inevitable; unconditional

And here is the second (and final) part of the fic! I managed to get it done well ahead of schedule, yey. Enjoy! 😊

Some Anon replies for Ch1 below:

Guest: Awwh, thank you! I'm glad, this is kind of different from my usual writing style/plot so your review made me feel a lot more self-assured! I hope that you'll enjoy the second part as much as you did the first :D Have a wonderful day too!

Just4Comments: Thank you for all your kind words, you really have no idea just how much better you have been making me feel; writing is still very new to me, and CP fics can get so repetitive or over-the-top that I find myself getting stressed right before posting, lol.

And yes, I did see those, and they were wonderful. You Are Not Disposable was actually the catalyst that drove me to conceptualise Not Second Best – It made me want to try writing domestic Erasermic. But since they had already done such a wonderful job with Dadzawa, and I LOVE Mic and thinks that he deserves more air time, well… you know what happened ^^;

Chapter Two: unconditional

Aizawa Shouta operated under the notions of logic.

He had always prided himself in being rational above all else; and this had been crucial in his career as a Hero – It was always good to be level-headed while dealing with villains. It had also enabled him to remain calm and be the voice of reason, be it with his fellow colleagues or students.

Hizashi had always been the exception to the rule, his love for the man sometimes driving him to do things that were completely illogical. This extensive list of one had since been expanded to include 1-A, Eri and most recently, Shinsou Hitoshi.

He had felt a kinship with Hitoshi ever since he saw the boy in the Sports Festival; his determination to get in to the Heroics course and bitterness at his lack of a physical quirk a reflection of the teenager Shouta had been. Their similarities were what prompted him to seek out the boy, with an offer to train and prepare him for his transfer.

And impress Hitoshi did. He was disciplined, committed and too damn kind. The teenager was the type of person that would give up his personal comforts to help others, even if it was just using his meagre savings to feed the stray cats in the area. He also possessed a dry wit, his sarcastic comments often sending Hizashi into hysterics and Shouta to hide a snort under his capture weapon.

He's a mini-you, Shouta! His husband had exclaimed gleefully.

Then came the discovery.

Shouta did not make pro-hero for nothing; and it didn't take long before he realised that there was something wrong with his protégé. The kid appeared to exist in a state of perpetual pain and exhaustion. The Erasure Hero and his husband couldn't keep count of the number of times the kid had come to school with suspicious bruises and poorly wrapped bandages around his limbs. Not to mention that he was way too thin, his uniform almost hanging off him.

They had tried asking, but Hitoshi was able to change topics every single time. Shouta would had been impressed if he wasn't so worried.

Hitoshi eventually came clean months later on a fine autumn evening. The boy had been especially reluctant to leave training that day, and finally broke down after being bombarded (again) with questions from the couple. He had broken a rule at his latest foster home that morning and was terrified of the punishment waiting for him back at the household. To Shouta's rage, they were also the source of those mysterious injuries, and his anger intensified when Hitoshi quietly admitted that this was normal in his time in the system.

They had immediately called in some favours; refusing to allow Hitoshi to go back to the abusive household for another minute.

"Where else would I go, Sensei? There's nowhere else that would take me." He had asked forlornly, face streaked with tears. Shouta placed both hands on those bony shoulders, squeezing lightly.

"You're coming with Hizashi and I, Hitoshi. You will always have a place with us, kid." Shouta said decisively, Hizashi nodding beside him.

Their boy had ended up in Hizashi's arms, having cried himself to sleep. Nezu and surprisingly, All Might had made use of their extensive connections to get Hitoshi's paperwork processed in record time. The rest, as they said, was history.

The Erasure Hero had already known that few months' worth of kindness would be nowhere enough to undo a decade's worth of abuse. This was one of the major points of discussion he and Hizashi have had in the short time they'd before adopting Hitoshi, to come to terms with the fact that there would be times when the kid would take a few steps back.

Recovery was, after all, not a linear process.

Shouta had seen Hitoshi frightened multiple times, and had served as a comforting presence during those occasions. A small, selfish part of him had gleaned pleasure from those moments – To be able to hold the kid close, soothe his fears and ensure that he knew he was very loved.

But the larger part of him simply felt pain and sadness, because no fifteen-year-old, let alone someone so dear to Shouta, should ever have to be so scared.

However, all these paled in comparison to the present.

After all, Shouta had never been the person Hitoshi was afraid of.

