Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XV or RWBY (inspiration from icy legacy by Pkd)

Through the vast lands of Eos there were once many kingdoms that went by many names. Though only 3 kingdoms had sustained the hard test of time through diplomatic or power-hungry means. These three kingdoms were known as Lucis, Altissia, and Niflheim respectfully.

Lucis was a peaceful kingdom throughout all of its time in power, only using diplomatic ties and other nations goodwill to gain landmass. Though the thing that helped them the most was the last crystal, a large gem the Lucians built their civilization around, it gave prosperity to any lands the Lucians ruled over and gave magic and other gifts to the royal family and in turn, the Lucian kings protect the crystal from the hands of people that would use it for evil. In the Lucian land there lies one of the six astrals the Archean, he holds up the meteor that is trying to destroy Eos. He provides safety to the people who live there from the meteor trying to land in the Disc of Cauthess

The land of Altissia is a small kingdom that is the home of the Oracle, the messenger to the people from the gods. The beauty of Altissia is the thing of legend and is the resting ground for the Hydraean, the goddess of the seas and Tidemother, one of the angrier and trigger happy astrals.

And finally Niflheim, the most power-hungry and technologically advanced nation out there, with their Magitech program and near contact wars. The Nifs in recent years have been experimenting with the use of daemons in their army, and have started to build, what other nations believe to be, mechanical soldiers to aid them on their way to total world domination.

Soon after the Nifs' war with the outlying nations was over they set their sights on Lucis with their vast resources and the last crystal that promised prosperity. Overtaken by greed the nation's emperor attacked, and through the Magitech program the nation had hopes of robotic soldiers that will eventually win them the war. This is where he comes in, Prince Regis Lucis Caelum, the crown prince of Lucis. The prince was sent by his father, King Mors, along with two crownsguard Clarus Amicitia, and Cor Leonis to the front lines of their war with Niflheim. This was done to force the young price to acquire real battle experience, use his tactical knowledge in real battles, and build trust with the people he would eventually rule over. At the age of seventeen the crown prince of Lucis set off on an adventure, about halfway to the outpost closest to Crown City. The young prince crashed their car, the Regalia, and their only means of transportation was forfeit. This is what led them to crossing paths with Cid Sophiar in Hammerhead, Cid is a young mechanic that agreed to fix Prince Regis car and because of his desire for adventure he tagged along. Through thick and thin they were together as close as brothers, even if the crownsguard were a bit hesitant towards Cid at first. Eventually though their quartet turns into a quintuplet, accidentally picking up another member to aid them on their journey while heading towards Galdin Quay, a girl with snow-white hair and a very haughty attitude, one that might eventually break out of the shell her father put in place.

Sup this is lockjaw and I would like to say that I love constructive criticism, as long as you give me pointers on what I'm doing wrong and how to fix my mistakes, but please don't flame me just to be doing so, I already have zero confidence in my writing and I would like to get better please don't make me think less of my writing than I already do if you're not willing to help me become better. Thanks for reading :)