Title: Though the rise and fall, I will stand tall

Rating: M

Pairing: Yang x?, Black x Ilia,

Summary: 20 year old Yang Xiao Long didn't have it easy. Her parents died during an armed robbery at their home, she was forced to drop out of College to provide for her 8 year old sister, and even lost the love of her life because she didn't believe her.

What's up everyone. Sorry for the delay. I've been stupid busy with a lot of shit. I even have a collap in the works at the moment that's about two chapters in, and will be posted at either the end of the day (5/25/20) or tomorrow. Depending on how my internet hold up. It's raining where I live currently and the rain tends to mess with my connection.

Review Response.

Sparkyboi: No need for lies. Yang and Neo got dirty. As far as Ruby is concerned that means kissing with no clothes on.

Merendinoemiliano: Only gets better from here

Kamina44: Thanks man. I;ll keep that in mind.

"Hey sis," Speech

"How much for a Backroom dance Though/Flashback

"What I will and won't do," Communication/ Scroll

"Yang: Whats up," text over scroll


Chapter 7:Let's do the Sister Date Pt 2

Location: East Vale (River Palace)

Place: Xiao Long Rose Apartment

Time: 0815 (Sunday)

Ruby looked at the woman that her sister had brought to their home for 'adult things.' Something Ruby would never understand aside from kissing with no clothes on. Why would Yang need to kiss with her clothes off? A question for another day. Once or twice a month Yang would use one of her free nights to go out and party. Ruby never understood it and probably wouldn't until she was the same age as Yang. However one thing she did know was this her sister NEVER brought over anyone for 'adult things. So whoever this woman was she would learn the full fury of an 8 year old Ruby Rose.

"Yang... Who is this?" asked Ruby with an adorable glare that would have made anyone else smile at how cute it was.

Yang knew better then to poke the bear that was an angry Ruby. Cute and loving as she was Ruby could hold a serious grudge. One time Yang ate the last cookie that was saved for Ruby when she was five. Ruby didn't talk to Yang for nearly a month. Yang was even the one who helped her with her homework and Ruby failed one assignment rather then ask Yang for help. It took Yang buying a Jumbo box of her favorite strawberry flavored cookies and chocolate milk.

"Um Ruby... This is Neo, Neo this is my little sister Ruby," said Yang pulling on a black shirt, and shorts in record time.

Neo smiled at Ruby. "Oh aren't you just the cutest thing!" Neo squealed out. "Are you watching her while your Mum and dad are on holiday or something?"

Yang sighed as she rubbed her head. "Nothing like that. I'm Ruby's legal guardian," said Yang

Neo's grin fell from her face. "Sorry," said Neo.

Yang shuck her head. "It's fine you didn't know," said Yang, before looking at Ruby. "Hey sis can you give us a minute?"

Ruby looked at Yang, before returning a glare back to Neo. "I'm watching you," said Ruby as she walked out.

Neo grinned at Yang. "You got a very protective little sister," said Neo

Yang let out a little laugh. "Sometimes I forget that she takes care of me as much as I take care of her," said Yang.

Neo shuck her head. "So was this a one night stand or will I get to see you again?" asked The multi colored hair beauty.

Yang picked up her scroll and throw it to Neo after unlocking it. Neo quickly put in her number and thought about it for a second before taking a picture of her winking at the camera.

"Honestly I'm hoping it was more then a hit it and quit it?" said Yang.

Neo grinned. "You got my number and something to wank off to when you get a little hot. Call me later k," said Neo with a wink

"Alright. Even if nothing comes of this, it'd be nice to see you again," said Yang with a nod.

Neo winked and walked out.

Yang signed as she went to her closet grabbed some cargo pants, an orange designer tank top, and some white sneakers. She went to the shower and quickly washed off. Once she was finished Yang went back into her Room and moved a loose floorboard that was under her dresser and pulled out 5 stacks of cash in mixed bundles that all equaled 2000 lien each. Nobody knew about this cash. She had a way for Ruby to learn about it if something happened to her, but That currently was unimportant. Throwing 4 of the stacks back into the hole she then counted. She counted out 800 lien and placed it in her wallet. As she put the rest of the money away she reached into the hole once again and retrieved and .38 special. She opened it up. It had five bullets. She placed on the inside of her cargo jacket and put it on.

She walked out of her room and saw Ruby sitting at the kitchen table and speaking with Penny and Velvet. Yang smiled at this. Penny and Velvet was basically Ruby's best friends in the world. Yang as a joke once that the three were like those sisters from charmed. The reference was lost on the girls, but not the parents.

"You ready to go sis?" asked Yang as she was fixing her hair and putting it in a ponytail.

"Yeah. Alright guys I'll talk to you later," said Ruby after a quick goodbye to her friends.

The two sisters left the apartment intent on enjoying their day.

