AUTHORS NOTE: I didn't make the original art I just photoshopped it and made it into what I had envisioned Percy to look like in this story and I didn't write the Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book franchise all rights reserved to Rick Riordan. Also this is my story I just moved it over from wattpad

Percy Jackson laid on the bus seat that was on its way to the Metropolitan Museum of Art to look at ancient Greek art and Myths. To Percy who was stuck on a bus filled with twenty-eight mental case kids and two teachers, it was torture.

Percy was lying on the bus seat legs out in the isle, not that he was worried about hitting anyone. The seat in front of him was empty and so was the one behind him and the seats next to him. Kids crammed themselves up front and down back, trying to get away from him. The teachers sat with them, Mr. Burner the coolest history teacher ever that smelled like coffee was up front with Percy's roommate Grover.

You see Mr Bruner was paralyzed from the waist down. But even that did not stop him from being the coolest teacher ever! He would show up to class with a sword and challenging them at sword point to write down every Greek mythology fact that they could think of, what god they worshiped and who was the mother of so and so. He was also Percy's favorite teacher because he did not fear him; see Percy is what most people would call an outsider.

It wasn't Percy's fault it was just the vibe he gave off people were put off by him. He didn't have any friends the closest thing he had was his roommate and even then he didn't interact much with him except for the polite hellos and goodbyes that people would say to an outsider.

Percys roommate was called Grover; was a skinny kid and the only one in sixth grade that had acne and the start of a wispy beard. He also had some sort of disability that excused him form PE for the rest of his life, but that did not stop him from running for the cafeteria on enchilada day. Percy tried to be friends, but they just did not seem to click. Grover seemed to find Percy creepy, once he even jokingly said that he had an aura of death around him. However, that did not stop Grover from following him at a respectable distance, Grover would deny it but Percy just had a feeling. Grover seemed to watch Percy and it was starting to creep Percy out.

'I have no friends, why would anyone want to stalk a kid like me?'Percy thought as he sat up, as the bus was coming to a screeching halt. Kids and teachers filed out, Percy being the last one off the bus and once again, there seemed to be an invisible barrier that stopped people from getting to close to him. As soon as he walked near the group they would disperse and form around him.

Percy silently followed the group as they shuffled into the museum. Lead by a lady who would be their tour guide she kept giving Percy a weird look. As they were walking through the museum Percy looked at all the ancient artifacts from Greek and Roman times. One thing that stood out to him was a Jet Black ring. Percy felt the urge to take it but resisted seeing as everyone was around and he didn't feel like being arrested today.

The tour went on as normal with Mr Bruner talking about the origin story for the gods, Percy was trying to pay attention but it was hard to while being at the back of the group and having everyone talking over Mr Bruner. He herd bits and pieces of it like how Kronos ate his kids because of a prophecy, he didn't hear the middle bit but he heard the end in which the gods fought back and won. Percy decided to break away from the group and look at the cool ring again. He gave the excuse that he was going to the bathroom to the tour guide lady and she told him where it was and even offered to take him there. 'At least some people are nice to me.' Percy though while respectfully declining the offer.

Percy eventually made it back the ring and felt an urge to take that ring and try it on. As Percy was reaching for the ring he heard footsteps and making a split second decision he grabbed the ring and put it on his middle finger and began walking away from the display as to not seem suspicious . After a few moments he realised that it was his tour guide. 'She is probably here to direct me back to my group' Percy thought while smiling at the assumed kind gesture.

"Perseus Jackson, did you really think you could get away with that?" The tour guide asked me while she shuffled toword Percy.

"I'm sorry I'll put the ring back and how do you know my name I haven't talked to you much less told you my name." Percy said while backing up uncomfortablely.

"Not the ring stupid boy, they are not fools boy, They know." The tour guide said in a mysterious tone while changing, something was off about her actions she kept stomping her right leg and draging her left as if it weighed more then the other.

"Ok now you have lost me I really don't know what your talking about." Percy said as he reached the rear wall fidgeting nervously with his ring.

"Confess now and you will suffer less." The weird lady said to me

"Lady I don't know what your talking about and your starting to freak me out"

But the tour guide wouldn't let up she kept pursuing Percy who at this point was backed into a corner.

Once Percy hit the wall she pounced saying "Times up."

