Dog Days

Member of the Teen Titans, Raven, was sitting on a park bench reading a fantasy novel. Raven enjoyed the park because despite the people walking around and talking, their voices did not damage her focus on her book. She was just starting to get to a battle when one of her friends from the Teen Titans came up to her.

"Hey, Raven! Do you want to play!?"


"Aw come on! You're at a park, and you come here to read!?"

"Yeah, because I thought it would be more peaceful," Raven mumbled before returning to her book. Well, attempting to.

"There are so many other things to do at a park! Like, we could go on the swings, play tag, flag football, oh and we can…," Beast Boy went on, causing several tick marks to grow on the top of Raven's head. After resisting every urge to throw Beast Boy to the other side of the city, she smirked at him and got his attention.

"OK Beast Boy, I do want to play a game," Raven said with a little too much honey in her voice. A normal person would've noticed this and backed away immediately, but Beast Boy was not a normal person.

"Sweet! What kind of game is it!?" Beast Boy asked before he felt himself surrounded by an all too familiar black aura.

"It's something like a game to showcase your endurance," Raven responded before Beast Boy turned into a Corgi puppy.

"What…what's going on!?" Beast Boy yelled, looking all over himself.

"This is the first part of our game. The second part is coming right about…now," Raven responded, as multiple dogs from all over the park looked at him with hearts in their eyes, tails wagging, and their mouths panting with their tongues out and drooling.


"Have fun," Raven responded before she returned to her book while the dogs started giving chase to Beast Boy. He tried to run, but his tiny Corgi legs made him an easy target for the love-struck mob of dogs. Not paying attention to what was in front of him, Beast Boy ran face-first into a tree, allowing the dogs to go all over him and lick him. Beast Boy tried to escape, but there were simply too many dogs for him to escape. Raven, who was uncharacteristically chuckling, decided to turn him back into a human.

"Sweet!" Beast Boy exclaimed, noticing that he wasn't a dog anymore, and attempted to get up and leave. However, this did nothing to assuage the dogs, as they continued to lick Beast Boy all over, sending him falling back onto the ground back first, where they continued their relentless assault. After another few minutes, Raven decided to lift the spell, causing the dogs to suddenly stop licking him and walk away. Beast Boy, laying down and breathing heavily looked over at Raven who was still smirking at him.

"So what did you think of our game, Beast Boy?" Raven asked, as Beast Boy got back to his feet and dusted himself off.

"You…are messed up!" Beast Boy exclaimed before stomping away from Raven, who looked at Beast Boy's drool covered body with a smirk on her face. "Great! I'm going to have to spend hours in the shower just to get all this drool off!" Beast Boy yelled to himself as he continued his trek out of the park and back to Titans Tower while Raven, just for one more quick laugh, used her magic to make a branch appear from the ground and trip Beast Boy, causing him to fall face-first into the ground. Beast Boy quickly sprung back up and glared back at a giggling Raven before continuing his stomping back to Titan's Tower.

"Let me know if you want to play another game Beast Boy, that was actually kind of fun," Raven called before Beast Boy's form disappeared further down the road and she finally returned to her novel.