I'm experiencing a bit of writer's block with High School Reunion, most of the chapter is written but it's not exactly where I want it to be. So with the extra time I have I decided to write a one-shot hope you guys like it.

"Every channel I turn to all they talk about is this virus." Damon huffed plunging himself on the couch. "I'm going to have nightmares about it." For the last two weeks Damon hasn't been able to leave his vacation home due to the statewide quarantine put upon them. The only true freedom he got was getting groceries. And though he has nothing to worry since he is almost a 200-year-old basically indestructible vampire, his current roommate, though still badass and supernatural herself still suffered from human illnesses.

"I know." She complained grabbing the bag of popcorn out the microwave. "I know it's important to stay informed, but it all gets a bit morbid after a while." She explained pouring the bag of popcorn into a bowl before taking a seat next to him on the couch.

"Well at least you have something pretty to look at while quarantined." He conceded stealing a kernel. "Just imagine all those poor unfortunate souls who have to spend it staring at something unattractive."

"Lucky me." She stated sarcastically rolling her eyes.

"It's like 1994 all over again." Damon chuckled pulling Bonnie on top of his chest and kissing the top of her head.

"Um." She hummed. "Maybe a little different." She grinned gazing up at him.

"Just a little." He smirked taking the bowl away from her hands and setting it on the coffee table. "There was no kissing in 1994." He rested his fingers under her chin and kissed her.

She smiled against his lips and snaked her way around the couch, so she rested under him. "There's a lot less arguing." She giggled as she caressed his back.

"I kind of miss the banter between us, don't you?" He asked which earned him a small laugh.

"Maybe sometimes." She admitted. "But you're still my best friend." She beamed tracing his face with her finger.

"And your mine." He professed sitting up on couch straddling her on top of him. "Bonnie Bennett what have you done to me?" He questioned. He can't really say Bonnie changed him because she believes, and he is finally starting to believe that this is the man Damon always was, and he was always meant to be. He just needed for someone to accept him for who he was one hundred percent and love him the way he is while still holding him accountable for his actions.

"I didn't do anything." She told him wrapping her arms around his shoulders. Though her relationship with Damon started off rocky she knew the man he was pretending to be wasn't who he was no matter how well he played it off and maybe that's why they bumped heads so much in the beginning. Bonnie was who she was take it or leave it and once Damon started doing the same everything started to click between them. "What?" She asked when he stood silent.

"I just can't imagine a world without Bonnie Bennett." He confessed brushing his thumb against her cheek.

"We have a while before that." She stated. "We'll have a long and happy life together baby." She fortified. Witches don't live forever, and Bonnie and Damon have had that conversation but they both agreed to live in the moment in hopes to eventually find a mutual solution.

"I know you don't want to be a vampire, and I'll never force that upon you but-"

"Baby I don't want to talk about it." She disputed sliding off his lap and heading back towards the kitchen.

"Babe." He called rushing after her.

"Do you think I don't think about it." She blurted. "Leaving you alone, it breaks my heart." She cried burying her face in her hands.

He pulled her in for a hug placing multiple kisses on her forehead. "You're right I'm sorry, we're here now." He said trying to avoid making her more upset. He just wanted to find a way to get around everything so she can live forever with him while still being a witch. "I'm just being selfish babe."

"No, you're not." She pouted. "I just hate talking about it because it scares the shit out of me." She told him kissing his chest. "Are you still going to find me attractive when I'm old and wrinkly?"

"Well, let's just be thankful there's plastic surgery." He joked trying to lighten up the mood.

"You're so stupid." She chuckled taking a seat on the counter. "We're going to spend the rest of my life together." She told him intertwining her fingers in his.

He buried his face in her neck and sighed. "I want to spend the rest of our lives together." He mumbled.

She tried her best not burst back into tears and just held him tightly. "We're going to figure this out."

"I hope so." He yearned.

"We will." She declared kissing him. "You know what else is different from 1994?"

"What?" He grinned admiring her.

"I didn't have this ring on my finger." She beamed showing off her engagement ring. "We also weren't in beautiful Hawaii celebrating our anniversary." She wrapped her legs around his waist clinging on to him.

He lifted her off the counter and carried her back to the living room. "You know what else we didn't have in 1994?"


"Sex." He exclaimed throwing her onto the couch and jumping on top of her.

"Damon." She squealed bursting into laughter. "You're crazy you know that right?"

"Only for you Bonnie Bennett, I'd doing anything and everything for you." He stated.

She took ahold of his face and gave him a small smile. "We're going to figure this out." She declared. "We're going to spend the rest of our lives together."

"The rest of our lives." He repeated kissing her.