Disclaimer: I do not own the characters of either Dragon Ball Super or Kong: Skull Island, only how the story goes. Dragon Ball Super belongs to Akira Toriyama and Kong: Skull Island belongs to Legendary Studios. And here is the first chapter to the sequel of Defenders vs Monsters: Beginnings. And I still plan to include the soundtracks, but more specifically, they'll be from the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie and Kong: Skull Island. I apologize for any errors in grammar and/or if I was not accurate in reference to something.

A/N: And here is the first chapter to the sequel of Defenders vs Monsters: Beginnings. And I still plan to include the soundtracks, but more specifically, they'll be from the Dragon Ball Super Broly movie and Kong: Skull Island.


Chapter One: A Monster That No One Has Seen Before

(Cue Birth of Frieza's Army track from DBS Broly)

On the mysterious planet of Berry Blue's mysterious master, bright green lights flashed from within the laboratory within the palace in the capitol city as something was happening. From inside the lab, the sound of roars, between pain and rage came from behind the large set of double doors. Berry Blue herself was on her way towards the labs as the sounds of whatever creature continued to ring throughout the palace. The halls were big enough for some Titans to walk through. As she appeared before the doors, a lab technician in lab equipment walked out of the room from a smaller side door. Their face was covered by a mask as they bowed and said, "Lady Berry Blue. I'm glad that you've arrived."

"I can tell." The blue skinned alien said with her smile that never faltered. Then she asked, "Is the specimen ready?"

"Come and see, please." The technician said before turning back the door. Berry Blue followed her in and the technician held the door open for her. She then asked as they walked through a short hall, "What is the status of the specimen?"

"Vital signs are completely stable, design is specifically to what the Master wishes both physically and mentally and the gestation process is complete." The technician informed her. They neared the next door as they said, "All we need know is His and your inspection of the creature."

"I'm sure that it will be all that He desires." Berry Blue said, her smile never faltering. When she walked into the room she found herself before a large container that housed a large creature. Surrounding the creature's containment tank were a few other lab technicians as they stood around the tank. Though she couldn't see much description of the creature because of the lighting, she could tell that it didn't seem as large as most other Titans, but Berry Blue was certain that it was just as deadly. The creature used its large paws to beat on the glass and cracks immediately spread. One technician shouted, "Start containment procedures!"

"No." Berry Blue said loud enough for all to hear. All of the technicians stopped in their tracks and she said, "I want to see its power."

They all looked to each other but didn't question their master's second in command. Then they looked to the creature along with Berry Blue. The creature used its long tail this time and the cracks grew even bigger. Placing its hands against the glass, it reared its massive head back before slamming it against the glass and shattering it. All the technicians gasped as they moved back from the creature as it tumbled out of its container. The creature slid across the slick floor and came to a stop before Berry Blue. But she didn't show no fear as it opened its large eyes and stood up on its legs with a hiss. Berry Blue then said, "Be still, my pet."

The creature obeyed her commands and didn't move from its spot. Berry Blue's eyes didn't leave the creature as she then ordered, "Bring me the De-Stabilize Formula."

The technicians scrambled to comply and soon two of them rolled a large stone container with a simple stone lid towards Berry Blue and the creature's face. They stopped beside them and Berry Blue levitated off the ground and removed the lid from the container. Then addressing the monster in front of her she said, "Carefully dip the tip of your tongue into here."

The creature calmly complied and opened its long jaws. Its longer pink tongue slithered to the vat of substance and slowly dipped the edge of it into the vat. When it pulled its appendage out of the stone container, its tongue glowed from purple to green before becoming its normal pink color again. Berry Blue didn't turn as she then ordered, "Inform the master that the creature is ready and I will bring it to him to be able to see it before I depart."

"Yes, Berry Blue." One of the technicians said before running off. Berry Blue smiled as she knew that this would meet her master's requirements.

(End of track)


Berry Blue walked a few yards ahead of the creature as it followed her towards her master's throne room. When they arrived before the grand doors they stopped and waited to enter. It didn't take long for the doors to creak open and become wide enough for the two to enter. Once the creature had stomped through the doors and stopped a few good distance from the throne, the doors closed and both Berry Blue and her creature bowed before the being on the throne. Their master looked over the creature before saying, "I must admit that I am greatly impressed with the creature."

(Cue Frieza's Wish track from DBS Broly)

"I'm glad that you approve, Master." Berry Blue said with a humble voice. She then informed, "The technicians have informed me that the creature meets your standards in every way."

"Excellent." The mysterious being said. Then they asked, "Has the De-Stabilizing Formula been administered?"

"Yes, milord." Berry Blue nodded. Then she said, "All it will need to do is pick its target and inject the subject with the formula. Then their body will crumble from within, making them unable to stand in the way."

