DISCLAIMER: I don't own Charmed or any associated works. It belongs strictly to the WB networks and its creator Constance M. Burge and its owner Aaron Spelling.


This story starts off right after the episode Centennial Charmed

Thank you everyone who reviewed the last chapter. I really appreciate it. Well here it is the final last part to this story. I appreciate all the reviews and good ideas and suggestions you guys put in. They helped a whole lot. I want to also thank me beta's for helping with this story. Thanks guys!!! Now here it is…

Daddies Little Witch

Chapter Fifteen: Full Circle

By: Mage

The hustling and bustling of the busy downtown San Francisco street filled the humid afternoon air. A man with long snow-white hair appeared out of thin air in the middle of a grungy looking alleyway. The man with the snow-white hair looked out of place though fully matched with his crisp alabaster white suit. The white this man wore seemed to clash with his unnatural black eyes and his youthful face. As he took a deep breath of the sticky Northern California air an eerie smile of contentment materialized on his face. 'It was time to go to work,' he mused. Mr. White then stuck his hands in the pockets of his slacks and strolled out of the dismal alley.

Not a single San Franciscan on the busy sidewalk paid him a lick of attention. As he emerged from the alley, his inky black soulless eyes slowly took everything in. As a smirk formed on his face he thought humans were truly pathetic creatures. How they lived so long was a miracle in itself.

"Excuse me, sir," said a voice from beside him, echoed into his thoughts. "Do you have the time?" A young man probably no older than twenty had asked.

The white haired man shrugged apologetically. To this pup, he seemed sorry. His eyes however, held a different story. Their fathomless depths bored a hole into the brown eyes of this, this kid in front of him. The kid shivered feeling like the eyes were looking through him and into his very soul. "I don't have a watch," Mr. White replied, thinking this situation rather amusing. 'He's asking for the time, when humanity doesn't even have much of it left.'

The young man shook off the hair on the back of his neck standing at attention feeling the dark gaze from the man in white gave him. 'What a contrast, all in white and such coal black eyes,' this innocent man contemplated. His name was Todd Carson and he had just received the best news of his life.

Nothing was going to get him down, not even this down right creepy man, who he figured was just socially inadequate. A bright and exuberant smile seemed to be permanently fixed upon his face. "My wife just had a baby. I wanted to see if I could make the next trolley to San Francisco Memorial."

The dark eyed man smiled. "Congratulations, then."

He held out his hand for Todd to shake. He met the man's hand with his own. Todd didn't know what hit him. The hand grasping his tightened and he felt bones break and blood pour forth from skin being violently cut open. All sorts of things went rushing past Todd's internal viewfinder, most of these slides included his wife, whom he figured was about to become a widow. The friendly smile on the stranger's face turned predatory and at that point he knew, a widow she would become. All because he did not want to miss the train! 'At least the little one, won't miss what hadn't been known,' his last vivid thought.

At this point the man with the white hair jerked Todd forward so his lips were right next to his ear. "Don't make a sound," he whispered, casual but with a hardness that implied he was not playing.

No one on the street noticed a thing, not the fact blood, red blood; his blood was running over this man's hand. He focused on the red, which was such a startling difference from the white of the suit and the blackness of the eyes.

People went by not paying them the least bit of mind. They saw two men just talking. Just two men in the trenches of conversation, most likely discussing sports or the price of gas, nothing out of the ordinary. The white haired man noticed Todd's doe brown eyes search the crowd frantically looking anywhere for help. The man gave Todd a sweet smile, the sweet smile of a man feeding on giving out pain.

"Its kind of funny, isn't it? All these people and no one can help you." He squeezed the hand tighter, drawing a whimper of pain from Todd. "Don't get any ideas I could kill all those pathetic humans and you, easily." This last sentence was said with such malice and contentment, Todd knew that if he were graced and lived through this, he would never ask anyone for time. Not even a granny in a go cart.

The white haired man looked at Todd with mock sympathy. "Your hand doesn't hurt; this pain is only a sting. You don't know what pain is. Everything you humans think is pain will seem like a piece of cake when I am done with all of you. I just arrived here, so I thought I would have a little fun first. Surprise! You just happened to come along." Todd's alarmed expression quickly turned into horror.

