Disclaimer: Nothing is owned by me except the OC.

I never expected my new life in this new world to turn out like this.

"Are you sure it is a wise idea to bring your son to work?"

"Don't worry Alfred, i'm 100% sure that nothing bad and dangerous can happen to him. And besides, he will be only with me when I have the last patient. And I have a feeling the little fellow would be of great help."

And I didn't mean that in any bad way.

What you just heard is the voice of my mother giving our butler instructions of today's plans.

You heard that right, our butler.

Apparently I was born as the son of pretty rich people if the mansion, expensive furniture and our own butler were any indications.

"As much as I'm against the idea, I will trust you on it. Have a nice day, Lady Martha."

"Nice day to you too Alfred. And a nice day to you, you little chipmunk~"

The lady who switched in a second from friendly to baby-talk as she left the mansion was my mother, Martha Arkham.

She was apparently a well known physician in the main hospital of the island, which was also where my father worked as the head of the hospital.

Most people would think with the names Martha, Alfred and Arkham they were reborn in the DC Universe with some connection to the one and only Dark Knight, Batman or Bruce Wayne if you will.

That was also the case with me.

I won't lie, I crapped myself from fear just thinking about the thought of being in the DC Universe. The fact that I possessed the body of a 1 year old probably was somewhat of a fault I crapped myself.

A few days after my conclusion that I ended up in the same Universe that was home of one of the craziest and/or powerful people, my fears died down as I overheard my father, who I learned was named Thomas (something which increased my suspicion that I was in DC at that time), talking to one of the family friends about the execution of a certain pirate named Gold Roger.

Then it hit me like a ball kicked by Messi.

I wasn't in DC, I was in One fucking Piece.

And I wasn't sure whether I should feel glad that I managed to evade the dangers of the DC world or still be scared that I now have to deal with corrupt Marines, asshole Pirates, racist Fishmen and who knows what else.

I still wasn't sure about some stuff like in which point of time I was, on which Island I was born or where it is, does my family have any connections to Marines or Pirates.

To say I was confused the first few months would be the complete truth. Not only was I confused on where and when, I also didn't have any plans on how to do it in case I somehow got roped into canon.

What I learned from reading a lot of One Piece fanfiction was that most people would be thrilled to be part of the Straw Hats for various reasons raging from love, pairing to be precise, or just wanting to experience the adventure.

I was neither one of those kind people. I knew that this was not some popular shounen anime or a wish fulfilment fanfic. This was real life, and that was what made me unsure about all this. Oda did a damn good job portraying such a dark and danger filled world in a light hearted way he did. Sure, there were still some pretty dark moments, but it was mostly only small glimpses. Here, there were no comedy moment to cover it. Here murders, slavery, rape, pillaging and stuff like that was as real as they come.

The one thing that made me feel at ease is the fact that the island, which, believe it or not, was named Gotham, on which I lived was isolated, it was almost on the same level as Wano. Just, it allowed some visitors the mayors of each city allowed. Best part, the World Government had no problem in accepting those demands. Still have no reason why that is, but I'll take it any day. I would still need to find a way to make sure I myself could survive the situations I (most likely) would end up in. Still kind of wished I received some kind of powers to help me survive, like all those various Isekai protagonists.

Alright, maybe not the Gamer. That would be pretty cliche and I don't think I could handle the level grinding.

Back to the matter at hand, only me and the butler Alfred were left in the mansion as he placed me back in the crib and went back to his daily work. If I had to describe Alfred, it would be like he is the same Alfred that raised Batman. The fact that he looked almost the same as the comic's portrayed him, just more younger. He was there from the moment of my birth and mostly took care of me when my parents had too much work. With moms work as a physician and as dads work as a businessman, there really wasn't much time we could spend together. It was almost like Alfred was my dad, which wouldn't be that bad actually.

As Alfred continued to work his chores, he would take me with him anytime the chore was in another room. When he had to make dinner, I would either sit at the counter or be placed in one of those baby walkers. I have to admit, the baby walker was pretty damn comfortable to sit in. In case he would be working in one of the bedrooms, I would be either in the crib, which is located in my or my parents room, or remain in the baby walker. Sure, if I gave some effort I could start walking, but better for me to remain acting as a baby unless I want anyone confusing me for a more "advanced" child, which would give me just unwanted attention and God knows what else.

