Before I start this story I should probably say that I don't own Harry Potter. Also if you see any mistakes please tell me. I was born in the year 2000 and in the United States at that, so I really don't know British slang; although I have been doing research, so, if something is wrong then kindly let me know so that I am able to fix it.

I eat my food silently, ignoring the subtle glares my so-called family shot at me. No matter how hard I used to try, my family has always hated me, although almost everyone else thinks that I'm spoiled since Aunt Petunia makes me perform for money.

Four years ago, in music class, it was discovered that I have a talent for the piano and violin, and Aunt Petunia found out that if I win competitions, then I'll get prize money. She got the most strict and cruel teachers imaginable for both instruments. I later discovered that if I win a competition, then I can get a little more food, if I lose, then I'll get the cane. I quickly became considered a prodigy, and at age nine, a little over two years after I started playing, I had to start going to elegant parties, so etiquette lessons were soon followed.

At these parties, I discovered that power is vital, and knowledge can help you attain power. I already knew that I was a freak; strange things happen around me if I'm upset, but if I could consciously control these powers, then I would gain power over the Dursley's.

I knew I had to start big; anything less wouldn't cause them fear; aunt Marge came over and started on me, so I just stared at her, willing her heart to stop. After she was rushed to the hospital and they determined it was a heart attack that was her cause of death, I calmly told my family that things would start going my way or I would cause similar things to happen to them. To prove my point, I set Ripper on Dudley, and he now sports hideous scars all over his body. After that, what I said went, even if the Dursley's didn't like it.

"Girl, you have a performance tomorrow. Do you have everything ready?" Aunt Petunia whispers, scared to talk too loudly around me after I vanished her tongue one time when she decided to yell at me.

"Yes aunt Petunia, but this time I'm keeping all of my money, it is rightfully mine, and I have let you pathetic lot coat off my winnings for far too long," I reply coldly. I already know about my Hogwarts letter that is coming any day now, and I would like to start a vault if I don't have one, and if I do, then I need some sort of income going into it. I've been waiting for my eleventh birthday ever since I used my magic to kill aunt Marge, and I only have a week left.

"O-okay Potter." Petunia whimpers before hurrying out of the room to finish the cleaning I assigned her. She should be grateful; I have Dudley and Vernon helping her clean, I didn't have any help when they made me do everything around the house. In fact, they made the job harder. It's not like I'm being unfair either; I split all the house chores between the four of us, and Aunt Petunia and I interchange who cooks dinner. I'm practically the adult of the house.

After finishing my dinner, I silently head to my room, already knowing that I'll have a win tomorrow, and soon I'll be learning how to properly hone my magic, although I think I use it pretty well already.

Over the week, I won my competition, earning 3500 pounds, got my Hogwarts letter, and discovered that I have a twin brother who went to live with a good family friend instead of being sent somewhere to be abused. All because a batty old man thought I would end up becoming jealous of the so-called boy-who-lived. I honestly can't say I hate living with the Dursley's though, they're the perfect little minions for me to play with. Its also a good thing I got rid of that Ms. Figg, I don't like spies.

"Hadria? Are you listening to a thing that I'm saying?" The batty old fool stops and stares at me, his blue eyes twinkling as he tries to get into my mind.

"Yes, headmaster Dumbledore. It's just that, well, I'm feeling quite overwhelmed. Not only have I been told that I'm a witch, but that I have a famous twin brother. It's just so hard to believe." I whisper, ducking my head so that I have a reason to not look in his eyes.

"Its quite all right, dear girl, in fact, let's go meet Adrian in Diagon Alley. I believe he's dying to meet his little sister." Dumbledore smiles in a genial disposition. Had I not discovered magic and power at a young age, I might have fallen for it, but I know that smile. I wear a similar smile when I'm manipulating people.

"So this evil man that murdered my parents and tried to kill my brother, who is he? He's dead, right? I don't want him to harm Adrian." I let tears fill up my eyes, hoping I can fool this man who has no doubt been a master manipulator for far longer than I've been alive. Luckily for me, most people don't suspect little girls of being manipulative in an evil way.

