Wong looked over at Loki. He had been pleasantly surprised that the man was not only intelligent but also had a gift for languages. Simply by spending a day with Loki and his brother, Wong had made more progress in translating the more obscure tomes than he had in his entire time as student of the mystic arts. He looked back at the group assembled in front of him. He definitely preferred his library. "We have discovered more about the stones over the last couple weeks than we had over the last several decades. All of that information has been uploaded." He cringed as he said the word 'upload'. He understood that not everyone could carry around a library worth of books and that it was the best way to disseminate the information but he still didn't like it. "More importantly we've found reference to the stones' guardians." He took a breath and glanced at the screen. Natasha had put up a picture of the Eye of Agamotto. "We had always assumed that these marking were decorative...they're not. Loki was able to provide the translation. It's an incredibly obscure language and probably hasn't been spoken in a millennia."

"Well, don't keep us in suspense Wong." Tony studied the markings on the artifact. He knew it housed the Time Stone. He could understand why they had been assumed to be decorative but there was a definite pattern to them.

"The Eye gives a history of it's owner. We had always assumed Agamotto was human. He wasn't." Wong glanced over at Strange. That revelation had been a little disturbing. They had not informed the other Sanctums of their discovery, at least not yet.

"If he's not human, what was he?" Steve looked at the librarian expectantly. They had realized a long time ago that alien races had been interfering on Earth for way longer than anyone was comfortable with.

"He was an Elder of the Universe. Originally there were only six, as old as the Universe itself. Their purpose was solely to protect the stones. Over time that purpose became forgotten. Agamotto came to Earth to escape the bickering between the Elders." Thor sat back after giving his explanation. He was familiar with Elders, but hadn't been aware that their original purpose was to act as guardian to the stones, and he hadn't known there were only six originally. "Elders are known throughout the universe. There are actually quite a few of them. However, based on this new information, I don't believe everyone that claims to be an Elder is actually an Elder."

Peter frowned at the statement. "So there are people who just decided one day to be an 'Elder'?"

Thor smiled. "There are being that are thousands of years old. The ones I speak of are millions if not billions of years old. Who is going to argue against their claim."

Peter couldn't wrap his head around being billions of years old. "Where did Agamotto go? If you're a billion years old you can't be easy to kill."

Strange looked over at Peter. "We don't know. He just disappears from the records. With the knowledge that he was an Elder that may mean that he is simply in a different dimension. Or, he was killed by a stronger force."

A stronger force was not what anyone wanted to hear. Steve leaned forward and rested his arms on the table. "Let's ignore the fact that there may be something stronger than an Elder for a moment. Why did they stop guarding the stones?"

"I believe they found themselves bored with the prospect and found other diversions." Loki hadn't contributed much to the conversation yet. "However, we believe they can be coerced into resuming their role as guardian."

Tony scrubbed a hand across his face. So far they were ignoring that there was potentially something stronger than the original guardians of the stones as well as banking on being able to convince a bunch of virtually immortal beings to do their damn job. "Ok, do we at least know who they are?"

"We have names for the original six, although for most of them we don't know where they are." Loki looked over at Thor before continuing. "Besides Agamotto there is Tryco Slatteeus, Gilpetperdon, En Dwi Gast, Ord Zyonz, and Taneleer Tivan."

Thor leaned forward. "We know Taneleer Tivan by another name...the Collector."

Natasha frowned, "Isn't that who has the Reality Stone already? The one Odin instructed Sif to take it to so there wouldn't be two infinity stones on Asgard?" She had sat in on some of the conversations about the stones over the last week and had heard additional details that the rest of them had not.

"Apparently Odin knew more than we did and he didn't think it was important to let us know." Thor knew there was some bite in his statement. Odin has held a lot close to his chest. It was time for the old ways to end.

Steve sat back and looked at the group. "Do we think this Collector knows where the other Elders are?"

Thor glanced over at Loki. "There's only one way to find out."

"Ok, so Field Trip to visit the Collector." Tony looked at Danvers, who was standing by the wall. "Danvers, have you found out anything else about the location of the Power Stone or have you located the possible Xandar survivors?" He knew she had been out several times scouting areas for both.

