Chapter 1

There were probably many benefits to being reincarnated. But then again, there were also a lot of negatives like being reborn into a fictional world that you read as a manga or watched as a anime.

Most people would find it a dream come true to be living in an anime. Especially if they were now the main character … or someone close to the main character … or their best friends. But again, they might end up being born in that universe in a time without a choice on the matter. Such like before the plot or after all that shit. So fifty percent chance for they could change the timeline, was very possible … but then again, I was pretty mad and with good reason!

Standing alone in a field with some target's set up, there was a boy. No older than six, with brown hair and black eyes, wearing a grey shirt with a familiar symbol etched into the gray fabric.

A red and white Japanese war fan!

That's right, dear … 'readers'? 'Viewers'? Whatever the correct technical term that you are now or what! I had been reincarnated into the 'Amazing' world of Naruto and born into Uchiha clan! … buuuut, not as any ordinary Uchiha member. I was, nor other that, Fugaku Uchiha. For the case who don't know the lore or remember well enough, that is the father of both Itachi and Sasuke …. Aaaaaannd, the creator and leader of the prevent coup d'etat to take over the village… which was prevent by his own older, genius son (and 'Obito' as well), by the killing of every Uchida … expect Sasuke.

It was that thing of deep trauma in childhood of that scale, it was the 'backstory' of the becoming a semi-edgy, rebel, 'child-soldier' teen for meme's material

'Son of a bitch', Fugaku (or I) thought, as the shuriken he threw hit the target square in the center along with the others. He had thrown earlier all of them perfect bullseye.

Since being reborn as Fugaku, the boy had been very busy and productive with both education and ninja training, as he knew it was essential for both survival for himself and everyone else. To do this, Fugaku constantly asked both his new father Kenji and mother Asuna, for as many lessons as possible and both were happy to oblige probably seeing it as their son wanting to be as strong as possible. 'If only they knew' Fugaku thought and signed silently, while taking out a pair of kunai and throwing those dead center of another target.

It seemed that most, if not all Uchiha, in the last few and the next few were either prodigy's or late bloomers. But still turned out very skilled. And it seemed that I (or Fugaku) in this case were deemed a prodigy.

Being born into the Uchiha clan, was probably not all bad. The original Fugaku (not I) would have probably 'lorded it' over the other kids. This one, was serious just like the original but that was were the similarities ended. The current Fugaku would smile and laugh more, and also help others, such watching out and taking care of the younglings of the clan. Especially a brother of his, five years' junior to him, and as well little Mikoto, who becomes the original Fugaku's wife. But the biggest difference was Fugaku would try to make friends with the other clans.

Speaking of the clan and family, Fugaku (or I) couldn't help but notice that he was different from most members of the clan, and shockingly, for his own family. For one thing, he had brown hair as opposed to the average Uchiha's black. Maybe it's "genetics doing", because having each parent grey and blue hair respectively. And any other (known) blood relative didn't possessed the brown hair Fugaku had or regular Uchida's haircolor.

Fugaku's 'dad', Kenji Uchiha, was the current leader of the clan and he was a … 'difficult' person. Most probably from both his job as captain of the KMPF, and being the head of the Uchiha. Kenji had short spikey grey hair and hardened black eyes, that they always seeming to look into your soul, and he always demanded perfection.

Asuna Uchiha, the Matriarch, was a different story all together. Black with a blue sheen, she wore her hair tied back in a bun, and black eyes as well. She was a former Kunoichi who held the rank of Chunin but she retired early in her career to become a seamstress. Which by the way, she was very successful, even so far to be occasionally asked to sew dresses for the third Hokage's wife, Biwako Sarutobi. Even if she was busy, she tried to always make time for her children like a good mother. So she was 'Ok' in Fugaku's opinion.

The third member of the family to describe, was someone that Fugaku had to admit never heard of, or saw, or read about in the books, manga, or anime. Genma was the name of Fugaku's younger brother.

As far as he knew, the original Fugaku never had any siblings, or any that were mentioned so, they probably died during the Second or the Third Great Ninja War. Regarding what was the original timeline of events, he was going to make sure that change the outcome of that Fate. Believe it!

Before I (or Fugaku) could throw any more shuriken or kunai, he stopped when he heard the sound of footsteps approaching. Turning towards the sound's source, Fugaku saw that it was just Sanji Uchiha, a recent member of the KMPF. And Fugaku's cousin.

