It is said when a human is born new star lights in the sky. However, once one's life ends the light of their star disappears from the sky. Kirschtaria Wodime was born once but his celestial body has gone out twice.

A hero. A single human who decided to oppose the history of mankind. To erase all of its grief, to forgive all of its sins, to make all of the suffering null and push every man, woman, and child toward controlling their own destiny. But his trusted ally rejected his wish as all of humanity rejected his help. He did not die grieving or begging for a third chance. He entrusted the future to the others who were far more worthy of it. His last moments were only seen by the single hero of the past, who was loyal to him, to his ideals, and his unachievable dream to the very end. His only regret was him betraying the hopes of those who he will never see again and those who sacrificed their lives for him.

As his mind gave up and his body lost all of its strength he felt a single star that always grabbed his attention and the one that was now shattered by the wrath of the divine being light up brighter than ever before. As reality itself started to crumble, he couldn't help himself but muse about what a future has for this lone star. A Third chance. It was a gift from Alaya to the star and to him. This time for the sake of a wingless butterfly.

The last thing that Kirschtaria Wodime saw before the mountain Olympus collapsed and the void of space accepted his body was a beautiful incarnation of fire in the form of a bird. Caenis his most trusted and loyal retainer, without a doubt flew off to give the last Master of Humanity a final fight. He felt strange but nonetheless was relieved that the old History has a chance of survival. Before the events that unfolded not long before his current predicament, he would felt disdain and disgust towards a mere thought that everything would become like before: countless humans would be nothing but mere cattle, without an equal opportunity to realize their talent and use it for the sake of others, bounded by destiny and karma to be powerless. If someone were able to read his memories in his last moments, they would be confused. How could a mage nobleman that was talented and gifted since his birth care about humanity as a whole? About the poor and weak, those who were born unlucky and could never even threaten their future. Wodime asked this question countless times and now moments before his life will extinguish he finally remembered a single day that changed who he once was and created a wish to change everything inside his soul.

September 15. A date when he met an alone and poor child that was talented, but whose life never allowed him to achieve a brighter future. A simple talk with a child much younger than himself that happened at Spring created the man that was known as Kirschtaria Wodime, the leader of the Crypters and the traitor of the human race.

As his Lostbelt turned to nothing and space itself demolished what was left of his physical form, he felt a strange force that started to drag his soul across infinite dimensions and the world. Most of the travel reminded him of the toy that the child gave him as an act of trust. Kaleidoscope, was it? So identical in name to the magic of the Great Marshal and so much difference in power. He gratefully accepted a simple gift and thanked the child with all his being.

In the end, his travel ended in a distantly familiar looking place. But the thing that nearly made Wodime lose all his composure was two creatures that reminded him of Phantasy Trees that the Alien God gave him and his companions. Countless crystals covered their bodies, and their movement was all too similar to worms. With a metaphorically loud sound both of them grinding against each other's bodies and countless shards dropped on a familiar planet. With power comparable to servants strike Wodime soul was pushed closer to Gaia.

Something felt wrong. Even foreign with his home planet and he tried to access his control over the cosmos. At this very moment, a chill ran down his spine and he understood a terrifying fact. Alaya and Gaia were not present. Either they are dead or both of them are suppressed.

The unspoken question was now answered. Why he was brought here, why his soul was not allowed to reincarnate, and why his homeland felt so different. Will of the Earth and Collective Unconsciousness of Mankind was nearly dead, and the timeline was on the verge of being pruned from the main universe.

Without a second thought, he allowed the unknown force to push him towards the planet and after that he surrendered to the darkness.

==== Hospital, Brockton Bay ====

A woman with dark curly hair was screaming, and her face was warped with agony, but glints of happiness could be seen in her emerald eyes. The same could be said of a man holding her arm and whispering words of encouragement in her ear.

The first child that greeted the world was a girl with green crystal-clear eyes. As she left the prison of flesh, she screamed as if announcing to the whole wide world about her presence.

The second child, however, was a boy with eyes that reminded of the blue sky. He did not cry in the instant he was free, but when nearly a minute had passed and the feeling of worry and uneasiness started feeling the room something deep inside his eyes switched and he started crying.

Both the parents and the doctor sighed with relief and after doing necessary manipulations, the doctor handed both children to their mother. While the stress on her face was showing pretty clearly it was easily overshadowed by a dumb wide smile of pure concentrated happiness. The face of their father was too full of relief and pride for his wife and their children. After a bit of a pause, the woman spoke first:

«So… Danny, how we will name them?» The mother asked uncertainly. With a complicated expression on his face Danny Hebert, the father of the twins muttered something under his breath, and with a face that mostly appears on the faces of the recently enlightened, he proposed a simple solution.

She names the daughter and he names the son. On the question of why he will not name the daughter he answered with a blush that he is not very good at naming things in general. And if he tried to name a daughter, it would be something stupid and completely ridiculous.

The daughter of man gifted with the name Taylor. And so she becomes Taylor Hebert.

The son of man gifted with the name Lio. Both of the parents could swear that they captured a glint of amusement in the child's eyes when he heard that name and so they decided. Lio Hebert was his name.

Deep behind the eyes of a child and at the very core of it was a single spark that quickly became a roaring flame, consuming everything and leaving only ash behind. With this the youngest of the two twins fallen to the sleep and the memories of the past became his dreams and his reality.