Percy did the only thing he thought of and dodged the lady who got up saying "I won't miss this time!" it was at this moment when he noticed that she didn't have normal legs one was completely made out of metal and the other one was a donkey leg.

"What the hell lady!" Percy said while moving away from the tour guide that had thrown herself at the wall.

The lady charged forward at Percy trying to ram him into a wall with her head. Percy did the only thing he could think of and once again dodged.

BOOM the sound of metal smashing into a marble pillar and shattereing it. Percy stumbled back into the corner of the room looking in horror thinking only 'if that thing can smash MARBLE then I'm a dead man'

As Percy lay in the corner of the room panting from the physical exertion and adrenaline rushing through his body. He did the only thing he could think of and closed his eyes remembering all the good times he had and smiling embracing it. He though how he was going to be leaving his mother so early. As he looked back through all the times he had he realised deep down that he didn't want to die just yet. With this buring intensity to live he lit his arms out with his eyes closed hoping that somehow that would do something.

As Percy lay there waiting for the inevitable he realised after a couple of seconds that he wasn't dead. He looked up to see an empty hall with only one difference in the room. There was a hole in the floor big enough to swallow someone whole but small enough if you put a rug over it no one will notice for a little bit. And how does Percy know this, well it's because he dragged one of the rug that was just lying on the floor and covered it.

Once Percy had finished cleaning up he made his way back to the group and snuck in without anyone noticing that he had even left.

Mr. Brunner was pointing to one of the pictures on the stele. "Perhaps someone can tell us what this picture represents?"

Percy looked at the carving, it was Kronos eating his kids

"Mr Jackson so nice of you to join us now could you tell us what this is ment to represent" Mr Bruner asked Percy in an expectant tone

"Isn't it Kronos eating his kids"

"Yes," Mr. Brunner said, obviously not satisfied.

"And he did this because Kronos was the king god, and-"

"God?" Mr. Brunner asked.

"Titan," Percy corrected himself. "And ... he didn't trust his kids, who were the gods. So, um, Kronos ate them, right? But his wife hid baby Zeus, and gave Kronos a rock to eat instead. And later, when Zeus grew up, he tricked his dad, Kronos, into barfing up his brothers and sisters-"

"Eeew!" said one of the girls in front of Percy said.

"-and so there was this big fight between the gods and the Titans," He continued, "and the gods won."

Some snickers from the group.

Futher in front of me, Nancy Bobofit mumbled to a friend, "Like we're going to use this in real life. Like it's going to say on our job applications, 'Please explain why Kronos ate his kids.'"

"And why, Mr. Jackson," Brunner said, "to paraphrase Miss Bobofit's excellent question, does this

matter in real life?"

"Busted," Grover muttered.

"Shut up," Nancy hissed, her face even brighter red than her hair.

At least Nancy got packed, too. Mr. Brunner was the only one who ever caught her saying anything

wrong. He had radar ears.

"Um maybe if you were to teach history or mythology or perhaps become an artist" Percy rattled off

"Very good examples, but, half credit, Mr. Jackson. Zeus did indeed feed Kronos a mixture of mustard and wine, which made him disgorge his other five children, who, of course, being immortal gods, had been living and growing up completely undigested in the Titan's stomach. The gods defeated their father, sliced him to pieces with his own scythe, and scattered his remains in Tartarus, the darkest part of the Underworld." Mr Bruner finished on a dark note

"Well on a lighter note it time for lunch, Ms Kerr would you be so kind to take the children out to eat" Mr Bruner asked politely

"Mr Underwood may I have a moment of your time? " Mr Bruner asked as people were filing out of the museum.

Percy managed to find a nice spot under a set of stairs and began to eat his lunch in peace. The rest of the day went really quickly and before he knew it Percy was back in his dorm trying to study as he had to keep up his grades for him mom. His C's became B's in math and latin.

After a long afternoon of studying he was sick of the constant looks Grover was giving him and decided to take a walk through the woods.

"Woah it's so cool and quiet out here why don't I do this more often." Percy said to himself while wandering around looking for any wildlife.

Eventually Percy stumbled into a clearing with a deer in it. Unsurprisingly once Percy stumbled in the deer leapt away gracefully. Percy decided that he was tired of walking around and just decided to enjoy the afternoon in a nice quiet somewhat dark place. Then he remembered that he still had the ring on and decided to get a better look at.

