A/N Remember, the next chapter will not be published next Sunday, it will be published on Wednesday, the 22nd of July. It's turned out to be a perfect time. First, I'm in the middle of a severe flare up of my fibro, and haven't done anything, except to prepare this chapter. Second, the next four and a half chapters are the trip to and their time in Sweden, so not a lot about the pregnancy although, I've thrown one or two surprises for this part of the story. Enjoy.

Chapter 14

Tuesday 03 December, 7:00 PM

Amy and Penny pulled up to the apartment building, took their dresses out, and took the elevator to the fourth floor. Penny still thought it a bit odd to use the elevator, but she did appreciate not having to climb stairs. They entered 4A and found the DNA structure finished, and after some small talk, Amy and Sheldon went to their apartment.

After they left, Leonard said, walking toward Penny, with a slight smile, "Was Amy suspicious, when they had to let your dress out?"

"No," said Penny, also with a slight smile, "she was so happy, she didn't even question it."

"Someone is going to figure it out, why don't we just tell people," said Leonard pleadingly.

"No," said Penny, "it's too early, I haven't even wrapped my head around it."

"I have," said Leonard, "my head is wrapped."

"Yeah, well," said Penny dryly, "if something else had been wrapped we wouldn't be in this situation."

"Excuse me," said Leonard, "but, if I recall, you're the one that went out drinking with Sheldon, then came home and attacked me."

"Attacked you?" said Penny. "I…I, said, 'do you wanna?'"

"Yeah," said Leonard, "and I was helpless."

They both smiled and leaned in to kiss. They broke the kiss and with both still smiling, Leonard said, "Well, do you wanna?"

"Well, I can't get more pregnant."

"We'll see about that," said Leonard. They leaned in again and kissed deeply. After a few seconds, they broke the kiss and Leonard led Penny toward their bedroom.

Tuesday 03 December, 8:30 PM

Leonard and Penny had just finished eating the pizza they ordered (no cheese on half of it), and Penny was trying her dress on, while Leonard did the dishes. A few minutes after he was done, Penny came out of the bedroom. Leonard looked on as Penny walked around and spun in an all black, spaghetti strap, A-line dress, with an empire waist and medium deep V-neck, that gave a good view of her cleavage. Around the wide empire waist was a pink sash, that was tied in a bow on her left side, with the sash trailing back, forming what looked like a six foot train. It was slightly gathered around the waist, to the floor. Leonard was mesmerized by Penny's look, even though she had no makeup on, and her hair was up in a bun. He could imagine how she would look, when she had her hair down and curled, and her makeup on.

"You look beautiful, Penny," said Leonard. "I can't wait to see you at the ceremony."

Penny smiled, "I guess you like it?"

"Yes, very much," said Leonard. "You did a great job in picking your dress."

"All three of us did a great job," said Penny. "Bernadette looks fantastic, and Amy, Amy picked a dress I wouldn't have picked, but on her, it really looks good. So, all three of us will look good."

Leonard smiled and said, "I think you'll look the best."

Penny smiled and bowed, "I better get this off, so we can get ready for bed."

"Isn't it early?" asked Leonard.

"Well, you told me this morning you wanted to get to bed early," said Penny. "Remember, both of us are going to be busy the next few days."

"Oh, yeah," said Leonard. "You have a point there. OK, you go take that off, I'll shut off the lights and lock the doors, and meet you in the bathroom."

Penny headed toward the bedroom, to change, while Leonard locked the door and turned off the lights, before heading to the bedroom himself.

Wednesday 04 December, 7:30 PM

Leonard and Penny kissed each other and both headed off to work. They knew they were going to busy the last few days of the week, but didn't realize just how busy.

Leonard spent Wednesday, first researching, then writing up proposals for two experiments. In the afternoon, he researched and wrote two more proposals, to fund those experiments. He finished those near six PM, and he still had to get through his email and voice messages, so he didn't leave until almost 7:30 PM. Upon arriving home, he was ready to apologize to Penny for being so late, but Penny wasn't home yet. He put his bag on his desk, and wandered over to the refrigerator, grabbed a bottle of water, just as Penny came in the door. "Hi sweetie, I'm so sorry I'm late."

Leonard chuckled, "I just got home myself. So, busy day?"