It had been a tough week ending with an exceptionally rough Friday, thanks to the endless faculty meetings, a surge in active villain cases, and the never-ending madness in the 2-A dorms. It was the same for Hizashi; the upcoming holiday season had forced him to take on extra shifts at the radio station, and Shouta had not been able to see his husband much outside of teaching hours. Time spent away from Hizashi had always been tough, and this was exacerbated by the fact that their family had grown since then.

Which was partly why the man was so upset by the stunt pulled by Hitoshi the previous evening; Shouta had been looking forward to resting and spending quality time with his son and husband, and also his daughter over the weekends. But then, Hitoshi had gone and gotten himself into big trouble.

He remembered being frustrated with his responsibilities, feeling disappointment at Hitoshi's behaviour, and the fear of having the kid's Hero course transfer taken away. It was only due to Shouta's friendship with Tsukauchi that prevented the incident from making the headlines (and into an UA affair). After the man left, he had wasted no time laying into Hitoshi; dismissing the kid's apologies and turning him over his knee.

The boy was compliant, not that he expected anything else – but stayed eerily silent aside from some soft whimpers at the beginning. Shouta found himself exchanging concerned glances with Hizashi throughout the punishment. To his consternation, the kid did not let out a single sound, even when the Erasure Hero tried speaking to him. If not for the tremors and the fact that it was Hitoshi, Shouta might had thought that the kid was being deliberately obtuse.

After a few more minutes, Shouta could no longer ignore the unease in his gut; quickly redressing Hitoshi and turning the child towards him.

What he saw made his heart clench. The kid's eyes were lidded with surprise and terror, the latter which intensified when his gaze met Shouta's. There were tears running down his cheeks, making him seem oh so young.

"Hey, 'Toshi. Kid, you okay?" He asked gently, reaching out to wipe the child's tears.

Shouta honestly did not think that he would ever forget the sheer devastation and pain he'd felt when Hitoshi flinched from his touch, when his hands flew up to protect himself. He had pleaded with Shouta, fear apparent, and Shouta had known.

He screwed up. Guilt churned in his stomach, reminiscent of spoiled milk.

Hizashi had stepped in when Shouta was still reeling, a warm smile on his face and worry in his gaze. And then the teenager had gotten caught up in his own panic.

To the Erasure Hero's relief, Hitoshi managed to eventually calm down under his husband's guidance, his breathing finally settling at levels approaching normalcy. Shouta had asked the kid how he was doing, after he had regained some colour.

The uncertain look remained on Hitoshi's face as he bit his lip, before giving a small shake of his head. "I-I'm okay, I don't know what came over me," His son stuttered out, eyes not meeting theirs. Shouta could already see him receding into himself. "I'm sorry. It won't happen again; we can resume the p-punishment. Where do you want me?" He made a valiant effort in keeping his voice steady, but his distress as clear as day.

Was the kid serious? "That is not what's important." Shouta voiced out in disbelief. He'd regretted it immediately after seeing Hitoshi cringe. He continued speaking, making sure to soften his tone. "Our main concern right now is to make sure that you are okay, kid. And from what I've observed, you definitely are not. We don't want to do any harm to you, 'Toshi."

"You were literally cowering away from us, little listener. I don't think that I've ever seen you this afraid, and I'm very sorry that you had to feel this way with us." Hizashi added, voice laced with sadness.

Hitoshi remained quiet, the fiddling of his cuffs betraying his nervousness. His trembling did not subside, either. In the end, the child had formally apologised again before excusing himself to his room the soonest he had been able to.

His husband was not pleased though.

"What the hell, Shouta?" He hissed, when the door closed behind them. "How could you just let it go like this? 'Toshi was obviously lying and hurting, we should be talking to and comforting him –"

"Hitoshi was already overwhelmed, 'Zashi," He interrupted. "He would not have opened up right then, and I do not want to stress him out further." Shouta struggled to regain his composure, "You did not see his expression when I helped him up, Hizashi. Hitoshi was so scared... And I was the one to blame."

Looking back, Shouta could hit himself. Neither he nor Hizashi had soothed or even reassured him prior to the spanking. The Erasure hero knew he was a hard-ass most times, but Hitoshi needed him to be different. While he never fully disclosed his time in foster care, the parts that Shouta and Hizashi did know painted a haunting picture.

Even though Hitoshi had claimed that he would be alright with physical discipline, Shouta knew very well how old fears can act up all of a sudden. His kid had seen and experienced horrors no child should ever need to – And the way they'd handled the whole issue had definitely done more harm than good.

