Disclaimer: I do not own Final Fantasy XV or RWBY

Weiss Pov:

I have no idea what is going on, I was sucked through a vortex with me almost immediately blacking out due to the pressure. I wake up to find myself about 2-3 miles from an ocean with a large island in the distance with some of the oddest rock formations I have ever seen on it. I then meet these four guys, three of which look to be of high standing, with the last looking like he would work on Yang's motorcycle in his free time. Then they told me two things I thought I would never hear; they don't know what dust is, and I'm in another world. Crazy right? And now here I am about to get in a very high class looking Convertible, I believe they told me its name is the Regalia, with 4 teenage boys around my age. This might be a really bad idea but it is my only option at this time, and judging by how they talked to me they don't know who I am. I can also deduce that they weren't the ones that created the vortex, that then begs the question of who did?

"Get in the car while we're still young" the mechanic said while getting in the driver's seat of the automobile

"Coming" I yelled while rushing toward the convertible, I was then placed in the middle back seat in between the two, more regal, boys.

"I propose a trade, your names and titles for mine" I said trying to learn a little more about the boys I was tagging along with

"That sounds fair, I'm Cid Sophiar one of the best mechanics in this kingdom" the man with the red jacket said

"I'm Cor Leonis a bodyguard to the prince" the man in the passenger's seat said a little haughtily, this revelation made me go wide-eyed

"Hold up Cor! Should you really be telling her that there is a prince in this vehicle even if she isn't a Nif?" one of the boys asked to the now named Cor

"I don't really think it matters in this situation, seeing how we outnumber her four to one. there is also the fact that I didn't tell her the price was in the car you did, now it's your turn to introduce yourself" Cor said making the other growl a little

"Fine. I'm Clarus Amicitia, the shield to the future king" the now-named Clarus said begrudgingly, making me smirk a little and look toward the one, I now assumed to be the prince. He was wearing a black suit and tie

"So, I'm guessing you're the prince?" I asked still a bit uneasy at sitting so close to royalty, 'my teammates may call me an ice queen, but that doesn't mean I'm used to dealing with royalty' I thought while sweating a bit

Yes, I am. I am Regis Lucis Caelum, heir to the Lucian crown" the now-named prince stated "And you are?"

"I am Weiss Schnee, Heiress to the Schnee dust company, but that probably doesn't make a difference here if what you are saying is true" I said as we started to park near the docks

We all exited the automobile and started the long trek out to the restaurant and hotel, named the mother of pearl, located at the edge of the pier. All throughout our walk to the hotel, bystanders, for an unknown reason, were throwing dirty looks my way while some yelled a few choice words at me. The pure hatred these people had towards me was enough to make me, the great Weiss Schnee a little depressed and embarrassed.

"Why is everyone so angry at me, have I done something wrong?" I asked the prince

"You are wearing the color white almost everywhere on your person and while you may not mean it, they see you as rooting for the Empire" Regis claimed, while trowing a dirty look towards the bystanders making them shut up

"What kind of evil must this country must have done for the people here reciprocate so much hate towards another person, enemy or not" I asked

They burn villages, perform sneak attacks, use the most underhanded tactics in war. Lots of these people may have come from the nations they pillaged and some might have had their families taken from them" cor said softly to her

This made me think back to my father, one of the wealthiest and wicked men on the face of my planet and understood their pain, to an extent. I started to think of these people like the faunis on my earth, and started to see my past misdoings toward them. I then made a vow that I will make up my past mistakes toward faunis if I ever get home.

"They sound more like monsters than people" I said, making the four of them chuckle a little bit

"They might as well be, enlisting daemons into their army" Regis told me somewhat sadly

"Daemons? What are those" I ask while we are checking in to the hotel side of the resort

"They are creatures of the night, they fear light and their favorite pass time is attacking and killing us humans. That's why you always stay at either an outpost, like where we are now, or a safe haven" said Clarus

"They sound kind of like Grimm except for the being out only at night thing" I said

"Grimm?" Cid asked

"Yea, they are shadow-like creatures that enjoy attacking people, but they don't like civilization, so they never go to towns of their own accord and when they do we have hunters and huntresses" I said

"Sounds a lot like here except for that mysterious dust stuff" Cor remarked while sitting down in one of the white chairs in the large room

"Now to the big question, do you know any way how can I get home?" I asked

"I don't know, but you can come along on your journey until you find out. If you want to, that is" Regis said

"Your highness, you can't seriously be thinking of asking this girl along with us, she…" Regis then interrupted Cors rant with this

"She just came out of a portal from another world, that after spitting her out collapsed in on itself. This paired with the fact she has no Gill to her name whatsoever, she is already having a tough time, and you want to just dump her out on the street" Regis asked making Cor shut up immediately and look the other way

"I think that it may be the best option for you, if you want to that is, I won't force you." he said grabbing my hand lightly, while making the second half of the statement "even if you decide not to come along on our journey I'll try to make your stay in this world as comfortable as I can while you're stuck here"

With his words echoing through my head I asked him "can I think about it?" He then stated "take as much time as you need" while walking out the door to probably see the sights

I sat in the hotel room for more than an hour not moving just thinking about my options and what would be best for me, when the boys finally came back they had some black hair dye and a tailor with them

"If you are going to be in this world for any amount of time you need to change your hair color and the color of your clothes" Regis said a little bashfully

"It's fine. I don't want to be related to those people in any way, if what you were saying about them was true" I said, still feeling a little down about the huge change in appearance that was about to take place.

2 hours later

as the tailor finishes and the hair dye is finally set, I look at myself in the mirror. My hair is now mostly black, with a few streaks of white here and there, a hard contrast with the solid white before. Nothing about my clothes changed, except the color to a mostly black and grey scheme with a few white patches here and there.

With my new look complete I had finally made my decision, I walked out of the restroom and toward the boys and stated "I will be going with you, you helped me out of a situation I thought I would never be in, the least I can do is help you on your journey, at least till I can get home" with this Regis and Cid smiled while the two crownsguard still looked a wary of me. with this done I headed to my room while the boys headed to theirs. as I drifted off to sleep I wondered what had become of my team and if they were even looking for me in the first place with what I had said to them

The next morning we all were forced to wake up early by cor because we had a limited time and had to be in Lestallum by sunset. we took our places in the Regalia and headed into what I believed to be the next chapter in my life