"Yes," said Penny, "I had to check all the pages of sales plan, for the relaunch of Embryno. I checked the first one, put it together in the folder, and gave it to Karen. As late as I am, I'm still not finished with the rest of them. I still have about a quarter of them to go through. Once I'm finished, I have to put them all together. And the meeting is tomorrow at two PM."

"You look tired."

"I'm exhausted," said Penny, "I'm just going to reheat some leftovers, and go to bed."

"I'm going to do the same, for dinner," said Leonard. "But, I've got a couple of things to do, before bed. So let's eat, then I'll get to work and you can get to bed."

Thursday 05 December, 7:30 PM

Penny was driving home, and thinking about her day. She had worked on checking the rest of the pages, then put them together in the folders. She had to skip lunch, and was done with them fifteen minutes before the meeting started. She started the meeting, right at two PM. She gave everyone the overview, then told each of them their specific job. She explained they had ten days to look it over, and to have their ideas ready a week from Monday. She told them that she would be gone, but if any of them had questions, they should ask Karen.

She then wrote out some info for Karen, and asked her to get a few specific things done, through the week. She then started going through her voice mail, and when she was finished, she created a message to call Karen if anyone needed her. She also cleared out her email, then packed everything up, and started home, hoping Leonard wasn't too upset that she was late again.

Meanwhile, Leonard was also driving home. He had spent the day going through the resumes, and calling the references, of those extra students, he planned on hiring, for his team next year. He wrote notes for each resume, then attached those notes, before sending the resumes to Mike and Erik. It still felt funny to call Dr Gablehauser, Erik, but he insisted, because Leonard was now the head of a team. He also went through his voice mail, and email, then he created a message to call Mike, until he returned. He looked up and found it was close to 7:30 PM, and he hoped Penny wasn't too upset the he would be late again.

Friday 06 December, 8:15 AM

Penny and Leonard had gotten up rather early for a day they didn't have to go into work. But, they knew it was going to be a busy day. They had spent the previous night eating some leftovers, to clear out their fridge before the trip, and then laid out all their luggage. They had recently bought another set, as they didn't have enough luggage, for all their things. After some coffee for Leonard, and tea for Penny, they set about packing. First they picked out what they planned on taking from their closet, and took it out to the living room.

Then, they found clothes they wanted to take that were dirty, and Penny took those down to get washed. Meanwhile, Leonard had started packing. Pants, shirts, and a jacket in the large piece, underwear, socks, a few T-shirts, and hoodies in the medium sized one. Penny returned and she was passing her clothes over to him, as he packed her luggage. Slacks, dresses, blouses and a jacket in the large one, bras, panties, a pair or two of socks, and a couple of hoodies in the medium one. He also packed her shoes, quite a few pair, stuffed where he could find room. Both of the smallest cases were for toiletries, and in Penny's case, makeup. In addition to each of their three pieces of luggage, Leonard had his messenger bag, for his and Penny's electronics. He would be carrying, both of their iPads, and his phone, along with several extra fully charged batteries. They would also each be carrying a garment bag. One for Penny's gown and shoes, and the other for Leonard's tux and shoes.

As the afternoon wore on, their luggage started to fill up. Minor things being stashed in whatever spot was open. Penny brought up the clean clothes and Leonard found places for them, in the appropriate case. Finally, around five PM, they finished packing. They put their bags near the door, hung their two garment bags next to the old fuse panel, and heaved a sigh of relief.

Their final thing for the night was putting Penny's pills in the toiletry bag and two days worth of her prescriptions, in the carry on. The only pill she kept out, was her morning sickness pills. Those, she put on the counter, near the coffee, so she would remember to take them in the morning. The rest of the evening was relaxing. They got a shower, got dressed went out for dinner, Penny smirking as she suggested The Cheesecake Factory. Leonard chuckled, but agreed. They returned after dinner, and Leonard checked everything, and finding it all in the right place, they watched some television, before going to bed at nine PM.

Saturday 07 December, 7:15 AM

Penny and Leonard were up early, Leonard making a full pot of coffee, while Penny made her tea. Leonard got a phone call from Howard, they were stoping to pick up some bagels and cream cheese, on the way the apartment. Then Leonard and Penny each got a shower, and dressed for the trip. Penny had a black blouse, with butterflies on it, jeans, and blue cloth loafers. Leonard had a t-shirt, with a long sleeve green button-up shirt over it, with tan pants and grey sneakers.