"And you are prepared to complete your other assignments as well?" Her master asked. Berry Blue reached into her pocket and pulled out the two vials of the Corrupting Infection in them. Her smile grew even wider as she said, "Greatly, milord."

"Good." The being said with satisfaction in their voice. Then he said, "I want someone to go with the creature when you send it to the past to observe the outcome."

"I will choose the right person for the job, sire." Berry Blue said with a bow of her head. She then added, "And I think I know just who to send."

"Go now. Complete your assignments." Her master commanded, "And await further orders."

"I will not fail you, my Master." Berry Blue said with one final bow of her head. Then turning to the creature she said, "Let's go."

The creature, a beast that looked like a giant serpent with arms, a long skull for its head and black hairs that jutted between the scales and the skull portion of its head turned and walked back to the door. The large double doors slowly opened again as the two took their leave and left their master alone in his throne room. When the doors shut behind Berry Blue and her creature, the being looked up to the ceiling of the throne room, looked out a large skylight and said, "If all goes well, then the Earth of the Thirteenth Universe shall become a gateway of completing our plans."

(End of track)


At another section of the capitol city, Berry Blue stood with a few other scientists as the creature was being prepped for launch. While it was being placed into a rock made pod, Berry Blue stood in a different spot and ordered, "Pull him."

A technician threw a small disk into the air and it extended to become ring segments that were connected by a stream of electricity. In the middle of the ring appeared a magenta portal. Berry Blue looked to one of the technicians and asked, "Is it locked on to his exact signature?"

"Yes, ma'am." The technician nodded before looking back to the portal, "He should be coming through in a second."

A split second later, a red liquid came pouring out of the portal by the gallons. Berry Blue and the technicians backed away as the liquid pooled and spread on the platform. The technician looked the substance over and informed, "I-It's blood." They looked around and said in confusion, "But I don't understand."

"Oh, but I do." Berry Blue said with a half-smirk. They all looked to the portal as an object fell through. A loud object banged against the platform before something wrapped in chains fell after it and grunted when they fell onto the platform. Berry Blue then ordered, "Free him."

A technician quickly complied by taking out a small laser pointer and aimed it at the chains. With quick fluid moments, the chains were burned through and the thing wrapped in the chains shakily rose to his feet. Berry Blue levitated over the chains and said, "Welcome, Sir Geras."

A man in black pants, white armor and a white mask stood at his full height and turned to face Berry Blue. With a scowl he said, "Don't think this makes me like you and your master any better, Berry Blue."

"Why, because we knew that Kronika's plan would one day run its course?" Berry Blue smugly asked. Geras didn't seem like he was in the mood and was about to say something when she beat him by saying, "You should be a little more grateful. We both know that like most immortals and places, the Blood Sea transcends time since the true beginning.

"We were able to pull you from a prison that even the Great Geras was unable to escape. Too bad for Lady Kronika." She rubbed the salt into his wound. Geras huffed in irritation before questioning, "What do you want?"

"See that creature?" Berry Blue asks and looks over to the rock made pod. Geras turned to look before bringing his attention back to her. She then told him, "My master merely needs an observer to watch the creature's progress when it is sent to the past of the Titan's Earth."

"And you thought to call on me?" Geras skeptically questioned. Berry Blue merely shrugged and said, "Well, I thought that you might at least want a job since Lady Kronika was defeated."

Geras looked down and began to think about it. Berry Blue then added, "I'm sure that my master can give you a place. And have further uses of your service." Then glancing back she said, "But you might want to hurry and decide on it."

Geras thought it over and looked at his options. He knew that Berry Blue's master had his motives that rivaled the late Kronika's and it made them bitter rivals. But he knew that without Kronika, he had no purpose any more. Looking to the short blue alien, he agreed, "I'll do it."

"Excellent." Berry Blue said as her smile never faltered. Then she said, "You may catch a ride with me."

"Where are we going?" Geras asked as they moved to Berry Blue's ship. Berry Blue didn't look back as she said, "To Earth, Sir Geras. To Earth."

Her creature's meteor like pod finished sealing itself with the creature inside. Inside the rock, a green gas cloud entered and made the creature's eyes droop completely before closing fully.

Berry Blue took her seat with Geras sitting in one behind her. After typing some commands into the console, Berry Blue's ship started to hover as the creature's pod also levitated off the ground. And like the pods of the Saiyans long ago, the pod spun around before a blue glow shrouded the structure. Then in the blink of an eye, it launched into deep space. Berry Blue quickly flew her ship out of the planets orbit before engaging her H-drive. The ship too started to zoom through the stars after the meteor pod. Berry Blue smiled as she was determined to carry out her master's will.


Author's Note: I can't wait for you all to tell me if you recognize Berry Blue's creature. And in the next chapter, we'll be seeing some old friends again before getting into the heavier stuff. I look forward to reading your reviews. Be sure to leave a comment either about if I've done something wrong or if you want something specifically to happen. See you next time.