The evil man, certainly this man had to be pure evil, maybe he even belonged to one of those cults where people tattooed their chests and spoke in funny languages, shook his head. "No, I'm not going to kill you, Todd. Although, when I am done with you, you will wish you were dead," he sneered. "You'll feel as if you're trapped in a dark noisy little room. Naked. Alone. Ashamed. There will be no light and you will be afraid," at this point he actually smiled, full on, teeth and all. "You will try to find your way out of this little room, but you can't remember the way. You will be trapped inside your own mind," and then he winked. "A neat little trick, don't you think?" Todd did not know what to think, he just hoped he did not pee a river in his pants. "I picked it up from a Hell God." Oh no, forget about the peeing part, at least his pants were dark enough to hide anything.

"Why?" asked Todd, tears making their way down his cheeks.

The white haired man shrugged. "For utopia. Now, let's get crazy."

Todd's mouth opened in a silent cry of pain. His hand clasped in the hand of this satanic nut job glowed with a bright golden light. They both threw their heads back, one man in pain and the other in a state of bliss. 'This must be what the humans term orgasmic,' the man with the snowy white hair figured.

It couldn't have been more than a minute before the black eyed monster-man let go of Todd's hand, cutting their connection. Todd looked around, dazed and in total confusion. His eyes were glazed over, masking his intelligence. He looked lost, afraid, nervous, crazed as if no longer sane.

"Have to be clean. I'm so dirty," he muttered in a small voice, almost that of a child who had just finished raiding Aunt Martha's pantry. Slowly, almost lethargically Todd began to walk in the direction of the busy traffic filled street. He pushed past people on the sidewalk all the while muttering and mumbling to himself, "Have to get clean."

The people who this sad man had just past on the sidewalk stopped in their tracks as a loud cry of pain and the sound of screeching tires filled the air. Passerby's stopped and stared at the scene on the road with morbid fascination. There on the street lay the dead body of Todd Carson. A man who less than 10 minutes ago needed the time, so he could make the trolley to get to the hospital to see his wife and newborn. There lay the body of Todd Carlson, who would never make it to that trolley. Traffic had come to an all stop and people circled around Todd's body, horrified. His brown eyes once so full of life stared sightlessly into the heavens. His deceased body lay at an impossible angle and a thin trail of blood poured from his open mouth.

The white haired man walked away from the scene, whistling softly. "Taps, what a wonderful tune," he said, as he progressed down the street without a backward thought to the broken man on the hot pavement behind him.


Cole rang the doorbell in front of him. The door in front of him no longer made his stomach jump. He stood on the steps of the Halliwell Manor feeling the afternoon sun beaming down on him from above. The door opened and Piper blinked in surprise seeing him there.She shifted Wyatt in her arms and graced Cole with a smile. "Hey, Cole. Come on in."

He stepped into the Manor making a funny face at Wyatt causing the child to giggle. She led him to the living room and took a seat on the couch. Cole tried not being obvious about it, his looking about the room, which for the first time he could remember was a mess, and one that didn't seem the result of a demon attack. Piper did not notice, in fact she picked up the bottle of milk on the coffee table and started to feed Wyatt. Cole sat down next to her watching in fascination at the way Piper handled Wyatt. She truly was a natural mother.

Piper blew away a lock of hair that fell in her face. "So, why the visit? Not that it's bad or anything."

"I heard about you and Leo," he said, simply.

Piper smiled widely. "Isn't it great?"

Cole frowned in confusion, had Piper lost it? Okay, maybe the room was the result of a Charmed Ones v Some Unknown Demon battle. "Excuse me. What's so great about it? Leo's an Elder. You won't see him anymore, you do know that Piper."

Piper nodded her smile still on her face as if it were glued on. "I know. He got a promotion. It's the best thing that's happened to this family."

Cole narrowed his eyes a little. This wasn't like Piper at all. He reached out with his senses and tried to detect any trace of dark influence over her. He was dumbfounded when he couldn't find a trace of dark magic contaminating her. She was truly acting like this of her own free will. Cole knew deep down something was wrong with Piper. It had to be, the love that Piper and Leo shared was a shining light. He had basked in its glow many a time and hoped he and Phoebe would have shared a similar bond. Alas, that was not to be. This still did not explain Piper. Cole had no proof of mind control or some other supernatural cause for this, Ms. Fletcher face, so he just had to go along with it for now. And that meant, now and not for long. He gave Piper a fake smile, a lawyer smile they taught you in law school. "It really is great Piper. Being an Elder is something that all Whitelighters would like to be. It's an amazing accomplishment."

