"Hey what are those weird things hanging on your ear lobes? Don't tell me that's your quirk!" A boy with ash blonde hair and gleaming red eyes said to a little girl.

Said girl was crying with her knees in the sandbox with her toy guitar just laying on the sand. "I-It is my quirk. It's just like my mom's quirk so I like it."

The boy smirked and crossed his arms as if he was king of the world. "Heh, I bet you wouldn't be able to do anything except listen to music with those things on your ear."

Suddenly a boy with green hair stood in front of the girl with his arms stretched out and with a determined, but scared look on his face. "Stop it Kaachan, you're making her cry!"

The girl only looked up at the boy in surprise as he was right there defending her from this bully. She started to feel her heart pound a little as she kept staring at the boy's back.

"What the hell are you doing here Deku?! Learn to mind your own business or do I have to teach you a lesson like last time?!" The boy presumably named Kaachan threatened as his smirk got wider.

The boy apparently named Deku flinched at the threat, having a small flashback from the last time he tried to defend someone Kaachan tried to bully. He remembered all the burns and bruises he went home with that day.

But a hero would never let an innocent girl get terrorized. Even if he didn't have a quirk, he has to at least do what he can for other people. Because that's something All Might would do without hesitation.

"I-I won't let you bully this girl Kaachan and I mean it!" Deku announced, not backing down as he was shaking. Fear was obviously in his voice, but that didn't stop him and it never would.

Kaachan laughed as he pounded his fist into his plan, creating a small explosion which caused Deku to jump a little. "Alright you asked for it Deku, don't say I didn't warn ya!" He shouted as he charged at the green haired boy.

The girl just closed her eyes in fear and covered her ears, but her quirk allowed her to hear everything perfectly. All she heard were mini explosions going off and grunts of pain before hearing a thud on the sand.

She soon opened her eyes to see the boy who defended her, laying on the sand with the blond boy standing over him with a smug look on his face.

"Useless Deku, I'm not even interested in doing anything else today." Kaachan said as he looked down at the other boy. "You couldn't even have a useless quirk like this girl."

Kaachan then just turned around at his two friends as they complimented him before walking off.

The girl was feeling absolutely helpless the whole time, feeling horrible that she didn't even try to do anything to help her defender as he suffered just to help her.

"A-Are you okay?" The girl with short purple hair nervously asked the boy as she looked at him.

He looked half conscious with his eyes only half lidded before he blinked and gave out a groan.

The girl then started to examine his clothes and gasped a little when she saw that they were torn up a little and burnt as if the boy was near a fire. He also had bruises on his face and noticed that a black eye was starting to form.

She put a hand over her mouth to hold in a gasp at his condition before hearing a voice of a woman call out to her.

"Kyouka! Kyouka where are you?! It's time to go home, playtime is over for the day!"

The girl named Kyouka widened her eyes and clenched her fists as she stood up. She didn't know why she started to walk away from the boy who had just protected her.

Maybe she was too shy?

Maybe she felt too guilty?

Maybe she was scared?

Or maybe she just didn't know what to do?

No matter the reason all she knew was that she regretted that decision and would be indebted to that boy for the rest of her life.

This is the story of how a girl named Kyouka Jirou met a mysterious green haired boy who would make her life a loving heaven.


I just want to say Jesus Christ this was nerve wracking to write. If I'm being honest I think my attempt at a first chapter was meh.

I know this first chapter was very cliche and I noticed that I was very repetitive with some of my language.

But please keep in mind that this is my first time ever writing a story in general (Also I'm writing and posting this at 4am so excuse any mistakes please, I'll fix them soon enough) and I want to thank Ability King KK who I recently discovered for being an inspiration of mine to finally write a fanfiction after reading many of them for 3 years now.

I hope that I improve a lot more in the future and please leave any criticism or ask questions if you want. I'm open to answering them in the next chapter.

Well guys until then, I'll start working on the next chapter and hopefully make it at least a little longer. Not sure if I want to do a time skip right away however. If I do then it will be when they're in middle school, but I'm leaning towards maybe one or two more chapters with them still being children just for a little more development. Wish me luck and I'll try to get this next chapter out to you all as soon as possible.