Anyway, I would for the most part of the day be with Alfred until at the late afternoon where either my parents would return and we all together somehow spend the remaining day.

Even if I never left the mansion for long times, mostly for walks, visiting my parents at work or just from eavesdropping from the conversations, I noticed that Gotham was pretty damn advanced compared to the memories I had of the One Piece world. Hell, most parts looked like it belonged to the actual Gotham from the comics, just more scattered. Gotham itself was not that huge like most islands, but it was easily the size of New York. Overall, it was just one huge city on an island.

Overall, I could get used to this life.

Just wonder what my mom meant when she would be of great help?

- 6 years later -

"... and then he said "I wasn't hurt that bad. The doctor said all my bleeding was internal. That's where the blood's is supposed to be."."

I couldn't help myself as I had to laugh at the joke, even if i'm pretty damn sure I heard here somewhere.

Right now I was 7 years old, old enough to have started learning about the world I'm living in. My parents decided to have Alfred teach me at home for some unknown reasons, but they avoided that theme every time I would ask.

I would sometimes go with one of my parents to their work in times Alfred had his hands full. When I would be with my dad, I either stayed in his office or acted like an errand boy, delivering stuff, which were mostly some documents, between workers. In the short time I was there, I learned most of the staff there. They all were friendly to me, but there was one who I would call the best friend there.

Edward Nygma a.k.a The Riddler

He was as eccentric as you would expect him to be. Hell, he even looked like Jim Carrey, which is probably a reason why I hung out with him every time I was there. I mean, who wouldn't want to hang out with the King of Comedy?

And let me tell you, he is just as you would expect Jim Carrey to be with a kid. That is, if Jim was an eccentric scientist who probably has a fetish for brain puzzles. Either way, he would mostly hang out with me when he had breaks, which was like a quarter of his daily work time, and would talk about different stuff. He was my main source of knowledge and information in this world, as he apparently had a answer to any question I asked in the time I talked with him. Seeing as I don't recall all of the stuff about One Piece I had a lot of questions which was luckily confused by child curiosity by others.

At the times Edward couldn't hang out with me and actually had some work to do, I would spend most of the time in dad's office. At the times he also had some meetings, I would mostly be occupied with some children books or comics he kept around his office for me. Apparently Gotham was the most advanced island in the world seeing as all sorts of stuff raging from modern buildings to outright those old time phones etc. And not the snail ones from One Piece, but the actual ones from my world. Well, that was sure some good news for me.

With my mother's work was another thing.

When I first heard that she worked as a physician plus with the fact that apparently some DC characters live on this island, I honestly had a really bad feeling and felt rather worried seeing as there was a huge chance I might end up in danger.

In the end, it turned out I was worried without a reason. Hell, she didn't even work in an Asylum, but in the central hospital.

She was more like a psychologist than a physician. She explained to me that she can work in multiple fields of medicine, but prefers to work as a psychologist and just keeps the title of physician for some reason.

Anyway, she would mostly talk to the patients about their problems and give some solutions and advice, but not in the usual way psychologists did. To her, it didn't seem like sessions with patients, but like she chatted with her friends over some drinks and snacks. Hell, she even honestly started to influence the way I saw some of the people I thought were criminals and villains. She made me see the more human side in them, even if they (still) weren't the villains I knew them as.

The whole reason why I was even allowed to "help" her was because apparently she came up with this theory where people would open up more if they were in a bigger company. And since none of the patients trusted any other doctor other than my mother, she came to the brilliant idea to take her child a.k.a. me as the third person for the bigger company.

Honestly speaking, it went better than I expected. The patients warmed up to me in no time, probably because I was still a baby during the first time she took me with her. Sure, some were a little unsure, but quickly warmed up to me.

What I also noticed is the fact that she didn't have that many patients. There was a handful of people that had appointments, and I was pretty damn sure that every one of them was a member of the Dark Knight's Rogue's Gallery. That is, before they turned bad.

That was also one of the questions that stuck in my head for a long time: If they were their "normal" self right now, will and how will they turn into their villain self's?

That question came to my mind a lot of times after I noticed the pattern in which apparently each member was somewhat connected to me and/or my family, but mostly my family.