Upon further investigation Percy realised that there was an engraving in the ring. Percy couldn't read it was written but felt the engravings, as soon as he did he started bleeding from a cut that wasn't on his finger before.

Percy didn't expect what happend next the ring turned into a sword. The hilt looked like a Greek sword hilt but the blade was something else. It was jet black and radiated a faint purple light and the blade had a white outline.

Percy looked at the blade in shock after a bit of awkward silence the blade turned back into a regular ring wrapped around his middle finger once again. He somehow knew how to make it go into ring mode and sword mode.

Percy was really weirded out at this point, someone must have put magic mushrooms in his lunch today to make him hallucinate all the stuff that happend today. And so he went back to his room to study and have dinner.

After eating dinner which was roast lamb and vegetables, Percy decided to ask Mr Bruner for study material like stuff that may be on the exam seeing Mr Bruners class was the only one he really cared about.

As Percy was making his way down the hall to Mr Bruners office he heard a voice that sounded like hid latin teacher saying "He's getting dangerous my boy, you saw the hole he left I believe we might need to tell him his nature soon."

"But sir-" the voice that sounded an awful lot like his roommate said before being cut off.

"No we must tell him soon, did you not see, it was like the ground swallowed her whole." The other voice said with authority

"And make sure he is aware of where to go before term ends." The voice continued.

At this point Percy had frozen half way down the hall when he realised that they were talking about him.

After a few moments of silence he decided to return to his dorm and sleep off this terrible day that he was having.

The weeks passed until it was the day of exams. Percy was currently sitting in his latin class and was freaking out as he was flunking hard in his head he knew he could ace the exam but ever since that night he's been struggling, he hasn't been sleeping properly and when he does he dreams of a Rottweiler, an eagle and a horse all fighting. It always ended with the eagle going to slash the horse, the horse going to kick the Rottweiler and the Rottweiler biting the eagle. It always ended in a massacre with all 3 animals left bleeding to death.

After the 3 hour exam Percy had finished and was leaving the three-hour Latin exam, his eyes swimming with all the Greek and Roman names he'd misspelled, Mr. Brunner called me back inside. For a moment, I was worried he'd found out about my eavesdropping the night before, but that didn't seem to be the problem.

"Percy," he said. "Don't be discouraged about leaving Yancy. It's ... it's for the best."

His tone was kind, but the words still embarrassed him. Even though he was speaking quietly, the other kids finishing the test could hear. Nancy Bobofit smirked at Percy and made sarcastic little kissing motions with her lips.

Percy mumbled, "Okay, sir."

"I mean ..." Mr. Brunner wheeled his chair back and forth, like he wasn't sure what to say. "This isn't the right place for you. It was only a matter of time."

My eyes stung.

Here was Percy's favorite teacher, in front of the class, telling him that he couldn't handle it. After saying he believed in him all year, now he was telling Percy that he was destined to get kicked out.

"Right," I said, trembling.

"No, no," Mr. Brunner said. "Oh, confound it all. What I'm trying to say... You're not normal, Percy. That's noth-ing to be-"

"Thanks," Percy blurted. "Thanks a lot, sir, for reminding me.


But Percy was already gone.

When it was time for Percy to go home, no one said good-bye. Well, not true Grover did say he was going to a summer camp with Mr. Burner and, he told Percy to take care. Percy nodded and prepared to ride the Grey Hound alone. Imagine Percys surprise when an elderly lady sat next to him and even began taking to him.

"Hello young man do you mind if I sit here? " the old lady ask in a sweet tone.

"Not at all m'am." Percy responded in a polite tone.

"You look like a nice young man, but you seem lonely am I correct?" She asked.

"Well yeah I guess. " Percy responded.

"Then you should go to this camp that I know about, it is great I went there when I was younger and I had a blast, I was like you I didn't have many friends but once I went there that all changed. I had the time of my life." She said remembering fond memories.

"Here take the camps card, its called camp half-blood, odd name but you will have the time of your life. She continued while handing him the card.

Percy looked down at the card and it read:

'Camp Half-Blood, Half-Blood Hill, Farm Road 3.141 Long Island, New York 11954"

When he looked up to respond there was no-one on the bus, just him and he realised that it was incrediblely hot in the bus, as Percy was looking around he realised that they were parked on the side of the road and smoke was coming from the engine and decided to hop off the bus.