Things had gone sideways, and Shouta knew that it was because he had reprehensively allowed his emotions to cloud his judgement. However, regretting would accomplish nothing.

They needed to work towards fixing things.

The only issue was that Shouta was completely lost as to what he should to do to improve the situation. He had wanted to speak to Hitoshi after the latter was well-rested after the previous night.

That plan was shelved come Saturday morning.

Hizashi had left the house early, tasked with Saturday daytime dorm duty before his evening patrol shift. Shouta had went out to the kitchen, only to see that the kid had already started on breakfast.

"You're up early." He immediately regretted speaking as Hitoshi startled, whirling to face Shouta.

Shouta knew instantly that the kid did not have a good night's sleep – The bags under his eyes were significantly darker and his face was pale and lined with exhaustion. To the Erasure Hero's dismay, the teenager was still unable to make eye contact, and any attempts in touching him made him jump. The tension in the kid's shoulders that took months to subside was also back.

Hitoshi's replies to Shouta came in halting sentences and an unsure voice, and he made sure not to be in the man's presence longer than strictly necessary. He did the assigned chores quickly and carefully, but fled to his room as soon as he was permitted to.

The kid was reverting into that fearful child Shouta had known, when they'd first met.

Somehow, the teenager still managed to finish up his essay and leave it on the coffee table by the end of the night. As usual, his son has delivered impeccable work, his writing concise but no less heartfelt. He was so immersed in it that he did not hear Hizashi arriving home until his husband was giving him a peck on the cheek.

"Hey. How was patrol?"

"Uneventful," Hizashi said, "I guess even villains need to celebrate the holidays."

Shouta snorted at Hizashi's joke, letting himself be herded into their bedroom. "So, babe. How did it go with 'Toshi?" He asked, pulling off his ridiculously tight hero costume.

"Not good," Shouta said honestly, flopping face-first onto their bed. "He's been acting skittish, and would not stay in one place long enough for me to talk to him. I don't know what else to do, 'Zashi."

He felt familiar fingers brushing through his hair and sighed, leaning into the touch. "He didn't even eat much, Hizashi." He lamented. Shouta had coaxed the kid into joining them for meals with Eri's encouragement, but he barely ate a few mouthfuls before looking ill. This was worrying, especially since Hitoshi had not eaten since the previous afternoon.

"Maybe he just needs a bit more time?" His partner suggested, but he didn't sound like he believed it either. Shouta groaned, burying his face deeper into the sheets.

"Babe, don't suffocate. I've only got one husband, you know?" Hizashi said, chuckling softly. "And how was my little princess?"

"Eri's fine. She and Hitoshi were playing together after dinner. She's asleep now, though."

The only bright light in this whole situation, in Shouta's opinion, was their daughter.

Eri was the only person who could put Hitoshi at ease in the past day. Despite not being privy to the details, Eri seemed to have caught on to Hitoshi's unease, making an extra effort to talk to and spend time with the teenager in his room. She also knew not to push her 'Toshi-nii, backing off whenever he looked too uncomfortable with her questions. Shouta was glad that his son was at least able to relax a little around his sister.

He was really proud of Eri; despite her young age, she was demonstrating a level of empathy and care that was rare even in adults.

It didn't solve the present issue, yes. But Shouta would bask in small victories.

"It's late. We can decide on what to do tomorrow morning." He said, finally turning over and looking at Hizashi. No use fretting over something he had no control over at the moment. "You should take a shower, you stink."

His husband smiled coyly, "Is my favourite listener offering his services?" He took off his undershirt in one smooth motion, winking exaggeratedly at Shouta. The man groaned, but ultimately got up.

"You're incorrigible, Yamada."

Things came to a head on Sunday.

"Shou, babe. We need to talk to 'Toshi. I insist." Hizashi said, uncharacteristically serious. The two of them were standing at the kitchen sink, washing and drying the dishes from breakfast.

"I know." Shouta sighed. Hitoshi had once again opted to pass up on food, this time not even coming out for breakfast. His behaviour was not sustainable and could even be dangerous; UA's Heroics course was intensive enough without him passing on essential nutrition, and the kid was still recovering from years of having a poor diet. Not to mention that he should not be living in fear, in what was meant to be his safe space.

"After this?"

Shouta hummed in assent. "I'll get Nemuri to bring Eri out for a bit; it would make it easier to speak to him. This can no longer go on."

"Good idea, honey... Shouta, I'm scared."