The sound of the front door opening and closing was heard in the living room. Paige stomped into the room moments later carrying a folded newspaper in her hand. She had an aggravated expression fixed upon her face, not that Cole cared what Paige was upset about. Cole had come to terms with Phoebe and her emotions, he still loved her, a very small part of him always would, but it would never be again. And in a sisterly way, Cole loved Piper. And Leo, he was the closest thing Cole ever had to a brother. Paige however, was a totally different story. She was a bitch pure and simple. She was a Charmed One alright, just not Charmed. When she saw Cole she stopped dead in her tracks, giving him a leveled look. 'Ha, what a joke, she thinks she is intimidating,' Cole thought none too gently.



Piper rolled her eyes. "Stop it, you two." She turned to Paige. "Did you find a job, honey?"

Paige sighed heavily. She marched to the plush chair next to the coffee table and plopped down into it. 'Just like a little brat,' thought Cole.

She exhaled loudly, relieved to be off her feet. Paige slipped off her neon pumps and cocked her head at Cole in query. "So, why is evil Mr. Returned from the Dead here?"

Cole losing his patience, glared at her. "I have a name. I also have a couple of choice names to call you, but I haven't resorted to your low level."

Paige looked affronted at the insult. Piper rubbed her temple trying to rub out the migraine she could feel coming on. Her day had almost been stress free too. She gave Paige a warning look before turning back to Cole. "What are you and Liam doing today for Halloween?"

At the mention of the day, Cole shuddered unnoticeably. He had been hoping that Sky's cryptic warning didn't come to pass. The dream he had about Liam's death had never happened again, much to his relief. If it were a prophetic dream he would have had the same dream more than one time. Dreams of warning usually happened time and time again, until they came to pass. At least that was what he had always been told when he was Belthazor.

"I'm going to pick him up from school. Then I'll take him trick or treating," replied Cole.

"Don't murder anyone, while your out," muttered Paige. She looked up at the ceiling innocently when both Piper and Cole gave her identical warning looks. Although Cole's look seemed to promise some type of revenge would happen when she least expected it. He then turned giving Piper a warm smile, "I need to go ahead and pick up Liam from school."

He gave Piper a hug and Wyatt an affectionate smile before standing up. He turned to Paige a wry smile on his face. "Next time I visit I would prefer it if I didn't have to see you. And that hair color would look good on Piper, but on you it just looks stupid. You might want to stick with being a brunette."

He smirked as storm clouds gathered over her face. He saw himself out quickly, knowing the witch was probably thinking of one hundred and one ways to skewer his guts. He got into his silver BMW and sped off down the street. The school was quite a distance from Halliwell Manor. He didn't want to be late to pick up Liam. The little blonde got nervous if he was more than ten minutes late to pick him up. He took every shortcut he knew, pulling up in front of the brick building right on time. He got out of the car and leaned against the metallic door as if he hadn't just pushed a few speed limit lays. He stood there waiting for the familiar blonde head to run up to him.

"Daddy!" Liam yelled, jumping into Cole's arms at a run.

Cole caught him, bracing himself so he wouldn't fall down from the collision. "Whoa, there sunny." Liam looked up, his eyes twinkling happily. Cole gave him a smile. "Did you have a good day?"

Liam nodded vigorously. "Yep, today was the best!"

Cole helped Liam into the car all the while listening to his son go on and on about this day. Liam was bubbling with energy. 'When would the every little detail about his day phase end,' he wondered. 'Never,' he hoped. Liam was excited about going out and trick or treating. Today was his second favorite holiday, Yule being his favorite.


Cole stood in front of the full length mirror in his bathroom, at times like this he wished for one over the sink. He didn't know how he let Liam talk him into this costume. He was dressed in a knight's armor, complete with a sword, sans helmet. At least it was better than the angel getup he wore a couple years ago for Halloween. Now that had been embarrassing. Although, it was a rather ingenious idea. Who would suspect a demon of dressing as an angel for Halloween? Phoebe and her sisters sure didn't. Maybe somewhere deep down, he had wanted them to think him an angel and treat him like they treated Leo. 'By the Goddess, what had happened to Leo,' Cole stressed not for the first time in the last 24 hours. If he knew that Piper was under an enchantment he would have been at her side. Elder or no Elder.