At 17 of age, cousin Sanji was a skinny teen, with blueish black hair and wore the standard KMPF uniform, you know, with the Uchiha emblem on his sleeve? And to top it off, he had a big smirk plastered on his face.

"Why the big smile?" Fugaku asked selecting his next kunai, but was stopped when the older boy beat him to it and threw his own, nicking the one Fugaku's had previously thrown.

"Just got promoted to chunin. So, your cousin here" raising a finger to indicating himself "just got a pay raise. And that means I can spend more times with and it on the ladies~" Sanji said excitedly. It wasn't a secret that he was a bit of a horndog, then again, what teenager wasn't at that age?

"That can't be the 'only' reason you're interrupting my training, cousin" Fugaku stated while returning to his shuriken training.

"Your father wanted me to grab you and bring you to the lake." Sanji said and received a nod from Fugaku who knew what this was about. Since Fugaku was going to enter the Konohagakure's Ninja Academy tomorrow, Kenji wanted to see his eldest son if he managed perform well "Fire Style: Fireball Jutsu", the clan's jutsu trademark. It was a rite of passage amongst the Uchida. And needless to say, Fugaku was positive he would get it right … even if he wasn't the original.

When Fugaku arrive to the location escorting by his cousin, he was not at all surprised that along with his father, were as well the Uchiha clan elders and his mother present there standing on a dock. Amongst the audience, was Kagami, the current strongest member of clan even if he was now old enough to be apart of the elders.

"Finally, you're here. You knew what today was. What has keep you so long?" Kenji said in a angry tone. His father was never in a good mood. And it seems that not even his eldest child's rite of passage, could bring him into a good mood. It made Fugaku wonder how his mother put up with him.

"Dear, he was probably practicing his shuriken jutsu or playing with his friends. So please …" his mother said while getting a glare from her husband "be easy on our son."

Captain Kenji scoffed before turned to the clan's elders and motioning for them to begin. One of the clan's elders move foward, and Fugaku recognized him, for the times he meet with his father at their house. Idate Uchiha was the oldest member of the elders (and the clan itself), as he had been born during the era of Warring States, and had fought alongside both Madara and Izuna Uchiha. So needless to say he was very prideful old man, and very respected within the Uchiha.

"Fugaku. As you are aware, tomorrow you enter the academy" the elder said receiving a nod from the boy before continuing "As you are aware, this rite of passage will considerate if one born on our clan, can perform our ancestral jutsu flawlessly and should be worthy being a Uchida. It is indeed … a shame that our tradition has been overlooked, more and more by the new generations. Nevertheless, we cannot have an Uchiha, much less our leader's firstborn, enter the academy without-"

"Let me guess, you think that now is the time for me to perform it firsthand to you, so I don't later on 'abash' the Uchida's name. I am wrong?" Fugaku said, while impolitely cut the elder Idate's speech. They weren't doing this out of concern for his skills, but for the clan's reputation, which once got it for as mercenaries, now into 'political displays'. Such the clan youth's performance in missions and 'educational' exams.

"Indeed, my son." It seem Kenji had been short on patience for 'smooth talk' as well, because when Fugaku turned toward the source of his voice, he was already the edge of the dock, while looking out at the lake before talking. "We have how much you have been training in not just Kenjutsu and Taijutsu, and surprisingly for such a young lad, Genjutsu as well." Kenji said. The Uchiha were very proud about of their Sharingan, so using a Genjutsu technique without the use of their Visual prowess, was affront to the clan's abilities. Just right after when he finishes to speak, the Captain slowly was prepared the motions for the "Fireball jutsu", with the 'Snake' sign. "You get one chance."

And with that, the Captain suddenly speed up his hand signals. But Fugaku still recognized the order of the seals, since it was enough to understand to poses. He had memorized the set by repeating over and over again on his head: 'Snake', 'Ram', 'Monkey', 'Boar', 'Horse' and 'Tiger'. After the hand signs perform, Kenji then took a deep breath, within an moment, a couple of fingers of the left hand stay close to his lips while the right on withdrawal to the waist level, unmade the 'Tiger' sign, follow immediately by flames came forward in a stream, before taking the shape of a giant flammable orb. Unlike on the anime, it wasn't heard for the jonin saying the words "Fire style: Fireball jutsu".