Percy was on a stretch of country road-no place you'd notice if you didn't break down there. On our side of the highway was nothing but maple trees and litter from pass-ing cars. On the other side, across four lanes of asphalt shimmering with afternoon heat, was an old-fashioned fruit stand.

The stuff on sale looked really good: heaping boxes of bloodred cherries and apples, walnuts and apricots, jugs of cider in a claw-foot tub full of ice.

There were no customers, just three old ladies sitting in rocking chairs in the shade of a maple tree, knitting the biggest pair of socks he'd ever seen.

These socks were the size of sweaters, but they were clearly socks. The lady on the right knitted one of them. The lady on the left knitted the other. The lady in the middle held an enormous basket of electric-blue yarn.

All three women looked ancient, with pale faces wrinkled like fruit leather, silver hair tied back in white bandannas, bony arms sticking out of bleached cotton dresses.

The weirdest thing was, they seemed to be looking right at Percy.

And that's when Percy had enough of the weirdness and decided to get back on the bus. As soon as he did the bus began to reek of rotting flesh and it was like a sauna but he sat down in the bus never the less. 'Maybe if I lie down and try to get to sleep ill wake up and everything will be fine' Percy thought.

As Percy lay there falling asleep he looked at the card and considered going. 'Maybe I should talk it over with mom' Percy thought while drifting off.

He woke up to the sound of people getting back on the bus, it looked like he had fallen asleep for five minutes before the bus was back up and running. After sitting up and removing his legs from the isle he wondered how far away from home he was. His mind wondered to his mother.

Her name is Sally Jackson and she's the best person in the world, which just proves Percy's theory that the best people have the rottenest luck. Her own parents died in a plane crash when she was five, and she was raised by an uncle who didn't care much about her. She wanted to be a novelist, so she spent high school working to save enough money for a college with a good creative-writing program. Then her uncle got cancer, and she had to quit school her senior year to take care of him. After he died, she was left with no money, no family, and no diploma

The only good break she ever got was meeting my dad.

I don't have any memories of him, just this sort of warm glow, maybe the barest trace of his smile. Percy's mom doesn't like to talk about him because it makes her sad. She has no pictures. See, they weren't married. She told him he was rich and important, and their relationship was a secret.

Then one day, he disappeared in a terrible accident that left people trapped under ground.

Lost, my mom told me. Not dead. Lost.

She worked odd jobs, took night classes to get her high school diploma, and raised me on her own. She never complained or got mad. Not even once. But I knew I wasn't an easy kid.

Finally, she married Gabe Ugliano, who was nice the first thirty seconds we knew him, then showed his true colors as a world-class jerk. When he was young, Percy had nick-named him Smelly Gabe. I'm sorry, but it's the truth. The guy reeked like moldy garlic pizza wrapped in gym shorts.

Between the two of us, we made my mom's life pretty hard. The way Smelly Gabe treated her, the way he and I got along...

Percy awoken from his thoughts as he realised he was almost home. Once he hopped off the bus he realised he was only a couple of minutes away from his apartment. As he was walking down the street he got some weird looks from people walking past but that didn't matter to him as long as he got home and saw his mom.

Percy walked into the little apartment, hoping his mom would be home from work. Instead, Smelly Gabe was in the living room, playing poker with his buddies. The television blared ESPN. Chips and beer cans were strewn all over the carpet.

Hardly looking up, he said around his cigar, "So, you're home."

"Where's my mom?"

"Working," he said. "You got any cash?"

That was it. No Welcome back. Good to see you. How has your life been the last six months?

Gabe had put on weight. He looked like a tuskless walrus in thrift-store clothes. He had about three hairs on his head, all combed over his bald scalp, as if that made him handsome or something.

He managed the Electronics Mega-Mart in Queens, but he stayed home most of the time. Percy didn't know why he hadn't been fired long before. He just kept on collecting paychecks, spending the money on cigars that made me nauseous, and on beer, of course. Always beer. Whenever Percy was home, he expected Percy to provide his gambling funds. He called that their "guy secret."

Meaning, if Percy told his mom, he would punch Percy's lights out.

"I don't have any cash," Percy told him.

He raised a greasy eyebrow.

Gabe could sniff out money like a bloodhound, which was surprising, since his own smell should've covered up everything else.

"You took a taxi from the bus station," he said. Probably paid with a twenty. Got six, seven bucks in change. Somebody expects to live under this roof, he ought to carry his own weight. Am I right, Eddie?"

