Disclaimer: All characters, places, and etc. belong solely to Disney, Lucasfilm, and Star Wars. I claim no ownership of any of it.

Hello again! Now, I know what you're all thinking: "Where's the third chapter of The Broken Seal?". Now, to tell the truth, the interest I have in what I work on varies a lot based on what I'm doing for entertainment. For a good chunk of time after spring break, I was playing BOTW (Again). But that got old after I had done pretty much everything(Again). So then I started poking around on Disney Plus and watched the Mando. Then I re-watched the entire Star Wars Rebels series. While I've always enjoyed the show, I felt like Ezra and Sabine should've at least been sort of a thing at the end of S4. So, because of my habit of shipping characters, this is the story of how Ezra and Sabine became (kind of) a couple. Enjoy! (Let me know if you want more of The Broken Seal or more of this)

Chapter One: The Mission

"Well, this has gone just great so far!" said Sabine Wren as she fired her blaster pistol at a stormtrooper down the hall. The mission had been simple: get in, get the intel on the recorded transmission, get out; but nooooo. Ezra just had to go and try to take out the Imperial Cruiser while they were at it. Typical of him to be such a success yet get into easily avoidable situations like this one.

"How was I supposed to know that there would be an alarm system rigged to the central reactor? It was a good idea!" Ezra shot back at her while firing a slightly more physical projectile at another trooper.

"Well, you're gonna need another good idea to counter the last one you had! How are we supposed to get back to the ship now?" Sabine retorted. They had overridden the reactor, so the ship was going down. But they also needed to get back to the shuttle that they had used to get on board, which was currently being blocked by these troopers.

"I know I know, I'm working on it!" He replied intensely as he torched off a few more shots. "Chopper! Are you ready?!"

The grumpy astromech C1-10P or "Chopper" as they called him, gave his usual warbled reply of broken beeps.

"Wait! What's going on?!" Sabine asked as more stormtroopers piled up in the hall ahead.

"Put on your helmet and hold onto something!" Ezra shouted over the crossfire as he shoved on the scout trooper helmet he had been wearing. A second after He had, the side of the ship behind them was blown open. All of the troopers that had been shooting at them were sucked into the void outside as air rushed by her and Ezra. She looked behind her from her grip and saw Chopper waving from the cockpit of the shuttle. "Chopper! Open the hatch!"

The droid complied, opening the boarding ramp door on the front of the shuttle. "Sabine! Let go! Now!" Ezra ordered. She did as he asked, and was sucked out of the cruiser. Ezra was right behind her, and they drifted through space to the shuttle. Ezra used his telekinetic ability to direct them into their ship, then shouted into his com, "Close the door and make the jump, Chop! Now!"

The ramp folded up and the ship turned, rushing into hyperspace as the Imperial vessel exploded behind them. Now in a safe place, Sabine pulled off her helmet and turned to Ezra. "I can't believe that worked and we aren't suffocating out in space."

"It was the only way we'd get off the ship and not blow up," Ezra replied, taking off his helmet and going up to the cockpit. "Plus, it involved explosions, which you seem to like," he added.

"Guilty as charged," She replied, chuckling to herself about all the times she had blown something up. Maybe she was wearing on Ezra. He was starting to blow stuff up too.

Up in the cockpit, Ezra had put the data disc into the ship's console and contacted Hera at the Yavin base. She looked a little relieved that their mission had gone as planned. With Thrawn out there, trying with a large degree of success to undermine them, they needed all the wins that they could get.

"I assume the mission went as planned?" Hera asked as Sabine walked up behind Ezra.

"Yeah, we got the intel. And took out the ship it was on." She said. Ezra flinched a little bit.

"I suppose that was a good choice. Now it looks like a hit and run on an imperial cruiser. I doubt Thrawn will see it that way though. Get back to base as soon as possible. We may have a new mission for the two of you. Yavin out," The transmission ended.

"I think that went well," Ezra said, leaning back and closing his eyes.

"If by well you mean we almost died, then, sure," Sabine replied, leaning in the doorframe of the cockpit.

"Hey, we got the intel and got to annoy the Empire in the process. Win-win."

"Ugh. Ezra, we can't keep risking our lives like that!"

"Woop woop woo!" Chopper interjected.

"Chopper agrees with me," Sabine pointed out. "You're getting reckless. Again. Do we need to have another repeat of what happened at Reklam Station?"

"Sabine! The mission is over! Relax!" Ezra retorted, not wanting to remember Reklam.

"Ezra, you are so frustrating sometimes," She lamented, heading to the refresher to change back into her beskar armor.

Ezra watched her leave, then kicked his feet up on the console and watched hyperspace go by.

"Woo woop woo," Chopper said, looking at Ezra.

"I don't wanna hear it, Chopper," Ezra replied.

