You, Me, and 20 Square Meters Between Us

Summary: The COVID-19 epidemic has everyone quarantined in their homes, including newlyweds Usagi and Mamoru, who have just moved in to their new apartment. They're going to find out very quickly what it's like to live with each other.

A/N: Hello, everyone!

I hope all of you are safe and healthy during this global epidemic. I have been working from home since mid-March, and adapting to the new normal which we are living has been very interesting, to say the least. Thankfully, we are all healthy and doing our best to flatten the curve. And what better way to stay in than read fanfiction?!

Which brings me to this story! Written for ninjettetwitch for the UsaMamo Spring Exchange 2020 on Tumblr, I have written a light-hearted story that reflects what we're all adapting to. I really hope that you like it, ninjettetwitch!

A huge thank you to my beta, aurorafiberarts/Pia Bartolini for her letting me bounce ideas off of her and her super-fast turnaround on editing this. And also a shout-out of thanks to UglyGreenJacket for hosting this fun event. We all need a little bit of light in this darkness, and these gifts of stories and art have been wonderful.

I hope you guys enjoy!

Day 1

Dear Chiba Mamoru,

At Keio University, we are continuing to take concerns over COVID-19 extremely seriously and doing everything in our power to ensure the safety of our students, faculty, and staff. As many of you are aware, to help limit the spread of COVID-19, social distancing practices are being put in to place. At this time, we are asking all Year 1 and 2 students to not report to campus for your regular classes. You will be sent instructions in a separate email on how to access virtual classrooms for the duration of the semester.

"Well, there it is." Mamoru's lip curled into a half-frown as he read the correspondence from his University. "Live classes have been suspended for the semester." He skimmed through the additional text of the email, eyes lingering on words such as 'effective immediately' and 'prohibited' and 'rapidly changing and evolving.' Of course this global epidemic was rapidly evolving… it was shutting down entire nations! And he, Year 2 medical student Chiba Mamoru, couldn't do a damn thing about it except stay at home.

Annoyed, Mamoru flipped the lid to his laptop down and blew a frustrated puff into his bangs. It wasn't that he didn't comprehend. As an aspiring medical professional, he understood the reasons behind the quarantine completely: flatten the curve. Try to slow the spread of this virus. But that was also the problem. As an aspiring medical professional-slash-caped crusader who fights youmas and evil queens and other galactic villains, he wanted to help fight this pandemic.

Except this isn't a corporeal being, baka. This is a highly contagious virus.

Mamoru slouched in his chair. Quarantined. Not that he minded staying in. In fact, it might be a nice change of pace given how go-go-go his life had rapidly become. Between school, studies, senshi business and the necessary stops at Motoki's coffee shop, he hardly had time to sit and relax in his own home with his wife of two months.

Slender arms encircled Mamoru's shoulders, accompanied by the distinct scent of jasmine. Within seconds, Mamoru felt the tension of what if and how come recede, replaced with the warmth and security that only his princess could offer. "So, what's the verdict?"

Mamoru tipped his head back into the crook of Usagi's awaiting shoulder. "Classes have been suspended for the semester."

"Suspended?" Usagi repeated, eliciting a nod from Mamoru.

"Yup. We're transitioning to online courses, so it seems," he elaborated. "At least, Year 1 and 2 students are."

"Well, that's not so bad!" Usagi mused. When he didn't reply immediately, her arms slackened . "Right?"

"I'm not so sure," he eventually replied. "I mean, I can study at home, sure, but it's not the same as actually being there, seeing the presentations and engaging with the professors. There's only so much a textbook can teach you."

"But isn't that what the online format is for?"

"Well, yes, but it's not the same."

Usagi untangled her arms from his torso and folded herself into his lap. Her crystal blue eyes stared into his, holding the same determination she carried when she was Sailor Moon.

"Chiba Mamoru, you listen to me good, you hear?"

"I, erhm—"

"You are going to not worry about the online classes. You are not going to self doubt this new format. In fact, you are going to excel at it. I know it's new, and it's different, and you're going to have to adapt to this new arrangement, but you will succeed. Do you hear me?"

Mamoru couldn't help but smirk. "Isn't it my job to build you up, not the other way around?"

Usagi swatted him playfully. "Hey now, I'm trying to be serious here!" she laughed. "At least classes aren't canceled altogether, right?"


"And they're providing you with the resources you'll need, correct?"

Mamoru nodded again.

"Then I fail to see an issue here. Change is good. Change is innovative. And, with all the advancements in telemedicine, this is only going to give you another skill in that giant brain of yours you didn't think you needed."