Fugaku watched as the jutsu ended and the fire disappeared from his father's mouth. With the lake settled before returning to its calm state, Asuna then came forward and leaned down to talk to her son. "Are you nervous? If you don't want to do then…"

"You will do nothing, Asuna. Fugaku needs to do this. Here and now" Kenji said with authority on his tone to his wife. Then, he turns to his son. "If you can not perform this simple jutsu … I will disinherit you at once, in favor of Genma." the Uchiha clan leader said. So, it's similar to Hinata and Hanabi, without the kids fighting being the heir of a clan.

"Now Kenji," Kagami said, while trying to keep the atmosphere calm. "there's no need to do anything that rash. In fact, I couldn't perform the Fireball jutsu until I was at the age of 8." Everyone got surprise with that statement, since to them, it's a 'common' of a Uchiha shinobi having talking so calmly, yet without pride on his tone. Kenji went back to being the quiet old man he was, since he knew couldn't make his 'Captain card' to bend the well-respected and seasonal jonin to comply on leader's authority.

It was a test. If a Uchiha can't iidentify and repeat a enemy shinobi's jutsu right away, then he couldn't take advantage of his biggest asset, while under fire on a battlefield. It that in mind, the young Uchiha decide to walk at the edge of the dock, and prove them that he was worthy of such gift. Then, closed his eyes and being to concentrate and feel his chakra. Calling out the name of the technique, it helped out greatly a user's mind and muscle memory, so to picturing the end result of the jutsu to deploy. After a few moments, confident that he got it, Fugaku letting his chakra build up and flow through his body, then calmly opened his eyes, managed to repeat the hand signs that he saw his father had done as fastest as he could while flawless.

"Fire styles: Fireball jutsu" Fugaku scream out on his mind, eyes full of resolution, body calm and without unsteadiness, signs of intent of full determination to unleash the desired jutsu. With Charka creating a invisible spark on his mouth, at his fingertips imbued with Charka to control the flames' shape, as well feeling a hot steam at his throat's walls. Let out by the need to expel, and the desire of control, the end result was just like with his father's, but … there was something different.

It was bigger that it should. And it was the more a paler 'grey' that a 'orange' sun coloration.

From the famous Kagami to the clan elders, many were fill of shock and speechless from everyone's mouths, as well the parents sharing the later reaction, and his cousin Sanji had a funny, dumbfounded look. But none were more astound than Fugaku himself.

He understand that the size might be the possibility of letting more Charka that he should put. But the color ... In all forms of Naruto's media, he had never heard or came across coloured fire except for the black flames of the Amaterasu. Which itself was only capable if you had achieved a certain Mangeykou power. And Fugaku was sure as hell, that he hadn't awakened his yet. If he had to guess, … it might be because he wasn't the original Fugaku.

After a moment of silence, Captain Kenji suddenly turned to the elders "Elder. Have you ever seen grey fire or something akin?" the clan leader asked, while still his eyes showing a contained yet visible a state of shock.

Idate shaking his head. "No lord Kenji, I haven't. Not even back on days of Madara had any jutsu like … 'that'. " The elder emphasize the later word, still unsure of what his old eyes have witness. "But if I had to guess … it might just happen, because Fugaku used much more chakra than required. It is rare, but there were some cases that Charka-infused-flames having a discoloration for the technique's defauth colour." The elders nods between themselves, choosing to believe that it should being considerable as omen of greatness.

It seemed that that was enough for Kenji relaxed, as he then faced back to his son. "Fugaku. In the eyes of the clan, you are now a adult. And furthermore, never forget that you are a Uchiha, first and foremost. Now, you bear with you, our clan's honor." the Uchida leader said sternly, before starting walking away, in order to go back to his work.

Asuna started walking away as well but first, she took the time to let her son knowing that how proud she was for him. Then, she left, following with clan's elders and Kagami, thus leaving the young boy alone on his thoughts.

Fugaku himself was still in shock from the jutsu. He decided to try it again, and again, and more enough times, until he was sure the same pale grey fire came was not a irregular fluke. When, a hand was above his shoulder. To his surprise, it was Sanji, who came back to him.

"That was some jutsu, little cousin." Sanji said before lightning a cigarette and offering one to the 6 year old. He (obviously) had declined. "I don't think anyone was expecting … 'that'. At least of all your old man." Sanji said with a laugh.

"That man is our clan's leader 'And' your captain." Fugaku reminded severely to his cousin, enough to not shouting nor with insulting tone.