Eddie, the super of the apartment building, looked at me with a twinge of sympathy. "Come on, Gabe," he said. "The kid just got here."

"Am I right?" Gabe repeated.

Eddie scowled into his bowl of pretzels. The other two guys passed gas in harmony.

"Fine," Percy said. He dug a wad of dollars out of his pocket and threw the money on the table. "I hope you lose."

"Your report card came, brain boy!" he shouted after me. "I wouldn't act so snooty!"

Percy slammed the door to his room, which really wasn't his room. During school months, it was Gabe's "study." He didn't study anything in there except old car magazines, but he loved shoving my stuff in the closet, leaving his muddy boots on my windowsill, and doing his best to make the place smell like his nasty cologne and cigars and stale beer

Percy sat down and tried to calm himself down by counting back from one thousand in multiples of seven, it was a trick his mom taught him when he was growing up and being bullied and wanted to fight back.

"993, 986, 979, 972, 965 952-" Percy began counting before he was interrupted by the door opening and seeing his mother. After seeing his mom he immediately got up to hug her.

"Percy your back!" Sally said while embracing her son for the first time in months. "Tell me everything, how was your year?" She continued. After Percy told her about his year leaving out nothing. Once he mentioned the tour guide trying to kill him, Sally's face went pale. Percy then decided to show her the cool ring sword.

"Mom can you step back for a sec?" Percy asked. Sally obviously confused did, suddenly the beautiful sword appeared. "Its weird huh I didn't know that rings could turn into swords" Percy said.

"Percy I think it time we had a chat, its about your father, and also where you will be staying this summer." Sally said to Percy in a serious tone. "But I think we should get a move on first. Pack your stuff, were going to a summer camp."

Percy was obviously confused but did so anyway, as he was packing he could hear Smelly Gabe and his mom arguing, eventually Sally won and came into the room telling him it was time to go. Somehow his amazing mom managed to convince the walrus to use theCamaro for a couple of days.

They hopped in the car and when they were far enough away from the apartment Sally explained to Percy where they were going. "Percy were going to a special summer camp, its called Camp Half-Blood-" Sally was interrupted by Percy, "Hey I have heard of that some old lady on the bus gave me their card and said it was the best camp she had ever been to."

Sally sighed in relief. "Percy what I'm about to tell you is going to seem impossible. Percy there are such things as gods, more specifically Greek gods, they exist and your father is one of them."

Sally let that sink in. Percy was just sitting their in shock. It kind of made sense in a weird way it would explain the tour guide, the sword and the hole. After twenty minutes Percy spoke up again "Who is he?"

"Percy I can't, I wish I could but I'm not allowed you must figure that out for yourself." Sally responded in a sad tone.

"Ok then can you tell me about him then?" Percy asked

"Oh Percy, he was the most amazing man in the world he offered me all the riches in the world, wealth beyond belief for only a date with me. He even offered me to be his immortal wife, he would divorce his wife for me. He was the kindest man I had met, He helped out whenever he could and he still does. He pays all our expenses." Sally responded with a nostalgic tone.

"If he could do all that stuff then why hasn't he visited, not even ONCE has he bothered to visit us!" Percy almost yelled.

"Percy, he couldn't, there are rules in place stopping gods from visiting their children." Sally responded calmly but Percy knew that there were traces of sadness in her voice. It also hurt her knowing her lover couldn't be with them.

"Percy he isn't able to directly interfere with your demigod life but he can give you things to aid you, I believe your sword is evidence of that." She continued

Percy sat there in silence mulling things over if. 'He did seem to care, he did give me this sword and I guess he does pay for things, I kinda get that he can't see us, but I don't forgive him for pretty much abandoning us.

"If that's the case then why did you marry the Walrus?" Percy asked confused.

"It was to hide your demigod sent, you see monsters can smell your sent when your a demigod, and to hide your smell I had to find someone with a equal if not stronger sent." Sally responded

"Oh." was all Percy could say

After a couple of hours of driving it started pouring down with rain and the wind became viscous. They came to a crossroads and Sally made a hard left and swerved onto a narrower road, racing past darkened farmhouses and wooded hills and PICK YOUR OWN STRAWBERRIES signs on white picket fences.

"How much further until we make it there?" Percy asked

"Only a couple of minutes dear." Sally said in a worried tone.