"Come on, Daddy!" called Liam. He was waiting in the living room tapping his foot keeping an eye trained on the wall clock. His patience was wearing thin. His Daddy was taking too long to get ready. Liam was wearing a pair of black trousers, a loose white long shirt, an eye patch, and a red bandanna. He was the perfect image of a swashbuckling pirate. The costume was fake but the scowl on his face was very real.

Cole came out of his room, a chastising grin on his face. "You called, young sir."

Liam humphed impatiently, showing all of his young years. "Daddy, we're wasting time. The more time we waste the less candy we get!" This statement was said with such emphasis that Cole had to chuckle. He grabbed his father's arm dragging him to the front door. "You were supposed to be ready a long time ago," said Liam, aggravated.

Cole knocked on his real metal chest plate. "Armor takes a while to put on and it weighs you down." He raised an eyebrow at Liam. "Do you think the candy is going anywhere?"

Liam nodded. "Of course. Right into greedy kid's stomachs!"

Cole wondered whether or not Liam counted as one of those greedy kids. He wisely chose not to say anything. Liam's powers tended to go haywire when he was irritated. He was already upset that Ryan had come down with the chicken pox, preventing him from going out with them tonight. Cole sighed to himself, as he was drug to the elevator. This was going to be a long night…

Liam skipped down the street holding Cole's hand. They were in a small neighborhood that was close to their building. It was getting late so only a few kids were still out. It was mainly the older ones who still trick or treating even though they were into their teen years.

"This is the last house, Liam," Cole said, sternly.

Liam grinned cheekily at him. His father had been saying the same thing for the last ten houses. Liam would beg, while making a face that his father just couldn't say no to. He liked to call it bringing out the big guns. Cole shivered suddenly feeling a tingly feeling go down his spine. He gripped Liam's hand in tight hold.

Liam looked up questioning. "Daddy?"

There was a flash of light out the corner of Cole's eye. He spun around facing the source. Cole gasped, tightening his hold on Liam's hand. As real as day standing before them was the man from Cole's dream. He stood in the middle of the road an uncaring expression fixed upon his stark face. His snow-white hair stood out sharply, even in the darkness of the night.

"Give up the child, witch," said the stranger. His voice was deep making him seem imposing despite his apathetic look.

Cole stood in front of Liam protectively. "How about no!"

Faster than Cole could follow, the stranger shot a ray of black light from his palm impacting Cole in his chest. He went flying backwards through the air landing in small pile of decorative rocks. Cole could only watch as the white haired man grabbed Liam and vanished without a trace. Cole stood up wincing at the pain in his side. This was not going to happen. No one was going to take his child from him. He had to find Liam. He closed his eyes and concentrated on Liam's face. He didn't need to know where they went only . . . who. With Liam's face envisioned in his mind Cole faded from the quiet street.

He appeared in a large open forest clearing. The trees around him swayed gently in the wind. Cole narrowed his eyes seeing the white haired man and Liam directly in front of him. "Give me my son, asshole!"

The stranger regarded him impassively as if Cole was beneath him and didn't even deserve a second glance. "You are not of any concern. Leave this place. Do not stand in the way of utopia."

Cole ground his teeth together angrily. This guy was acting in a way that was different than any demon he had ever come across. His aloof manner was a trait that demons he knew didn't have. "Who are you?"

The man smiled a cold and chilling smile. "I am the nightmares that children have at night. I am the one who takes joy in the screams of mortals. I am the opposite of order and light. I am primordial. My existence dates back before there even was such things known as humans. I am evil in its truest form incarnate. Master of terror. Leader of the Church of Pain. You can call me the Sovereign."

Cole clapped his hands together slowly a bored look on his face. "Are you done? I thought for a minute you were going to give me your measurements."

The Sovereign sneered. "Belthazor, you were once one of my greatest demonic soldiers of fortune. That was before the light turned you into this pathetic waste of space you are now."

"I don't know what you're talking about. I've never worked for you," replied Cole. He was only talking so as to by time for himself and Liam. It was working so far.

"When I was driven from this plane I left a piece of myself behind. You knew him as the Source." Cole gasped as a memory of the ancient source of evil assaulted him. The Sovereign chuckled at his reaction. "I see you knew him."

Cole shook off the memory. "What are you doing with my son? Why did you take him?"

The Sovereign cocked his head deciding if he should tell Cole his plan. "He has something I need. When I get what I want I will free him. Although, it wont really matter since the world will end as soon as I get what I want."

