaHAhahaHAA!...Ahhh it's good to know that these years hadn't made you too soft, dear daughter! But I give you my word that I have no intention of harming your son, after all he's still kin, no matter if he has a Quirk or not"- Her eyes narrowed and her grip on the phone tightened to the point she could feel the plastic groaning near to the point of breaking.

-"But that's the point of the call, as you can tell me, my dear : If I were to have the means to give your son a quirk, to make his dream come true, what are you willing to do?"-

Inko wanted to break the phone, or at least to send the caller straight to hell before doing it, but the memory of her little boy hollow-like face and his silent tears stalled her hands, making her grit her teeth.

She was a mother first, everything else second, and for her son she was willing to sell her soul back to the Devil.-"What do you want me to do?"- Inko murmured as she watched with sad eyes as Izuku fell asleep clutching the gift that Mitsuki's child gave him on his last birthday.

-"I think you know it already, my dear. I want my best agent back."-


Soon on Chapter 2: Welcome to the Family

AN: How was it? Good? Bad? please Review and just so you know...AFO IS NOT IZUKU'S GRANDFATHER, I'm not going through that particular trope on this!. That and that I may have to change the title latter on, can't find something that fits...¬_¬'