The wobbliness in Hizashi's voice made Shouta's head snap up. "What is it, 'Zashi?"

"What if… What if we had really ruined everything, and Hitoshi no longer feels that he can trust us? Maybe that's why he's been acting so distant."

"Don't be an idiot, Hizashi. Hitoshi is only behaving like this because he is scared. Which is why we need to resolve this, or he will only feel worse. We'll be fine, Hizashi," He added softly, squeezing the blond's hand. "Hitoshi adores us, and we love him. We will work things out."

Shouta hoped so. He wouldn't deny that Hizashi's words had sent his brain into overdrive.

He would never forgive himself if they had taken away Hitoshi's sense of security.

Hizashi gave a watery chuckle. "I sure hope so, Shouta. I love you, Eri and 'Toshi so much. I really want all of us to work out as a family."

"We will. Dry your eyes. Come on, let's get these done and then I can call Nemuri."

"Hitoshi, It's Hizashi and Shouta! Can we come in?"

Shouta heard some shuffling. "Y-Yeah, the door isn't locked."

He quietly entered Hitoshi's bedroom alongside his husband, eyes automatically taking in the details. The walls were painted in a tasteful shade of lavender, which Hitoshi had let slip was his favourite colour. The room itself was very standard – A single bed in one corner, a study desk, cupboards and a plush loveseat, although Hizashi could not resist installing a Present Mic nightlight, much to Hitoshi's amusement. In addition, they had gotten the kid several frames to put up his photos, and the occasional drawing from Eri.

His kid was seated on his bed, with what looked like Nemuri's Art History assignment spread in front of him. He looked tense but not surprised; like he had been expecting this moment to come.

"Heya, 'Toshi. Can we talk for a minute?" Hizashi asked gently, taking a seat on the loveseat. Shouta followed suit, making himself comfortable.

"Sure…?" He said unsurely, before clearing his throat. "I mean, yeah. What about?"

"We want to talk about what happened on Friday, kid." Shouta cut in, because he knew that Hizashi would spend all day beating about the bush and never get to the point. "I was worried, 'Toshi. What exactly happened back there?"

He looked conflicted. "Nothing much, Sensei. I just got a little… startled."

"You just spent the last thirty-six hours avoiding me like the plague, kid. Hizashi too. I wouldn't consider that as being 'a little startled'." Shouta made sure to soften his tone. "Talk to us, Hitoshi. What's going on?"

Silence. It weighed heavily on the occupants in the room, but Shouta made sure to keep his expression open. He watched as Hitoshi looked away, no longer able to withstand Shouta's scrutiny, sheets held in a white-knuckled grip.

He vaguely wondered what Hizashi was feeling, hoping that his sensitive partner was handling himself well – But could not risk turning away from Hitoshi.

"I… I got scared." He murmured, a faraway look in his eyes. Shouta wondered what he was thinking of. "I trust you, Sensei, I swear I do. but at that moment… A part of me thought that something worse was going to happen. I-I'm sorry for thinking that of you."

The guilt that had been lying dormant in his gut erupted like a supervolcano, the burning ache filling every inch of his bones. "No, Hitoshi. Don't you dare apologise for that."

"I did say that I was okay with being spanked, Sensei. I shouldn't have kicked up a fuss." The teen said, looking ashamed. He had tucked his legs into his chest, hugging them in comfort.

"Kiddo, even without taking your… background into account, we should have ensured that you were calm and safe. We got too caught up in the moment, and spanked you without making sure that you were alright." Hizashi said, pained green eyes trained on violet. "That is on Shouta and I, and we are so sorry about it."

"It wasn't that big of a deal, though."

"It was big enough of a deal when you have been acting like you were about to be hurt in your own home, 'Toshi." Shouta countered. "And kid, you have barely eaten anything since Friday. Why is that?"

There was a tense pause before Hitoshi hunched over, defeated.

"I… screwed up badly and didn't want to cause you guys any more problems… And… I got a bit… anxious?" Hitoshi said, rubbing his neck nervously. He seemed to have given up on deflecting. "Um, it's like – I, er, was not exactly… allowed food when I messed up in the past, so…" Shouta placed a hand over his eyes, sighing shakily.

How much more could they have fucked up?

"Sweetheart. Hitoshi. I need you to listen carefully, okay? This is important." Hizashi waited for Hitoshi to nod before continuing to speak. "No matter how angry or disappointed you think we are at your behaviour, we will never ever deprive you of food. You are always free to use the kitchen, or get me or Shouta to make you something. We will never discipline you by withholding food, do you understand?"