Each time I would think about it, I would draw a blank and simply decide to leave it be. Who knows, maybe they won't even turn into bad guys.

As I recalled those past events and stuff, I turned my attention back to the person I talked about. More specific to one of mom's patients.

Arthur Fleck.

Or as some of you might know him, The motherfucking Joker.

Yup, here I was. Sitting and telling jokes with the (probably) future Clown Prince of Crime, who was more than happy to share any joke that came to his mind, whether they be good or bad.

At first I thought he would be a total lunatic once I figured out that this guy was apparently tied or based of a version of the Joker, but that wasn't the case with Arthur.

From what I managed to catch and understand, he was still a stand up comedian, but he also worked as a waiter in a restaurant. He didn't live with his mother, but with someone in a fairy normal apartment. He still had those laughing fits, but as he spent time in therapy, they were more and less. Apparently, those therapies actually helped. Especially since he had someone to share jokes with.

And honestly, I also loved some good jokes.

"Alright, I have a good one. From personal experience no less."

Arthur just gestured to me to continue as I could see it in his eyes he expected something. Before we started sharing jokes, he once asked me if I would mind if he would use some of my jokes during his performances. I didn't have any problems with that. In fact, I was actually touched when he said that I was his main source of jokes. And it were not the jokes where he would laugh and make fun of me behind my back. They were the jokes where we all could laugh and just have a good time.

"So last summer, my father yelled "last one to jump in the pool is gay" and then jumped in the pool. I figured out that if I don't jump in, then technically he would be the last one in the pool. And he is still gay to this day."

No matter how much any person said, there was something about two guys sharing such jokes that just can't stop smiles, laughter and good memories from being made. And that was just what happened as we both laughed at the joke I was pretty sure I heard somewhere.

He continued to laugh for a few seconds before calming down. During our joke times, I learned the difference between his laughter from happiness and joy and the laughter caused by his condition.

While his happy laughter was more free and he would make some small breaks to catch air, his condition of laughter was the opposite. You could see clearly on his face that it was like someone was forcing him to laugh and he sometimes looked like he was being suffocated.

Thankfully, it started to get on the better. The more and more we had those sessions, the less and less he would have those laughing fits. Guess he just needed someone to share jokes with.

"You have to tell me: do you come up with those jokes or do you read them from somewhere? Cuz i'm pretty sure a kid your age shouldn't make such jokes. Especially the more mature ones." Arthur said as he finished writing the joke in his notepad. He always had it when he came to therapy, dunno why. Probably to write down stuff my mother would write down or to share things he would write in-between therapies.

As we were about to continue with the jokes, my mother walked in the small yet comfortable office with some papers in hand, which she placed on her desk.

"Alright Vince, you had your fun sharing jokes, but right now me and Arthur need to talk about some more serious stuff." she said in her usual kind tone, but I could notice the small tint of seriousness in it. "So, could you be a dear and go outside in the waiting room and wait till Alfred comes and takes you home."

As much as I wanted to stay and tell jokes, I knew that this still was therapy, something which needed to be taken seriously. That was at least how we would work with Arthur: we would start with the two of us telling jokes and just fooling around for one half, while the other half mom would talk to him about who knows what. Sometimes I would be present in the other half, but apparently it was just Arthur venting out his problems and stuff that happened to him during the week.

"Well, guess this is it for today, buddy. Can you count on you next time to be here?" Arthur asked as I was about to leave the room. No matter what people told, Arthur was a good man and a part of me would be pretty sad if he turned into the crazier version of Joker. Hell, I would still be sad if he turned into the Joker at all, but there was this part of me that said that the transformation can't be evaded.

"You know I got your back. Bye, Arthur. I mean, not bi, but bye." even if the joke was somewhat lame, it still got a chuckle from Arthur and an eye roll from mom.

"See ya, Vince."

"Make sure to tell Alfred to pick your father from work. We don't want him getting stuck in his office doing paperwork all night long." then there came the annoyed sigh. "Again."

Yup, dad was somewhat of a workaholic. He could stop work anytime, as long as he finished it. I can't count the times he would forget to get home and Alfred (and sometimes mom) having to get him back home, usually knocked out.

Guess my family isn't exactly the most normal and sane as I thought.