Before the Uchiha lad going the necessary routine to perform the jutsu once more, Sanji again stopped him "Fugaku, enough." The teenager Uchida said in a unusual serious tone. "I just saw you repeat the jutsu 6 times already. So, what your FireBall jutsu is made of grey flames? It isn't THAT a big of a deal."

But the younger boy wouldn't be swayed by the older one's words. "No. It needs to be perfect-" Fugaku stated but Sanji cut him off.

"It is. Now, you need to rest! Just …" Sanji signed. To him, Fugaku was a odd one, even for a kid of his age, and family. "you've been practicing all forms of jutsus you know since this very morning. I, your father, mother, 'every one' in the clan get it! But you don't been be a slave driver! Even for your 'emotionless' old man is worried about you! Tomorrow, you are joing to the academy. For the sake of the clan, your parents, and yourself, used the time between to Rest! Otherwise, you might past-out on the academy." Sanji said while finishing his cigarette. In times like this, he finds that Fugaku as the reckless of a young kid. He thinks himself that was a sign of 'normal' in the young lad.

Fugaku in his part, feeling a little drained, realized the wisdom of his cousin's words. "You are right, Sanji." The lad said.

The Uchiha teenager shown a smile, before replying. "Of course I am! Now, go home, and eat some Dumplins~. You earn that." Fugaku scoffs on the childish idea, but be amused instead replying back of the silly idea of 'self-reward'. The approval of his father and clan's elders was more than enough to feed his own 'ego'.

Feeling a little better, form the witness recent sequence of events, Fugaku went home. He was indeed, the very first one to arrive at his traditional 'Japanese lord' countryside house. The only one waiting for him there was Genma, his one year old brother, and the nanny that his parents hired. Even in his old life, he could recognize the signs behind of secret reason why his lord father was the one who wanted to keep her… it was the 'cliché affair' thing with the nanny.

But even then, Fugaku didn't mind her having her as Genma's nanny. Why? She really did a good job watching out after his brother. But despite he was fine with her rationality, the young Uchida couldn't become any more comfortable with her, beyond that tolerating her. That was also the reason to not border learn and saying her name.

"How was it, lord Fugaku?" the nanny in question asked, while Fugaku took off his sandals and entered the home.

"It was fine. I now know the Fireball jutsu, and tomorrow will started classes at the Academic." he said nonchalant, before going to take Genma from her, to his own arms. "You can go home. I can take it from here"

What the Captain's son had said, have surprising her. Her face indicate that she wanted to argue with the boy, but looking at Fugaku's eyes, she simply understood that he didn't make a suggestion, but an order.

Fugaku knew both his parents would be home very late, and most likely, them wouldn't show up to his Academy's entrance ceremony tomorrow. Honestly, it didn't border to the kid must of it. So, with considerable absence, Fugaku used the time to made dinner for them, after making sure the hassle of putting Genma to sleep. His estimation of putting his baby brother to sleep was still within his wide parameters.

Night past and morning came. Fugaku was excited. How could not he? Finally he would enter the academy and could get a better perspective of the world, in order to work on a long-term plan with his limited 'meta'-intel.

For this occasion, the clan's heir decided wore a grey shirt with the Uchiha emblem on the backs, with some white shorts .Coming down the steps, Fugaku saw that his father wasn't home, but only his mother who was making breakfast.

"Goodmorning, son! Are you excited?" Asuna said with a prideful smile. She then placing a plate in front of Fugaku, and taking her seat before she started to (breast)feed the baby.

"Yes, mother" Fugaku said indifferently, but with a corner of a smile.

Meanwhile as them were eating their meal, Asuna had a smile on her face but dropped it in a instant when she realized of the Academy's ceremony. She apologized for the her absence to upcoming event, due to the (Land of) Fire's Daimyo's wife had (the nerve!) to asking for a dress in last minute. Fugaku knew enough about the noble class' demands and queer sense of style and time management. It couldn't be help… Then, she also explaining that his father wouldn't come due to him working late.

'Tche, more like screwing the nanny' Fugaku thought about it, but without his face betray. 'He had a fair looking wife, who gave him two sons, one very recently. He doesn't have to cheat on her for 'pleasure' needs. And worst, using 'work' as a excuse! Even my lewd of a cousin had a better sense of morality'.

After finished his meal, said his farewells to his mother and baby brother, and leaving towards the academy's direction, with all required gear for the day.

Authors note: Special thanks to NeedingOfLifeGoalDude you are a great source and a great beta reader