Before we start, this story was inspired by The silent hero: Deku th mime by SuperSaiyain79 and Metallurgy by BeeeTeee and I love those stories so I thought I could write my personal take on a similar one.

I appreciate any review meant to correct spelling, writng style & co. so drop 'em



I obviously don't own mha

It was a normal day, as much as what can be considered normal in a society with superpowers, but let's not get lost in definitions; a bunch of kids were running in the playground of their school, they were playing tag and a certain vegetable-haired boy was trying to catch someone but, as non-athletic as he was, his jopes of tagging someone were actually pretty low and everything was going along those lines; he was starting to get tired, really tired, so he sat down.

"Zuku! Why have you stopped?" shouted the loudest voice in the whole preschool, running at him and he, as the socialization expert that he was, couldn't help responding with a stuttering that, mixed with his heavy breathing could rival a machine gun's rate of fire so, after the fifth try he managed to say "K-k-kacch-an, I'm resting on this bench!" and his friend changed expression from an excited preschooler to a condescending friend and sat beside the talking broccoli.

"So what were you talking about before we started playing?" asked the louder one, " Oh yes, yesterday I saw the first movie that managed to make me laugh", ok, let's clarify, our cinnamon roll, pure as he was, couldn't laugh to the "comedy" that was popular, it was, defined with a word he would learn much, much later in his life, rather crude.

"Wait a minute, you, the tv comedy hater, managed to laugh? Are you kidding me?"

" No I'm not, it was a really old movie"

"That explains everything, how was it?"

"Well it was, as I told you, so old that it was a mute film, starring Charlie Chaplin and it made me realize something." the loud kid was confused and asked "What did you realize?"

"You know that I always wanted to be a hero, that is because I want to make people smile, and the mime in the movie was the first one to make me laugh, so I want to become a mime like him!" at this point the other kid shifted from happy to sad, so sad that sobbing could be heard while she shouted " You, You, ABSOLUTE DUMMY, you promised me we would become heroes together and now you break the promise? I HATE YOU!".

The green haired kid was confused and he felt his guts becoming heavier, he realized for the first time that his childhood friend wasn't a boy in the wrong body, she was a real girl, and he couldn't imagine her hating him so he did what he thought was going to resolve the mess but, let me tell you, it would only create more in future.

"I can still be a hero with you Kacchan!"

"Really?" the girl asked between the sobs

"Yes, I will be the Mime Hero!"

"So, do you forgive me?" he asked

"Yes, I do; By the way….why are we sitting on the grass?"

"Weren't we on the bench? No, wait, there was never a bench here!"

"That means…"

"I/YOU HAVE A QUIRK!" the shouted together.

"Teacher, teacher, Midoriya has a quirk!" shouted a kid who was just a few metres from them and heard the last shout really well.

After the random kid brought everyone's attention to the now-quirked-celery, causing him to be crowded between all his classmates, throwing him a barrage of questions, interrupted only by a man in his late thirties, with messy black hair and his glasses hanging barely from his nose, restored order and got to the duo.

"Izuku, I heard you got your quirk, congratulations on being the first in the whole kindergearten!"

"Hmpf, stupid Zuku, I'll develop mine in no time…" pouted a certain blonde

"...Anyway" continued the teacher " I'm going to call your mom so you can immediately get your quirk examined, prepare your bag so you can leave the moment your mom comes."

Moments later a green haired woman heard the phone ringing and quickly picked it up, she didn't have time to say anything because she heard a concitated voice yelling "Please miss Midoriya come to the preschool as fast as possible with all of Izuku's documents!".

She was worried, really worried, "Why the documents?" she thought "Has he done something that bad?", and barely managed to ask "W-w-why?", while anxiety was devouring her, "Now I know where does the cinnamon roll's muttering come from…. anyway, miss Midoriya..."


"Your son got his quirk!"

Not even five minutes had passed and Inko was already at the entrance of the school, powering through a twenty-minute-drive with sheer mom arcane arts, ready to see her kid getting closer to his dream, which she, unaware of the life changing promise that occurred, thought it still was being a hero.

And cut, thoughts on this first chapter?

4 things to say:

- Inko can, she just can, whatever it is that involves her child

- The kids' language might me a little too advanced but I don't want an extremely simple language to obstruct the story

- I'm going to skip the whole meeting with the quirk doctor because it will spoil part of the story and I left a hint

- I don't have a next chapter already scheduled but I'm bored in quarantine so expect it to be pretty soon.

See you next time

Darth Quantistic out, peace.