- 20 minutes later -

After a somewhat dragged on drive in the family limo (that's right, Gotham had cars), we arrived at the building of the company my dad worked in and owned. Apparently the Arkham family is the Wayne family counterpart of this world. Or, at least Gotham's.

I really needed to find out what's up with those ... changes.

Anyway, the building was your standard tall business buildings, with multiple floors stretching up high in the sky. Tell what you want, if you have seen this place, your desire to leave Gotham and go on adventure with some pirate crew.

I mean, sure the idea still sounded good, especially if you manage to join a good crew like the Straw Hats, Whitebeards, Red Haired or some like that. However, the facts still remained if they wanted to let them join you. And if that doesn't happen, well ... you better have a plan B.

And there was also the issue that I didn't possess any fighting ability. With seas full of monsters, my greatest strength would be the fact that I have knowledge of a few (but still mayor) crews. From the things I learned about Gotham, it was basically impossible to get near it without activating any kind of alarm. For the few small times I have seen a pirate invasion by some crews who nobody paid attention to, I saw how Gotham handled those.

I can describe the invasion in one word: fast.

As it ended fast.

The ships didn't even manage to get to the first line of defense before it was blown up. And I don't mean "blown up and the ship was left to sink", I mean "blown up and nothing was left".

That same day, Alfred who at that time tutored me, explained just how modern Gotham and its military was. Its military could be best compared to the armies from World War 2. Advanced, but not advanced where you have auto- piloting kamikaze planes.

Now, here is a theoretical scenario: what would happen if in the future, lets say, Big Mom and her crew decided to attack us?

Keep in mind that not only do we have the superior weapons of war, but also a person who has good knowledge not only on the enemy crew (a.k.a. Big Mom pirates) but also came from a world where war is an important part of history and studied famous and successful tacticians like Julius Caesar, George S. Patton, Napoleon Bonaparte and many more (a.k.a. me).

Sometimes I'm happy our history teacher spent more time talking about wars and mythology than any other stuff. No wonder I enjoyed history that much.

Back to the theme, Big Mom has superior man power in the forms of herself and the Sweet Commanders. Not to mention all her other children (around 60 or 70 if I remember), who were all incredibly strong and possessors of unique and strong Devil Fruits.

Now, that doesn't mean they are invincible. Far from it. Sometimes, to defeat strong opponents, it's best to use the easiest solutions.

Blow up their ship or ships, the only thing keeping the Devil Fruit users from drowning. Of course, there are some who could dodge that weakness like Big Mom or that candy that candy guy, but they are still humans. The candy guy still used candy, which with enough heat can melt into time. Or a simple bullet through the head, unless he had Haki to dodge or block it.

Now for Big Mom, it is said that her skin is almost unbreakable. But that is the thing, it just said skin. Oda never mentioned what would happen if someone forced a few bombs/grenades/any kind of explosive down her throat. Or what if someone aimed for her eyes?

Of course, there were still some obstacles like Katakuri, who I think would be the biggest problem. But, he also had weaknesses. Not sure what they were, but I think one was about concentration.

Either way, my greatest strength here would be my knowledge on both the crews and military strategies. And the best place to let that strength shine would be Gotham.

Being a pirate would draw too much attention to me, especially if someone figured out that I'm from another world. And being a marine or in any way part of the World Government is just a big no. No way I would work for a corrupted system, especially when you remember who they serve.

Seriously, if I was to choose a way to kill those Nobles and ruin the government, I only have three words: perform a Hiroshima.

As in, drop a fucking nuke on them.

Wonder how a nuke would work on a Devil Fruit, especially a paramecia user tho.

Anyway, as I continued my train of thought, I came across my biggest obstacle I had yet to face in this life.

The buttons of the elevator.

Seriously, my 7 year old body was not tall enough to press the button of the floor where dad worked. I might need to talk to someone to either lower the buttons or install a stool in the elevator.

Releasing an annoyed sigh, I walked out the elevator and outdoors, towards where Alfred parked.

I just can't wait to grow older.

- 3rd P.O.V -

"Say what now?" was the confused question of Martha Arkham, as she stared with an unamused face at her patient, Arthur Fleck.

