Hello! I hope this story can be a source of entertainment for people during this terrible pandemic. I know the situation is not great but hopefully this story can spread some joy to those who read it.

Riiiiiiiiiing! Riiiiiiiiiing!

Class had started and yet the students were busy conversing in small groups. Some students declined to socialize like Bakugo and Todoroki, while others were the exact opposite.

"Guyssss! I cannot wait for the party! It's going to be so much funnnn!" Mina exclaimed as she jumped up and down excitedly.

Tsu turned towards Mina with a straight face, "Hey Mina ribbit, don't forget you need to pass the final exams if you want to go."

"Aw Tsu, why did you have to go and remind me about that. Ugh, last time I totally failed the final exams" Mina sat back down with a slightly deflated expression on her face.

"Don't worry Mina! We've all learned and improved so much this past semester. I bet we're all gonna pass!" Kirishima did a fist pump and grinned with all of his sharp teeth.

Iida stood up and whipped his head around, "Hey! Everyone get in your seats, it's class time! Stop talking to each other! We are losing valuable seconds of learning!" He continued barking out orders to no avail, instead adding to the noise and chaos.

Everyone was so busy talking about the party that they didn't even notice Mr. Aizawa enter the room. Geez, why can't I ever catch a break. "ALRIGHT, everyone be quiet, class has already started" he said as he activated his quirk. Once everyone had settled down he continued, "I have a couple announcements to make." He sighed and shifted slightly, "I'm sure all of you are aware of the end of year party coming up in a few weeks, so I won't waste too much of my time on it. Just know that you guys need to be prepared for it, and it is mandatory so no skipping. I'm looking at you Bakugo."

"Why the hell do I need to go to some stupid dance. It's a damn waste of time" Bakugo retorted.

Mr. Aizawa sighed again, "Honestly, in my opinion I agree, but I'm not the one in charge, so suck it up." He paused and pulled out a sheet of paper. "Anyway, make sure you wear formal dress, and make sure it is appropriate for a school event. There may be pro heroes there, so I expect you to be on your best behavior. Of course, if you don't pass your final exams, you can't go." He scanned the paper quickly one last time, "Oh yeah, if you want you can go with a date."

"A date!?" several students exclaimed.

"I said QUIET. That's optional, and I still have another announcement" Mr. Aizawa glared. "We have a new student, I'll let her introduce herself to you guys." He turned to the open door and called for her to come in.

"New student?" Kaminari asked. "I didn't know that was possible."

"Oooh! Did I hear Mr. Aizawa say the new student is a her?!" Mineta drooled, "I bet she's a total hottie!"

Everyone grew quiet as the girl entered the room. She was average in height but a little on the short side. Her large dark eyes had an interesting tint to them and she scanned the room with a curious gaze. However, she seemed kind of nervous as she flipped a strand of her long violet hair over her shoulder.

Oh man she is a hottie, Mineta quivered.

She paused a second before she began to speak, "Hi my name is Sumire Kenshutsu, and I'm a transfer student from Yaikatsu High in the north. My family had to move here because of my dad's job. You are probably wondering how I'm in your class." She put her arms behind her back and laughed nervously, "I was actually recommended to UA by Mr. Aizawa himself. Anyway, you guys are pretty cool from what I saw of the UA sports festival. I hope we can learn a lot together!"

She finished with a shy smile and looked back at Mr. Aizawa. He nodded and turned back to the class, "Oh yeah, since we have a new student, we are going to have to rearrange the desks to add a new one. So everybody stand up and move your desks."

There was a collective groan from the class as they reluctantly stood up and started moving their desks. The desks were rearranged in 3 columns of 7. The seating arrangement was the same except Kenshutsu was the new seat 7, bumping everyone seats 7-20 back a seat. Once the desks had been rearranged and everyone was seated, the class finally started. However, several students were not fully focused. Midoriya glanced sideways at the new girl, If she got recommended by Mr. Aizawa to UA halfway through a semester, then she must be strong. She seems friendly. Hmm… I wonder what her quirk is.

Hey! If you made it all the way down here then please feel free to give this story a review. Let me know if you have any tips or pieces of advice! I am willing to add certain elements to the story if they are requested! If you have a suggestion for the story, dm me. I will add ships in later chapters. I am hoping to post a chapter once a week, but if there is enough demand I will post chapters sooner! Thank you so much for reading! :)