"His name was Voldemort, never be afraid to say his name, and no, I don't believe he is dead. Voldemort was scared of death more than anything else, so he did terrible things that held his soul to the world. I believe he is weak in some kind of spirit form, waiting until he can regain his body." Inwardly I smile wickedly, I will either kill Voldemort as he is my competition, or I shall make him join me. I am not some idiot follower, I will change the wizarding world, and if possible, I will have the lights' greatest weapon and their greatest enemy on my side. I will be the greatest Dark Lady to ever exist.

I watch quietly as Dumbledore leads me into a building called The Leaky Cauldron, the place is disgusting, and I'll need disinfectant spray after I leave. We walk over to the bar where a little boy with black, unruly hair resides with a dark man wearing a scowl. The man also looks like someone that I could recruit.

"Ah Severus, my boy, I was expecting Minerva to bring young Adrian to meet Hadria." Dumbledore tries to keep up appearances, but I can tell that he is displeased to see this Severus here. I glance over at Severus and know that he also saw the disapproval.

"Minerva had a family emergency, something about one her brothers' grandkids transfiguring the other with accidental magic. She asked me to pick up Potter and meet up with you." Severus drawls, and I feel a shiver of excitement rush through me. This man is a true deceiver, he can mask everything that he doesn't want any other to know; I could see it in his eyes when he glanced at me. I definitely have to recruit this man and anyone he is possibly close to.

"Well, I hope Minerva can get everything under control with her family," Dumbledore says before glancing at me and smiling. "Dear girl, the young boy over there is your twin brother Adrian, it's an amusing story how you both got your names. The boy was going to be named Hadrian and the girl Adriana, but your father, in all his nervousness, switched up the names. Your mother covered his mouth before he could finish saying Hadrian, and thus your name became Hadria Lillian Potter. Since Lily wanted the names to be mostly the same as what they first chose, she named your brother Adrian James Potter." Dumbledore smiled, thinking his story would sway me over to his side, hoping to hear more about my parents. It didn't.

"That's quite fortunate for me then, I quite like my name as its unique. Adriana would be too common a name to become something in the music business, and if there is anything I don't like, its to be considered too common." I smirk as I see Severus narrow his eyes at me while Dumbledore shakes his head. Adrian just looks at me in awe at my nerve.

"Why you arrogant little-"

"Temper temper Mr. Severus, I'm only stating the truth. Had my name been Adriana, then I would have had to change it once my fame in the music industry started kicking off. Us musicians need something to stand out, to grab attention in the many parties that we have to attend. Who would want to make connections with someone that sounds too common? Said person would just get overshadowed no matter how good they are. Name and money means everything out in the real world. My guardians stopped working when I was nine because the money I bring to the house alone was more than they could acquire at an actual job. People pay quite a bit to see a child prodigy, and that's not even counting my winnings from competitions." I smirk as I see the glint enter Severus' eyes. He is no longer viewing me as a stupid child, but instead, he's thinking of the ways he can use me to further his own goals, sadly for him it's I that will be using him. Dumbledore just looks resigned, like something he didn't want to happen will come to pass.

"Wow, you sound like a Slytherin! Aren't Slytherins evil? Ron says they are, but I think mum mentioned briefly that she was a Slytherin." Adrian says, and I can see Severus scowl at the boy. Clearly, he has a lot to learn, but first, I must find out what a Slytherin is.

"What's a Slytherin?" I ask, hoping to get an unbiased answer from someone in this little group. I hate not knowing something, it makes the power be in someone else's hands.

"Slytherin is one of the four houses in Hogwarts. When you arrive, you will be sorted in one of the four, and that house will be like your family. You will sleep in the dorms, go to class, and share a common room with your housemates. Slytherins value cunning and ambition, Gryffindors value bravery and courage, Ravenclaws value wit and learning, and Hufflepuffs value loyalty and patience. Many dark witches and wizards come from Slytherin, so they have a stigma for evil. Professor Snape, over there, is Slytherin's Head of House. Gryffindors, on the other hand, tend to be brave and try to stop evil things from happening whenever they see it. Ravenclaws like to learn, and Hufflepuffs are loyal to those they believe in. Yourself and Adrian's parents were in Gryffindor." Dumbledore replies, and I scoff at the way he's trying to be subtle. Both our parents were in Gryffindor? We didn't exactly get raised by our parents so we have different personalities and perspectives about life.