Location: North Vale

Place: North Vale Open Air Mall

Time: 1000 (Sunday)

Ruby smiled at Yang as they sat in the hair salon getting their hair and nails done. Sure Yang was spending two-hundread lian. On them, but it was fine. Yang had a lot of spare cash from her 'job' as a stripper, but she didn't really care. She had the money to treat her baby sister. Yang's hair was honestly a pain in the ass to keep long. She had once thought about cutting it, but she liked it way to much.

"So Yang how have you been?" asked her Stylist and acquaintance Scarlet. Scarlet was a nice guy and if he wasn't so deep in the closet that he was finding Christmas presents Yang would have thought about dating him.

It was actually funny. Qrow had accused her of being as gay as a rainbow, when in truth she was just bi with a perchance for females. The sisters finished their time at the salon with Ruby sporting a single ponytail

"Nothing much Scar. I've been working hard for the last few weeks. This is just a day I decided to take Ruby out for a sister date," said Yang.

Scarlet smiled. "Glad to see you two out and about. I know your jobs keep you busy and Qrow isn't exactly an easy hun.

"Understatement of the fucking century," snorted the blonde.

Few people who talked to Yang knew why Qrow and Yang's relationship was so strained. Many of the blondes close friends thought that it had to due with Qrow wanting to take custody of Ruby. That was only part of it. When her parents died Yang had been 17 years old, fresh out of high school, working at the mall, going to college for a degree in Fitness and Health and enjoying the high life of a party girl. She didn't know shit about the real world or raising a child, even if that child was her own little sister. Yet here she was a Year later working at the college cafe and as a stripper, while providing for herself and her younger sister with plans to leave Vale right on or around Ruby's birthday.

"Language," said Ruby as she hummed happily as the lady who was doing her hair chuckled at her.

"Well ain't you just the cutest thing. My son Oscar would probably make a good boyfriend for you," teased the woman. The owner of the Shop Ursa

The crimsonette narrowed her eyes before sticking out her tongue. "No way boys are disgusting!"

Scarlet, Ursa, and Yang grinned at each other. Each of them had thoughts along those lines when they were kids, but quickly changed their tones when they got older.

After finishing up with their hair Ruby came out with a braid done in the right side of her hair with a several of her bangs died red to give it added flavor. Yang came away with a simple wash and shine and highlights that made her hair seem more golden then it was.

"Where to next kiddo?" asked Yang.

Ruby thought about it for a few minutes before she grinned at Yang. "Lets go clothes shopping!" said Ruby excitedly.

Yang laughed at her sister, before they left to finish up their sister date. With Shopping, Movie, and Dinner.

By the time they got back to the apartment Ruby was out like a light. Yang picked her sister up out of the car and took her into her room. Yang herself went back to her room and removed the gun and put it back in it's hiding spot. She went and laid down in her own bed, before drifting off into a dreamless sleep.

Location: East Vale (River Palace)

Place: Motel

Time: 0200 (Monday)

A Red and Black Audi sat in the parking lot of a Motel in River Palace. It was a pretty out of the way place and was perfect for the things that Cinder needed. It was squad with the outside not being visible except for an entrance way that had a hard time seeing the entire parking lot. This was Cinder's prime location for her pimping. She had a Deal in place with the local cops and the owner/manager. A 40 percent cut for the cops in exchange for information and free entertainment for parties and a 10 percent cut for the owner since he had a record.

Once of her girls... Octavia walked out of a room and walked up to the Audi and knocked on the black out window. The window rolled down and a well manicured hand came out. Octavia reached into her shirt and pulled out several hundred dollars. The hand disappeared for a few minutes before it came back out with only a quarter of the cash. Octavia snorted and took the money before she walked off. She could pull a few more customers before the end of the night.

Cinder counted out some bills as she currently had a few girls working in the motel at the moment. They were girls who 'worked' for Junior. She was pimping his girls right under his nose and he didn't even know it. Honestly were it not for the fact that Junior was one of the most powerful men in the underworld she would operate out in the open, maybe even take him out of the picture all together. It was still a risk even with Roman's blessing.

Cinder looked up as a car pulled up next to her before the owner got out and get in her car. The owner handed Cinder a file. Cinder took the file and opened it. She looked at several papers and pictures with narrowed eyes, before her eyes fell on a picture.

Are you sure this information is good?" asked Cinder.

"Babe you pay me to keep Qrow off your back and any information that could help your business. Why would I fuck you over?" asked her informant.

The ashen haired woman smirked. "Cause I'd kill him and then you'd die too," said Cinder as she reached over and kissed her informant. The informant returned the kiss with vigor

The folder fell to the ground and Cinder climbed over the seat and into the lap of her informant. The picture that could be seen was a picture of Mercury's hand on Yang's shoulder.


And Cut. The plot thickens. Dramatic pause! Next few chapters are going to shift gears We're moving onto Qrow in the next chapter and after that will be Kali for a few chapters.