"The Powers that Be won't let you end the world. They will destroy you first!" argued Cole. He wanted to take Liam and run, but he could feel the power rolling off the Sovereign. It was bigger than anything he had ever felt was. Bigger than the Avatars and the Source's combined. This being was someone not to be trifled with. He was no mere demon. He was beyond that…. something he couldn't even begin to comprehend.

The Sovereign shook his head. "Your precious Powers won't help you. There is nothing that they can do. I wasn't allowed on the Earth because of the sacred rules set before the Great Beginning. The rules are powerful and all most obey them even your Powers. However they broke the rules by bringing you back to life and sending you back to this plane of being. It was rather foolish of them. The scales must be balanced. They broke a Divine Law. So now I can break them also and there is nothing they can do about it. I can wipe out all of humanity and they cannot lift a finger to intervene, such is the way."

Cole was stunned. It was his fault that this being was here in the first place. From the sound of things, it looked as if he wasn't going to get any help. It was just he versus the entity. From the power comparison it looked like the favor was in the Sovereign. He settled into a fighting stance. So be it. He was not going down without getting Liam to safety first. Cole looked at Liam who was looking at him encouragingly. To his well-trained eye, he could see behind his gaze. Liam was scared and fearful. That look he wished he would never see again. It fueled his rage and fanned his power.

"Die!" Cole screamed, thrusting his arm forward.

Wave after wave of icy cold air burst forth from his open palm. The blast resembled a jet of white and blue sparkling water. The blast hit the Sovereign dead in his chest and splattered harmlessly off as if he was sprayed down with scotch guard. Cole kept up his attack moving closer each second. His distance didn't make a difference. The blast still splattered off of the being not harming him in the slightest. Cole gritted his teeth determined.

The Sovereign cocked his head in confusion. "Are you done now?" he asked, bored. He whipped back his hand and smacked Cole across the face. The blow looked like it didn't have much power behind it, but it did. Cole flew through the air as if a small meteorite had hit him.

"Daddy!" yelled Liam, terrified. He narrowed his eyes at the Sovereign and willed his powers to bring down a whirlwind of electricity on him. His powers just fizzled around the being not hurting him even a little.

Cole impacted a tree making it shake as if the very Earth was quaking. He regained his bearing slowly and stood back up. He faced the Sovereign his breath coming in deep haggard breaths. He glared stone face at the evil entity. The Sovereign shook his head at Cole. "Are you really so foolish as to think you are strong enough to stop me? Nothing will stop utopia."

"What is this utopia you keep talking about!" shouted Cole, holding his ribs. Some of them were surely broken from the collision with the tree.

"Before there were humans on this planet, there was nothing but pure demons in control. There was no balance of good and evil or darkness and light. Their was simply darkness and evil. Then the humans with their light came and drove the demons away into the underworld and the shadows. No more . . . I will exterminate the human race and cover the world in darkness as it once was. A world where there is only evil. A world without good and light. A perfect world. A utopia."

Cole reeled back at the news. "Your insane," he said, hoarsely.

The Sovereign smiled cruelly. "No I'm evil." He brought up his hand and slowly curled his fingers into a fist.

"Arggggggggghhhhhh!" Cole screamed in agony. He felt as if a thousand sharp knives were suddenly impaled into different parts of his legs. He fell to his knees gritting his teeth to keep himself from howling in agony.

Liam screamed for his father again seeing he was in pain. The Sovereign grabbed Liam by the neck preventing him from running to help Cole. Liam grabbed the hand around his throat trying to break the hold on him. The grip got tighter and his throat was squeezed together as he was lifted into the air. Blue electricity crackled around Liam's hand furiously. He gripped the Sovereign's hand that was holding him by the throat, hoping his powers would work. The Sovereign didn't even blink as the electricity raced up and around his form. Liam closed his eyes and prayed that someone would help him.

The Sovereign cracked a smile gazing at Liam's frightened face. "Now this wont hurt… much."

He brought his arm back and his hand started to glow a vibrant golden light. With a swish his glowing hand sunk completely into Liam's chest. Liam threw his head back and his mouth opened in a silent cry of pain. Cole tried his best to stand up and help, but his legs throbbed in agony at his desperate attempts. He unsheathed his sword from the scabbard attached to his hip. He had to do something. Anything to prevent what he saw in his vision from happening for real. With all his strength he hefted his sword in his hand and threw it at the Sovereign like a javelin. The Sovereign saw the sword moments before it hit him. He raised his arm batting the weapon away as if it were a paper ball.