"I-I know, Yamada-san. I think I just sort of… forgot, for a little while."

Hizashi's eyes softened. "It's alright, honey. Just try to remember for next time, yeah?"

"N-Next time?" Hitoshi looked surprised, and Shouta was confused to see the beginnings of hope bloom on the kid's face.

Hizashi didn't seem to notice, judging from how frantic he was. "As in, if you were to get into trouble with us again in the future, which is unlikely because you're such a good boy, 'Toshi, but just in case –"

"You two… aren't sending me away?"

… What?

Shouta turned and met Hizashi's baffled gaze. I don't know, his expression read. "'Toshi, darling," Hizashi asked carefully, "How did you even get that idea?"

"I messed up… And you and Sensei were so upset. P-Plus I couldn't even deal with my punishment properly. But I swear I'll do better; I promise not to cause any more trouble so please… Please don't send me away." Hitoshi pleaded, voice breaking.

Shouta took everything back. This was a million times worse. He watched as Hitoshi covered his mouth with both hands, trying to regain his composure.

"I-I'm going to get us some tea. I'll be back really quick. 'Toshi-chan, will you be alright staying with Shouta for a bit?" Barely waiting long enough for Hitoshi to nod, Hizashi hurried out of the room, face tight.

Shouta knew that his partner was hurting badly from seeing Hitoshi this upset, and needed to recollect himself. It was alright, Shouta was more than ready to talk for the both of them. He went to take a seat on the edge of the bed, mindful to keep a distance between him and Hitoshi.

"Hitoshi, I'm going to say a few things, and I need you to listen and try to believe them. Can you do that for me?" The boy nodded, unable to suppress a sniffle. Shouta forced himself to continue speaking.

"Both Hizashi and I love, and want the best for you. This means helping you work through any problems that you might have, and not… abandon you just because you thought you had fell short of our expectations. Which you haven't, and never will."

"Look at me, Hitoshi." Shouta paused, waiting for Hitoshi's compliance. The teenager was listening to his every word, his eyes wide. Shouta could not resist running his hand through the lilac curls, gratified when the boy didn't pull away. "Hizashi's love, and my love for you is not contingent on your behaviour. We will always love you no matter what; even if you become a delinquent, or decide to give up Heroics to join the League of Villains."

"Though if it's the last one, I swear that I'll drag you kicking and screaming back home, and ground you forever." Shouta added dryly.

Hitoshi huffed, unable to hide his mirth. "That won't be a problem, Sensei."

"I know that. I just want you to know what I am getting at, kid. Do you understand what I'm saying?"

A beat of silence. To Shouta's relief, Hitoshi eventually gave a small, timid nod. The dark shadows that haunted his visage seemed to have lifted, no longer looking as troubled. Shouta found himself relaxing.

"That's good. 'Toshi, is it alright if I hold you?"

Hitoshi shrugged, uncurling his limbs. The man moved to wrap his arms around Hitoshi, taking note to keep his movements slow. The kid's eyes were flickering wildly, his posture tense and ready to bolt. However, he stayed even when Shouta had encased him in warmth, a calloused hand rubbing his nape soothingly.

He was rewarded by Hitoshi melting into his arms, his child soaking up affection like a dying plant taking in water. Hitoshi was clinging onto Shouta almost desperately, his fingers twisted tightly in the man's worn shirt. Feeling more confident, Shouta gently nudged Hitoshi's head to rest on his shoulder. "Is this more comfortable?"

The kid gave a small nod and sniffle, burying his face into his neck. The man could feel his collar getting damp, but paid no heed. His kid needed this release after the emotional talk (and frankly, the entire weekend), and Shouta was more than happy to give it to him.

He also realised with fond exasperation that the kid was still holding back on his sobs. No matter, Shouta would stay for as long as Hitoshi needs.

"I'm saying this again; you're not going anywhere, Hitoshi. Not unless you really want to, and even then, we are not letting you go without a fight." Shouta said firmly. "You're our kid. Ours. I promised you that you will always have a place with us, and this will always stand." He intoned, gently rocking the boy as his cries grew louder.

"That's right, let it all out, 'Toshi. You'll feel better. Everything will be alright, I promise you."

Shouta basked in the feeling of having Hitoshi safe in his arms. Words could not describe how relieved he was, that Hitoshi was willing to give him and Hizashi a second chance. He promised right then and there that they would not blow it this time round.