She pulled the wheel hard to the right, and Percy got a glimpse of a figure she'd swerved to avoidâ a dark fluttering shape now lost behind us in the storm.

"What was that?" Percy asked.

"We're almost there," my mother said, ignoring my question. "Another mile. Please. Please. Please."

Outside, nothing but rain and darknessâ the kind of empty countryside you get way out on the tip of Long Island. Percy thought about the tour guide and the moment when she'd changed into the thing with the weird metal leg. His limbs went numb from delayed shock. She really hadn't been human. She'd meant to kill him.

Then I thought about the sword my father had given me. Before I could ask mom about that, the hair rose on the back of my neck. There was a blinding flash, a jaw-rattling boom!, and the car exploded.

Percy remember feeling weightless, like he was being crushed, fried, and hosed down all at the same time.

He peeled his forehead off the back of the driver's seat and said, "Ow."

"Percy!" Sally shouted.

"I'm okay..."

Percy tried to shake off the daze. He wasn't dead. The car hadn't really exploded. They'd swerved into a ditch. The driver's-side doors were wedged in the mud. The roof had cracked open like an eggshell and rain was pouring in.

Lightning. That was the only explanation. They'd been blasted right off the road.

"Percy," Sally said, "we have to..." Her voice faltered.

He looked back. In a flash of lightning, through the mud-spattered rear windshield, he saw a figure lumbering toward us on the shoulder of the road. The sight of it made Percy's skin crawl. It was a dark silhouette of a huge guy, like a football player. He seemed to be holding a blanket over his head. His top half was bulky and fuzzy. His upraised hands made it look like he had horns.

Percy swallowed hard. "Who isâ "

"Percy," his mother said, deadly serious. "Get out of the car."

His mother threw herself against the driver's-side door. It was jammed shut in the mud. Percy tried his, stuck too. He looked up desperately at the hole in the roof. It might've been an exit, but the edges were sizzling and smoking.

"Climb out the passenger's side!" His mother told him. "Percyâ you have to run. Do you see that big tree?"


Another flash of lightning, and through the smoking hole in the roof I saw the tree she meant: a huge, White House Christmas tree-sized pine at the crest of the nearest hill.

"That's the property line," Sally said. "Get over that hill and you'll see a big farmhouse down in the valley. Run and don't look back. Yell for help. Don't stop until you reach the door."

"Mom, you're coming too."

Her face was pale, her eyes were sad.

"No!" Percy shouted. "You are coming with me."

The man with the blanket on his head kept coming toward them, making grunting, snorting noises. As he got closer, Percy realized he couldn't be holding a blanket over his head, because his handsâ huge meaty handsâ were swinging at his sides. There was no blanket. Meaning the bulky, fuzzy mass that was too big to be his head was his head. And the points that looked like horns.

"He doesn't want us," Sally told Percy. "He wants you. Besides, I can't cross the property line."


"We don't have time, Percy. Go. Please."

"We're going together. Come on, Mom."

"I told youâ "

"Mom! I am not leaving you!"

Percy didn't wait for an answer and grabbed his mothers arm and dragged her out, they began to run to wards the big tree.

Glancing back, Percy got his first clear look at the monster. He was seven feet tall, easy, his arms and legs like something from the cover of Muscle Man magazineâ bulging biceps and triceps and a bunch of other 'ceps, all stuffed like baseballs under vein-webbed skin. He wore no clothes except underwearâ bright white Fruit of the Loomsâ which would've looked funny, except that the top half of his body was so scary. Coarse brown hair started at about his belly button and got thicker as it reached his shoulders.

His neck was a mass of muscle and fur leading up to his enormous head, which had a snout as long as Percy's arm, snotty nostrils with a gleaming brass ring, cruel black eyes, and hornsâ enormous black-and-white horns with points you just couldn't get from an electric sharpener.

He recognized the monster, all right. He had been in one of the first stories Mr. Brunner told Percy.

Percy blinked the rain out of his eyes. "That'sâ "

"Pasiphae's son," Sally said. "I wish I'd known how badly they want to kill you."

"But he's the Minâ "

"Don't say his name," she warned. "Names have power.

The pine tree was still way too farâ a hundred yards uphill at least.

Percy glanced behind him again.