"My giant what?"

"And," Usagi continued, "look at the bright side. Since getting married, I swear we've seen each other less! With you at school, me working at the shop, and the girls… we're non-stop."

Mamoru nodded in agreement as Usagi verbalized the same thoughts he had moments prior. Usagi had been out of work for three days now; furloughed, unfortunately, from the Hello Kitty novelty shop. As a part time employee, especially one so new, there wasn't much the small shop could do for her, except tell Usagi the position was waiting for her when all of this was over.

Which brought about another concern – cash flow. Money. They just moved into a new apartment. Albeit slightly smaller than his previous one, the location was prime for the two of them with it being blocks away from both the University and the novelty shop. Unfortunately, prime location also comes at a higher premium.

Usagi ruffled his hair. "We still have in savings what was left from the wedding, right? That should tide us over until everything opens back up, right?"

"I think so," he replied cautiously. "Rent isn't due for another three weeks. If we keep our costs low, then we should be okay."

Usagi smiled. "See? And besides, where would we go if the country is pretty much locked down?"

"Fair point."

Usagi placed a soft kiss on his forehead. "Everything is going to be okay, Mamo-chan. I just know it."

Day 8

Mamoru tipped his head back once more, allowing the sunshine to warm his half-covered face for another moment before he entered the apartment building.

Being outdoors almost felt taboo at this point. The lack of people on the sidewalks was borderline eerie as he made his way to the konbini, and the near-empty shelves were something he had never seen before. However, they were alarmingly low on food, and an essentials-only trip to the nearest shop was necessary.

Thankfully, he had a mask handy from his school materials, so Mamoru volunteered to take the trip. After all, he was the cook, and knew how to best ration what was needed versus not. Three bags later filled with instant ramen, onigiri, oden, chicken breast, and an assortment of canned and bagged vegetables, he managed to stay under budget and even manage to grab Usagi a few different flavors of mochi.

His stomach rumbled, reminding him that it was well into the afternoon and neither of them had anything to eat up to this point. Mamoru's mouth watered when he reminded himself of the two containers of warm pork yakisoba he grabbed on his way to the checkout; only ¥330 each, and well worth the cost for a prepared meal.

Mamoru made his way into the building and up to his floor. For a moment, he felt unsanitary as he stood outside the wooden doorframe, and contemplated if he should shuck his clothing in the genkan alongside his shoes, just in case he was in fact exposed to the virus. Somewhere he had read that the virus could survive a few days on shoes and clothing, and like everyone else, he could feel the fear of the seriousness of this illness creep into the back of his mind.

Just wash your hands. That's all you need to do. Minimize going out, wash your hands, and not touch your face with dirty hands.

Mamoru slipped the key into the lock, twisted and called out to Usagi as he entered into the entryway. He immediately slipped off his shoes before making his way to the kitchen, placing the bags on the counter. With a quick flick of his elbow, he lifted the faucet handle and immediately started washing his hands. He was barely lathered up when Usagi skid into the kitchen, her eyes as wide as her smile, as she clapped her hands with glee at the contents in front of her.

"Food! Glorious, glorious food!" she exclaimed. "Please tell me you got fried chicken. I am starving!"

Mamoru frowned as he washed away the soap. "I didn't know you wanted that. Sorry, Usako," he apologized. "I got us yakisoba, however. It's nice and hot."

"Ooh, that sounds good!" she replied excitedly as she dug through the bag, grinning in triumph as she pulled out the noodle dish. "Anything good for dessert?"

"I picked up some mochi," he replied as he took one of the packages from Usagi's extended hand. "They had sakura available."

"Yum! Anything else?"

Mamoru popped the lid off of the container, the smell of Worcestershire and ginger filling his nostrils. "I picked matcha and vanilla bean, too."

Usagi slurped a noodle into her mouth. "I mean other snacks. Any dorayaki?"

Mamoru frowned. "Uh, no. No dorayaki."

"Kit Kats?"

"No Kit Kats."

"Potato sticks?"



Mamoru cringed. "I got us some onigiri?"

Usagi shook her head. "Oh, Mamo-chan," she whimpered, "You mean to tell me that for the next week all I have is mochi for a snack?"

He couldn't help but wince. "I did get some shrimp chips, if that helps?"

Usagi wiggled her head, as if she was saying not really, you giant baka, but she kept her mouth closed as she chewed at her food slowly.