A knock on the door made Shouta straighten instinctively and Hitoshi tense up, the latter's sobs tapering off. They relaxed once they saw that it was only Hizashi. "I am back, my favourite listeners!" His husband announced cheerily, setting the tray down. Shouta gave it a cursory glance, humming his approval when he saw that it was ginger – Hitoshi's favourite.

He also took the chance to look at Hizashi. As expected, his eyes were a little red, but he still had a smile on his face while addressing the duo. You okay? He mouthed.

Hizashi waved away his concerns, giving a subtle thumbs up. Shouta knew to drop it.

And him? Shouta tilted his head in affirmation, and Hizashi relaxed.

"Kid, Hizashi brought the tea. Can you sit up for a bit?" He asked. Hitoshi scrubbed at his face before pushing himself upright. Shouta shifted his arm to go around Hitoshi's shoulders, reluctant to break contact.

"Careful, 'Toshi. It's hot!"

Hitoshi reached out to the mug with shaky hands, holding it close to his face and taking a whiff. The effect was instantaneous – He perked up and took slow sips, his body gradually relaxing. Shouta took the cup from the kid, when it was clear that he was done. "Better?"

"Yeah… Thanks, Yamada-san,"

"Anytime, sweetie." Hizashi was looking at the kid, love shining in his eyes. "'Toshi-chan, may I?" He asked softly, arms extending. Shouta wordlessly transferred Hitoshi into his partner's hold, careful not to jostle the kid, the latter cradling the boy close. Hitoshi had initially gone rigid at the change in position, but quickly relaxed at the familiar hold. He leaned against Hizashi's collarbone, sighing contentedly.

"Hey, sweetheart. How are you feeling?"

"I have definitely been better." He chuckled wetly, and wasn't that the sweetest sound Shouta have heard in the past couple of days. Hizashi seemed to agree, judging from his jovial laughter.

"My little listener, I'm sure Shouta has already said this, but I think that you should also hear it from my mouth, yeah? We are your parents, Hitoshi. Our love for you is unconditional, always. We will never stop loving you just because you messed up, yeah?"

"Y-Yeah, okay." Hitoshi's tears had resumed, likely touched by Hizashi's proclamation. He turned to bury his face in the crook of Hizashi's neck, sniffling loudly. "Aww, sweetie. It's alright, darling, just take your time, yeah?"

It took a few more minutes, but Hitoshi eventually stopped crying, looking well-spent but completely at peace. Shouta took some tissues and mopped up the kid's face, cleaning away the tear tracks and mucus. "Alright, you're as good as new."

Hitoshi scoffed, but the effect was lessened by his swollen eyes. "Thank you so much, Sensei. I'll be sure to sign up for the Beauty Pageant in the next Cultural Festival."

"Don't think that you can start sassing me just because I won't spank you, 'Toshi. I can still make you very sorry." Shouta winced even as the words came out from his mouth, but no matter. They couldn't avoid this topic forever.

"Shouta!" "S-Sensei?"

"Hitoshi," Shouta said, drowning out Hizashi's objections and Hitoshi's questioning tone. "I'm still leaving the choice of having spankings in this household to you. I know that you are mature enough to make your own decisions, and I trust that you will be honest with yourself, and us when the time comes."

"You do not have to decide now, or even stick to your decisions." Shouta continued firmly. "If you are to change your mind in the future, that's fine too. Our priority is your well-being, Hitoshi. Everything else is secondary."

Hitoshi nodded, eyes glittering with tears and trust. Shouta's heart soared, and he had to swallow the sudden lump in his throat. He chose to lean onto Hizashi instead, placing a hand soothingly on the base of Hitoshi's neck.

"Hey, hey, as much as I enjoy how cool my husband looks when he's being all thoughtful and such, we can talk about these things later!" Hizashi said, a playful grin on his face. Shouta pretended not to see the relieved tears in his eyes. "For now, kiddo, just let us hold you? And you should definitely think about what you want for lunch, I just bought this amazing cut of pork –"

As Hizashi continued to babble away at various possibilities for food, with the occasional input from Hitoshi, Shouta allowed himself a small smile.

They would be alright.

Alternatively titled: Sad son experiences soft dadding hours

Thank you for reading and I hope that this has lived up to expectations! I've decided to start posting on AO3 as well, starting with this fic. You can find me there under the same name; the fic should be up by now... (fingers crossed that I don't get any mean comments... welp)

As always, reviews and favourites are appreciated and beloved *hearts* They really keep me going!