The bull-man hunched over our car, looking in the windowsâ or not looking, exactly. More like snuffling, nuzzling. I wasn't sure why he bothered, since we were only about fifty feet away.

"Shhh," Sally told him. "Mom, what's he doing? Doesn't he see us?"

"His sight and hearing are terrible," she said. "He goes by smell. But he'll figure out where we are soon enough."

As if on cue, the bull-man bellowed in rage. He picked up Gabe's Camaro by the torn roof, the chassis creaking and groaning. He raised the car over his head and threw it down the road. It slammed into the wet asphalt and skidded in a shower of sparks for about half a mile before coming to a stop. The gas tank exploded.

"Percy" Sally wispered "Run up the hill I will be right behind you"

Quietly they got up and began running toward the pine tree. They heard a roar of anger, the Minotaur had realised where they were and was now charging straight toward them, Percy and Sally both dodged and Percy brought out his sword. They both realised that the Minotaur was now in front of them blocking the way to the camp. Sally separated and ran away while screaming at the monster. Giving Percy the opportunity to escape into the camp beyond the pine tree.

Percy sprinted to the left, turned, and saw the creature bearing down on him. His black eyes glowed with hate. He reeked like rotten meat.

He lowered his head and charged, those razor-sharp horns aimed straight at Percy's chest.

The fear in Percy's stomach made him want to bolt, but that wouldn't work. He could never outrun this thing. So he held his ground, and at the last moment, he jumped to the side.

The bull-man stormed past like a freight train, then bellowed with frustration and turned, but not toward Percy this time, toward his mother.

They reached the crest of the hill. Down the other side Percy could see a valley, just as his mother had said, and the lights of a farmhouse glowing yellow through the rain. But that was half a mile away. They'd never make it.

The bull-man grunted, pawing the ground. He kept eyeing Sally, who was now retreating slowly downhill, back toward the road, trying to lead the monster away from Percy.

"Run, Percy!" she told him. "I can't go any farther. Run!"

But he just stood there, frozen in fear, as the monster charged her. She tried to sidestep, as she'd told him to do, but the monster had learned his lesson. His hand shot out and grabbed her by the neck as she tried to get away. He lifted her as she struggled, kicking and pummeling the air.

She caught my eyes.

Then, with an angry roar, the monster closed his fists around his mother's neck, and she dissolved before his eyes, melting into light, a shimmering golden form, as if she were a holographic projection. A blinding flash, and she was simply gone.


Anger replaced fear. Newfound strength burned in Percy's limbs

Percy stripped off his red rain jacket.

"Hey!" Percy screamed, waving the jacket, running to one side of the monster. "Hey, stupid! Ground beef!"

"Raaaarrrrr!" The monster turned toward Percy, shaking his meaty fists.

Percy had an ideaâ a stupid idea, but better than no idea at all. He put his back to the big pine tree and waved the red jacket in front of the bull-man, thinking he would jump out of the way at the last moment.

But it didn't happen like that.

The bull-man charged too fast, his arms out to grab me whichever way he tried to dodge.

Time slowed down.

Percy's legs tensed. He couldn't jump sideways, so he leaped straight up, kicking off from the creature's head, using it as a springboard, turning in midair, and landing on his neck. And stabbing his sword into the beasts head killing it the beast turned into a weird gold dust.

The monster was gone.

The rain had stopped. The storm still rumbled, but only in the distance. He smelled like livestock and his knees were shaking. Percy's head felt like it was splitting open. He was weak and scared and trembling with grief he had just seen his mother vanish. He wanted to lie down and cry, but he needed answers so he started to stagger down into the valley, toward the lights of the farmhouse. Percy was crying, calling for his mother, he had just lost the only person he cared about and now he was all alone in this crewel, unforgiving world, just as his mother had been.

The last thing Percy remembered is collapsing on a wooden porch, looking up at a ceiling fan circling above me, moths flying around a yellow light, and the stern faces of a familiar-looking bearded man and a pretty girl, her blond hair curled like a princess's. They both looked down at him, and the girl said, "He's the one. He must be."

"Silence, Annabeth," the man said. "He's still conscious. Bring him inside."

Authors note: annnddddd were done jeez long chapter 6500 words longest I think I have written anyways hope you guys enjoyed im going to start the next chapter hopefully it wont be this long but who knows and also sorry for the long chapter I made it up in my mind that I had to finish the first chapter when Percy makes it to camp.