Yavin 4 was a beautiful planetoid. Soaring mountains, lush forests, clean air, and ancient ruins. It had a very pleasant aesthetic. Perfect to conceal a rebel base.

It had taken a while to get set up, but now that it was up and running, it was the biggest rebel cell out there. Some were starting to call it the rebel alliance. Y-wings, A-wings, B-Wings, and X-wings were all scattered across the landing area. There were also several special ships about, including the Ghost, an old Mandalorian ship stolen for Maul called the Gauntlet, and the ship of Sabine's old friend Ketsu, the Shadowcaster.

In the middle of it all was an old vine-covered temple. Here was the command central. This was the hub of all activity. Where people were fixed up after a battle. Where starfighters were repaired. And where missions were put together and assigned.

"Lieutenant Commander Bridger, you and Miss Wren did well on your previous mission gathering this information," Mon Mothma said as she began to play back the transmission recording.

"Thank you, Mon Mothma," Ezra said, listening to the recording.

"... While Thrawn's TIE Defender program has proven to be a success, Project Stardust is a much more worthwhile investment. Not only will we be able to destroy the rebels in one fell swoop, but we will be able to ensure unwavering loyalty to the Empire to any who dared rise against us previously. Thank you, Emperor, for your time," The recording ended.

"Project Stardust is somehow connected to what the Empire was building over Geonosis. Most likely, this thing, whatever it is, is too large for construction on planet," General Dodona said, clearly deep in thought. "But what could be so powerful as to destroy the rebellion in one fell swoop?"

"I don't know of any explosives that big," Sabine input, trying to help, "but I suppose it's possible that the Empire has designed something that big."

"It's most likely not a bomb. Whatever this is, it's been in design since the start of the Clone Wars," Bail Organa's hologram added. "It's more likely to be some kind of cannon or superlaser."

"Whatever it is, we just don't seem to know much about it. So that's why we put together this mission," Hera finished, turning towards Ezra. Whenever Hera gave him that look, he knew that this would be one of the few missions where he was assigned not for his rank or to run the mission, but because of his Jedi abilities.

"Okay, so what's the mission?" He asked, unable to stand idly while they discussed this any longer.

"You, Chopper, and Sabine will be going back out with the intel we have so far and try to find some solid answers as to what Project Stardust is," Hera explained. Chopper gave a surprised beep. "You're taking a small team so that you can infiltrate imperial facilities with minimal attention being drawn to you. A former imperial cadet that knows the Empire well, a droid to handle the technical aspect of the job, and a Jedi for when all else fails. Make contact with HQ minimally."

"What's the timetable for the mission?" Sabine inquired. It wasn't his place, but Ezra could sense a little resentment from her towards him. Most likely from the last mission. Sure, he could've thought it through a little more. But he got the job done. And got to take out the cruiser in the process. That was a good mission, right?

"As long as it takes to find something, or you have to return to base."

"What ship and equipment will we be taking?" Ezra said, ready to get going.

"You'll be taking the Gauntlet, which has already been outfitted for the mission. We've stocked the ship with imperial speeder bikes, disguises, and other tools and equipment as well as provisions. We've also modified the interior to have a cabin for each of you. All of your personal gear has been moved from the Ghost already," Hera informed.

"It sounds like you aren't expecting us back for a while," Ezra commented, laughing inwardly. He could see the tactical aspect of it, but Kanan's fingerprints were all over this. The mission had been put together. But Kanan assembled the team. He must've known that Ezra hadn't been on the best terms with Sabine lately, and decided to do something about it. The objective Kanan had for the mission was clear to him: he wanted Ezra and Sabine to come to terms with each other and start getting along again.

"We aren't. This is a covert long-term stealth mission. However, we do expect both of you to come back alive, and hopefully with some useful intel," Dodona said, a concerned expression crossing his face.

"Well then, it seems as though we're all but leaving," Sabine input she began to walk out of the room. "I'll be making sure we have everything that we'll need." She had said 'we' with distaste that was clearly directed at Ezra. You didn't need to be one with the Force to know that Sabine was not happy about being put on a long term mission with Ezra.

"I'll… be saying goodbyes. I'm sure Sabine will be able to get the stuff together without me," Ezra said hesitantly. He then exited the command center through the other door, trying hard not to seem like he was avoiding Sabine. Chopper followed him, clearly not interested in potentially running into AP-5 in the inventory area. The rest of the command center personnel trickled off one by one. At last, Hera was the only one left. Or so it seemed.

"You're sure about this?" Hera said, and a figure stepped out of the shadows. He wore a metal mask similar to the design on Sabine's helmet over his eyes, and a clean but protective outfit. A lightsaber hung at his side.

"This mission will test both of them. But yes. I'm sure," Kanan Jarrus replied, walking up to Hera's side. "This is for the best."

And That's all for chapter one! Let me know what you guys think. Hopefully, I'll be able to add more chapters to both The Broken Seal and this story soon.