"I've heard some rumblings about a survivor from Xandar. Singular. I haven't located anyone yet. Nothing at all about the Power Stone. I can't figure out if people are scared or if the Stone has simply vanished." Either way she didn't think it was good. "Finding the survivor should be top priority. I can move faster on my own."

Steve knew that was coming. Danvers was used to being on her own and intended to stay on her own. "We'll set up regular check ins so we can all get a status update." He still wasn't sure how that was going to work. He looked over at Tony and Reed. "We will be able to get status updates, right?"

Tony turned his head to look at Reed. "Reed, tell them your plan."

Reed glared at Tony. It wasn't necessarily his plan...it was just their only option. "I think most of you are aware that I'm taking my team - including Johnny and Wyatt - to explore the area between the two galaxies. We'll drop relay boosters on they way. It should allow us to communicate at least a little."

"So that means we have functional ships capable of making these trips?" Sam looked skeptically at Reed and Tony.

Tony nodded. "Test flight to Pluto and back went off without a problem. Reed leaves with his team in two days."

"As soon as we set the first rendezvous point, I'll head out to keep looking for my survivor."

Steve nodded to Carol. "So that leaves the second team. Who's on it?"

"I feel that Loki and I should both go. None of you have ventured past Earth. I haven't spent as much time outside of the Nine Realms, but Asgard is known and respected across the universe." He glanced over at Loki, "And, while I have a certain proficiency with different language and cultures, Loki is better. Brunnhilde can handle the transition of New Asgard."

Steve looked around the rest of the table. "Ok, Thor and Loki. We don't need to decide the rest of the team tonight so sleep on it."

"Tony...". Wanda cut Tony off as he was leaving the room. "You told me to let you know if I saw anything that would help."

Tony turned around to look at Wanda. "Any chance you know what we're up against?"

"No." She glanced over at Peter who was talking to his team. "I think you and Peter both need to go."

Tony frowned. "I was planning on convincing him to stay." He pulled her out of the room with him. "Why does Peter need to go?"

Wanda hesitated for a moment. "I don't know if it's because there are so many stones in one area but they're... I'm not sure if talking is the right word but...they're showing me things...you and Peter need to stay together."

Tony sucked in his breath, "And if we don't?"

Wanda swallowed before answering him. "None of us survive."

The statement took Tony by surprise. "What do you mean none of us survive."

"Tony, every thing I've seen, when you two are together there's not death and destruction. It's the one constant. I don't know why. And the stones have been insistent. The Mind Stone has shown Vis too." Wanda crossed her arms and looked at Tony.

"And you believe what you're seeing?" When they had studied the Mind Stone it had seemed almost sentient. In talking to Selvig about the Space Stone, he had actually called it a 'she'. He needed to remember to ask Strange what he thought.

Wanda shrugged. "If it were just me I'd be wary, but it's Vis too."

Tony set his jaw. "Ok. Thanks Wanda. I'm assuming you're staying here." He thought it was a given. One of the reasons they were going was to keep the stones apart which meant Vision was definitely not going.

Wanda smiled. "I'm staying here. We'll keep Earth safe while you're gone."

Tony forced a smile. The reality was he was deep in thought. He knew Peter was on the fence about going. Peter felt like he was abandoning MJ if he went. Tony knew because he was having a similar dilemma. He didn't trust anyone else to work on the ship, but if he went he'd be leaving Pepper and Morgan alone. He was going because he thought it was the best chance he had at keeping them protected. He hated himself for it and he was pretty sure a tiny part of Pepper hated him too. He just hoped Morgan would forgive him. He saw Peter leave the room with his team, all going separate directions. A moment later he and Peter were alone in the hallway. Before he could say anything Peter cut him off.

"I'm going. I heard what she said even though you tried to get her far enough away. I was leaning in that direction anyway but that just cemented it." Peter stood in front of his dad and crossed his arms.

Tony studied the determined look on Peter's face. "Ok." He didn't like it but at least he'd be there with him. Maybe they could pull this off and not die trying.


Tony found Rhodey in one of the conference rooms. It looked like he was reviewing resources. "Trying to figure out who can fill my shoes while I'm off planet?"

"Something like that." Rhodey looked up at his friend. "I'm hoping you can stop whatever it is before it gets here but in case you can't..."

"Yeah, about that. FRIDAY, introduce GRACE to Rhodey."