"I'm sorry, Usako. I was trying to be cost conscious is all. It was not intentional."

"I know," Usagi shrugged as she picked at a piece of pork. "We need to be practical right now," she added with a sigh.

The two of them finished their lunch in silence, which only made him feel worse. Normally, he'd just run back out and grab her whatever sweet or savory treats were displayed at the register. But he already felt like a criminal going out for essentials; how could he justify running out for treats?

"Mamo-chan, seriously; it's okay," Usagi eventually assured him as she placed the empty container on the countertop. "I'll make due. Really. Besides, Mako-chan messaged us earlier today saying she was going to be bringing by some lavender coconut macaroons she was testing out, so not all is lost."

"She is?"

"Mmhmm," she nodded. "The bakery is still operating, and she's practicing contactless delivery."

Mamoru blinked. "Then why the need for the other stuff?"

Usagi cocked her head to the side. "The question is, when isn't there a need for the other stuff, Mamo-chan? Surely, you of all people should know how my stomach operates, ne?"


"And next time, you'll remember the Kit Kats and the Pocky?"

He nodded again. "And the dorayaki."

Usagi tipped him a cheeky grin. "Thank you, Mamo-chan!"

Day 12

Mamoru pinched the bridge of his nose and squeezed his eyes shut as he took a much needed pause from his text.

Pharmacology was fascinating. The uses, effects, and modes of action of different drugs and how the body responded to them was probably his favorite course to date. That being said, reviewing Pharmacokinetics and Pharmacodynamics was starting to make his brain hurt. Like physically hurt.

Blearily, he looked up at the clock on the wall. Surely, it had to be late into the evening to be this tired.

19:57. Only… 19:57. How?

Mamoru dropped the textbook onto his desk with a huff before leaning back into the couch. It was way too late for coffee. If he had a cup now, he'd be up until 1, or 2 in the morning. No, he needed a quick sugar boost. He needed… that piece of chocolate cake that Makoto dropped off on their doorstop this morning.

He wasn't a big sweets guy, but if he had to pick just one, it would be chocolate. Rich, dark, bold chocolate. And when Makoto dropped off a slice of triple layer dark chocolate crunch cake with a fudge ganache filling, it spoke to his very soul, as if she was thinking of him when she made it.

Only thing was, there was only one slice. Makoto, all alone in her place, was so bored that she was making all sorts of treats and leaving a piece at each of the girls' doorsteps during this quarantine. So, he offered it to Usagi since it was technically for her. Usagi had, kindly, offered it to him, fully knowing chocolate was his favorite, and like an idiot he declined.

"Here's the deal," Usagi offered, "I will save this cake in the fridge for you until 20:00. If you do not eat it by then, I will believe you don't actually want this chocolate monstrosity and I'll eat it. Deal?"

Mamoru looked at the clock again.


Meaning… the cake was still his… for a few minutes.

Mamoru scrambled to his feet and all but hurdled the coffee table as he darted into the kitchen. With extra oomph, he swung open the fridge door and scanned the contents of the shelves, looking for that thick slice of sugar that would power him through the rest of chapters 13 through 15.

And as he should have suspected, it was gone.

Mamoru let his shoulders drop as he let out a disappointed sigh. He should have told Usagi to save it for him. But he was trying to be nice, and now it was too late.


If Usagi was going to save it for him until 20:00 and it was now… 19:59, and she never made her way into the kitchen while he was studying, how did she… get it?

"Ne, Usako?" Mamoru called out as he released the fridge handle from his grip. "Where did you put that slice of cake?" When she did not answer, Mamoru turned towards their bedroom and called out to her again. "Usako?"

Maybe she's fallen asleep?

Quietly, Mamoru walked out of their kitchen, down the small hallway to their bedroom, and cracked open the door. "Usako?" he asked softly once more, widening the door as he saw her socked feet propped on their bed, wiggling around to only what he could presume was the beat of some song. As the door opened further, revealing his wife on their bed, he felt his jaw slacken further, further, and further until it felt like it was hitting the floor.

She was propped against their pillows, her wireless headphones in, and happily digging in to his piece of cake. He must have spooked her, because when she nodded her head towards the doorway, she yelped and dropped the utensil onto the plate.

"M-M-Mamo-chan!" she stammered as she pulled off her headphones. "What… what are you doing?"

Mamoru pointed a shaky finger. "You're eating… my cake?"

"You mean… this cake?" she asked, her blue eyes darting back and forth between him and the half-eaten baked good. Blue eyes usually so full of innocence and purity, now twinkling with obvious deception and trickery!