"You are seriously trying my patience, witch," the Sovereign whispered, coldly.

A loud piercing whistle sounded through the air interrupting the being. He suddenly gave a loud cry of pain dropping Liam roughly on the ground. Liam rubbed his chest hoping he would never have to feel that torment ever again. With a frightened look at his tormentor he scampered backwards to where his father lied on the ground. Cole thanked the Powers as he and Liam embraced in a tight hug. Cole looked back to the Sovereign wondering what had caused his pain.

The Sovereign growled low in his throat. Out of his shoulder was sticking an arrow made completely of light. Gripping the light arrow he ripped it from his shoulder with a muffled grunt of pain. Deep amber blood seeped from the wound on his shoulder. The arrow in his hand flashed and disappeared in a burst of sparkles.

Walking out of from behind a large tree was Sky. She carried a bow made from light like the arrow was. Her black hair and white gown moved gently in the wind. The moon above them shinned down its rays bathing the clearing in light. Sky looked at the Sovereign her green eyes narrowed in a way that clearly promised that another arrow wouldn't be far behind the first if he so much as moved.

The Sovereign was just as shocked to see her as Cole and Liam was. He looked at her in confusion and anger. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!" he roared. "Higher beings are forbidden to interfere so says the Divine Law!"

Sky aimed her bow and an arrow identical to the first one materialized. The arrow literally sung as it cut through the air at a speed that couldn't be followed. It hit true striking the Sovereign in his arm producing a cry of pain from his throat. Sky lowered the bow gazing at the being with contempt. "The Powers didn't send me. I can't sit back and let you do this. You must be stopped," she said, determinedly.

"Please," he said, in disbelief. Faster than any of them could follow he was in front of Sky holding her up by the throat.

With no effort he threw Sky at a tree like he did Cole earlier. Her cry of pain echoed through the night's air. She cracked open her eyes her breath coming in short gasps. Sky looked to Liam her eyesight wavering as she slipped in and out of consciousness. "Liam," she began, whispering softly but loud enough to be heard. "Remember the story your mother used to tell you about the magical jewel."

Liam nodded, tears making their way steadily down his cheeks. All hope seemed lost. None of their powers worked against the Sovereign. He seemed unstoppable. What did a story his mother use to tell him have to do with anything?

Sky continued. "The story wasn't a story, Liam. It was real. The Sovereign wants the jewel, so he can use its powers to turn light into darkness and kill all of humanity."

"What has that got to do with me!" yelled Liam, desperately.

The Sovereign laughed loudly. "It has everything to do with you. You have the gem inside of you."

"Your mother placed the gem inside of you when you were born. Just look deep down," said Sky, encouragingly. Her eyes closed and she surrendered to the blackness.

Cole squeezed his hand. "Look inside yourself Liam. You have to do this."

The Sovereign growled not liking all this love floating through the air. He raised his arm and shot a black ray of energy at Cole. It hit him in the chest sending him skidding backwards along the ground. "Noooooooo!" yelled Liam, fearfully. "Daddy!"

Liam looked at Sky and his father all his hope gone. His powers didn't work and even his father's didn't work against this being. He closed his eyes wishing he knew what Sky was talking about. If he had the magic jewel his mother always told him stories about, surely he would have found it by now. No. He told himself. He had to keep hope. He couldn't let his Daddy down. Everything depended on him. In his minds eye he saw a tiny white dot. As he got closer to it the dot got brighter. Hesitantly he reached out to touch it and his senses exploded. Liam opened his eyes and he and the Sovereign both watched as a single tear fell down his cheek. Instead of falling to the ground, it defied gravity by hovering in mid air.

The tear shined with a white light then flashed brightly. The gem crystallized turning into a beautiful blue aquamarine stone. Liam stared at the shining gem in awe. Hesitantly he reached out his hands cupping the gem in his open palms.

The Sovereign gave Liam a sneering smile. "What are you going to do with that, little boy?"

Liam looked up from the jewel into the Sovereign's fathomless black eyes. He narrowed his own eyes his gaze showing all of the disgust and hatred he felt toward the being. "I'm going to make sure you never hurt anyone ever again," Liam replied, with a calmness that seemed unnatural given the tense situation.

"I would like to see you try," said the Sovereign, grinning.