"Colonel Rhodes, GRACE stands for Global Reconnaissance And Critical Engagement" FRIDAY had also pulled up a series of schematics for satellites.

A different female voice followed FRIDAY's. "Hello Colonel Rhodes."

Tony sat down next to Rhodey. "GRACE, I'm transferring control to Colonel Rhodes."


"There's a series of satellites orbiting Earth. They may or may not be currently disguised as global positioning satellites currently. They've been scanning deep space for a while now. They also have the ability to deploy defensive drones."

Rhodey looked over at Tony. "Seriously?" All Rhodey could think about was Project Insight. "You don't learn from mistakes do you?"

"Insight is why no one else has had access or even knows about this. The drones are there to combat forces from out there however we've both seen wormholes drop ships into the atmosphere, so yes, they can shoot towards Earth too." Tony sat back and looked at his friend. "I have to have a way to protect Earth. This is it. If something big shows up you're going to need the extra fire power. You and everyone left on Earth can't combat a ship the size we saw through the tears or the ship I knocked out with the nuke."

"Why give it to me?"

"You're the only one staying that I trust with this technology." Tony left off the fact that if Peter had planned on staying he would have given Peter control. "Oh, and Fury has something cloaked in orbit. It's a decent size but I can't get through the cloaking."

Rhodey sighed, "Of course he does. Why wouldn't he have a secret orbital platform."


Peter glanced over at MJ and soaked in the serene look on her face as she slept. He was trying not to wake her but the reality was he had been awake for hours. When he had first told her he had made the decision to go on the mission, despite the calm facade, he knew she had been disappointed. She hadn't been angry. She had told him a long time ago that she knew what she was signing up for. But, he knew how much she hated it when he went on long missions and this one was definitely long. They had no idea how long they'd be gone. There was a cover story in place so hopefully the world wouldn't know that he and his dad were both off planet. He looked down at the foot of the bed at the sleeping form of the newest member of their family. The dog had been a rescue from the pound and was quite possibly the sweetest thing in the world. They had talked over the years about getting one but had always worried about not being able to get it outside enough living in the city and having the schedules they had. MJ had told him that if he was going to be gone for longer than normal she wanted something to come home to and she wanted the dog to actually know Peter before he left. So, they adopted one. One that apparently now slept in their bed. Peter knew it was his own fault. The dog had cried when they had tried putting him in the kennel the first night. It hadn't been two minutes before Peter had retrieved him and deposited him at the foot of their bed.

He looked over at the clock and knew it was almost time. The deal had been MJ was going to get up and go running in the park with the dog...and Sam. Peter was heading to the compound after she had left. They had said their goodbyes last night because MJ didn't want to start the day off by telling Peter goodbye. He agreed even though he knew it was just her way of fooling herself into believing he wasn't going to be gone as long as he was. He had been pleasantly surprised that she had taken the news that Bucky and Sam were not living on the floor below them. It had always been the "Avenger" floor but Bucky had moved in permanently, or at least until Peter returned. Sam had come with him although Sam wasn't a permanent fixture. Sam was there to ensure Bucky didn't have problems with MJ at first, and to give MJ a sympathetic ear. Bucky was off active duty assignments until Peter returned. Sam was still active but since Natasha and Steve were both accompanying Peter, Tony, Thor, and Loki he was filling their shoes with SHIELD.

The alarm went off and Peter closed his eyes, focusing on the sounds MJ made as she got out of bed and got dressed. He focused on her even breaths, the sound of the bathroom door opening and closing, sounds of her brushing her teeth and pulling her hair up into a messy bun so it would be out of her face. He frowned slightly as he listened to her heartbeat and his breath caught in his throat almost forcing him to open his eyes. It was a sound he had heard before. But the die was cast. He had no choice but to go on the mission. Wanda had said as much. He was going to ensure his family was safe. He felt the dog move off of the bed and follow MJ out of the room. He heard their bedroom door close and his eyes opened.


Comes the Destoryer...

A/N: It was kind of fun to write this last chapter while watching the Space X launch. Peter and company have it a little easier than we do. I try to base some of the science in a little bit of reality but I am going to end up in the realm of suspension of disbelief when it comes to the next story. Speaking of...these have always been IronDad/SpiderSon centric so they've been the only characters I tag. Should I keep it that way?

Next Story is in the works...stay tuned!