AN: Just something short that I couldn't get out of my head. Not Beta Read so sorry for any errors

Howard stared up at the figure approaching him, every part of him ached, he could here Maria calling for him in the passenger seat, but his eyes were focused on the figure in front of him;

"Sargent Barns?" he whispered in disbelief, unable to believe the man in front of him was the same, he was supposed to be dead, but he looked like he hadn't aged…but he had changed all the same;

The man before him had clearly been through something, but it was his eyes which sent chills through Howard, he moved himself away from the Winter Solider as he approached him, but before he could get a hold on Howard, he was pulled back and thrown a few feet away.

Howard turned his eyes towards his savour and stared in disbelief at the suited figure in front of him, his blue and red metal armour glistening in the light of the street lamps, a patent black Spider emblem on the back of his suit.

The Winter Solider was on his feet in a second, turning his murderous eyes towards the new arrival, "Hey Bucky…" the Spider Solider said, his hands out like he was talking to a frightened animal, "so your going through a little mind fuck right now…" the Spider said "but I know your in there somewhere man…"

Howard could only watch on with an aching fear inside him as the man he'd known as James Buchanan Barnes turn his cold murderous eyes onto his saviour, he knew he should do something, go to help his wife, get them away from whatever was about to unfold in front of him, but he couldn't move, couldn't tear his eyes away from them.

"Forewarning…this is going to hurt like a bitch-" he cut himself off sharply as the Winter Solider charged for him, only to drop to his knees in just a few steps, his hands moving to his head and a scream of agony ripped through his chest.

Howard winched but just couldn't look away at the sound of Bucky's scream, not until the Spider stepped into his line of sight, Howard tried to shift away from him but couldn't get far;

"I'm not going to hurt you Mr Stark…" the Spider said, the clarity of his voice told Howard he was American and young.

"What your doing to him suggests otherwise…" Howard rasped his chest ached telling him he'd a few broken ribs

The Spider shook his head, "It may hurt now, but it'll help him in the long run." He said "Hydra have done a number on him…"

"Hydra?" Howard gasped in disbelief having not heard that name in years.

"Howard…?" Maria's pained voice, "Howard?" the fear in her voice drew Howard to try and move again.

The Spider stilled him, "You need to stay still Mr Stark, you've broken six ribs and have a concussion." He said, "I'll make sure she's ok." He said already moving before Howard could stop him

"You'll…you'll frighten her…" Howard said uneased by the idea of this unknown man going near his wife.

Peter recognised Howards thoughts and retracted his mask as he came around the other side of the car, "Hello Mrs Stark…" he said with a soft smile as he opened the door and Karen ran a scan on the woman reporting it into his ear.

"Who…who are you?" Maria Stark asked looking up at him fearful and clearly concusses.

"My names Peter…" he said hunkering down next to her, "you need to stay still Mrs Stark, help is on it's way…but you've dislocated your shoulder and I'm seeing some internal bleeding."

Bucky had finally stopped screaming but lay passed out on the ground where he'd fallen, so Howard could hear what Peter was saying, and though also concussed, his mind was absorbing everything the Spider was saying to asses later.

"Where…where's my husband?" Maria Stark asked

"He's fine, he'd hurt as well, but is on the other side of the car…right Mr Stark?" Peter called

"I'm here Maria…" the man winched as he tried to move but stopped as the pain tore through him.

Peter saw some of the tension and fear leave Mrs Starks eyes, "It'll all be ok…" Peter said softly to her, "just stay still, help will be here soon."

Maria finally turned her focus towards the young man in front of her and realised just how young he was, he couldn't be any older than Anthony. "You…your so young…"

Peter gave her a soft smile, but his eyes told her his heart wasn't young, his hearing picked up the approaching emergency vehicles he'd had Karen call, he needed to get himself and Barnes away before they arrived.

"Helps coming Mrs Stark, I'm just going to check on Mr Stark." He said giving her hand a reassuring pat before moving around the car returning his mask to his face as he rounded the car so Howard couldn't see him.

He hunkered down next to the man, "Who are you?" Howard asked

Peter didn't reply though, just moved closer to him so Maria couldn't hear him;

"They'll try again…SHIELD has been compromised by HYDRA Mr Stark…be careful who you trust." Peter said warningly, Howard looked at him startled, but Peter raised his head as help grew close enough that the others could now hear it too. "And if your son really is your greatest creation…tell him while you have the chance Mr Stark…" Peter said.

Howard could only stare in shock at the Spiderman, Peter squeezed Howards shoulder before turning quickly and rushing to Bucky's side, the older man groaning;

"Come on Bucky…lets go get that Hydra mind fuck out of your head buddy." Peter said before the pair disappeared into the woods not a moment before the police and ambulance arrived.