There was a knock on the door, and Leonard answered it. Howard, Bernadette, and Raj with all their luggage, and a box of bagels and several varieties of cream cheese. Amy and Sheldon were over minutes later as they all ate bagels and creme cheese, with coffee, milk, or in Penny's case, tea that looked like coffee. Everyone was almost finished, but Raj got a second bagel. Sheldon and Amy stood up, and after berating Raj for the extra bagel, Sheldon proceeded to start explaining different things about Sweden, their customs and the trip. Once they were finished, Sheldon called the company that would be taking them to the airport.

There was a problem trying to get to the lobby. All the luggage and people wouldn't fit. Leonard finally suggested putting the luggage in the elevator, and they would walk down. It worked, and within ten minutes, they were standing outside the building, waiting for their van.

Saturday 07 December, 10:15 AM

All their luggage was in the back row, and behind the back row, of the van. Raj, Howard, and Bernadette were in the first row, and Sheldon, Amy, Penny and Leonard were in the second row. Just as they were turning into the airport, Leonard heard Penny growl, "Dammit."

"What's wrong?" asked Leonard.

"I left my morning sickness pills back in the apartment," whispered Penny.

"Are you sure?" said Leonard softly.

"Of course I'm sure," whispered Penny, "I put them on counter by the coffee, so I could have them with me, and now they aren't in my purse. The only place they can be is still on the counter."

"Should we get some dramamine?" asked Leonard. "Will that help?"

"Let me check," said Penny, pulling out her phone. It didn't take long before she whispered, "There is a special form of Dramamine, called Dramamine-N, that works for multiple causes, and might help with morning sickness. But the regular Dramamine, doesn't work so well for morning sickness."

"Well, once we get into the terminal, we can look for some," said Leonard softly. "And, if we don't find it, we'll just get the regular, and hope that works."

Penny nodded, as they both waited for the van to get to their terminal. When the van arrived, everyone got out and took their bags, as their driver removed them. Leonard paid for the trip, and gave the driver a hefty tip, as everyone else took their luggage into the building. They all got into line at the counter, and Sheldon passed out their tickets. After everyone was done checking in, they headed toward the security area. It took them about an hour for all seven of them to get through the lines at security, and after that, Sheldon led them to one of the restaurants. He explained that he had called ahead and set up a special breakfast for them, and they should think of it as a good luck breakfast. Bagels, toast, cheese omelets, bacon, pancakes, and coffee. Leonard begged off on the milk, but everyone else thanked Sheldon, and enjoyed the breakfast.

After they were finished, Sheldon and Amy walked to their gate and sat down to wait. The rest of them looked around the shops, picking out books and magazines to read on the trip. Leonard and Penny did not find any of the Dramamine-N, but did find the regular Dramamine. They bought it, and Penny took it, hoping that would help her. Penny made Leonard wait until everyone else had left, and she bought a Pregnancy and Newborn magazine. She gave Leonard a smile, who returned it, as she stuffed it in his carryon bag. They met the others at the gate with an hour left, before boarding would start. When it was time, everyone gathered at the gate, and waited to board.

Saturday 07 December, 4:30 PM

They had been in flight for over an hour, on the first leg of their flight to Stockholm, Sweden. All of them had spent the first hour getting their things settled in. Leonard kept asking how Penny was feeling. Penny finally pulled out her iPad, while Leonard got one of his science magazines out. Everything was going well, until about an hour later, when Penny started feeling nauseous. She had taken a Dramamine, hoping it would work on her morning sickness, but she soon had to get up and go to the lavatory, in the back of business class, to throw up. Over the next two hours, Penny had to return another three times, and once had to return, before getting back to her seat.

Sheldon had noted her going there, but the last return worried him, so he went to talk to Leonard. Leonard was bemused over how worried Sheldon was about Penny being sick, even though Leonard repeatedly told him that he couldn't catch it, because she was not sick. When Penny returned, Leonard explained what he and Sheldon were talking about. Penny said, "Ohhhhhh, should we tell him?"