"I know i'm asking a lot, but please help me with it. I'm not asking you as a patient, but as a friend." you could clearly hear the desperation in his voice.

She honestly didn't expect him to ask her to do that, but she could somewhat understand him why he asked that.

He was not asking for his own reasons, but also for Vince. Ever since the boy was born, he behaved like a child would, but also somewhat more mature. He knew what to do and strangely befriended people who are not even in his age range. Hell, his best friend would probably be Alfred.

Well, there is also Edward, but that is another case.

Probably that was the case why he matured that much. He didn't have any friend his age to hang out or talk to and all the people he hung around were adults (at least, in body. In mind was another subject).

"Look, it's not like I hate the idea. It's just, are you sure he or she will like it? Vince, alright he probably would like meeting a friend of his age, but she? Didn't you said she had some ... problems?'' She tried to sound both friendly and professional not to hurt Arthur. She knew that that is a sensitive topic to Arthur in the last few months.

"She spends most of the time with her head buried in the many books my wife left before ..." he stopped and looked like he had a hard time speaking the sentence "And the time she isn't with her head in books, she plays rather violently. I even got a complaint from the teacher saying whenever she plays with one of her classmates, they return home with scratches or bruises."

"And Vince is supposed to change that how?" she asked as she crossed her arms, waiting to hear what Arthur was thinking when he asked her that. She already had an idea why Arthur's daughter was behaving like that, but it would be better to still see it in person.

"I don't know. I just thought he seemed like a person who would be able to help her somehow. Please, Martha, I just want to see her smile like she used to! Not a forced one or a ... crazy one like she has whenever she plays!" he was on the verge of kneeling down as he really needed her help with that.

Martha thought about it. In fact, she could feel sympathy for his problem. Especially since she knew what the reason for the problem was. After minutes of thinking of it, she finally had an answer.

"Fine." that simple word was like a saving grace to Arthur. "I will see if Vince is willing to meet her, just tell me how her name is so I can have Alfred pick her up. Just have the teacher know about it?"

As she said those words, Arthur felt real joy for a long time.

"Martha, you don't know how much this means to me. I have no idea how to ever repay you."

"First we need to see how those two will handle the first meeting. After that, we can talk about you repaying. So, what is your daughters name?"

Even if Martha was serious, she was honestly more happy that Vince would finally have a friend his age to hang around. Her problems, nothing she couldn't handle.

"Harleen. But she prefers Harley."

Well, hope the first chapter had some lasting impression and at least caught your curiosity.

As you can see, I decided to take a different approach with the One Piece Self Insert story type. Most of them are with a female OC and have said OC, even in the rare cases when the OC is male, be either a part of Straw Hats or some other more famous crew.

I will have a more realistic take on the One Piece world. No offense to Oda (best manga artist in my opinion), but the world he made really is not somewhere you want to live in.

The first few chapters will be mostly about his life before canon starts, where I will cover some changes in the One Piece world and show exactly what Vince's life will be like. And trust me, I have a surprise and (probably) a rather original take on the One Piece fanfictions. So don't complain about some stuff like how is Gotham so advanced, why it isn't part of the World Government. All that will be explained in later chapters.

Can't just reveal all at once and not have any mystery and tension.

As you saw, this is is somewhat a crossover seeing as characters from DC will appear. Also this story is based after reading the comic series Forever Evil and playing the LEGO DC Super Villains game (don't judge me). Still not sure should I put it under the DC category with crossovers, but for the time being it will remain here. I mean, those fanficts from Highschool DxD also use characters from other series and don't put the stories as crossovers.

Anyway, with that being said, I also have to say that later chapters will contain more mature themes, but not something on Sir Lucifer Morningstar's level. Well, seeing how the One Piece world in a realistic take plus the DC elements, it can't be evaded. If you can't handle it, be civil about it and don't give me crap if you see your favorite character ripped by angry gorillas.

Well, with that out of the way, leave your comments and tell me what you think about it. Flames will be ignored, mostly cuz people who do it can't handle originality.

Also, big thanks and shout out to Nightingale_Pledge, AshanTrueDragonGod and XanaShadow from Wattpad and The Dark Wolf Shiro from /Archive Of Our Own for the help in this. Go and check out their stories, you won't regret it.

See ya all next time. Peace out.