Liam raised the aquamarine high. He focused all of his energy into the gem. Instantly he could feel the gem responding in time. Everything that Selene was and would ever be was inside the gem. It answered its keeper's wishes and let out a blast of power that hadn't been witnessed on Earth since the Great Beginning. A beam so white and pure burst forth from the crystal in a dazzling display of awesome white light.

The Sovereign felt the power behind the beam and pushed his arms forward meeting the light with a beam of his own. From his hands erupted a thick solid beam of black light. The beams met each other making the ground shake at their impact. Cole sat up watching in wonder at how his child handled the power that was coming from the tiny gem. The beams fought each other for dominance over the other. Both seemed to be matched in power and intensity. Liam gritted his teeth trying to control the abundant amount of power flooding through the aquamarine. It was so much power. Much more than he had ever had. It was too much. He could slowly feel the gem lose power since he was becoming weak at the strain it took to control the gem. Cole could see Liam beginning to lose strength. He lifted his hand and pointed it at Liam.

"My strength to him

I give freely, take it

And use it as thy will."

He sagged to the ground feeling his body give out as the last of his strength went to his son. Liam almost staggered back as he felt his energy renew itself. He snapped his head around to look at his father, feeling he had something to do with it. Liam stared at his father thanking him silently with a smile. Cole smiled back not having the energy to even voice words at the moment. Liam turned his head back around determined more than ever to end this. The Sovereign was not faring better than he was. Their two beams of energy one white the other black were evenly matched. This couldn't go on forever. Something had to give.

The Sovereign slowly began to gain more energy. His beam began to push back Liam's beam at a steady pace. Liam's tears poured down his face. He could feel his resources were almost tapped out. Liam had nothing left to overpower him with.

Suddenly, the wind picked up and a strong breeze blew through the clearing. Liam shivered feeling two presences behind him. He knew no one was there but he could feel a wave of love and strength flood through him from the mysterious presences. The wind picked up again and he could hear a voice mixed in carried by the breeze itself. Remember this day. Today witches can tap into the natural powers of all things around them. Remember

Liam knew that voice. It was his mother's. She was here in spirit giving him her support. Liam remembered his mother's lessons. She had often told him that everything was connected by the Earth. All things, even things small and big. These forces could be harnessed if necessary. Especially on the day of Halloween. He expanded his senses outward and around him. He could feel it there. The Earth and everything connected by it. His mouth opened and his eyes grew wide as he felt the immense power the Earth held. Slowly with his senses he reached out and grasped it. Liam threw his head back as the power below him suddenly rushed upwards and into him. Inside his veins, his mind, heart, and soul. The magic of the Earth flooded through him like an unleashed damn. None of the magic was dark. It was pure white magic. Good magic. His hair turned whiter than snow and his eyes lost their blue pupils turning white also.

"By. The. Powers." he whispered, reverently.

The magic that flooded through him channeled itself into the aquamarine and the beam became thicker and whiter than ever. It completely swallowed the Sovereign's beam and continued onward drowning the being in its light. The Earth trembled and the stars above started to rain down in an awe-inspiring shower of shooting stars. In other parts of the city a certain coven and a trio of blessed witches looked up at the sky feeling that something monumental had just happened.

The Sovereign gave one final cry before he surrendered to the light. It burned through him disintegrating every molecule that he was made up of. Liam collapsed to his knees breathing heavily and completely drained of all energy. The Sovereign and rows of trees behind him for miles were completely vaporized. Cole stood up the pain in his legs completely gone. He rushed over to Liam and wrapped his arms around him in a bone-crushing hug.

He pulled back smiling tenderly at his son. "You did great, sunny."

Liam smiled with as much energy he could muster. "Thanks," he said, yawning. The next moment he slumped forward into Cole's arms fast asleep.Cole picked up Liam and walked over to where Sky laid. She was just coming to. Her eyes open and she let out a loud groan holding her head. "It's been awhile since I felt pain," she said, wincing as she got up.

She looked around quickly. "Where is he?"

"He's gone," said Cole.

Sky let out a loud sigh holding her head. "Thank the One," she breathed. She grinned at Liam fondly. "So I guess the kid did it."

Cole looked down at his son who was sleeping soundly in his arms. He grimaced as he felt warm drool slide down his neck. His lips quirked into a half smile despite the drool. "Yeah, he did it."

Suddenly a column of light from the heavens above shined down onto Sky. Her face turned grim. She looked at Cole sadly. "Time to face the music."

