
It's a friendly work football game. Adam's chance to impress Jakub [and Eric] has fallen on it's arse, just like he did.

"You okay?" Jakub asks, keeping his friend steady.

"This is the last time we put you as a centre foward!" Lem teased, placing Adam on the bench with a light groan.

"Babe you were fantastic! The other team didn't know how to handle you!" Eric said, sitting down on the bench, he kissed him on the cheek. A little alarmed by the sudden male affection, Adam's team mate waved him off and leaves the room. Jakub gave both boys and friendly grin and told them to help themselves to sandwiches in the youth club hall. Eric props up his boyfriend leg with a chair and slowly begins to take his shoes off.

"Shit!" Adam groans from the pain.

"Crap I'm sorry" Eric sighs with relief, when Adam's mum, Maureen comes in with a hamper of, Sandwiches, Water and different drinks. She puts the hamper down and helps Eric take off Adam's shoe and his socks. Sure his foot does stink of sweat. Eric digs in his bag and squirts a little perfume around it.


"Sorry Ad, I mean you were playing for over thirty minutes. Let's get the Ice" Eric soothes staring at his boyfriend's foot. His whole foot was swollen and his ankle was a startled red. Eric and Maureen got small bags of Ice from the hamper and placed them on both sides of the foot trying not to hurt him. Eric passed him a sandwich.


"Sorry baby, LGBT, BLT, here!" Eric said quickly swapping them.

"Strawberry Nesquick Adam, your favourite. They sell them in ready-to-go, cartons now" Maureen said gently putting the straw in and handing it to him.

"Thanks mum"

"I'm just going ask Curtis if I can drive onto the lower side of the pitch so that you don't have to walk. Are you okay now hun?" Is there anything else you want?" His mother asks.

"Hug?" Adam mutters under his breath, wriggling his toes.

"Oh...sure of course honey!" Touched by the request, Maureen wipes her hand on the hand towel on the railing and walks towards him. She tries to remember the last times she hugged him. A few times as a child, when his father was too mean, or he'd fallen over at the park. The last and only time she'd hugged him as a teenager, she was sending him off to military school. One of the biggest mistakes of her life.

But Adam is actually asking for a hug today. For the first time! Having a partner was having an amazing affect on him! Now Maureen can make up for the shitty way she's treated her son. With this new hug, she can prove that she's a better person, a changed woman, a new mother...


"Yes dear?"

"I mean...I want a hug from Eric..." Adam pulls his boyfriend to his side and looks at him with a smile as bright as the northern star. He's never smiled at her like that. Maureen knows, he's never smiled at ANYONE like that. She doesn't know whether to laugh or cry.

"Of course, that's...lovely. Boys I'll make myself useful and get the car" Maureen drops her arms in disappointment and forces a smile. Walking away from the happy couple, she's cringing inside at how jealous she feels about their relationship.