"So basically Gryffindors are foolhardy idiots that don't think things through before they act. That's not bravery, that's stupidity for one, for two, you said dark witches and wizards come out of Slytherin, not evil witches and wizards. There's a huge difference between dark and evil. The way you explained it makes me think you only believe things are black and white. Slytherin sounds like the discriminated house, Ravenclaws like to learn and gain knowledge, which is a potent thing. Hufflepuffs are followers that can become dangerous if they believe in the wrong person. A Hufflepuff following a Dark Lord would probably cause more trouble than a Slytherin following the same person. Honestly, Headmaster, I think you need to drop a few prejudices." I smirk as I see the flabbergasted face of Albus Dumbledore, the thoughtful look of Adrian, and the calculating eyes of one Severus Snape. I quickly wink at Snape before engaging in a conversation with Adrian, hoping to change his views before its too late, and maybe, just maybe, he'll be in Ravenclaw. I'm not even going to pretend that Adrian has a chance for Slytherin.

Once Albus was able to fix his face and wrap his mind around what I said, he hurried us into Diagon Alley before dragging us to Gringotts, the wizarding bank.

"I have the key for the vault for both Hadria and Adrian Potter," Dumbledore tells the creature in front of us.

"Wait, Headmaster, I would like to open up my own vault that only I can access. I would rather not share." I interrupt. If my suspicions are correct, then whoever has the key can access the vault no matter what, and since the key is in Dumbledore's possession, I need a vault of my own.

"As you wish, young heiress. Ironclaw! Take miss Potter to discuss the opening of a vault." The teller tells another Goblin, and I'm lead away from the group and into an office.

"What did the teller mean when he called me heiress?" I ask, hoping it means something.

"Your Godfather, Sirius Black, named you his heiress before he was sent to Azkaban prison. If you accept the heir ring, then you will be the Lady Black whenever you come of age at seventeen, unless, of course, you die or Sirius is proclaimed innocent. Although there are 2 heirs for the Black family, this is mainly because the male takes over the family after the female marries, but she will still be considered Lady Black. With the heir ring, you can access the heir trust vault that is only accessible to you. It will become your personal vault after you turn seventeen." Ironclaw explains, and I quickly jump at that opportunity. I can gain allies quicker if I have a well-known name.

"Alright, and can I add my own money to this trust vault?" I ask, taking the ring the goblin handed me and slipping it onto my right ring finger. As soon as it slides on, I can feel the rich magic spread over me, offering a form of protection that wasn't there before.

"Of course, Heiress Black, we can even convert muggle money into wizarding currency. 17 sickles in a galleon and 29 knuts in a sickle." I smile as I pull out the money I've been saving for awhile. The Dursley's typically took most of my competition winnings, but I made sure I was able to keep some of it each time, and I usually had gigs I would play at too, which also gave me quite a bit of pounds. I take out 198399 pounds and smirk at the bulge-eyed look the goblin provides me.

"This will give you 65837 galleons and 15 sickles to add to your vault, which already had 415821 Galleons, 8 Sickles, and 15 Knuts. That gives you in total 481658 galleons, 8 sickles, and 15 knuts." The goblin informs me, and after asking for a way to get money directly from my vault, without having to continually enter Gringotts, I received a bag for 4 galleons that all I had to do was think about the amount needed while reaching in there and pull it out; plus it would only work for my magic signature since the heir ring linked my magical signature into the vault.

I head back out into the Lobby to wait for the others while playing with the key hanging around my neck. It will only come off if I want to take it off, so nobody but me can mess with my vault. It takes about five more minutes before the other three come back up, and we head out to get our school supplies. Adrian and I both get a ton of books, mine are mostly over politics, wizarding history, and any other spellbooks I can find that are from first to third year, after that we go to Ollivander's to get our wands. Adrian has the brother wand to Voldemort while I have a 12 3/4 pearwood with a dragon heartstring core wand. Ollivander said that it was an exciting combination for a wand since pear wands don't go too dark witches or wizards, but dragon heartstring is the easiest to turn towards the dark arts. I guess the wand realized that although I'm dark, I have the best interests for the wizarding world in mind, even if I have to destroy it before building it up from the ashes.

Short a/n: Hadria may be mature for her age but she still IS 11. She still has immature views at the moment and doesn't quite understand the intricacies of adulthood and the maturity that comes with it. She will be going through character development as she ages.