"What? You mean you are going to get in trouble for helping us!" he said, baffled.

Sky nodded. "I broke a Divine Law. Now its time to be punished."

The light started to lift her upwards into the air. She waved one last time at Cole before her body turned into gold sparkles that shot upwards into the stars. The column of light was sucked back into the sky as if it were never there. Cole looked around at the devastation done to the landscape. Scorched ground and disintegrated trees were just some of the major damages done to the forest.

He shook his head shifting Liam in his arms. "I'm getting way too old for this," he said, fading away from the scene.


Cole and Liam sat in front of the television the next morning still in their pajamas. They had unplugged the phone and took off from work and school respectively. Today was a day of relaxation. They needed it after the night they had last night. Liam was a little ticked that all his candy was still lying on the street the Sovereign took him from.

Liam shook his head. "No Daddy. They are not retarded. They're the Power Rangers."

Cole frowned not understanding the premise of the show. "So, they fight big monsters inside of a giant robot. The robot doesn't even move fast. How come—"

Cole looked up at the ceiling seeing a light flash suddenly. A silver vortex of swirling energy rapidly formed above them. Cole grabbed Liam's hand and pulled him to his feet away from the couch. There was a loud scream and a body fell from the swirling vortex. The person fell on the floor in front of the couch with a loud umph. Cole and Liam just stood there blinking recognizing the person. Sky sat up looking around. She looked up to the vortex angrily shaking her fist.

"You could have dropped me on the couch! You assholes!" She let out an eep and did a quick roll as a fork of lightning shot from the vortex and struck the spot where she once laid. A scorch mark marred the floor where the lightning hit.

She smiled sweetly at portal. "I was just playing. You know me. Always with the kidding."

There was a rushing sound and the vortex winked out of existence. She stood up brushing off her gown. Sky raised an eyebrow at Cole and Liam's still forms.

"Is that anyway to greet a lady."

Cole shook off his shock. "What are you doing here? I thought you were in trouble."

Sky put one hand on her hip giving him a measured look. "I am in trouble. For helping you I've been exiled to the Earth. They even took my immortality," she said, pouting. Then a bright smile came to her face. "The good side is—you now have a new niece!"

"Excuse me?" he asked, shortly.

She waved his question off walking into Liam's room. "This room looks nice. I can see myself living in here."

Liam's jaw dropped in outrage. "What!" He ran into the room. There was a silence and then he heard Sky mutter. "I was just joking."

Cole shook his head as the sounds of fighting reached his ears. The telltale sound buzz signified that Liam had already started using his powers on Sky. Cole looked up at the ceiling. "What? Am I just supposed to say blessed be," he snorted, knowing that they were having a real laugh over this.

"Where is my Aspirin?" he muttered.

A sigh of relief escaped him as he heard silence in the house. Laughter suddenly came from Liam's room. Cole walked to room and peeked in. Sky had Liam in headlock giving him a nuggy. They both were laughing and giggling as if they were having a fun time. Liam got out from the headlock and tackled her on the bed. Their laughing grew in fervor.

Cole stood in the doorway watching with a smile playing on his face. Maybe this could work after all, he thought to himself. If the two of them could argue one minute and get along the next they were truly acting like family. He suddenly knew without a doubt that this could work. It looked like now he was an uncle and a father.

Once upon a time he thought that he would marry Phoebe and they would have their happily ever after. Things always turn out differently than you plan. Now he had an adopted son who was a witch and a new 'niece' who was an ex-messenger to the higher powers. Then there was himself. Ex-demonic soldier of fortune, ex-high level demon, ex-source of all evil, ex-brother in law, and ex-husband. Cole smiled a rueful smile. He sure had a lot of ex's next to his titles. He used to think that if he tried hard enough the Halliwell's would accept him as family. Fate had funny ways of working out. He now had his own family. His life had taken many different twists and turns. It also had its ups and downs. Even with the new addition added to his family… he found he wouldn't have changed a thing.

The End


Abababaabababa that's all folks! Finally the end! What did you think? Big shocker? Any surprises? I loved this story and the characters in it. I left some things left unsaid and unanswered for a reason. I will cover that later in the sequel coming up. A warning. The sequel won't start out years later. I never liked that. Think a month or two months later. Hmmm… I have no idea what it should be called however. Anyone got a title name? Now is also the time to put in suggestions and whatever else you want to see go into the sequel. I'm probably boring you guys to death so let me stop here. See ya!