"You said it was mine until 20:00!"

"And it's now 20:00," Usagi said as she nodded towards the clock.

"Well, yeah, now it is, but you already ate half of that slice!"

"You said you didn't want it!"

"But you said I had until 20:00!"

"And it's 20:00!"

"But you said it was mine until 20:00, and it's just NOW 20:00!"


Mamoru threw his hands up in the air. "No! Not 'exactly!' That's my cake you're eating!"

Usagi raised an eyebrow at him. "Oh, really?"

"Yes!" Mamoru exasperated with a cross of his arms. Only, his tough-guy front didn't last much long. His eyes widened as Usagi clasped her long, manicured fingers around her fork, lifted it up into the air, and with inappropriate and excessive force, stabbed the fluffy creation and hoisted it into her gaping maw.

"Mmm, so good."


Her eyes narrowed wickedly, smiling while she chewed at the chocolatey goodness. Teasing him. Taunting him. That was his chocolate cake. His ganache. His chocolate crunchies that he just knew Makoto made from scratch.

"That's my cake!" he cried out again, his feet pushing him into the air and diving into the bed. Usagi cried out as she lifted the plate into the air, her legs twisting over him as she scurried off of the bed.



"No!" Mamoru scrambled to his knees, only to see Usagi run out of their bedroom, squealing as she high-tailed it out of there. Not wasting a moment, Mamoru leapt off of the bed and chased after her. She gasped as he cornered her in the kitchen, laughed as they rounded the coffee table, and squealed when she tried to use the couch as a means of leverage to get past him once more. It wasn't until he pulled her down and underneath him that she shoved the remaining cake into his mouth.

She was giggling. Not just laughing, but full-blown losing it as pieces of chocolate frosting and cake adhered to his face. His jaw was hanging open once again, shocked from the action.

"Here you go!" she finally squeaked out between chuckles. "Good, right?"

He was briefly stunned from the suddenness of the food stuck to his slack mouth and the fact his wife actually smashed food into his face. Still gaping over the transgression, Mamoru took in the sight beneath him. The way her hair fanned out, the apples of her cheeks bright red from laughter, her eyes dancing with mischievous delight. The right side of his cheek lifted into a half smile, his eye narrowing at his taunting wife. Two can play this game. Slowly, he darted his tongue around his lips, savoring the sinfully amazing taste of the (formerly his) cake.

"Mmm," he moaned, enjoying the fact that Usagi immediately stopped giggling, "so good." Her jaw slackened as her breath quickened beneath him. With purpose, did it once more. "Mmmm..."

"M…M…Mamo…" she gasped. Coyly, Mamoru lifted his hand, fingers brushing against her cheek as he did so, and reached it above her head. And, just as she had done moments before, he wrapped his fingers around the remaining spongey goodness, scooped it into his hand, and smashed it onto her face.

"MAMO-CHAN!" she exclaimed from the sudden impact, bits of cake rolling around in her mouth as she yelled at him. This time, it was his turn to start laughing, one so deep he could feel tears pricking the corners of his eyes as she gawked at him.

"Good, isn't it?" he laughed as he mimicked what she said just moments before, reveling in the variety of her facial expressions.

"Oooh, you!" she exclaimed as she wiped her chin, frosting collecting at the tip of her thumb. With a wicked grin, Mamoru intercepted her hand and stuck her thumb in his mouth. He pressed his lips firmly against her digit before pulling it out slowly.

She was panting. Her mouth was parted and eyelids lowered as he popped her thumb out of his mouth. Mamoru lowered his head, lips brushing against her earlobe as he whispered: "is that… mocha frosting?"

When she shoved at him and called him a baka, he tumbled onto the floor and curled into a ball from laughing so hard. And he had to admit, this was much more fun than simply eating a slice of cake.

The moment didn't last, though, because seconds later, she pounced him. And for a couple of heated – and sloppy – minutes, she attacked his mouth with chocolate kisses.

Day 15

"Michi no tabi eeeeeeeeeee, Fumidasoooooooo, Michi no tabi EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE"

Mamoru closed his eyes and let out a slow, steady breath. In. Out. In…. out.

Not that he disliked Frozen 2, or Usagi's singing for that matter. Usagi singing was usually a sign of her enjoying herself. And Usagi enjoying herself was one of his favorite sounds in the whole world.

The issue was…. This wasn't the first, third, or tenth time this movie was on.

More like the twenty-fifth time since it was released on Disney Deluxe. Which was only a week ago.

At first, it was awesome. Usagi was so excited to watch the acclaimed and beloved movie. And – probably Mamoru's favorite part – was that it kept her distracted for a sizable chunk of time…. 1 hour and 45 minutes of quiet time. 1 hour and 45 minutes of quality study time.

That had only lasted about, oh, 3 days.

Not that he didn't understand. No, he understood completely why Usagi was so obsessed with the movie. A magical ice queen searching deep within herself and a mystical land to discover her purpose in the world? Kind of relatable. Now, throw those damnably catchy, mind-numbing Disney lyrics into the mix...

… and the quiet quickly ended.


"Into the Unknown" was Usagi's favorite song from the soundtrack. Catchy and upbeat, the song left an impression on her beyond all the other songs. Not that she didn't enjoy the others (and he had to admit, the 80s rock ballad sang by Kristoff was as unexpected as it was awesome), but this one was her favorite to, ahem, belt out. And belt she did! She accompanied each soulful word with enthusiastic hand and a hip-swaying shimmy that he could only describe as the "Elsa strut" in their teensy, tiny apartment.

And when Usagi began singing, ahem-belting out "Into the Unknown", he because very aware just how tiny this place truly was.

Only issue was… it wasn't the singing that bothered him.

It wasn't the movie. Or the extremely loud decibel level she managed. Or the struts or hand gestures. Because, if it was that unpretentious, he could simply ask Usagi to not turn it on until after he was done studying. And, if he was being honest, watching Usagi's hips seductively sway was most certainly not the worst thing he laid eyes on.

It was the fact that the damn song HADN'T LEFT HIS HEAD IN TWO WEEKS.

In the shower.

In the bedroom.

On the toilet.

All he could HEAR was that damn song on repeat over and over and over in his freaking mind!

When washing dishes, he found himself humming it. When folding laundry, he'd feel his lips purse together to whistle it. Once, and only once, he caught himself singing it out loud while whisking his eggs.

It was the song of all songs to get stuck in your head… during a *quarantine* nonetheless. When he needed to be focusing on studying to the best of his ability. Yet, instead of retaining chapter 7 of his biochemistry text, the Japanese version of Into the Unknown reigned supreme.


Mamoru sighed. How long did it take for "Let it Go" to die, again? Months?

He needed to find another musical to get stuck in his head. And fast.

Day 20

The new normal.

Mamoru propped himself up as he began to wake, bedsheet tumbling down his bare chest as he sat up.

It was still so odd waking up without the assistance of an alarm clock. Rather, he allowed his body to wake up on its own for the first time in… ever, if he was being honest with himself. What was the point? There were no early-morning classes anymore; his professors were pre-recording lectures to view on the student's preferred schedule. He no longer had a place of employment to clock in to, so his early morning pit-stops at Motoki's were eliminated. And while he still enjoyed getting out of the house for his regular jog, he now did it at 8:00 rather than 6:00, when the skies were brightly lit.

It amused him when he thought about it more. Years ago, if Usagi suggested that he do something so farfetched as sleep in, he would have scoffed. Refused. And, if he was being honest, remind her about how sleeping in leads to tardiness, something she was well versed in. But, he had to admit, his body did feel more refreshed these last few weeks. The pain behind his eyes was non-existent. The need for multiple cups of coffee throughout the day was no longer necessary. Yes, as a medical student, he was well aware of why eight hours of sleep was best for an adult. But, as a medical student, super hero, and husband, he was lucky if he averaged five.

She wasn't entirely wrong about this whole "sleeping in" thing. After discovering each other's secret identities and becoming a couple, she did, in fact, admit to her frequent tardiness… outside of detention, of course. Moonlit battles took a toll on her. Using the crystal drained her energy. She averaged three, maybe four hours of sleep on nights when they battled, and had restless nights on nights they didn't. Every once in a while she would crash – hard – and sleep anywhere from ten to twelve hours.

However, in the months after the battle with Galaxia and the lasting calm, Usagi started to sleep more regularly. Her tardiness decreased. Her classroom naps ended, and her grades improved. He felt bad for judging her all those years, criticizing her for being late all the time, or for getting detention for sleeping in class. He should have understood, more than anyone.

"What time is it?" a sleepy voice asked, the question barely audible as it was muffled by her pillow.

"7:45," he replied softly, followed by running his fingers through her tousled hair.

"Mm, too early," she whined before flopping over. Mamoru couldn't help but chuckle as she burrowed into the comforter.

Then again, not too much has changed.